Data Modeling Tools: Top 7 Best Data Modeling Tools of 2023

Data Modeling Tools
Imahe Source: TechRepublic
Table of Contents Hide
  1. What is Data Modeling?
  2. What Are the 5 Basic Data Modeling Techniques? 
    1. #1. Hierarchical Model
    2. #2. Dimensional Data Model
    3. #3. Relational Model
    4. #4. Network Model
    5. #5. Entity-relationship (ER) Data Model 
  3. Types of Data Models
    1. #1. Physical Data Models
    2. #2. Conceptual Data Models
    3. #3. Logical Data Model
  4. Data Modeling Process
    1. #1. Define an Entity
    2. #2. Identify Critical Features of Each Entity
    3. #3. Find the Connections Between Entities
    4. #4. Mapping Properties to Entities
    5. #5. Cut Down on Duplicate Performance Prerequisites
    6. #6. Data Model Completion and Verification
  5. What Are the Benefits of Data Modeling?
    1. #1. Superior Software Applications 
    2. #2. Less Money and Time Spent on Developing Apps 
    3. #3. Problems and Mistakes in Data Are Quickly Identified
    4. #4. Improvements in Application Speed 
    5. #5. Improve Long-Term Maintenance Documentation 
  6. What Are Data Modelling Tools?
  7. Why Do We Need Data Modeling Tools?
  8. How Do I Choose the Right Data Modeling Tools?
    1. #1. Application and Requirements
    2. #2. Features
    3. #3. Scalability
    4. #4. Integration
    5. #5. Community of Users
  9. Overview of the Best Data Modeling Tools
    1. #1. Erwin Data Modeler
    2. #2. DbSchema
    3. #3. Archi
    4. #4. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
    5. #5. Navicat Data Modeler
    6. #6. IBM InfoSphere Data Architect
    7. #7. PgModeler
  10. Data Modeling Tools for SQL Server
    1. #1. Toad Data Modeler
    2. #2. DbSchema
    3. #3. DeZign
    4. #4. Erwin Data Modeler
    5. #5. Vertabelo
  11. Microsoft Data Modeling Tools
    1. #1. Visual Paradigm
    2. #2. Navicat
  12. What are the Key Benefits of Data Modeling Tools?
  13. Conclusion
  14. Data Modeling Tools FAQs
  15. Is Excel a Data Model?
  16. How do we model data?
  17. Similar Articles
  18. Reference

In the event that your firm has any kind of connection to Big Data, you may already be familiar with the concept of data modeling. Building new databases or developing a whole IT strategy can both benefit from the usage of data modeling tools. Also, data modeling tools enable us to visually represent the construction of data structures, the organization of data, and the relationships we see between them in support of business activities. In this article, we will discuss the best data modeling tools, data modeling tools for microsoft, and freeware SQL server.

First, we’ll get an overview of data modeling in general, and then we’ll dive into the specific data modeling tools.

What is Data Modeling?

Data modeling is the act of developing a visual representation of an entire information system or certain components of it in order to convey linkages between various data points and organizational structures. The objective is to explain the various forms of data that are used and stored within the system, the connections between different categories of data, the various ways that data can be categorized and organized, as well as its formats and features.

In data modeling, the requirements of a business come first. Stakeholders in the business provide input up front to set rules and requirements that will be used in the development of a new system or the refinement of an existing one.

Several different types of data models exist. The first step is to canvass stakeholders and end users for information regarding business requirements. The concrete database design is subsequently formulated by translating these business principles into data structures. Data models are like blueprints or road maps in that they are formal graphics that explain a complex topic.

Data modeling makes use of predefined standards and rigorous methods. This allows for a standardized, consistent, and predictable approach to establishing and administering data resources at every level of an organization.

In a perfect world, data models would be living documents that grew and changed as the company did. They are crucial in the areas of business process support and IT architecture and strategy development. Vendors, partners, and industry peers can all benefit from access to shared data models.

What Are the 5 Basic Data Modeling Techniques? 

Data modeling is a visual representation of the database’s internal data structure. Data modeling aids in both the comprehension of data and the use of data in making predictions. 

