HOW TO GET YOUR BUSINESS MOVING: A Guide to Increasing Employee Productivity

how to get your business moving
Photo Credit: Oberlo

In today’s competitive business environment, anything less than optimal productivity is unacceptable. If your business is like most others, you’re probably working as hard as possible to meet the rising demand for your services. The problem is that working harder and longer hours isn’t enough—you need employees to work smarter to be more productive.  

So, how can you increase employee productivity in your business? This guide covers some proven strategies for increasing employee productivity and performance.


#1. Create a Positive Working Environment

You can do a few key things to create a positive working environment.  

  • First, examine the workplace interior design to see if it’s outdated or non-inviting. If so, consider revamping it into something more modern and stylish. It will make employees feel more comfortable and welcome in the space.
  • Secondly, make sure you have plenty of natural light and ventilation. It will help to improve productivity and keep people from feeling cooped up and claustrophobic.
  • Finally, ensure that you provide ample opportunities for employee development and growth. It could include offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and potential advancement.

Doing these things will create a positive and competitive working environment where employees will be happy to be a part of the company.

#2. Understanding What Motivates Your Employees

A vital step to increasing employee productivity is understanding what motivates your employees. What drives your employees will determine their priorities and how they’ll approach their jobs. Three main factors drive people in the workplace:  

  • Money: This is self-explanatory, but it’s important to note that some people are motivated by salary, while for others, it’s equity.
  • Autonomy: This refers to being given the freedom to make decisions related to their work.
  • Purpose: This is related to feeling that the work one is doing is essential. It could be anything from helping customers to having a positive social impact.

#3. Promote Healthy Lifestyle Habits

There are a few factors that increase employee productivity over time. One of those is healthy habits that promote productivity and prevents employee burnout.  

  • Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for a productive day. Not only does sleep help improve memory, but it also helps you make better decisions and restores your energy levels.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise promotes better mental health, increasing workplace productivity.
  • Mental health: This often gets overlooked despite being just as important as physical health. Taking time to de-stress, meditate, and get support can go a long way towards increased performance in the workplace.

#4. Encourage Regular Breaks and Vacations

Another factor that increases employee productivity over time is taking regular breaks and vacations. While scheduled or random rests and vacations may seem like a waste of company time and resources, they do the opposite. They help your employees relieve stress, recharge their batteries, enjoy their jobs more, and ultimately increase productivity and even competitiveness in the industry.  

As a manager, you can encourage this by setting a good example and being open to discussing employee needs. And when it comes to vacations, no set amount applies to all employees. Instead, you should approach each situation individually and talk to employees about their needs.  

You can also help establish a culture of employee support by encouraging flexible working hours and setting up an employee assistance program (EAP).

Ready for a Productivity Boost in Your Workplace?

Now that you know what motivates your employees and the benefits of promoting healthy lifestyle habits, it’s time to implement your plan. Start by addressing any issues that are currently impeding productivity in your workplace.  

Next, implement initiatives that promote healthy habits. Finally, you can track all the progress by measuring productivity using employee engagement surveys. 

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