APPLICATION DEVELOPER: Job Description, Duties, Salary & How to Become One

Application Developer
Image Credit: Yahoo FInance
Table of Contents Hide
  1. Understanding Application Developers 
    1. Duties of an Application Developer
    2. Salary of an Application Developer 
  2. How to Become an Application Developer
    1. #1. Education
    2. #2. Gain Programming Skills
    3. #3. Gain Experience
    4. #4. Stay Updated
    5. #5. Specialize
    6. #6. Certification
    7. #7. Networking
    8. #8. Continuous Learning
  3. Rational Application Developer
    1. #1. Integrated Development Environment
    2. #2. Java EE Development
    3. #3. Web Development
    4. #4. Visual Design Tools
    5. #5. Testing and Debugging
    6. #6. Collaboration and Team Development
    7. #7. Deployment and Integration
  4. Mobile Application Developer        
    1. #1. Mobile Platform Expertise
    2. #2. Application Design and User Experience (UX)
    3. #3. Programming Languages
    4. #4. Mobile Development Frameworks
    5. #5. User Interface Design
    6. #6. Mobile App Architecture
    7. #7. API and Web Service Integration
    8. #8. Testing and Debugging
    9. #9. App Store Guidelines
    10. #10. Performance Optimization
    11. #11. Continuous Learning
  5. Web Application Developer
    1. #1. Front-End Development
    2. #2. Back-End Development
    3. #3. Web Frameworks and Libraries
    4. #4. Database Integration
    5. #5. APIs and Web Services
    6. #6. Testing and Debugging
    7. #7. Version Control and Collaboration
    8. #8. Security and Performance Optimization
    9. #9. Continuous Learning
  6. Application Developer Software
    1. #1. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
    2. #2. Code Editors
    3. #3. Version Control Systems (VCS)
    4. #4. Testing Frameworks
    5. #5. Bug Tracking and Issue Management
    6. #6. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools
    7. #7. Performance Profiling and Monitoring
  7. Application Developer Company
    1. #1. IBM
    2. #2. Microsoft
    3. #3. Google
    4. #4. Apple
    5. #5. Oracle
    6. #6. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    7. #7. Salesforce
    8. #8. SAP
    9. #9. Adobe
    10. #10. Accenture
  8. What Skills Do You Need to Be an Application Developer?
  9. Does the Application Developer Require Coding?
  10. Is an Application Developer the Same as a Software Developer?
  11. How Long Does It Take To Become an App Developer?
  12. Do App Developers Get Paid Well?
  13. How Do I Become an App Developer Without a Degree?
    1. #1. Set Clear Goals
    2. #2. Learn Programming Languages
    3. #3.Online Learning Resources
    4. #4. Practice and Build Projects
    5. #5. Join Online Communities
    6. #6. Collaborate and Contribute
    7. #7. Build a Portfolio
    8. #8. Networking and Job Hunting
  14. Are App Developers in High Demand?
  15. Related Articles
  16. References

A few days ago, I came across a Facebook post that says “I abandoned social media because I enrolled for a coding course, three weeks down the line, and I am back, this whole coding and programming stuff, is just not for me” As hilarious as that sounds, respect App developers because tech skills are not meant for the faint-hearted. An application developer is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications for various platforms such as desktop, mobile, software, or web. They work closely with clients, project managers, and other team members to understand the requirements and create functional as well as user-friendly applications. 

In fact, application developers play a crucial role in designing, building, and maintaining software applications that meet the needs of businesses and users in an increasingly digital world. Well, if you plan on becoming one or looking out for where to find them, then, this is for you.

Understanding Application Developers 

Application developers write code, debug, test, and also deploy applications, ensuring they meet the specified requirements and quality standards. They are proficient in programming languages and utilize frameworks, tools, and libraries to develop functional and user-friendly applications that meet client requirements.

Application developers may specialize in specific platforms or technologies, such as mobile application development (iOS, Android), web development (front-end, back-end), or specialized industries (healthcare, finance, gaming). They can work in various settings, including software development companies, IT departments of organizations, or as independent contractors.

Becoming an application developer usually requires a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. However, practical experience, a strong programming skill set, and a portfolio of projects can also be valuable for securing entry-level positions or freelance work.

