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Are you considering investing in a rental property or real estate? Knowing how to calculate ROI (return on investment) first is crucial before making any financial decisions. In this guide, we’ll show you how to calculate ROI percentage on rental property and how to calculate ROI on real estate. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to make informed investment decisions and ensure your financial success.

What is Return on Investment (ROI)?

Return on investment (ROI) is a financial term used to evaluate a business’s profitability by contrasting the amount of profit with the amount initially invested. Calculating return on investment (ROI) is a valuable tool for estimating the worth of a single investment or an entire investment portfolio. Before making an investment or after it has been sold, an investor or company can use the return on investment (ROI) to gauge the net percent gain. Since not all investments make money, the purchase and selling prices might affect ROI.

While ROI is a useful metric for measuring investment profitability, it does not consider the time value of money or adjust returns based on the duration of the investment hold. Calculating return on investment (ROI) is as simple as multiplying the numerator (your profit or loss) by the denominator (your initial investment). There are two additional typical methods of calculating ROI that get the same or very similar results, thus this is just one of many possible approaches.

Because of its adaptability and ease of usage, return on investment is a widely used statistic. Simply put, return on investment (ROI) is a measure of how well an investment has done. The return on investment (ROI) is the profit made from an investment (such as stocks) or an activity (such as selling a home) with the goal of generating a profit.

How to Calculate ROI

There are various ways you can also calculate Return on investment. Two of the most common approaches to measuring return on investment are:

Strategy 1

Below are the procedures for implementing this formula:

ROI = Net return on investment / Cost of investment multiplied by 100%

#1. Identify the Net Return on Investment

Hypothetically, you have spent $300,000 on a detached house. Because of great demand and little availability, you were able to sell the identical house a year later for $60,000 more, at $360,000. As the seller is responsible for paying the commission to both agents, let’s say you spent $18,000 (2.5 percent for each agent) out of the sale price of the property. You can use escrow to transfer the deed and receive the proceeds from the sale of a home, and it adds 3% to the sale price, or $10,800. Capital gains tax on the $60,000 increase in value will set you back an additional $15,000 (the exact amount may vary based on your yearly salary).

Let’s have a look at the math using the data we have:

(360k – 300k) = 100k ROI (net investment). – $18,000 – $10,800 – $15,000 = $16,200

Now, you’ll need to figure out how much money you made off the sale of your home by deducting the initial investment from the final sales price, plus any other fees associated with the purchase or sale of the home. All costs, such as those associated with the escrow process and any applicable capital gains tax, are included.

#2. Determine the Cost of Investment

The investment cost is the initial outlay of capital. Let’s say you put down 20% on a $300,000 home using a conventional loan, or $60,000. Your out-of-pocket investment cost would be $60,000.

Total Investment Price = $60,000.

#3. Divide the Net Return on Investment by the Cost of Investment, and Multiply by 100%

Step three involves converting your net return on investment of $16,200 to a percentage by dividing it by your cost of acquisition of $60,000 in Step two and then multiplying the result by 100%.

ROI = 0.27 x 100% = 27% Net ROI = $16,200 / Investment Costs = $60,000

Strategy 2

Below are the procedures for implementing this formula:

An investment’s return on investment (ROI) can be calculated as follows: ROI = (Final value of investment – Starting value of investment) / Cost of investment x 100%

#1. Identify and Then Subtract the Final Value of the Investment From Its Initial Value

Find the original cost of the investment. Your home was worth $200,000 when you first bought it, but now it’s worth $300,000. Subtract the house sale’s $360,000 profit from the investment’s net worth. You forked over $18,000 to the buyer’s and seller’s agents in commissions, $10,800 in escrow fees, and $15,000 in capital gains tax on the appreciation in the value of the property over the course of a year. Hence, your investment will be worth it in the end:

The total return on investment equals $316,200, which is the sum of $18,000, $10,000, and $15,000.

Subtracting the end result from the beginning result, and then dividing it by the total cost of the investment, yields the following:

Subtracting the ending value from the beginning value yields a return of $16,200, or $316,200 minus $300,000.

#2. Divide That Number by the Cost of the Investment

The first approach yielded $16,200, so we can divide that by the investment cost, which we now know to be the 20% down payment you made on the traditional house loan you used to purchase the property (the second technique yields the same result). A total of $60,000 was the actual sum. However, the resulting decimal after this operation is 0.27.

#3. Take the Number and Multiply It by 100%

Finally, increase the result of Step 2 by 100 to get an ROI of 27%. As we did not factor in any additional expenses, this number is the same as our first estimate. Also, the two ROI calculations shown here are equivalent; you can choose whichever one is more convenient for you.

How to Calculate ROI on Rental Property

To calculate the return on ROI for a rental property, just deduct the running expenses from the rental revenue and divide the resulting figure by the mortgage value. On the other hand, there are several methods to calculate ROI or potential return on investment for a given piece of real estate. Furthermore, for you to calculate ROI for real estate, involves determining the return on investment generated from the property.

