APPLE FACE ID NOT WORKING: Here’s Why & How to Fix It

Photo Credit: @chajamp on Freepik

The issue of Apple Face ID not working has been a rising problem for many. Facial recognition technology has been a key element on Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad, and it is essential that it work properly. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Apple Face ID is not working and how you can fix it, as well as how to fix Apple Face ID not working. We’ll also discuss helpful tips and tricks to get your Apple Face ID up and running again. Read on to learn more!

Apple Face ID Explained

Apple Face ID is a facial recognition technology developed by Apple Inc. It is primarily used as a biometric authentication method for unlocking and securing Apple devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs. As well as for authorizing digital payments and app downloads. However, in some instances, Face ID may stop working.

Face ID was first introduced with the iPhone X in 2017 and has since been incorporated into subsequent iPhone models and some iPad models. Moreover, it represents Apple’s commitment to enhancing both security and the user experience through innovative biometric authentication methods.

Key features and aspects of Apple Face ID include:

#1. Facial Recognition:

Face ID uses advanced facial recognition algorithms to create a detailed 3D map of a user’s face. This map was created by projecting and analyzing thousands of invisible infrared dots on the user’s face.

#2. Security:

Face ID is designed with security in mind. It is considered highly secure because it relies on a combination of hardware and software technologies to authenticate a user’s identity. Additionally, it has a low false-positive rate, making it challenging for unauthorized users to gain access to the device.

#3. Liveness Detection:

Face ID includes a liveness detection feature, which ensures that the face being presented for authentication is from a living person rather than a photograph or a replica. Also, it uses depth-sensing technology to distinguish between a real face and an image.

#4. Privacy:

Apple emphasizes user privacy in its Face ID implementation. The facial data used for authentication is securely stored on the device and is not sent to Apple’s servers or shared with third parties. Additionally, Face ID operates locally on the device, reducing the risk of data breaches.

#5. Adaptive Learning:

Face ID continually adapts to changes in the user’s appearance, such as wearing glasses, growing a beard, or changing hairstyles. As a matter of fact, this adaptive learning ensures that the system remains effective over time.

#6. Ease of Use:

One of the primary advantages of Face ID is its convenience. In the first place, users can unlock their devices, authorize payments, and access secure apps simply by looking at the device, without the need for fingerprint scanning or entering passcodes.

#7. Application Integration:

Beyond device unlocking, Face ID is integrated with various applications and services, enabling secure authentication for tasks like mobile payments (Apple Pay) and app logins.

#8. Accessibility:

Face ID includes accessibility features, such as attention-aware features, which require the user to be looking at the device for it to unlock. This helps users with certain disabilities use the technology effectively.

Why Apple Face ID Not Working

Apple Face ID may not work for several reasons, and troubleshooting the issue depends on the specific circumstances and symptoms. Here are some common reasons why Face ID might not be working and steps to address them:

#1. Dirty or Obstructed Sensors:

Face ID relies on the front-facing TrueDepth camera system, which includes sensors and lenses. If these components are dirty or obstructed by dust, fingerprints, or other debris, Face ID may fail to recognize your face. Also, clean the camera and sensors gently with a microfiber cloth to remove any obstructions.

#2. Wearing a Mask:

Face ID may not work correctly when you’re wearing a mask that covers a significant portion of your face, especially if you have “Require Attention for Face ID” enabled. Otherwise, you can temporarily disable this feature in the settings to improve recognition when wearing a mask.

#3. Poor Lighting Conditions:

Face ID works best in well-lit environments. If you’re in a very dark or extremely bright environment, the system may struggle to recognize your face. Adjust the lighting conditions to improve recognition.

#4. Face Changes:

If your appearance has significantly changed since you initially set up Face ID (e.g., growing a beard, wearing glasses when you didn’t before), the system may have difficulty recognizing you. Nevertheless, in this case, you can update your Face ID settings to accommodate these changes.

#5. Face ID Disabled:

Check if Face ID is disabled in your device settings. Go to “Settings” > “Face ID & Passcode” and ensure that Face ID is turned on for the functions you want to use it with, such as unlocking your device or authorizing payments.

#6. Failed Enrollments:

If Face ID consistently fails to recognize your face despite multiple attempts, you may need to re-enroll your face. Go to “Settings” > “Face ID & Passcode” and select “Set Up Face ID” to reconfigure it.

#7. Software Updates:

Ensure that your device’s operating system (iOS or iPadOS) is up to date. Apple often releases software updates that include improvements to Face ID performance.

#8. Hardware Issues:

If none of the above steps resolves the issue, there could be a hardware problem with the TrueDepth camera system. In this case, contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store for further assistance and potential repairs.

#9. Third-Party Screen Repairs:

Face ID may not function correctly if your device has had an unauthorized third-party screen replacement. Even though, Apple recommends using genuine Apple parts and authorized service providers for repairs.

