Asset Allocation: Beginner’s Guide to the Investing Strategies (+Examples)

Asset allocation

Even if you are new to investing, you may already be familiar with some of the most basic principles of prudent investing. Have you ever noticed how street vendors frequently sell seemingly unrelated items like umbrellas and sunglasses? Strange right? After all, when is a person going to buy two goods at the same time? Probably never, and that’s exactly the purpose. When it rains, street vendors know that selling umbrellas is easier than selling sunglasses. When it’s sunny, the opposite is true. The vendor can lessen the chance of losing money on any given day by selling both things – in other words, by diversifying the product range.
If it makes sense, you’re off to a good start when it comes to understanding asset allocation and diversification. We’ll learn more about this asset allocation strategy, the different types including age allocation with examples on this article.

Let us start with asset allocation.

What is Asset Allocation?

Asset allocation is an investing strategy in which individuals divide their investment portfolios among several asset classes in order to minimize investment risks. There are three primary asset classes: stocks, fixed-income, and cash and equivalents. Anything other than these three categories (for example, real estate, commodities, and art) is commonly referred to as alternative assets.

The Factors Influencing Asset Allocation Decisions

An investor’s portfolio distribution is influenced by factors such as personal goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon while making investment decisions.

#1. Indicators of success

Individual desires to reach a specific level of return or to save for a specific cause or want are examples of goal factors. As a result, different goals influence how a person invests and takes risks.

#2. Tolerance for risk

Risk tolerance relates to how much an individual is willing and able to lose on a certain amount of their initial investment in exchange for a better future return. Risk-averse investors, for example, restrain their portfolio in favor of more secure investments. More aggressive investors, on the other hand, put the majority of their money at risk in the hope of making a profit.

#3. Time frame

The time horizon component is determined by the length of time an investor intends to invest. Most of the time, it is determined by the investment’s goal. Similarly, different time frames imply varying risk tolerance.

A long-term investing strategy, for example, may inspire an investor to invest in a more volatility or higher risk portfolio because the economy’s dynamics are unpredictable and may alter in the investor’s favor. Investors with short-term aims, on the other hand, may not want to invest in riskier portfolios.

How Asset Allocation Works

Financial advisors typically encourage investors to diversify their investments among asset classes in order to reduce portfolio volatility. Because different asset classes will always generate varying returns, such basic reasoning is what makes asset allocation popular in portfolio management. As a result, investors will acquire a barrier to protect their investments from deterioration.

Asset Allocation Examples

Assume Joe is in the process of developing a retirement financial plan. As a result, he intends to invest his $10,000 savings over a five-year period. As a result, Joe’s financial advisor may advise him to diversify his portfolio over the three primary categories at a 50/40/10 split between stocks, bonds, and cash. His portfolio could look like this:


  • Small-Cap Growth Stocks – 25%
  • 15% for large-cap value stocks
  • 10% in international stocks


  • Bonds issued by the government – 15%
  • The bonds with a high yield – 25%


  • 10% in the money market

As a result, the allocation of his investment over the three broad categories may look like this: $5,000/$4,000/$1,000.

Asset Allocation Models

There are no hard and fast rules for how an individual should invest in asset allocation, and each financial advisor takes a different approach. The top two tactics for influencing investment decisions are as follows.

#1. Asset Allocation Based on Age

The investment choice in age based asset allocation is based on the age of the investors. As a result, most financial consultants advise individuals to base their stock investing decision on subtracting their age from a base value of 100. The figure is determined by the investor’s life expectancy. The greater the life expectancy, the greater the proportion of investments allocated to riskier fields such as the stock market.

Asset Allocation Examples

Continuing with the preceding scenario, suppose Joe is now 50 years old and plans to retire at 60. According to the age-based investment method, his advisor may advise him to invest 50% of his money in stocks and the remainder in other assets. This is because subtracting his age (50) from a hundred-base value yields 50.

#2. Life-cycle Investments Asset Allocation

Investors use life-cycle funds allocation or targeted-date to maximize their return on investment (ROI) based on characteristics such as their investing goals, risk tolerance, and age. Because of standardization concerns, this type of portfolio structure is complex. In truth, each investor is unique in each of the three characteristics.

Asset Allocation Examples

Assume Joe’s initial investment mix is 50/50. His risk tolerance against stock may climb to 15% after a five-year time horizon. As a result, he may sell 15% of his bonds and reinvest the remainder in stocks. His new proportions will be 65/35. This ratio may alter over time depending on three factors: investing objectives, risk tolerance, and age.