#1. Cash Flow ROI Calculation

After paying monthly operating costs, cash flow properties produce a consistent flow of cash. It’s easy to figure out your return on investment based on cash flow:

Cash Flow = Gross Rent – Costs

Maintenance, repairs, improvements, taxes, insurance, and marketing during vacancies are all examples of operating costs for rental properties. You can also calculate your monthly profit from a rental property by using the cash flow ROI formula, which takes into account only the income and expenses of the property percentage.

#2. Cap Rate

The anticipated rate of return on an investment property is known as the capitalization rate. The capitalization rate is calculated by dividing the property’s NOI by the purchase price.

The capitalization rate is calculated as Cap rate = NOI / NPV x 100

A higher cap rate may be indicative of greater risk when investing in a rental property, whereas a lower rate indicates lower risk.

#3. Net Operating Income

NOI, or net operating income, is the money left over after paying all the costs to run a property and losing money due to vacancies. Profit from a rental property can be calculated as follows:

NOI is also calculated as follows: Rental income – operating expenses – vacancy losses

Net operating income (NOI) is a profitability metric that considers only operational costs and vacancy losses. Moreover, if you need a loan to buy the house, the mortgage payment is not included in this total. As NOI does not require mortgage information to compute, it may be useful when comparing multiple rental properties.

What Is the ROI Formula in Excel?

It is common practice to use one of four established formulas when estimating the return on investment (either manually or in Excel). Use one or more of the ones that follow to get a more accurate picture of the results of your marketing campaigns, depending on the content marketing strategies your company is engaged in:

#1. Net Income

Calculate the ROI as a percentage by multiplying the net income by the initial investment amount. Simply put, this is the best formula for calculating return on investment. The mathematical expression for this is:

The ratio of Return on Investment to Initial Investment Cost

#2. Capital Gain

The return on investment is as a percentage gain or loss using the capital gain formula. It does a comparison between the current share price and the initial investment price. Enter the equation as, Return on Investment (ROI) = Net Profit / Total Expenses

#3. Annualized Return

The return on investment (ROI) is calculated as the average annual gain or loss per share of investment capital over the time period beginning with the first year of investment. You give a percentage as the response. You can also calculate this formula as:

Using this formula: ROI = [(Final Value / Initial Value) (1 / Number of Years)] where Years = (Ending Date – Starting Date) / 365 and Y = -1

What Is a Good ROI?

The general consensus holds that a stock investment with a return on investment (ROI) of 7% or more per year is doing well. However, the S&P 500’s average annual return after inflation is roughly this much. This is an average, so some years may yield a higher return than others. Nonetheless, general efficiency will average out to this figure.

How Does a Business Analyze Its ROI Ratio?

There are no common criteria for assessing investment returns due to the wide variety of assets (ROI). Your findings can also be interpreted in other ways. Additionally, you can get a sense of what a typical rate of return might be for a company like yours by looking into similar small businesses in your sector and recording the average ROI on their investments. When evaluating your company’s success, you can use these numbers as a benchmark.

How Do You Calculate Your Return on Business Investment?

Typically, an investment’s return on investment (ROI) is calculated as follows: ROI = 100 percent * net profit / initial investment. This formula states that in order to calculate ROI, one must know both the net profit and the total cost of the investment. Then, multiply the result by dividing the net profit by the total cost by 100. The final number is your return on investment ratio.

How to Calculate the ROI Percentage

ROI (Return on Investment) is a financial metric used to measure the profitability of an investment. It is expressed as a percentage and is calculated as follows:

ROI (%) = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100

To calculate the ROI percentage, follow these steps.

  • Determine the net profit. Subtract the total expenses associated with the investment from the total revenue generated by the investment. The result is the net profit.
  • Determine the cost of investment. Add up all the costs associated with the investment, including the initial cost, ongoing expenses, and any other costs incurred during the investment period.
  • Divide the net profit by the cost of investment: Divide the net profit by the cost of investment.
  • Multiply the result by 100: Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage. For example, if an investment generated a net profit of $50,000 and the cost of investment was $100,000, the ROI would be:

ROI (%) = ($50,000 / $100,000) x 100 = 50%


The return on investment (ROI) is a simple and straightforward way to measure the success of a financial outlay. This common method of analysis ensures that all investment opportunities are evaluated equally. But return on investment (ROI) alone cannot be used by investors because it requires an accurate measurement of all costs and does not take into account risk or time horizon. Return on investment (ROI) can be helpful, but it shouldn’t be your only metric of choice when assessing a purchase.


How do you calculate ROI manually?

ROI is determined by deducting the initial investment from the current investment and dividing the result by the initial investment.

What is ROI also called on?

Return on investment (ROI) or return on costs (ROC) is a ratio of net income to investment over time (costs resulting from an investment of some resources at a point in time).

What does ROI 40% mean?

Hence, the Return on Investment is 0.40 multiplied by 100, or 40%. This is also a very respectable rate of return on Ben’s investment, representing a net gain of 40% on the initial capital outlay for the project.

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