ENPS: Meaning, Calculation, Software, Score & Survey

ENPS Score and Survey
Photo Credit : Fond

How likely are you to suggest our company to friends as a place to work? is just one example of the kind of question an eNPS survey might ask. The success of organizations depends greatly on the eNPS metric, which is used to gauge and monitor employee loyalty. Given how challenging it is for businesses to attract and retain talent, the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) has gained importance. 


An employee experience metric called eNPS enables you to gauge how devoted and engaged your staff members are. Based on one of the most widely used metrics for gauging customer loyalty, the Net Promoter Score (NPS), measures customer loyalty. Employee happiness, satisfaction, and loyalty are measured using the eNPS system, which is based on surveys.

One of the best metrics for learning about the attitudes and perceptions of your employees is eNPS. It gives you the chance to evaluate how your current business practices affect the levels of engagement and satisfaction among your workforce.

The core of the eNPS, like the NPS, boils down to a single straightforward inquiry: “On a scale of 1–10, how likely are you to recommend our company to friends and family?”

After that, based on the scores they provide, your respondents (employees) are divided into three categories. 

9–10: This serves as your Promoters.

7-8: The people listed here are your Passives.

0-6: These employees are your Detractors

The staff members who are most loyal to you as their employer are called promoters. Their level of productivity and job satisfaction is probably very high. This benefits them personally and could increase your company’s profitability. They are probably going to spread the word about the company favorably.

Your unsatisfied employees are your detractors. In contrast to your promoters, they are more likely to be dissatisfied with either you or their position. They won’t actively promote the company and run the risk of spreading unfavorable rumors.

Your impartial staff members are the passives. Although they may generally be content with their position and you as an employer, they are more likely to be open to offers from other businesses. 

Benefits of Using The eNPS?

#1. It Is Simple to Use

Distributing, responding to, and reporting on the eNPS question is simple. You can quickly get a picture of the level of engagement and loyalty among your employees.

#2. It Can Aid in Lowering Staff Turnover

You need to comprehend how they feel about it before you can start to improve the employee experience. The eNPS is the first step to obtaining the data you need to guarantee staff happiness and engagement.

#3. Genuine Feedback

The answer to the query “How likely the employee is to recommend the company as a place of employment” accurately captures the opinions of employees regarding their employer. Because respondents can complete the survey anonymously, they are more likely, to be honest about their level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their jobs. 

#4. It Assists in Assessing Overall Employee Loyalty

Employee Net Promoter Score is a quick way to gauge employee satisfaction and the state of the company. The best thing about this is that it easily outperforms the customary lengthy, boring surveys. As a result, by asking just one survey question, you can aid in determining the levels of employee loyalty.

#5. Allows Turning Negatives Into Positives

eNPS surveys can assist businesses in converting their critics into supporters. It is possible by putting particular system modifications into place. An automated system sends you an email asking about the issues your employees are having in the company whenever you get a negative response from them. Gather feedback and make sure to put it to use.

#6. Gaining Insight Into Your Culture and Working Environment

The best way to find out about your employees’ working experiences is to ask them about their opinions of your company. And this is the fundamental purpose of an eNPS survey. You can determine whether you are fostering the right culture and working environment by using the survey responses you receive as feedback. This is particularly true if you ask a follow-up question in your survey to determine the potential causes of employees’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

#7. Enhances Your Employee Experience by Using Feedback

You can learn more about your employees’ engagement levels and their likes and dislikes of working for you by using an eNPS. However, the feedback you gather also serves a second purpose: it provides you with a starting point from which to develop the strategies you need to enhance the employee experience. 

Tips for Improving eNPS

#1. Tailor Your Questions to Your Brand

Make sure your inquiries are specific to your company’s requirements and not just general inquiries when you read them out loud.

#2. Use Cognitive Modeling 

This calls for being aware of how the survey respondent’s mind is processing your inquiries as they read and consider them.

#3. Properly Scaled Survey

Make sure there are options for a negative, neutral, and positive response to prevent result skewing, just like with our basic eNPS.

#4. Benchmarked

Ask questions that, if possible, can be measured against standards set by your company and your industry.

#5. Non-Mandatory

Making a survey mandatory undermines the purpose of the survey and runs the risk of producing results that are sour or lazy. Additionally, mandatory surveys skew eNPS results in the wrong direction, so making your surveys optional or even offering incentives to respond can result in a higher volume of thoughtful responses.

#6. Take Action

A business can make one of the biggest errors by gathering and analyzing its data, then letting it sit. Employees will feel as though their suggestions are being ignored, friction points will persist and build up and new problem areas will emerge. A positive feedback loop is when an organization uses employee feedback to make its workers happier. 

#7. Include a Follow-up Question

Additionally, you have the chance to gather qualitative information from respondents by using the survey. You can accomplish this by asking a follow-up question that is open-ended and asking the respondent to explain their score. You can better understand an employee’s happiness or unhappiness by doing this. And these responses will provide you with the helpful criticism you need to develop strategies to deal with the problems you’ve identified. Short and open-ended questions are best. It ought to provide an opportunity for staff members to justify their scoring decisions.

