Personal SWOT Analysis: What It Is and How to Write It (with Examples) 

personal swot analysis

You are more likely to succeed in life if you maximize your abilities. Similarly, you’ll have fewer problems if you know what your weaknesses are and manage them so that they don’t interfere with your work. So, how do you go about identifying these strengths and weaknesses, as well as analyzing the opportunities and threats that arise as a result of them? SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for accomplishing this. Here, we’ll take you through how you can make a personal SWOT analysis with detailed examples for students.

What is a Personal SWOT Analysis?

The personal SWOT analysis is a powerful technique for assessing a person’s situation and determining the threats and opportunities that exist. The personal SWOT analysis is carried out as an exercise to gather four different aspects of a person:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

Learning these four aspects is a good gauge for determining your current state as well as where you are headed.

A personal SWOT analysis can be a quick and easy task. It’s an examination of yourself that covers the majority of the factors influencing your condition at the time.

The Advantages of Conducting a Personal SWOT Analysis

The most significant advantage of conducting your own personal SWOT analysis is the structure it provides for self-evaluation. Individuals may consider what they are good at or what is impeding their personal growth on a regular basis. However, abstract introspection does not assist us in effecting change. In the opportunities section of the SWOT analysis, action is built in.

Second, the SWOT analysis considers both positive and negative factors. If you only focus on the positive, you won’t have a clear direction for what to improve or change. If you only focus on your weaknesses and threats, you may become overwhelmed and discouraged before you get to your action plan.

Finally, the SWOT analysis concentrates on internal characteristics and factors that influence your opportunities. Internal factors will always be far more under your control than external ones.

When Is a Personal SWOT Analysis Necessary?

There are numerous situations in which this self-evaluation could be beneficial, particularly when it comes to career growth, career planning, and self-development topics.

Preparing for a Job Interview

One of the most common applications for a personal SWOT analysis is interview preparation. This is especially true given that “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” is one of the most famous (or infamous) interview questions. Many people believe that it is difficult to create a list of appropriate weaknesses for job interviews, but they forget that it can also be difficult to create a good list of strengths. This is where the SWOT analysis before your job interview presentation can help. Furthermore, developing a strategy based on a 30-60-90-day plan will assist you in presenting a work plan and demonstrating proactivity in front of employers.

Following College Graduation

We have so much structure in college that it can be surprising to graduate and lose it all. Many recent graduates feel lost and directionless because they have so many decisions to make about their careers, living situation, relationships, goals, and even hobbies.

If this is the case, consider evaluating yourself using the personal SWOT analysis format to help you decide what you want to do, what you need to do, and what your next steps should be. Going through this analysis as a personal assessment exercise could shed light on several aspects of your potential career.

When Choosing a College Degree

There are numerous college degree options available. For some, simply considering their strengths and interests will suffice. Others will require something more structured to help them decide which degree is best for them. You can use a personal SWOT analysis not only to help you decide what you would be best at but also to evaluate each prospective college degree.

Self-Evaluations on the Job

Candidates in a job interview may have previously been asked to evaluate themselves at work. To say the least, it’s an unpleasant experience. A personal SWOT analysis can help you format your evaluation while also impressing your boss.

Whenever You Need a Change in Your Life

There isn’t always a reason or trigger to evaluate oneself. Sometimes all we want is for things to change. You may be bored, stuck, or even dissatisfied with your current situation. In any case, conducting a personal SWOT analysis can assist you in determining what needs to change and how to begin changing it.

How to Conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis

Start by answering questions concerning these four components:


  • What distinguishes you from others (for example, skills, certifications, education, or connections)?
  • What do you excel at that no one else does?
  • What personal resources do you have?
  • What do others (especially your boss) see as your strengths?
  • Which of your accomplishments makes you the most proud?
  • What values do you hold dear that others do not?
  • Are you a part of a network that no one else is? If so, do you have any connections with influential people?

Consider this from your own perspective as well as the perspectives of those around you. And don’t be modest or shy; instead, be as objective as possible. Knowing and utilizing your strengths at work can make you happier and more fulfilled.

If you’re still having trouble identifying your strengths, make a list of your personal characteristics. Some of these will hopefully turn out to be assets!


  • What tasks do you typically avoid because you lack confidence in your ability to complete them?
  • What will the people around you perceive as your flaws?
  • Do you have complete faith in your education and skill training? If not, where are you most vulnerable?
  • What are your negative work habits (for example, are you frequently late, disorganized, have a short temper, or are you bad at dealing with stress)?
  • Do you have personality traits that prevent you from succeeding in your field? A fear of public speaking, for example, would be a major weakness if you had to conduct meetings on a regular basis.

Consider this from both a personal/internal and an external standpoint. Do other people notice flaws that you don’t? Do your coworkers consistently outperform you in critical areas? Be realistic – it’s best to confront any unpleasant realities as soon as possible.