Duties of an Application Developer

The following are some of the duties of a web or mobile application developer;

#1. Application Development

Application development is generally the primary duty of a developer. They develop software applications based on client requirements using programming languages, frameworks, as well as development tools. This involves writing code, creating user interfaces, integrating databases, and implementing the required functionality.

#2. Requirement Analysis

Collaborate with clients and stakeholders to gather and analyze their software requirements. Translate these requirements into technical specifications and design documents for application development.

#3. Testing and Debugging

Conduct thorough testing of applications to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and performance testing to ensure the application functions correctly and efficiently.

#4. Maintenance and Updates

Provide ongoing support, maintenance, and updates for existing applications. This involves troubleshooting issues, implementing enhancements, and addressing user feedback or feature requests.

#5. Collaboration

Work closely with cross-functional teams, including project managers, designers, and quality assurance personnel, to ensure smooth project execution and timely delivery of applications.

#6. Documentation

Create and maintain technical documentation, including design documents, user manuals, and release notes. This documentation helps in understanding the application’s functionality and assists in future maintenance or updates.

Salary of an Application Developer 

The salary of an application developer can vary based on factors such as location, experience, industry, and company size. According to data from Zippia, as of 2023, the average salary for an application developer in the United States ranges from $80,000 and $136,000 per year.

How to Become an Application Developer

If you’ve ever dreamt of becoming a web application, the following will be of great help to you;

#1. Education

Earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. A solid foundation in programming languages, algorithms, and software development principles is essential.

#2. Gain Programming Skills

Learn programming languages commonly used in application development, such as Java, C#, Python, or JavaScript. Familiarize yourself with frameworks and tools relevant to your desired platforms (e.g., Android or iOS development, web development frameworks).

#3. Gain Experience

Another step that anyone can take towards becoming an application developer is to acquire practical experience by working on programming projects, internships, or entry-level positions. Build a portfolio showcasing your projects and demonstrating your skills.

#4. Stay Updated

One of the keys to excelling in any field is by staying up to date. Therefore, stay abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in application development. Continuously learn new programming languages, frameworks, and tools to expand your skill set.

#5. Specialize

Expertise comes with specialization, therefore consider specializing in a specific platform or technology stack to enhance your expertise and marketability. This could involve focusing on mobile application development, web development, or a specific industry sector.

#6. Certification

Another great way to step up your game of becoming an application developer is by obtaining certification. Therefore, try as much as you can to obtain relevant certifications to validate your skills and increase your job prospects. Certifications from recognized organizations or platforms can enhance your credibility as an application developer.

#7. Networking

Build a professional network by attending industry events, joining developer communities, and connecting with professionals in the field. Generally, networking can provide valuable opportunities for job openings or collaborations.

#8. Continuous Learning

Application development is a rapidly evolving field, so embrace a mindset of continuous learning. Therefore, stay curious, explore new technologies, and invest time in personal projects to improve your skills and knowledge.

Rational Application Developer

Rational Application Developer (RAD) is an integrated development environment (IDE) provided by IBM. It is designed to facilitate the development of enterprise-level applications, including Java, Java EE (Enterprise Edition), and web applications.

Rational Application Developer is widely used in enterprise application development, particularly in organizations that rely on IBM technologies. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features that streamline the development process and improve productivity.

It’s worth noting that Rational Application Developer has been renamed to IBM Developer for z/OS, which focuses on mainframe application development. However, the capabilities and features of RAD remain relevant for Java and web development.

RAD offers a range of features and tools to support the entire software development lifecycle, from design and coding to testing and deployment. Some key features of Rational Application Developer include:

#1. Integrated Development Environment

RAD provides a comprehensive IDE with a user-friendly interface for developers to write, edit, as well as debug code. It supports various programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and XML.

#2. Java EE Development

RAD offers extensive support for Java EE development, allowing developers to create enterprise applications using technologies such as Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces (JSF), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), and Java Persistence API (JPA).

#3. Web Development

RAD includes tools for web development, enabling the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications. It provides features for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editing, as well as support for popular web frameworks like Angular and React.

#4. Visual Design Tools

RAD offers visual design tools that allow developers to create user interfaces and application layouts using drag-and-drop functionality. Generally, this accelerates the development process and simplifies UI design.

#5. Testing and Debugging

RAD provides integrated testing and debugging capabilities, allowing developers to test their applications and debug any issues directly within the IDE. It also supports various testing frameworks and provides tools for code analysis and profiling.