#8. Remind Workers That Your eNPS Survey Is Confidential

Remind your employees that their comments are anonymous when you distribute your eNPS survey. This will reassure them that they can answer honestly and openly without worrying about being held accountable. And doing so will enable you to gain a much more accurate understanding of how content your employees are. 

#9. Keep an Open Mind

Make sure to maintain an open mind as you compile your results and determine your score. Never take criticism personally. Always keep in mind that feedback, both positive and negative, is a chance for you to get better. If you don’t get the outcomes you were hoping for, don’t become defensive. 

#10. Regularly Check Your eNPS.

The ultimate goal of eNPS calculation is to enhance employee satisfaction. Therefore, you must check your score frequently to see how you’re doing. In this manner, you can determine what effect new organizational initiatives or organizational changes are having on the general levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. 

eNPS Survey

How likely are you to suggest our company to friends as a place to work? is just one example of the kind of question an eNPS survey might ask. Following the anonymous employee feedback gathered by your eNPS survey, you will be able to identify which of your employees are brand promoters and which are detractors. Additionally, you’ll be able to spot “passives,” or people who are undecided about the two.

To give the company information about employee engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty, the conventional eNPS survey only asks one question:

How likely are you, on a scale of 0 to 10, to tell your family and friends about our business?

An example of a question you could ask is, “On a scale of zero to ten, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to your friends and family?”

Your eNPS is 55, for instance, if 70% of users are promoters and 15% are detractors. Your score may fall between -100 and 100. If everyone is a distractor, your score would be -100 because there are no promoters and all distractors.

If everyone is a promoter, then your score is 100 because there are 100% promoters and 0% distractors. Since those are the extremes, your score will probably be in the middle of the range. 

eNPS Calculation 

It’s simple to figure out your eNPS score. Simply subtract the ratio of Promoters to Detractors. Please note that you do not add the passive employees to the calculation

Example 1.

Consider that your business employs 120 people.

45% of them are promoters, 20% are passives, and 55% are detractors. 

Employee net promoter surveys do not take into account passive scores, but the total number of employees at your company should reflect all employees, including passives, detractors, and promoters.

Subtract the detractors from the promoters. You now have -10%, which equals an eNPS score of -10.

Example 2. 

Imagine your company has 220 employees, and it shows that your organization has 100 promoters, 70 passives, and 50 detractors,

Promoters – Detractors (100- 50) = 50

This means your eNPS result is +50

In conclusion, organizations should have more promoters than detractors because higher eNPS scores are indicative of more engaged and satisfied workers. 

How Is eNPS Calculated?

The following formula is used to determine the eNPS: eNPS is calculated as a percentage of Promoters minus the percentage of Detractors. The outcome can be between -100 and +100.

What Are Examples of eNPS? 

eNPS = Percentage of promoters – the percentage of detractors.

For example, if your organization has 100 employees, 40 of whom are promoters, 20 are detractors, and the rest are neutrals, your employee net promoter score (eNPS) equals 40 – 20= +20 

What Is the Use of eNPS? 

Employer Net Promoter Score, or eNPS, is a survey-based methodology developed to help employers gauge employee loyalty and satisfaction within their organizations. eNPS indicates employee loyalty.

What Is a Good eNPS Score? 

Businesses regard scores between 10 and 30 on the eNPS as “good,” while those between 50 and 70 as “excellent.” An eNPS score of 80 or higher is probably in the top 10% in almost any industry. The net promoter index for employees can be between -100 and 100. 

The only thing to watch out for is if there are too many detractors relative to supporters.

How Do I Create an eNPS? 

If you want to design an eNPS survey for your business, you should first think about the communication climate there. What is most likely to be well received and make sense? A website pop-up survey? a warm and inviting email newsletter? Or perhaps a link posted on your business’s messaging platform?

  • Compile Scores & Sort Respondents: Following the deployment of your survey, you will classify your respondents per their scores. Employees who gave you a score of 9 or 10 are promoters, those who gave you a score of 7 or 8 are passive, and those who scored 6 or lower are detractors. 
  • Determine Your Score 
  • Sort & Compile Your Feedback
  • Continually Track 

How to Interpret eNPS? 

Employees who gave you a score of 9 or 10 are promoters, those who gave you a score of 7 or 8 are passive, and those who gave you a score of 6 or lower are detractors. 


The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is an effective tool that businesses can use to gauge and raise employee engagement and satisfaction. It is a straightforward but useful metric that enables businesses to determine how likely it is that their staff will recommend them as a great place to work.  

Additionally, contented workers are more likely to deliver superior customer service, increasing brand loyalty and lowering customer churn—both of which have long been shown to be more effective than conventional marketing.

  1. NPS EMAIL: Complete Guide
  2. EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK: Definition, Examples & When to Use Them
  3. CUSTOMER RETENTION STRATEGIES: Meaning and Effective Strategies for Customer Retention
  4. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: Ideas, Activities & Importance
  5. CRUCIAL BUSINESS QUESTIONS for Small & Large Businesses 2023


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