In the program, you can model physical objects in a variety of ways. There are many different types of data models, but the most prevalent ones include hierarchical, relational, UML, entity-relationship, object-oriented, and dimensional. 

#1. Hierarchical Model

The data in this model appears in the shape of a tree with a single node at its center. The basic hierarchy in this model starts at the root and branches out like a tree with child nodes that branch out again. While each kid node in this paradigm only has one parent, a parent can have several offspring. 

This data model stores information in a tree structure, thus when information is accessed, the entire tree must be walked, starting at the root. There is a one-to-many mapping between data types in the hierarchical model. In addition, the database stores all information and makes connections between records.

#2. Dimensional Data Model

Business intelligence (BI) and online analytical processing (OLAP) systems rely on dimensional data models as their backbone. These models are most often used with large databases that store historical transaction information, but they can be used with any size of data. 

Multiple structures, such as fact tables, dimension tables, and lookup tables, are frequently referred to in dimensional data models. Dimensional modeling is the backbone of both online transaction processing (OLTP) systems and enterprise data warehouses (EDW).

A dimensional model’s primary goal is to facilitate the rapid discovery of answers to concerns regarding company projections, consumption trends, and related matters. Using dimensional modeling, business intelligence reporting can become less chaotic. Also, users are able to collaborate and make decisions more efficiently by sharing data across teams and divisions. 

#3. Relational Model

In this data model, the data tables serve to compile a set of elements into relations. This paradigm uses linked tables to depict connections and information. Additionally, the table has both rows and columns; the former reflect the entity’s records, while the latter indicate the entity’s attributes. To uniquely identify each entry in the table, this data architecture makes use of a variety of primary keys. As for getting at the information, SQL (Structured Query Language) is employed for that. In the relational data model, the primary key functions as the backbone of the system. This also means that the data set must contain only unique entries. 

There shouldn’t be any discrepancies in the data table that could cause issues during data retrieval. Data duplication, inadequate data, and unsuitable linkages used to connect data also pose a challenge for the relational data model.

#4. Network Model

The network model is a database model that takes an adaptable approach to representing things and the connections between them. Templates play a crucial role in the network data model, which takes the shape of a graph in which edges represent relationships and nodes represent items. The most fundamental distinction between a hierarchical data model and a network data model is the way in which the data is represented; in the former case, the data is provided in a hierarchical structure, whereas in the latter case, the data is displayed in a graph.

Furthermore, one of the benefits of a network model is that it includes a representation of the fundamental links between nodes. One-to-one, many-to-many, etc. relationships are all possible in this data model. When compared to other data models, such as the hierarchical model, hierarchical data models make data access more easier. 

There is always a link between the parent and child nodes because of the inherent interaction between them. Moreover, the information is not reliant on the other node. This model’s inability to adjust to new circumstances is a major limitation. To make any significant adjustments would require a total system rebuild, which would be labor intensive and time consuming. In addition, it is challenging to manage data in this architecture because each record is linked to the others through a web of links.

#5. Entity-relationship (ER) Data Model 

You can neatly express your data using the Entity-relationship (ER) model. The ER model classifies the information as follows: 

  • Entities. Your current objects, procedures, or theoretical framework. Customers, goods, and revenue are all examples of entities.  
  • Relationships. The relationships between things. These connections may exist between two people or between numerous people.  
  • Attributes. Information that characterizes something or something else. As an illustration, a product’s name is an attribute. 

You need to have a firm grasp on the inner workings of your business and the information needs of your end users before you can build a reliable ER model.  

In addition, the Entity Relationship (ER) diagram shows the connections between your data and the processes that the database must be able to handle. It also demonstrates the interconnected nature of these several data sets. A data model diagram is a visual depiction of the underlying data model structure that facilitates effective and efficient communication of detailed information.

Types of Data Models

Designing a database or an information system is no different from designing anything else; it starts at a high level of abstraction and gets more and more granular as the process progresses. There are commonly three types of data models, each with its own level of abstraction. The process will begin with a conceptual model, then go on to a logical model, and eventually end with a physical model. Below, we go into greater depth about every type of data model:

#1. Physical Data Models

They describe the format of the database that will store the data. This makes them the least ethereal concept possible. They provide a complete plan that can be implemented as a relational database, complete with associative tables that depict the relationships between entities and the primary keys and foreign keys that will be utilized to keep those relationships stable. In order to optimize performance, physical data models may incorporate DBMS-specific characteristics.