Examples of Alternative Asset Allocation Models

#1. Asset Allocation Based on Constant Weight

The constant-weight asset allocation strategy is based on the buy-and-hold philosophy. In other words, when a stock loses value, investors buy more of it. However, if the price rises, they sell a larger proportion. The goal is to guarantee that the proportions never depart from the original blend by more than 5%.

#2. Tactical Asset Allocation

The tactical asset allocation strategy handles the issues that arise as a result of strategic asset allocation in terms of long-term investment policies. As a result, tactical asset allocation seeks to optimize short-term investing methods. As a result, it adds additional flexibility in dealing with market changes, allowing investors to invest in higher-yielding assets.

#3. Asset Allocation Insured

The insured asset allocation strategy is appropriate for risk-averse investors. It entails establishing a basic asset value below which the portfolio should not fall. If it falls, the investor takes the required steps to mitigate the risk. Otherwise, as long as they can obtain a value that is slightly higher than the underlying asset value, they can acquire, hold, or even sell.

#4. Asset Allocation in a Dynamic Environment

The most common sort of investment strategy is dynamic asset allocation. It enables investors to modify their investment allocation based on market highs and lows, as well as economic gains and losses.

Why Is Asset Allocation Important?

An investor can defend against severe losses by including asset categories with investment returns that fluctuate in response to changing market conditions in a portfolio. Historically, the returns on the three major asset classes have not fluctuated at the same rate. Market factors that cause one asset category to perform well frequently cause another asset category to perform averagely or poorly. By investing in more than one asset class, you lower the chance of losing money and level out your portfolio’s overall investment returns. If the investment return on one asset category falls, you will be able to offset your losses in that asset category with higher investment returns in another asset category.

The Diversification Effect

Diversification refers to the technique of dispersing money among many investments in order to lessen risk. You may be able to limit your losses and lessen the swings of investment returns by selecting the correct set of investments without losing too much potential gain.

Furthermore, asset allocation is critical since it has a significant impact on whether you will reach your financial goals. If you do not include enough risk in your portfolio, your investments may not provide a high enough return to fulfill your objectives. For example, if you’re saving for a long-term goal like retirement or college, most financial experts agree that you should include at least some stock or stock mutual funds in your portfolio. However, if you incorporate too much risk in your portfolio, the funds for your goal may not be available when you need them. For a short-term aim, such as saving for a family’s summer vacation, a portfolio strongly weighted in stocks or stock mutual funds would be improper.

What Is the Relationship Between Asset Allocation and Diversification?

Diversification is a strategy encapsulated by the age-old proverb, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” The strategy is spreading your money over multiple investments in the belief that if one investment loses money, the other investments will more than make up for it.

Many investors utilize asset allocation to spread their investments across asset classes. Other investors, on the other hand, do not do so on purpose. Investing wholly in stock, for example, in the case of a twenty-five-year-old investing for retirement, or investing entirely in cash equivalents, in the case of a family saving for a down payment on a house, may be sensible asset allocation strategies under specific conditions. However, neither strategy aims to reduce risk by diversifying asset classes. As a result, selecting an asset allocation model will not necessarily diversify your portfolio. The way you distribute the money in your portfolio among different sorts of investments determines whether or not your portfolio is diversified.


There is no one-size-fits-all method for distributing your assets. Individual investors necessitate personalized solutions. Furthermore, don’t be concerned if you lack a long-term horizon. It is never too late to begin. It’s also never too late to spruce up your current portfolio. Asset allocation is a life-long process of advancement and fine-tuning, not a one-time occurrence.

Asset Allocation FAQ’s

What should my asset allocation be?

For many years, a generally recognized rule of thumb has aided in the simplification of asset allocation. Individuals should possess a percentage of equities equal to 100 minus their age, according to the rule. So, for a typical 60-year-old, equities should account for 40% of the portfolio.

What is the 7 year rule for investing?

At 10%, your initial investment might be doubled every seven years (72 divided by 10). In a less risky investment, such as bonds, which have returned roughly 5% to 6% on average over the same time span, you could expect to double your money in about 12 years (72 divided by 6)

What is a good asset allocation for a 65 year old?

According to extensive research conducted by William Bengen, a financial adviser in El Cajon, California, retirees should invest between 50% and 75% of their retirement income in a diversified portfolio of large-company stocks or mutual funds. Based on market behavior over the previous 70 years, that combination delivered the best overall returns.

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