#6. Collaboration and Team Development

RAD includes features for team collaboration, enabling multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously. It offers source code management integration, issue tracking, and support for collaborative development methodologies such as Agile.

#7. Deployment and Integration

RAD facilitates the deployment of applications to various platforms and environments. It also supports integration with application servers, databases, and other enterprise systems, making it easier to deploy and integrate applications into existing infrastructures.

Mobile Application Developer        

Mobile application development is a dynamic and evolving field, offering opportunities for creativity, innovation, and solving real-world problems through mobile apps. A mobile application developer is a professional who specializes in creating software applications specifically for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. They are proficient in mobile app development frameworks, programming languages, and tools to design, build, and maintain mobile applications. Generally, mobile application developers can work in various settings, including software development companies, mobile app startups, or as freelancers. They also collaborate with designers, project managers, and other team members to create mobile applications that meet client requirements and provide a seamless user experience on mobile devices.

The following are the key aspects of being a mobile application developer:

#1. Mobile Platform Expertise

Mobile application developers typically focus on one or more mobile platforms, such as Android (using Java or Kotlin) or iOS (using Swift or Objective-C). They are knowledgeable about the specific development environment, frameworks, and guidelines associated with the platform they work on.

#2. Application Design and User Experience (UX)

Mobile app developers collaborate with designers as well as user experience professionals to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. 

#3. Programming Languages

Mobile app developers use programming languages such as Java or Kotlin for Android development and Swift or Objective-C for iOS development. They also write clean and efficient code to implement application logic and user interfaces.

#4. Mobile Development Frameworks

Mobile developers leverage frameworks and libraries specific to their chosen platform to streamline development and also enhance productivity. Examples include Android Studio and the Android SDK for Android development, and Xcode and the iOS SDK for iOS development.

#5. User Interface Design

Mobile app developers collaborate with designers and user experience professionals to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. They implement UI designs using platform-specific tools and consider factors such as screen sizes, resolutions, and touch-based interactions.

#6. Mobile App Architecture

Developers understand and implement appropriate architectural patterns for mobile applications, such as Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), or Clean Architecture. These architectural patterns help organize code, separate concerns, and enhance maintainability.

#7. API and Web Service Integration

Generally, mobile app developers integrate with web services and APIs to retrieve data from external sources, connect with backend systems, or leverage third-party functionalities. They work with technologies like REST or SOAP and handle data serialization formats such as JSON or XML.

#8. Testing and Debugging

Mobile app developers conduct testing activities to ensure the functionality, performance, as well as usability of mobile applications. They use testing frameworks and tools like JUnit or XCTest, and debugging tools provided by the development environment.

#9. App Store Guidelines

Mobile developers must be familiar with the guidelines and requirements of app stores, such as Google Play Store and Apple App Store. They also ensure that the applications they develop meet the respective store’s guidelines and submission requirements.

#10. Performance Optimization

Most often, mobile app developers optimize the performance of applications by improving loading times, minimizing memory usage, and optimizing code execution. They identify and address performance bottlenecks and memory leaks to enhance the user experience.

#11. Continuous Learning

Generally, mobile app development is a fast-paced field, and developers need to stay updated with the latest technologies and best practices. They also engage in continuous learning, attend conferences, join developer communities, and explore new tools and frameworks.

Web Application Developer

A web application developer is a professional who specializes in designing, building, and maintaining web-based software applications. They are proficient in web development technologies, programming languages, and frameworks to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

The following are the key aspects of being a web application developer:

#1. Front-End Development

Web developers focus on client-side development, which involves creating the user interface and client-side logic of web applications. Generally, they use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build responsive and interactive web pages that are visually appealing and user-friendly.

#2. Back-End Development

Web developers also work on server-side development, which involves implementing the logic and functionality that powers the web application. They use server-side programming languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, or JavaScript (Node.js) to handle data processing, server communication, and database integration.

#3. Web Frameworks and Libraries

Web developers utilize frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, or Express.js to accelerate the development process, improve efficiency, and enhance code maintainability.

#4. Database Integration

Web applications often require data storage as well as data retrieval. Web developers work with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Oracle to manage data and also integrate it seamlessly into their applications.