  • What new technology can you use to your advantage? Can you get assistance from others or from people on the internet?
  • Is your industry expanding? If so, how can you capitalize on the current market?
  • Do you have a network of strategic contacts who can assist you or provide sound advice?
  • What management or other trends do you see in your company, and how can you capitalize on them?
  • Are any of your competitors missing an important step? If so, can you profit from their errors?
  • Is there an unmet need in your organization or industry?
  • Do your customers or vendors have any complaints about your company? If this is the case, could you create an opportunity by providing a solution?
  • You might be interested in the following opportunities:
  • Events for networking, educational classes, or conferences.
  • A coworker is taking an extended leave. Could you help this person with some of their projects in order to gain experience?
  • A new role or project that necessitates the acquisition of new skills, such as public speaking or international relations.
  • A business expansion or acquisition. Do you have any special skills (such as a second language) that could aid in the process?

Look at your strengths and ask yourself if they open up any opportunities – and look at your weaknesses and ask yourself if eliminating those weaknesses will open up any opportunities.


  • What challenges are you currently facing at work?
  • Are any of your coworkers vying for projects or roles with you?
  • Is your job (or the demand for your services) changing?
  • Is your position threatened by changing technology?
  • Could any of your flaws lead to a threat?

This analysis will frequently provide important information, pointing out what needs to be done and putting problems into context.

Personal SWOT Analysis Example

Here is an example of a personal SWOT analysis for an advertising manager:


  • Very creative person. Frequently astounds clients with a fresh take on their brands.
  • Communicates effectively with clients and team members.
  • Has the ability to ask pertinent questions in order to identify the best marketing angle.
  • Completely dedicated to a client’s brand’s success.


  • Has a strong, compulsive need to complete tasks quickly and cross them off the “to-do” list. Thus, reducing the quality of output.
  • Bad adaptability to stress from multitasking
  • Poor public speaking skills. Hence, bad presentation to clients.


  • Since one of its major competitors has a reputation for mistreating its smaller clients, it’ll be an opportunity to get more clients
  • Attend conferences that will serve as channels for networking.


  • A coworker with better public speaking skills stands as a threat.
  • Frequently overworked as a result of recent staff shortages, which has a negative impact on creativity.
  • The marketing industry has experienced slow growth as a result of the current economic climate. This results in many businesses laying off employees.

Examples of Personal SWOT Analysis for Students

When asked to write a SWOT analysis, it is common for students to go completely blank. It can be difficult to take a step back and decide what to put in each box of the analysis matrix objectively.

However, by reviewing some examples from other students, you can begin to understand what is expected of you and even find yourself agreeing with some of their points. Here are some examples of personal SWOT analysis for students.

Examples of Personal SWOT Analysis for Students

Example #1: Gaining confidence at university.

  • I can confidently write information on paper in order to communicate with my teacher.
  • I know that when I put my mind to it, I am capable of accomplishing great things.
  • I did well in high school and am aware of my academic abilities.
  • I know I can study diligently when I have exams coming up.
  • I have difficulty speaking in front of large groups. It’s intimidating to me.
  • I’m not sure what standards are expected of me at university yet.
  • I have difficulty connecting with others in small groups.
  • At university, I don’t yet have a group of friends to lean on.
  • There is an upcoming library seminar on academic skill development that I can attend.
  • I’ll have some low-risk exams and essays coming up that I can use for practice.
  • The upcoming small group work task will allow me to make social contacts who may be able to help me through things.


  • I am concerned that I will experience anxiety in the weeks leading up to my presentation in a few weeks.
  • I doubt I’ll be able to attend my Tuesday class every week. My confidence may suffer if I miss this class.

Example #2: This semester’s goal is to get an A on an essay.

  • I enjoy writing about things that are interesting to me or directly related to my life.
  • My vocabulary is extensive, and my grammar is usually excellent.
  • I understand the fundamentals of essay writing and how to construct strong paragraphs.
  • I don’t understand referencing or the referencing style expected in my class.
  • I’m not sure where to look for information to help me write my essays.
  • When studying for more than 20 minutes, I find it difficult to concentrate.


  • My roommate is an excellent essay writer and has offered to edit my work.
  • During office hours, my professor has offered to review my work.
  • If I attend all of the classes, I should be able to learn a lot from my teacher that will help me write a good essay.


  • My workload at my part-time job has recently increased, so I have less time to study.
  • I don’t always understand my professor’s emails.
  • This semester, I have three essays due in one week.

What Is an Example Of Threats In Personal SWOT Analysis?

Increased competition, a lack of support, or language barriers are examples of threats for a personal SWOT analysis.

What Are 4 Examples of Opportunities?

  • Obtain assistance with projects.
  • Form working groups.
  • Recruit beta testers for new ideas or products.
  • Form a group to work on an idea you have.

What are 3 Examples Of Weaknesses?

  • Self-criticism.
  • Shyness.
  • Inadequate knowledge of specific software

In Conclusion,

A personal SWOT analysis is a framework for analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. This allows you to focus on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

  1. WHAT IS A SWOT ANALYSIS: Meaning, Process, Application and Benefit
  2. Competitor Analysis: All you need (+ How to Start Guide)
  3. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IDEAS: Working Ideas, Games & Improvement
  4. LEADERSHIP STRENGTHS: The Greatest Strengths in 2023 (Updated)


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