How To Fix Face ID not working

How to Fix Apple Face ID Not Working starts with troubleshooting your iPhone or iPad. Follow these steps to fix an Apple Face ID that won’t work:

Check Face ID Settings:

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your device.
  2. Sсrоll down and tap on “Fасе ID &Pаѕѕсоdе.”
  3. Enter your device passcode when prompted.
  4. Ensure that Face ID is enabled for the features you want to use, such as device unlocking, iTunes & App Store, Apple Pay, and more. Toggle these options on if they are off.

Clear Camera Obstructions:

  • Ensure that there are no obstructions on the TrueDepth camera system on the front of your device. Also, clean the camera and sensors gently with a microfiber cloth to remove any dirt, smudges, or debris.

Proper Face Recognition:

  • Face ID works best when it can see your full face, including your eyes, nose, and mouth. Also, make sure nothing is obstructing your face, such as hats, scarves, or sunglasses (polarized sunglasses may not work).
  • If you’ve made significant changes to your appearance, update your Face ID by going to “Settings” > “Face ID & Passcode” > “Set Up an Alternate Appearance.”

Using Face ID with a Mask (iOS 15.4 or later):

  • If you have an iPhone 12 or newer running iOS 15.4 or later, you can set up Face ID to work with a mask.
  • Gоtо “Sеttіngѕ” > “Face ID & Passcode” аndеnаblе “Fасе ID wіth a Mаѕk.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up Face ID with a mask.

Check Hardware Status:

  • To ensure there are no hardware issues, go to “Settings” > “General” > “About” > “Parts and service history.”
  • Verify the status of the TrueDepth camera. It should indicate “genuine Apple parts.” If there’s an issue, consider updating your device’s software to the latest version.

Hold the Device Correctly:

  • Hold your device within arm’s length (10–20 inches) and ensure you are facing the camera.
  • You can use Face ID in portrait and landscape orientations on compatible devices.

Restart and Reset Face ID:

  • If you suspect a software issue, try restarting your iPhone or iPad.
  • If the problem persists, you can reset your Face ID by going to “Settings” > “Face ID & Passcode” and tapping “Reset Face ID.”
  • After resetting, set up Face ID again by selecting “Set up Face ID” and following the on-screen instructions.

If none of these steps resolve the Face ID issue, it’s advisable to contact Apple Support for further assistance or visit an Apple Store for potential hardware diagnostics and repairs.

Why is mу Fасе ID nоt working after the іOS 16 update?

It is possible that the update for the newer iOS version may have caused some compatibility issues with your Face ID. To fix the issue, restart your device and then re-enable Face ID settings. Also, make sure that the device is running the latest version of the operating system. Besides, you may want to try resetting the Face ID settings and re-registering your face, if that hasn’t been done. Additionally, you could try resetting the network settings or resetting all settings on the device. If none of these steps work, Apple Support may be able to help you further.

What can damage the iPhone Face ID?

The most common causes of damage to Face ID are moisture, dirt, or dust on the phone, incorrect settings, damaged hardware, and insufficient power. As a matter of fact, malicious software can also interfere with Face ID. To prevent damage to your iPhone Face ID, make sure that it and the surrounding environment are dry and free of dust. Also, be sure to keep your software and settings up to date, and be sure your phone has enough power.

Can iPhone Face ID be repaired?

No, once Face ID has been used or set up on an iPhone, it cannot be repaired.

Does iOS 16 improve Face ID?

No, iOS 16 does not improve Face ID. iOS 16 focuses primarily on overall performance and security improvements, such as support for AirPods Pro, new reminder features, home screen widgets, improved Siri performance, and more.

How do I reset my TrueDepth camera on my iPhone?

1. Go to Sеttіngѕ>Gеnеrаl> Reset.

2. Tap Reset All Settings.

3. Enter your passcode, if prompted.

4. Confirm that you want to erase all settings.

5. Once complete, reboot your iPhone, and the TrueDepth camera should be reset.

How do I activate Face ID on iOS 16?

Face ID is not available on iOS 16, as this is a feature available starting with iOS 11. If you have iOS 11 or later, you can set up Face ID using the Settings app. To do this, open the Settings app, select Face ID and Passcode, and follow the instructions to set up Face ID.

Can water damage cause Face ID to not work?

Yеѕ, wаtеr damage саn cause Fасе ID to nоtwоrk. Damage to the processor, camera, or other components can interfere with Face ID’s ability to recognize faces and/or authenticate users. Moreover, water damage can cause corrosion and cause electrical components to short-circuit, which can impact Face ID’s functionality.

Does Face ID update over time?

Yes, Face ID will update over time as it recognizes your facial features more accurately and quickly. Each time you use Face ID and enter your passcode, Face ID will update and adapt to your facial features. This process helps keep your Face ID secure and up-to-date.


Troubleshooting Apple Face ID can be a bit tricky if you’re not sure what to do. Fortunately, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily fix your Apple Face ID not working properly. In other words, be sure to create alternate options you can use in case of an emergency, experiment with different focus distances, and update your devices’ software when possible. With these simple steps, you can quickly restore Face ID functionality to your Apple device.

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