how to rank youtube videos

Did you know that YouTube is the world’s second most visited website, after Google? That’s correct. In fact, many people prefer YouTube to Google when looking for information. As a business owner, you must capitalize on this fact and optimize your videos for success. In this post, I’ll reveal some of the best and fast SEO practices that can help you rank your youtube videos either in english, Tamil, or whichever language your videos appear. Let’s dive in!

What is YouTube SEO?

YouTube SEO is the process of optimizing your videos so that they appear at the top or near the top of YouTube search results. This will increase the number of views and traffic to your videos and, eventually, to your website or blog.

A number of factors, such as your video title, description, and tags, play a role, just as they do in regular SEO. Furthermore, YouTube considers your video’s engagement (likes, comments, shares, and so on) as well as whether viewers are watching the entire video or clicking away.

When ranking your videos, YouTube’s algorithm will take all of these factors into account. Having said that, there are a few important things you can do to optimize your YouTube videos for SEO.

Before we get into the hacks, let’s talk about…

How To Plan Your YouTube Video Creation Strategy

There are three approaches to video planning… It’s best to use a combination of all three, but let’s be honest: if you don’t want to be a full-time YouTuber, you can just use the first one (keywords).

#1. Keywords

Targeting keywords will help you rank on Google and YouTube, allowing your videos to be found through search. Ranking for a keyword with very little traffic is a common mistake I see many creators make… I recommend selecting keywords with a monthly search volume of at least 1000. I typically aim for 10,000 to 50,000 searches per month.

It’s a good idea to focus your entire channel on a few topics/keywords and create several pieces of content for each one. I recommend a maximum of 8 to 10 topics per channel.

#2. Similar Content

You can appear in YouTube’s “Recommended” section next to specific videos by making videos on the same topic, around the same length, saying specific keywords verbally in the video, and using the same/similar tags. You can accomplish this by searching for popular videos from a similar creator in your niche and creating a similar video in your own style on the topic.

In case you were wondering… This is perfectly acceptable and common practice. You will not offend the other creator if you do not blatantly copy their video.

Google Trends, a free tool from Google, can help you find data on what’s trending around a specific topic. When you combine “Trends” with “Similar Content,” you are almost certain to rank for your keyword on YouTube and probably Google as well. If the video is good and people watch it all the way through, your view time will increase and you will gain a lot more subscribers. Let’s get into the technical aspects of quickly ranking your YouTube videos with SEO!

How to Rank YouTube Videos Fast Using SEO 

To rank your youtube videos fast, you should be aware that YouTube SEO is a complex beast, which I will break down for you in this post. Here are some of the best methods for increasing the visibility and exposure of your YouTube videos:

#1. Conduct Keyword Research for Your YouTube Channel

Begin by researching keywords for your YouTube channel. You want to find keywords that people are searching for on YouTube, just like you would with regular SEO.

To do so, use Ahrefs’ YouTube Keyword Tool or other keyword research and SEO tools to determine how many people are searching for a specific keyword or phrase on YouTube. You should select keywords with a high reach potential (higher search volume) but a low competition score (comparatively, easier to rank for).

Once you’ve compiled a list of keywords to target for your YouTube channel, the next step is to optimize your channel’s title and description, as well as the titles, descriptions, and tags for each of your YouTube videos. You should also use your keywords throughout the transcript of your video. Because YouTube will index the transcript of your videos, this is an excellent way to increase exposure for your videos.

#2. Use a Compelling Video Title

Because your title is the first thing people see when they find your video, make it something that will catch their attention and entice them to watch. A good title should be brief, descriptive, and direct. It should give people a sense of what your video is about and pique their interest in learning more.

At the same time, the title of your video is an important YouTube SEO factor. It is used by the platform to determine what your video is about and how relevant it is to users’ searches. So, include relevant keywords in your title, but don’t stuff it with too many or it will sound unnatural.

Though YouTube allows you to use up to 100 characters in your title, a good rule of thumb is to keep it under 70 characters. Why? Because Google limits the length of your title to 70 characters in search results. If you’re stuck for a title, try brainstorming a list of keywords that describe your video.

#3: YouTube Video Description

You have the option of including a description in each video.

If you want to rank YouTube videos quickly, make sure to follow these SEO video description guidelines:

  • Your description should be at least 250 words long
  • Include your keywords within the first 25 words (eg, in the first sentence)
  • Repeat your keyword (“naturally”) about 3-4 times

As an added bonus, I recommend that you always include the following information:

  • A summary of yourself or your company – Don’t rely on people returning to your profile. Tell them exactly what you’re about in the video description.
  • A call to action – What is the intent of your video? Do you want them to buy your product, subscribe to your YouTube channel, or visit your website? Tell them what they should do!
  • Resources – If they enjoyed the video and want more information, don’t force them to return to Google. Provide them with resources that will help them with their follow-up questions. Provide another video or a link to your website for more information if possible.
  • Social media profile links – Congratulations, your videos influenced them to like you. Now tell them where else they can find you. If they’re on YouTube, chances are they’re also on another social media platform, such as Facebook or Twitter.
  • Hashtag – Yes, hashtags are now popular on YouTube. When you include a Hashtag in your description, it appears as a blue clickable link above your title.

If you want to use the keyword strategy, you should fill out the description for each video with as many details as possible.

