PIVOTAL CLOUD FOUNDRY: Definition, Features & Certification

Pivotal cloud foundry
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With cloud platforms, anybody can quickly and easily develop network apps or services and make them available to users all over the globe. Cloud computing makes it easy to scale out a program as its user base grows, eliminating the need for time-consuming build-out and migration processes in favor of the simple press of a few buttons. With a cloud platform, you can forget about the hardware and software supporting your apps and data. Furthermore, this article will discuss Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs AWS, Pivotal Cloud Foundry Architecture and certification.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry 

Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) is an application platform designed for cloud-native environments, enabling the seamless deployment of applications across various private and public cloud infrastructures through a unified platform. The effectiveness of PCF in expediting feature delivery and enhancing developer productivity, as well as its ability to maintain a 200:1 developer-to-operators ratio, has been empirically demonstrated. The security and self-healing features integrated into PCF mitigate risks in your application portfolio, ensuring consistent availability on a large scale. This enables customer-facing systems to remain operational even in demanding situations.

What Is Pivotal Cloud Foundry 

Cloud Foundry provides comprehensive support for the complete development lifecycle of a container-based architecture. Development teams rely on PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) as a means of delivering applications or services, benefiting from its capability to seamlessly transition between different cloud services. Moreover, developers may effortlessly transfer workloads across various cloud platforms without necessitating any modifications to the application or code.

A wide range of programming languages and frameworks are further accommodated, encompassing PHP, Python, Java, Ruby, and several others. Similar to Linux, Cloud Foundry is accessible as open-source software or can be obtained through commercial providers’ services.

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry Architecture

Pivotal Cloud Foundry architecture is a customized framework that may support a small number or a large number of apps, depending on the deployment and the environment in which they operate during runtime. This platform is compatible with the Pivotal Application Service and the Pivotal Container Service for enterprise-level applications.

The main parts of the Pivotal Cloud Foundry Architecture:




Cloud Controller.


Ops Manager..

UAA server, or User Account Authentication server.

#1. BOSH

This is a deployment manager that can automatically deploy and provision widely used cloud-based software using the BOSH Cloud Foundry. Although BOSH was developed with Cloud Foundry in mind, it may be used in other environments as well, such as when sending a Kubernetes cluster or ZooKeeper.

#2. Loggregator

This is a framework that, like instrumented apps running on a platform-as-a-service deployment, streams and aggregates metrics and logs from different parts of the infrastructure.

#3. Diego

This is a container orchestration framework for Pivotal Platform configurations that has replaced the Droplet Execution Agent (DEA). Diego is in charge of managing and creating containers for running and staging apps. Diego is comprised of its brain, its cells, and its database virtual machine.

#4. Cloud Controller

Developers and operators can access Platform-as-a-Service and the apps inside a certain domain via the Cloud Controller, which provides Application Programming Interface endpoints.

#5. Gorouter

The switch that the Pivotal Application Service uses is the Gorouter. It processes and directs queries. Developers or operators issuing commands are the source of these requests.

#6. Ops Manager

Pivotal Platform’s Ops Manager provides a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for automating routine tasks and guiding the company in the right direction by wrapping the BOSH API.

#7. UAA

Pivotal Cloud Foundry’s User Account and Authentication component manages user accounts and authentication.

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs AWS 

It’s not uncommon for us data scientists and software developers to become lost in the complex maze of cloud-based services. Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are two of the most popular options. These two behemoths have revolutionized the cloud computing industry. In this post, we’ll compare and contrast Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs AWS to help you pick the right one for your needs.

Define Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and AWS, Amazon Web Services

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a multi-cloud, open-source application PaaS that VMware Tanzu is in charge of. Continuously delivering any program to any major private and public cloud using a single platform is now possible with PCF’s cloud-native application platform.

When it comes to cloud-based computing, no one does it better than Amazon and its Amazon Web Services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides more than 175 comprehensive services for everything from computing to data storage to database administration to analytics to machine learning to artificial intelligence to the Internet of Things to mobile computing to security to media creation and application deployment and management.

The Core Differences: Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs AWS 

#1. Service Model

As a PaaS, PCF aims to simplify the process of creating, managing, and releasing software applications. PCF takes care of runtime, middleware, operating systems, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking so you don’t have to.

However, Amazon Web Services (AWS) excels in providing IaaS infrastructure. Servers, data storage, and network load balancing are all provided as the bare necessities for cloud computing. The major function of AWS’s PaaS-like services, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, is to provide low-level infrastructure.

#2. Multi-Cloud vs. Single-Cloud

PCF really excels in its ability to deliver a uniform programming and management environment across many cloud services. It’s an excellent option for those who value versatility and freedom from being tied to a specific provider.

When it comes to cloud services, AWS is your one-stop shop. It provides a wide variety of services, though they are all native to the AWS environment. This might entail major architectural adjustments if you decide to switch cloud providers.

#3. Developer Experience

PCF’s primary goal is to reduce complexity for programmers. PCF allows developers to focus on creating code rather than maintaining infrastructure with features like build packs for language runtime support and marketplace services for expanding apps.

Some use cases may benefit from AWS’s increased level of infrastructure control. On the negative side, this increases the amount of time developers must spend setting up and maintaining their environments.

#4. Cost and Pricing

PCF has a subscription price model that renews annually, making it easy to plan your finances. With AWS, you only pay for the resources you really utilize. This methodology allows for some scalability, but improper oversight might result in unforeseen expenditures.