#5. APIs and Web Services

Web developers integrate external APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and web services into their applications to access third-party functionality, retrieve data from external sources, or provide services to other applications.

#6. Testing and Debugging

Web developers conduct testing and debugging activities to ensure the functionality, performance, and security of their web applications. Generally, they use testing frameworks and tools to identify and fix any issues, ensuring that the application works as intended.

#7. Version Control and Collaboration

Web developers utilize version control systems such as Git and collaborate with other developers using platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket. This allows for efficient collaboration, code sharing, as well as tracking of changes made to the application’s codebase.

#8. Security and Performance Optimization

Web developers prioritize security measures and implement best practices to protect web applications from common vulnerabilities. They also optimize the performance of web applications by improving page load times, minimizing network requests, and optimizing code.

#9. Continuous Learning

Web development is a rapidly evolving field, and web developers need to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. They engage in continuous learning, attend conferences, join developer communities, and explore new tools and frameworks to enhance their skills.

Application Developer Software

Application developer software refers to the tools and software applications used by developers to design, build, test, and deploy software applications. These software tools provide an integrated development environment (IDE) or a suite of tools that assist developers throughout the application development lifecycle. The specific tools used may vary depending on the programming language, development platform, and project requirements. Developers often choose tools based on their preferences, project needs, and the ecosystem of the technology they are working with.

The following are some common types of application developer software:

#1. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

IDEs are comprehensive software applications that provide an all-in-one environment for application development. They typically include code editors, debugging tools, build and deployment features, and project management capabilities. Examples of popular IDEs include Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Xcode.

#2. Code Editors

Code editors are lightweight software tools specifically designed for writing and editing code. They often provide syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging capabilities. Some widely used code editors are Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and Notepad++.

#3. Version Control Systems (VCS)

Version control systems are essential for managing source code, tracking changes, and collaborating with other developers. Git, Mercurial, and SVN (Subversion) are common VCS tools that enable developers to work on code repositories, manage branches, and merge changes.

#4. Testing Frameworks

Testing frameworks are software tools that help developers write and execute automated tests to ensure the quality and reliability of their applications. Examples include JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and Jest for JavaScript.

#5. Bug Tracking and Issue Management

Bug tracking and issue management tools assist developers in tracking and managing software bugs, issues, and feature requests. These tools allow for efficient collaboration, assigning tasks, and tracking the progress of bug fixes. Popular examples include JIRA, Bugzilla, and Trello.

#6. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools

CI/CD tools automate the build, test, and deployment processes of applications. They enable developers to integrate code changes, run tests automatically, and deploy applications to various environments efficiently. Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI are widely used CI/CD tools.

#7. Performance Profiling and Monitoring

Performance profiling and monitoring tools help developers analyze and optimize the performance of their applications. They provide insights into resource usage, bottlenecks, and performance issues. Examples include Apache JMeter, New Relic, and Dynatrace.

Application Developer Company

Numerous companies specialize in application development or offer application development services. The following are some well-known companies in the industry:

#1. IBM

IBM provides a wide range of software development services and tools, including application development, cloud-based solutions, and enterprise application integration.

#2. Microsoft

Microsoft offers various platforms and tools for application development, such as Visual Studio, .NET framework, and Azure cloud services.

#3. Google

Google provides tools and platforms for application development, including the Android operating system, Android Studio, and Firebase for mobile app development.

#4. Apple

Apple is known for its development ecosystem, offering Xcode IDE, Swift programming language, and frameworks for iOS and macOS app development.

#5. Oracle

Oracle provides a range of tools and technologies for enterprise application development, including Java, Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF), and Oracle Cloud services.

#6. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS offers cloud-based infrastructure and services that support application development, including AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and Amazon EC2.

#7. Salesforce

Salesforce is a leading provider of customer relationship management (CRM) software and offers a platform (Salesforce Platform) for building custom business applications.

#8. SAP

SAP specializes in enterprise software solutions and offers development tools and platforms like SAP HANA, SAP Cloud Platform, and SAP Fiori for application development.

#9. Adobe

Adobe provides various tools and platforms for web and mobile application development, including Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe XD, and PhoneGap.

#10. Accenture

Accenture is a global professional services company that offers application development services and helps businesses with digital transformation initiatives.

What Skills Do You Need to Be an Application Developer?

