
A business intelligence strategy is a plan for how a company will collect, store, analyze, and use data to improve its decision-making. A well-crafted business intelligence strategy can help companies. Businesses used to rely their decisions on prior experience; today, they are data-driven. Companies must handle massive amounts of data properly in order to find insights and develop smart plans that will maintain their competitive edge. It’s crucial to emphatically gather data from a variety of sources, combine it, and conduct an analysis that will add to your business intelligence if you want to improve decision-making. In this article, we will define business intelligence (BI), discuss its significance, and discuss how to create a business intelligence plan.

Business Intelligence Strategy 

A business intelligence strategy is your road map for determining how you will use data in your organization. A strategy is required because simply selecting the correct technology and installing a software platform will not result in a return on investment. Three things must be determined before developing a strategy. How will the software platform be deployed? How are you going to organize the data for analysis? And how will you empower your employees to make data-driven decisions? A business intelligence strategy will assist your firm in reaping the benefits of actionable insights. Access to sales performance goals, human resource compensation estimates, and ensuring your shipping department knows what to ship each day are some examples.

A business intelligence strategy describes how a corporation will collect, store, analyze, and correspondingly apply data to make better decisions. A well-crafted business intelligence strategy can benefit businesses by the following ways

  • Identify trends and patterns in data
  • Make better decisions based on data
  • Improve efficiency and productivity
  • Increase profitability

A business intelligence strategy can be a beneficial tool for any organization striving to improve its performance. By gathering and analyzing data, firms can get insights that can indeed help them make better decisions, enhance efficiency, and increase profitability. Here are some other tips for establishing an effective business intelligence strategy:

1. Make sure your BI approach is linked with your overall business plan.

2. Get buy-in from key stakeholders across the enterprise.

3. Choose BI tools and technologies that are straightforward to use and that match your individual demands.

4. Provide training and support to staff so they can use the BI tools efficiently.

Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics 

Big data analytics is the often not easy process of analyzing enormous data to identify information — such as hidden patterns, correlations, market trends and customer preferences — that can help organizations make informed business decisions eventually. Business intelligence (BI) inquiries answer fundamental questions about business operations and performance. Big data analytics is a sort of advanced analytics, which involves complicated applications with aspects such as predictive models, statistical algorithms and what-if analysis powered by analytics systems.

Business intelligence (BI) and big data analytics are two closely related fields that are used to extract meaningful insights from data. BI typically involves the use of data visualization tools to create reports and dashboards that can be used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and make informed decisions. Big data analytics, on the other hand, is a more complex process that involves using advanced statistical and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and trends in large datasets. Both BI and big data analytics can be used to improve business performance. However, big data analytics can provide more detailed insights into customer behavior, market trends, and other factors that can impact a business. As a result, big data analytics is often used by businesses to make strategic decisions about product development, marketing, and operations.

Here are some of the benefits of using BI and big data analytics:

  • Improved decision-making: BI and big data analytics can help businesses make better decisions by providing them with more accurate and timely information.
  • Increased efficiency: BI and big data analytics can help businesses improve efficiency by identifying areas where costs can be reduced or processes can be streamlined.
  • Enhanced customer service: BI and big data analytics can help businesses provide better customer service by identifying customer needs and preferences.

Additional Tip

If you are looking to improve your business performance, then you should consider using BI and big data analytics. These tools can eventually provide you with the insights you need to make better decisions, improve efficiency, as well as enhance good customer service.

Business Intelligence Strategy and Roadmap 

A business intelligence strategy and roadmap is a plan for how a company will use data and analytics to improve its decision-making. It should include the following elements:

  • Business goals: What are the company’s overall goals? How can data and analytics help achieve them?
  • Data sources: What data is available? Where is it stored? How can it be accessed?
  • Data analysis tools: What tools will be used to analyze the data?
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs): What metrics will be used to measure success?
  • Timeline: When will the strategy be implemented?
  • Budget: How much will the strategy cost?

A well-crafted business intelligence strategy and roadmap can help a company make better decisions, improve efficiency, and increase profitability.