#2. Conceptual Data Models

They provide an overview of the system’s contents, structure, and governing business rules; they are also known as domain models. Creating a conceptual model is a common step in defining the scope of a project. Entity classes (identifying the types of items that are critical for the company to represent in the data model), their attributes and limitations, the relationships between them, and applicable security and data integrity requirements are all examples of such specifications. In most cases, notation is straightforward.

#3. Logical Data Model

Tables, columns, and their relationships (through foreign keys) are all mapped out in this model, as are the connections between them. Identified entities and their respective characteristics are spelled out. In contrast to physical data models, which are tied to certain databases or file formats, logical data models can be used anywhere. XML and JSON files, as well as relational, columnar, multidimensional, and NoSQL databases, are all viable implementations.

Data Modeling Process

Data modeling is an academic discipline that stresses the importance of questioning one’s own data management practices. However, different data modeling approaches adhere to varying conventions in terms of the data symbols employed, the structure of models, and the communication of business requirements. All methods provide structured workflows, or sets of steps to be completed in a particular order across time. These processes often take the following form:

#1. Define an Entity

Finding out what entities, processes, and ideas are being modeled in a data set is the first step in the data modeling process. All parts must fit together properly and make sense in their own right.

#2. Identify Critical Features of Each Entity

To tell one thing apart from another of the same type, we need to look at its attributes. The “Address” entity may include the full street address, including cross streets, as well as the city, state, and nation, as well as the postal code. Also, the “Customer” entity may include the first and last names, phone number, and job title.

#3. Find the Connections Between Entities

The data model’s first draft defines the connections between things and how they work. Each customer “resides at the address” in the aforementioned scenario. If the “Order” entity is added to the model, then all shipments and payments will be made to the specified location. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is commonly used to document these interdependencies.

#4. Mapping Properties to Entities

This allows the model to accurately represent the way the company makes use of data. There are several common formal patterns for modeling data. Analysis patterns and design patterns are common tools for object-oriented programmers, whereas other patterns may be used by stakeholders in different parts of a company.

#5. Cut Down on Duplicate Performance Prerequisites

Keys are numerical IDs assigned to data sets to express links between models without duplicating the data. Normalization is a technique for organizing data models (and the databases they represent). To avoid duplicating data in a table of client names, it is possible to assign a key to each customer and link it to their address and order history. Normalization often decreases the database’s space needs on disk, but it can slow down query performance.

#6. Data Model Completion and Verification

In order to keep up with the ever-evolving nature of business needs, data modeling must be an iterative process. 

What Are the Benefits of Data Modeling?

Data modeling is a crucial part of the software development life cycle since it helps define the structure of the database upon which the application will be built.  

Also, data modeling enables you to establish potential connections between data elements, which in turn determines the types of queries that may be performed on the modeled data. 

Aligning business objectives with technological objectives is facilitated by data modeling, which is in turn supported by Business Architecture (an organization’s data model). Supporting parts of Business Architecture that benefit from data models include Data Governance, Business Intelligence, and Application Architectures.  

Without an initial data model, you run the risk of building a system that isn’t suitable for its intended audience. Some of the many benefits your applications will reap from a well-designed data model include the following. 

#1. Superior Software Applications 

Data modeling’s most evident advantage is that it results in better-quality software that is more stable and requires less maintenance. 

What occurs if (and it’s a big if) you don’t use data modeling techniques while developing applications is: 

  • You save unprocessed data from the user in variables.
  • After the code modifies the values of those variables, they serve to populate yet more variables.
  • And so on, until you’ve nested yourself into a corner and can’t get out. 

In addition, it makes no difference if your company is big or little. Without proper planning and structure, software development will inevitably result in spaghetti code. Your code will be a tangled mess if and when you decide to make changes or add new features. 

#2. Less Money and Time Spent on Developing Apps 

Poor data modeling at the outset of a new app build increases development time and costs. Without a data model, your team will have to manually code the database structure and spend time collecting user needs.  