In conclusion, whether you go with Pivotal Cloud Foundry vs AWS depends on your unique requirements and circumstances. PCF provides a solid foundation for programmers who would rather not waste time managing their servers. It’s also an excellent option for businesses in need of multi-cloud functionality.

If you’d want more say over your infrastructure, though, AWS has you covered with a full suite of low-level services.  Keep in mind that there is no standard approach to cloud computing. Finding the appropriate resource is essential. Using this manual, you should be able to make a more educated choice.

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry Certification

Of course, there was a platform ecosystem in mind prior to setting out to build the Cloud Foundry Foundation, and they recruited others to help the team do so. They wanted to spare customers the trouble of dealing with incompatibilities across different vendors’ distributions. The initial aim of interoperability between different ecosystems is about to be realized with the release of the Cloud Foundry Certification Program.

Every business in the world has a requirement for interoperability. Middleware innovation in the shape of Cloud Foundry is dramatically altering software lifecycles to accommodate the growing importance of digital in business strategy. Companies are spending billions in these two related sectors, and the new Cloud Foundry Certification Program will safeguard those investments by guaranteeing Cloud Foundry’s portability and compatibility with systems from all manufacturers. Without such a program, businesses are forced to commit to a single provider for their platform investments.

Companies like Pivotal, CenturyLink, HPE, Huawei, IBM, SAP, and Swisscom are the pioneers in getting their products certified, and our Pivotal Cloud Foundry Field CTO, Joshua McKenty, puts it succinctly: “When you sit down with a CIO, they will say, ‘look, we are making a 20-year commitment to Cloud Foundry as a platform for our organization.'” Taking a long-term view with an investment is eye-opening yet rational. Many chief information officers (CIOs) feel that their company’s future is dependent on software and data, that more apps need to be delivered at a quicker rate, and that the platforms and toolkits of the last two decades are inadequate. Early adopters of cloud computing were IT departments, which swiftly adopted public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Why We Need Cloud Foundry Certification and Why It’s Important

Ecosystems can’t function properly if standards aren’t in place. As an illustration, “write once, run anywhere” has become impossible due to software manufacturers splitting and modifying operating systems and application servers. Unfortunately, it is not possible to port or integrate apps from one platform to another without significant effort or expense. The consumer was trapped, technical debt was approaching, and options were no longer available.

This solution to this issue informed the development of a key early vision for Cloud Foundry, which has since taken form as part of the Cloud Foundry Foundation’s ecosystem and governance structure. They need an industry-wide, open-source standard that enables clients to easily and freely switch between different cloud providers or other vendors of infrastructure services. Customers reaffirmed their firm position against this sort of standard, explaining that they dreaded having to pick between several proprietary, pseudo-open solutions, or rival standards because they had already gone down this road before. As a result, we extended an invitation to our customers, partners, and even competitors to join us in this endeavor, with the understanding that we would all work toward a shared, open codebase and set of APIs while maintaining our own identities.

 The Cloud Foundry Certification Program has made it possible for the Cloud Foundry community to offer a shared assurance of portability, interoperability, and adaptability. Developers and DevOps teams may administer the platform from any location while still providing users with a uniform experience. Customers can breathe a figurative sigh of relief if their providers are adhering to open standards that safeguard interoperability and portability, but they still need to keep the pressure on.

How Certification Works—The Key Steps And High-Level Considerations

Like many other industry certification programs, the technical compliance assessment is based on the actual Cloud Foundry software that the Foundation has provided rather than just API compatibility. While companies can create unique features, they are restricted to using only authorized plugins at predetermined locations inside the Cloud Foundry platform design.

For Pivotal, it is gratifying to see their idea come to reality. Together, though, they have accomplished something truly remarkable for the environment as a whole. By guaranteeing portability and interoperability across clouds and vendors, Cloud Foundry customers and developers can, maybe for the first time, escape vendor lock-in and preserve their Cloud Foundry investments. 

What Is Pivotal Cloud Foundry Used For?

The primary objective of PCF is to provide the foundational framework and surroundings required by businesses to enable the uninterrupted dissemination of software updates, oversee the life cycle of applications, and optimize the processes of developing, deploying, and expanding web-based applications.

What Is the Difference Between PCF and AWS?

While the platform manages the underlying infrastructure, the PCF platform enables developers to concentrate on application development. On the other hand, AWS is classified as an infrastructure-as-a-service solution, wherein it offers fundamental computing resources such as virtual machines, storage, and databases.

How Is PCF Different From Kubernetes?  

All of this means that in PCF, your build artifact is your native release artifact, while in Kubernetes, your build artifact is a Docker file. In contrast to PCF, where a build pack instantly provides you with this template, Kubernetes requires you to describe the template for this Docker image yourself in a Dockerfile.

What Is PCF in Simple Terms?

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a multi-cloud, open-source service that lets development teams run apps on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and other on-demand cloud computing platforms (IaaS or PaaS).

What Is PCF in Microservices?

Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) offers a robust cloud-native platform for the deployment of Spring Boot applications. Spring Boot is widely regarded as the leading Java framework for the development of REST APIs and microservices. This course involves the deployment of diverse Spring Boot applications to the cloud. The topic of discussion is representational state transfer (REST) programming interfaces (APIs). 


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