#4. Edit Your Video File Name

Another important piece of metadata to consider is the name of your video file. When you upload a video to YouTube, the site will assign it a generic file name consisting of a string of numbers.

However, you can (and should) change the file name to include keywords that will help people find your video. Simply rename your file before uploading it to YouTube to accomplish this.

For instance, if you have a video on “how to make a perfect cup of coffee,” you could rename the file “coffee-making-tutorial.mp4” or something similar.

#5. YouTube Thumbnail

YouTube will assign a thumbnail to your video automatically. It could be flattering or a poor representation of your brand.

Regain control by creating the ideal thumbnail for your video, complete with descriptive and enticing overlay text. This will not directly help you rank YouTube videos fast,, but it will increase the likelihood of people clicking on your video among the SEO search results. If your video ranks but no one clicks on it, you won’t be able to keep the position for long.

#6. Use Annotations and Cards to Promote Your Videos

YouTube uses annotations and cards to help you promote your videos.

Cards appear as pop-up windows during your video, whereas annotations appear as clickable links on the video itself. Annotations and cards can be used to promote other videos as well as to link to your website or blog. To add annotations and cards to your videos, navigate to your YouTube channel’s “Video Manager” section.

Cards are similar to annotations in that they can contain images and call-to-action buttons. As a result, you can promote other videos, playlists, your website, or even products with them.

#7. Add Tags to Your YouTube Videos

You can tag your videos with up to 500 characters of text on YouTube. These tags assist YouTube in understanding the content of your video and matching it to relevant searches.

Tags can be whatever you want to describe your video. Some popular tags are:

  • Your name or the name of your channel
  • The video topic
  • Keywords and phrases from the title
  • Related topics
  • Names of other YouTubers

You can help YouTube match your content with the right viewers by tagging your videos. Tagging your videos can also help them appear in relevant YouTube search results.

#8. Create High-Quality, Engaging Videos

It takes a lot of effort to make engaging, high-quality videos that can keep your viewers’ attention. It is, however, doable with some planning and effort. Some tips for achieving this include having a purpose for the video you are about to create, understanding that your video does not have to be long to be effective, using visuals, telling a story, and ensuring your video is of high quality.

#9 Provide Subtitles in a Variety of Languages

Think about adding subtitles to your videos. This will make them more accessible to a broader audience and allow you to reach out to people who do not speak your native language.

While English is the most commonly used language on the internet, you can also rank your youtube videos by offering subtitles in Spanish, French, Tamil, Mandarin, and Hindi (depending on where your target audience lives).

#10. Promote Your YouTube Channel and Videos

You must promote your YouTube channel on your website and through other channels if you want to get the most out of it. While you’re at it, keep an eye on your YouTube analytics to track your progress and determine what’s working.

How do you Rank #1 on YouTube?

You must keep people watching your videos if you want them to rank. Audience Retention is the percentage of your video that people watch. In other words, if your video keeps people watching it, YouTube will rank it higher in search results.

How do you Rank a Video?

These are some YouTube optimization tips to help your channel and videos appear higher in search results for users.

  • First, conduct keyword research.
  • Choose keywords with a high potential for reach.
  • Use a catchy video title.
  • Make tags for the video.
  • Make clever descriptions.
  • Change the filename.
  • Create video transcriptions and captions.

How Long does it take for YouTube Videos to Rank?

In a nutshell, 3 months, but there are exceptions. I’ve had videos (that I thought were “dead”) rank after a year, while others only took a month to rank. It is determined by search volume, competition, and your target audience.

How do I Rank my Content?

Follow these tips to boost your search engine optimization (SEO) and see your website rise to the top of search engine results:

  • Publish Authoritative, Relevant Content.
  • Regularly update your content.
  • Metadata.
  • Create a link-worthy website.
  • Make use of alt tags.

What do Youtubers use for Ranking Videos?

They make use of YouTube tags. While SEO keywords help you rank fast on Google, tags help you rank YouTube videos within YouTube. To determine which tag to use, go to vidIQ and enter your keyword idea. Then, select all of the tags associated with your keyword.

Is it Hard to Rank on YouTube?

Attempting to rank videos on YouTube may appear to be a futile endeavor. Only the platform’s most well-known influencers and content creators appear to have any success. That, however, is not the case. You can enjoy views, comments, and likes on your videos as a business if you find the right audience for your content.

How do you rank up faster on YouTube?

Here are seven tips for optimizing your video so that it ranks quickly on YouTube:

  • Make an outline.
  • Respect your audience’s time.
  • Use a variety of camera angles and shots.
  • In the video, speak your keywords.
  • Subtitles can be added to your video.
  • Request participation in your video.
  • Remove any errors and long pauses.

How do I Increase my YouTube Channel Rank?

Here are some pointers to help you optimize:

  • Everything should be optimized.
  • Improve Your Channel Page.
  • Transcripts should always be uploaded.
  • Get People to Look.
  • Make Useful Playlists.
  • Become a Thought Leader.
  • Encourage the use of video hopping.
  • Increase your visibility


YouTube SEO is an excellent way to increase the number of views and traffic to your videos. You can optimize your YouTube videos to rank higher in search results by following the tips in this post. Simultaneously, making high-quality, engaging videos will keep your viewers coming back for more.

So, what are you holding out for? Begin optimizing your YouTube videos right away. If you have any further questions about YouTube SEO, please leave them in the comments section below and we will respond.


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