If you have a data model, adding new tables and views is a breeze; you may do so by simply adding them there. If you discover you need to add a table to your application, or make changes to an existing one, you may do it easily by modifying your data model.  

Without a data model, your team will have to manually change both the database and the code. If you need to make modifications throughout the whole program, this might take a long time and cost a lot of money. 

#3. Problems and Mistakes in Data Are Quickly Identified

Data problems and inaccuracies are sometimes not uncovered until after the procedure has begun. Someone trying to make a purchase, for instance, may see an error message reading “bad data.” In this case, incorrect information was present from the outset. The process can be tested in a lab or on a test server, but the flaws won’t be found until the system is put into production. 

However, the sooner you spot an issue with your data, the sooner you can fix it before it has an adverse effect on your users. 

Data Modeling is widely used because it provides a detailed picture of how customers engage with a company, even down to the fields they visit and the frequency with which they do so. This kind of understanding is crucial for identifying problem areas and deciding how to fix them. Regular Data Model Audits may ensure that your data model remains user- and goal-centric at all times.

#4. Improvements in Application Speed 

Data modeling has various uses, and one of them is cutting expenses. Although this is essential, the true value of data modeling lies in the improvements it may bring to your application’s speed and efficiency. 

Due to its strategic nature, data modeling is crucial to an application’s efficiency in terms of how it processes data. Programmers will know what data to save, why, and where in memory. In other words, this paves the way for them to easily and quickly develop functions to obtain data. 

This is considerably different from the chaotic approach of simply storing data in tables. To get the desired results from unstructured tables, developers would have to spend time crafting intricate SQL queries. By organizing data into tables, developers may rest assured that the database engine will be able to locate the desired data without any further effort. 

As a result? Applications can process more data without losing performance speed. 

#5. Improve Long-Term Maintenance Documentation 

Data models help define business processes and their connections more precisely. When information about a business process is in one place, it’s easier to pick up and maintain over time.

The business requirements and application architecture can be better documented with the use of data modeling. If there is a central repository for requirements and design, information may be shared more effectively. Additionally, it is simple to spot and incorporate adjustments necessitated by new necessities, additions, or issue corrections. 

Data modeling is a crucial component of developing software; it takes time and skill, but the payoff is well worth it.

What Are Data Modelling Tools?

Data modeling tools are software that simplifies the time-consuming task of building models from scratch. They link the data models’ upper levels to the underlying information.

Database schemas can be generated automatically by most data modeling tools, and existing databases can be reverse-engineered into models. Data Modeling, Diagramming, and Visualization Tools are just a few of the many types of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) solutions available today.

Also, data modeling tools facilitate efficient database design and cut down on human error. Data Definition Language (DDL) may be developed, a high-performance database can be built, and stakeholders can be provided with insightful reports with the use of this tool.

When a database is effective, it speeds up processes, reduces error rates, and needs less upkeep.

Why Do We Need Data Modeling Tools?

For most companies, their data is their most prized possession. Therefore, the Database you use to keep this asset is more important than ever.

Data Analytics and Data Scientists need to be able to segment it in various ways to back up important strategic business decisions, so it’s crucial that the data be organized in a way that benefits both the application that activates it and the data while it’s at rest.

You must now account for both potential needs.

Data modeling refers to the process of defining the structure of a database and determining how information will be stored within it.

Thus, you may build these diagrams and models with the help of Data Modeling Tools. When used in a system, a data model reinforces and upholds the underlying business ideas it represents.

A data model’s definition of entities and connections mirrors an organization’s description of its items and actions.

How Do I Choose the Right Data Modeling Tools?

As the variety of Data Modeling Tools expands, it may become more challenging to identify the one that best fits your needs. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate your use case based on the following criteria:

#1. Application and Requirements

When deciding on a Data Modeling Tool, this is the single most crucial factor. Different data modeling tools emphasize various aspects of data modeling. Putting your business requirements down on paper is the first step to making a good choice. A database with modeling capabilities would be ideal for a project that only needs a Data Modeling Tool for simple tasks. However, the same technology will not serve Data Modeling’s purposes when it must meet the requirements of businesses.