Here are some additional tips for creating a successful business intelligence strategy and roadmap:

  • Start with the end in mind. What do you want to achieve with your business intelligence strategy? Once you know your goals, you can develop a plan to achieve them.
  • Involve key stakeholders. Make sure that everyone who will be affected by the business intelligence strategy is involved in the planning process. This will help ensure that the strategy is successful.
  • Be realistic. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with a small pilot project and then scale up as needed.
  • Measure your results. Track the progress of your business intelligence strategy and measure its impact on your business. This will help you make sure that the strategy is on track and making a difference.

By following these tips, you can create a business intelligence strategy and roadmap that will help your company achieve its goals.

Business Intelligence Strategy Example

From data visualization to dashboards and SQL queries, Data pipe provides enterprise-grade SaaS BI tools. Their 16-step guide to creating a BI roadmap and strategy details everything from establishing the proper mentality to finalizing a budget and selecting the appropriate tools. Tableau is widely recognized as a leading business intelligence (BI) analytics platform. They have evidently mapped out the steps necessary to create and implement an effective BI strategy as a group. This version is more abstract, but it still addresses the crucial step of putting the strategy into action. If it’s not carried out properly, even the most brilliant plan will fail. Altexsoft is a highly regarded technological advisory firm. Great guidance on BI Maturity models and architectures is a part of their approach to developing your BI strategy.

Typical Example of Business Strategy 

  • Goal: The goal of this business intelligence strategy is to improve decision-making by providing employees with access to timely and accurate data.
  • Objectives: The objectives of this strategy are to:
    • Increase the number of employees who use business intelligence tools by 20%.
    • Reduce the time it takes to make decisions by 10%.
    • Improve the accuracy of decision-making by 5%.
  • Metrics: The metrics used to measure the success of this strategy are:
    • Number of employees who use business intelligence tools.
    • Average time it takes to make decisions.
    • Accuracy of decision-making.
  • Action Items: The action items for this strategy are:
    • Develop a training program on how to use business intelligence tools.
    • Create a dashboard that provides employees with access to key data.
    • Implement a process for employees to share best practices.

This is just one example of a business intelligence strategy. The specific goals, objectives, metrics, and action items will vary depending on the organization’s needs.

What Are the Elements of a Business Intelligence Strategy? 

You need to think about data, people, procedures, and technology if you want to have a successful business intelligence environment.

What Are Strategic Business Intelligence Examples? 

The benefits of having insightful data at your disposal can be maximized with a business intelligence plan. Shipping department daily orders, sales performance benchmarks, and pay projections are just a few examples.

What Are the Six Elements in the Business Intelligence Environment? 

There are six main parts to a business intelligence architecture: data management, transformation tools and procedures, data repositories, analytical application tools, presentation application tools, and operational processes.

What Are the Three Major Types of Business Intelligence? 

There are three main categories of BI analysis, each of which has a wide range of applications. Analytics can be broken down into three categories: predictive, descriptive, and prescriptive. For strategic planning objectives, predictive analytics combines the two types of data mentioned above (historical and real-time).

What Is CRM in Business Intelligence? 

To better manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, businesses generally implement customer relationship management (CRM) methods and technologies. The purpose is to explicitly boost revenue and customer retention through strengthening connections with customers.

What Is the Core of Business Intelligence? 

In order to assist businesses make better decisions based on data, business intelligence (BI) is the application of software that integrates business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools and infrastructure, and best practices.

What Is Business Intelligence Framework?

In the end, a business intelligence framework is just a method for making the most of your data to solve problems and seize opportunities when they arise more efficiently.


The deployment of the business intelligence platform will be part of a larger initiative. Your IT team will play a vital role in this and may offer suggestions for how best to roll out the BI software. With either an agile or conventional project management strategy that includes a feedback loop, they should regularly update the BI team on their progress. The BI team’s reporting structure should be set up in advance of deployment. In what capacity do they contribute to the larger organization? Determine the recipients of the BI team’s reports and the format they will take. Finally, consult with IT to establish access controls for key BI personnel. You need to keep information safe while allowing stakeholders access for analysis and use. Plan your rollout in stages and likewise incorporate a feedback loop. Facilitate two-way communication between your stakeholders, BI team, and equally IT.

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