To be an application developer, you need a combination of technical and non-technical skills. The following are some essential skills for application development:

  • Programming Languages
  • Software Development Lifecycle
  • Mobile or Web Development
  • Database Management
  • Problem Solving and Logic
  • Debugging and Testing
  • Version Control
  • API Integration
  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
  • Continuous Learning

Does the Application Developer Require Coding?

Yes, application development typically involves coding. As an application developer, your primary responsibility is to write, modify, and maintain the code that powers applications. Coding is essential for translating the desired functionality and design of an application into a language that the computer can understand and execute.

Different programming languages, frameworks, and tools are used depending on the specific platform or technology stack being utilized for application development. Whether you’re developing mobile apps, web applications, or desktop software, coding is a fundamental aspect of the development process.

Is an Application Developer the Same as a Software Developer?

Not entirely. The terms “application developer” and “software developer” are often used interchangeably, and in many cases, they refer to the same role. Both roles involve designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. However, the terminology can vary depending on the context and the specific organization.

In some cases, “software developer” is a broader term that encompasses developers working on various types of software, including applications, systems software, and infrastructure software. It can include roles involved in developing operating systems, databases, compilers, and other foundational software components.

On the other hand, “application developer” may refer to developers who specialize in creating applications for specific platforms or domains. This could include mobile application developers, web application developers, or developers focused on building software for a particular industry or niche.

How Long Does It Take To Become an App Developer?

The time it takes to become an app developer can vary depending on several factors, including your prior experience, the amount of time you can dedicate to learning, the complexity of the applications you want to develop, and the specific technologies you aim to specialize in. 

Do App Developers Get Paid Well?

Yes, app developers generally have the potential to earn competitive salaries. The exact salary can vary based on factors such as experience, location, industry, company size, and the developer’s skillset.

How Do I Become an App Developer Without a Degree?

While a degree can be beneficial, it is not always a requirement to become an app developer. Many successful app developers have gained the necessary skills and knowledge through self-study, online resources, and practical experience. The key to success as an app developer without a degree lies in self-motivation, continuous learning, practical experience, and a strong portfolio that demonstrates your skills. Keep honing your skills, staying up-to-date with industry trends, and seeking opportunities to showcase your abilities. The following are steps you can take to become an app developer without a degree:

#1. Set Clear Goals

Define your specific goals and the type of app development you want to pursue. Determine whether you want to focus on mobile app development (iOS or Android), web development, or another specialization.

#2. Learn Programming Languages

Start by learning the programming languages relevant to your chosen path. Popular languages for app development include Python, Java, Swift, JavaScript, and others. Online platforms, tutorials, and documentation can help you learn the basics of these languages.

#3.Online Learning Resources

Take advantage of the vast array of online learning resources available. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, Codecademy, and free resources like YouTube tutorials and documentation from language/framework creators can provide structured learning paths and tutorials for app development.

#4. Practice and Build Projects

Hands-on practice is crucial to develop your skills. Start building small-scale projects to apply what you’ve learned. This practical experience will help you solidify your understanding and showcase your abilities to potential employers or clients.

#5. Join Online Communities

Engage with online communities and forums dedicated to app development. Participate in discussions, seek feedback on your projects, and learn from experienced developers. This will expose you to different perspectives and keep you updated on industry trends.

#6. Collaborate and Contribute

Contribute to open-source projects or collaborate on projects with other developers. Working with others can provide valuable insights, foster learning, and enhance your portfolio.

#7. Build a Portfolio

As you gain experience and complete projects, create a portfolio to showcase your work. Include descriptions of the apps you’ve built, technologies used, and any notable achievements or challenges overcome. Your portfolio will serve as a tangible demonstration of your skills and abilities.

#8. Networking and Job Hunting

Attend developer meetups, conferences, and networking events to connect with industry professionals. Online platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub can help you build a professional network. Additionally, consider freelance opportunities, internships, or entry-level positions to gain practical experience and establish your reputation.

Are App Developers in High Demand?

Yes, app developers are in high demand. The increasing reliance on mobile applications and the rapid growth of the app economy has created a strong demand for skilled app developers due to the following;

  • Mobile App Market Growth
  • Multiple Platforms and Technologies
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Digital Transformation
  • Startup Culture and Entrepreneurship
  • Remote and Freelance Opportunities


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