#2. Features

Once you understand the company’s requirements, you may begin evaluating your options among Data Modeling Tools. This includes testing the Data Modeling Tools for multi-user support and checking if they support UTM or use case modeling. Also, check to see if it can model data at the conceptual, logical, and physical levels. Comparing and contrasting aspects requires a list.

#3. Scalability

The requirements of a project evolve as it develops. Use something that can help you grow if you can. Think about your needs and the scope of your data model before settling on a Data Modeling Tool. When making a tool selection, it is essential to think about immediate needs.

#4. Integration

Be wary of Data Modeling Tools that generate a data model in a proprietary format rather than a standard one. If you already have a database or technological infrastructure and processes in place, it will be much easier to incorporate the results of the modeling tool you chose.

#5. Community of Users

There is a user forum or community for every tool out there. Get the word out and make sure the community loves and uses your tool.

Overview of the Best Data Modeling Tools

Here are some of the top best data modeling tools you can consider.

#1. Erwin Data Modeler

Data modeling, visualization, and deployment are all made easier using Erwin Data Modeler. Erwin Data Modeler can also be used to keep data models consistent and comprehensible during the lifetime of an application.

It is a top choice because of its wide range of functionality and support for fields such as business intelligence, big data, large-scale data integration, data management, and project management.


  • Agile software development. In either the cloud or on-premises, Erwin Data Modeler can help you create useful apps. Define your models in any way you like, whether with NoSQL, big data, or a hybrid design.
  • Automation. By using Erwin Data Modeler to rapidly produce schemas and models, you can speed up your development process and cut down on bugs.
  • Simple navigation and controls. You may easily view intricate data structures and business processes with the help of Erwin Data Modeler and its user-friendly interface.
  • Designing in a full circle. Database code can be written and reverse engineered with Erwin Data Modeler, allowing for more reliable and productive deployment of data structures.

In addition, you can choose from the Standard, Workgroup, Navigator, or Safyr versions of Erwin Data Modeler. All of these versions have price quotes available upon request through their website.

#2. DbSchema

DbSchema is a tool for developing, documenting, and deploying database schemas.

Because of its user-friendly design, DbSchema is one of our favorite data modeling tools. Therefore, DbSchema is accessible to users without extensive SQL experience.


  • Independent data model. Since schemas are independent of the database, they may be easily shared amongst team members.
  • Visual editor for managing relational data. DbSchema includes an editor that may be used to populate various tables with data. Joining tables together with foreign keys is as easy as dragging and dropping.
  • Input source. DbSchema can be used to evaluate database setups by generating fake data.
  • Generic database graphs and reports. Dynamic charts, UML diagrams, and other reports can be easily created with DbSchema’s report builder tool.
  • Automations. To execute Java scripts, deploy schemas, execute SQL scripts, and produce HTML5 documentation, DbSchema makes use of a Java Groovy script engine.
  • A program that loads data. Data can be imported from a variety of sources using DbSchema’s data loader, including XML, XLS, XLSX, and CSV.

In addition, there are two editions of DbSchema: the free community edition and the paid pro edition. There are three price points for the professional version: $98 for academic use, $196 for individual use, and $294 for business use. Licenses are permanent and all fees are due at the time of purchase.

#3. Archi

Archi is an inexpensive option for Enterprise Architects and Modelers. It’s useful for a lot of different kinds of business architecture analysis, description, and visualization.

It’s an open-source Data Modeling Tool that works on multiple platforms and may be extended with additional modules.


  • All ArchiMate elements may be quickly built in ArchiMate views
  • ArchiMate’s dynamic views allow you to switch perspectives at any time
  • It provides a suggestions view for quickly viewing data about elements
  • This tool displays the selected model element and its relationships to other model components in a radial tree diagram
  • The tool allows you to construct and modify your canvas as needed.

#4. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Data modeling for the Oracle environment is made possible with the help of Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.

All aspects of data collection, analysis, management, and inference are discussed. It’s a piece of software that facilitates several Data Modeling tasks and increases efficiency overall.


  • Models of various types, including relational, multidimensional, and data, can be built and modified
  • Both forward and reverse engineering are within its capabilities
  • The tool promotes teamwork in software creation by managing source code
  • One of the best free Data Modeling Tools out there, it can be used in both on-premises and cloud environments.

#5. Navicat Data Modeler

Create conceptual, logical, and physical data models with ease using Navicat Data Modeler, a powerful database design tool. In addition to creating entity relationship models, you can also perform forward and reverse engineering, write SQL queries, import models from various data sources, define the data type, and more using Navicat Data Modeler.


  • Multiple database formats are supported. Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and MariaDB are just some of the databases that work with Navicat Data Modeler.
  • Craftsman’s aid. To design, construct, and edit data models without having to write sophisticated SQL queries, you can utilize the designer tool in Navicat Data modeler.
  • Forms of Models. Conceptual, logical, and physical data models are all supported in Navicat. To transform conceptual information into a logical model, utilize the model conversion tool.
  • Reverse development. With Navicat, you can leverage pre existing database architectures to design novel ER diagrams. Indexes, linkages, and properties in data models can all be visualized for better comprehension.
  • In-house SQL code creation. The SQL code for executing your data model can be generated with the help of Navicat Data Modeler.
  • Collaboration. Navicat’s compatibility with cloud storage makes it easy to share model files with colleagues from afar.

In addition, There are commercial and community versions of Navicat. The business version is $22.99 per month. A yearly subscription costs $229.99, while the perpetual license goes for $459. Non Commercial users have the option of paying $12.99 per month, $129.99 per year, or $249 for a lifetime license.

#6. IBM InfoSphere Data Architect

IBM InfoSphere Data Architect is a data modeling tool for BI and statistics that streamlines and quickens the process of designing data integrations.

When it comes to coordinating your business’s various services, apps, data formats, and procedures, this Data Modeling Tool is among the best available.


  • The tool facilitates easy and fast programming.
  • You may learn more about your data assets and use that knowledge to boost output and decrease launch times.
  • It’s great for group work because it promotes communication and harmony.
  • Importing and exporting individualized mapping is possible.
  • The program can infer the organization of unrelated datasets from their metadata.
  • It is possible to model data both physically and logically.
  • Data studio and query workload tuner are two examples of products that can be integrated with this one.

#7. PgModeler

PgModeler was developed as a Data Modeling Tool for the PostgreSQL database system; it has an attractive and user-friendly graphical user interface and provides full access to the tool’s source code.


  • Accepts XML documents.
  • Automatic generation of columns and constraints.
  • If something goes wrong, all of your progress is rolled back.
  • SQL scripts allow you to keep the model and the database in sync.
  • The command line interface can be used to automate routine procedures.
  • Data from pre-existing databases can be used to develop models.

Data Modeling Tools for SQL Server

Many organizations and database developers rely on SQL Server, making it one of the most popular database servers available. With the aid of a graphical user interface, data modeling tools streamline the process of designing databases and providing support for database maintenance. 

The best four data modeling tools for creating SQL Server databases are detailed here.

#1. Toad Data Modeler

Toad is one of the top excellent data modeling tools for SQL Server, as it provides a wealth of automation, workflow, and productivity features that make it possible to construct and maintain databases quickly and easily.

You can also use it to keep tabs on code revisions, retrieve information fast, and export it in a variety of formats.

Toad also has the capability to compare and list the differences between databases, schemas, and servers. SQL transaction rollback, script and T-SQL procedure execution, and routine database management automation are all possible with this tool.

In addition, it even helps with optimizing performance and adjusting queries.

#2. DbSchema

DbSchema is a robust data modeler that works with a wide variety of databases, SQL Server included.

Visually designing complex queries, auto-generating SQL queries, and executing with a few clicks are all possible with this tool, as they are with the others on our list. It can manage data models with more than 10,000 tables.

DbSchema’s features include database management, data model storage (including GIT file storage) and generation, and migration script generation.

#3. DeZign

Using Dezign, you can create databases and data models visually. Even an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is possible to create.

It’s an effective tool for database engineers, accommodating numerous modeling approaches.

It can also be used to evaluate, document, and optimize pre-existing databases as well as spot flaws in database creation.

#4. Erwin Data Modeler

When it comes to visual data modeling in SQL Server, one of the most popular tools is Erwin. Additionally, it produces the necessary SQL queries for constructing your data model.

It’s loaded with tools that help business and technical users collaborate centrally on models.

Erwin can also assist with database and model comparisons. Database schemas can be used to deduce data definition code. Also, read What Can SQL Accomplish For Businesses?

It’s an established product that can keep up with the demands of corporate data requirements. Data modeling is made easier with Erwin’s compatibility with numerous CRM and ERP systems.

#5. Vertabelo

Vertabelo is an online data modeler that works with SQL Server and other favorite databases. It supports conceptual, logical, and physical layers of data modeling, allowing you to model data from scratch on any platform. With Vertabelo’s built-in options for collaborating and sharing data, even massive database creation projects may be accomplished.

It streamlines things from the get-go by automating the genesis of physical data models and DDL scripts. Fantastic functions of this instrument include forward engineering and reverse engineering. These choices produce SQL scripts that can be used to alter an existing database or build a data model.

This online entity-relationship diagram (ERD) tool for SQL Server stands out by its intuitive, up-to-date, and mobile-friendly user interface (UI). Crow’s Foot, IDEF1X, and UML are only some of the industry-standard notations included in the tool.

In addition, Vertabelo checks your data model’s compatibility with the target database.

Microsoft Data Modeling Tools

Database development has come to be an integral part of the software engineering process due to the widespread adoption of databases in the current era. Microsoft SQL Server’s popularity as a DBMS among developers is high, and it plays a significant role in this. So, a reliable set of Microsoft SQL Server database modeling tools is essential. Here are microsoft data modeling tools.

#1. Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm’s web-based app facilitates diagram development and remote teamwork. In addition to SQL Server, many other DBMSs are supported. There are many standard notations (like the Crow’s Foot) available for use in developing your data model.

The Table Record Editor and the Automated Model Transistor are two standout features of this SQL Server data modeler. Table Record Editor allows developers to practice working with real database data by inserting test records. Automated Model Transistor preserves history while creating logical and physical models from previous versions.

From your physical model, Visual Paradigm can create DDL files for your physical database. In addition, it compares a production database to its physical data model and generates SQL scripts for delivering repairs. Like other common ERD programs, it features reverse engineering.

#2. Navicat

Navicat is a standalone program that supports many platforms (Windows, Linux, and macOS). This SQL Server ERD tool allows you to model your data in three different formats, including IDEF1X, Crow’s Foot, and the Unified Modeling Language. Great tools for automatically making logical and physical models are also available to developers in Navicat.

Both backward and forward engineering are included in this SQL Server ERD tool. Microsoft Azure, Amazon Redshift, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud, MySQL, MariaDB, and Oracle are just some of the databases that work with the tool. In addition, you may generate SQL scripts straight from your physical data model with the help of Export SQL.

What are the Key Benefits of Data Modeling Tools?

Data modeling tools simplify complex software processes by representing them graphically. The following are only some of the many advantages offered by data modeling tools.

  • Data modeling tools can be used to simplify the search for information in large datasets.
  • If you’re trying to get a handle on a tricky business concept, a visual aid might help.
  • Avoid common hazards when creating databases and software.
  • Raise the level of documentation and system architecture standardization across the company.
  • Improve the responsiveness of your program and database.
  • Organization-wide data mapping has to be streamlined.
  • Facilitate greater two-way communication between your development and BI groups.
  • Data modeling tools streamline and quicken the time spent on designing a database on a conceptual, logical, and physical level.


In conclusion, the importance of data modeling lies in its ability to clarify the connections between disparate data items. You can also reduce costs and development time, increase application quality, and manage data redundancy with its help. You may accomplish all of these tasks with minimal effort and maximum efficiency with the help of data modeling tools.

Data Modeling Tools FAQs

Is Excel a Data Model?

Yes. Data models in Excel are special kinds of tables that have connections between many tables by means of common columns or rows. Also, the data model combines multiple tables and data from other sheets or sources into a single table with access to all of the tables’ data.

How do we model data?

Several different types of data models exist. The first step is to canvass stakeholders and end users for information regarding business requirements. In order to create a workable database design, these business principles must be interpreted into data structures.

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