Applitools Competitors
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When seeking the ideal visual testing and monitoring solution for your web and mobile applications, considering Applitools and its best competitors is a prudent strategy. Applitools has established itself as a leading player in this field, but exploring its competitors can help you make a more informed decision tailored to your specific requirements. In this guide, we will introduce you to some of the top Applitools competitors in the market, offering insights into their strengths and capabilities, ultimately assisting you in selecting the right tool to enhance the quality and reliability of your software applications.


Applitools stands as a trailblazer in the realm of visual testing and monitoring solutions for web and mobile applications. Their innovative technology empowers development and quality assurance teams to detect and address visual defects and changes with unprecedented precision. This capability is a game-changer, as it ensures that the visual elements of an application, such as layout, fonts, and graphics, remain consistent across various browsers, devices, and screen sizes. In an increasingly competitive digital landscape, where user experience is paramount, Applitools provides a critical tool for maintaining high-quality visual experiences for end-users.

What sets Applitools apart is not only its advanced visual testing capabilities but also its user-friendly interface and robust integration options. Their platform seamlessly integrates with popular testing frameworks and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, making it accessible to both manual and automated testing workflows. This versatility allows development teams to incorporate visual testing into their existing processes, helping them catch visual regressions early in the development cycle and ultimately deliver flawless user interfaces. In summary, Applitools is not just a competitor in the visual testing space; it’s a catalyst for elevating the visual quality of web and mobile applications across industries.

 Applitools Competitors

In the realm of visual testing and monitoring solutions for web and mobile apps, Applitools faces robust competitors, which include:

  • Sauce Labs: Sauce Labs provides comprehensive testing solutions, including visual testing, real-device testing, and strong integration options.
  • BrowserStack: BrowserStack excels in cross-browser testing, supporting a wide range of devices and browsers for comprehensive testing scenarios.
  • Testim: Testim focuses on AI-powered test automation and visual testing, simplifying testing processes through automation and visual validations.
  • Percy: Percy emphasizes visual testing and review, capturing screenshots and highlighting visual changes between application versions.
  • Mabl: Mabl’s AI-driven automation and visual testing capabilities enable automatic script creation and visual defect detection.
  • Ghost Inspector: Ghost Inspector offers browser automation and monitoring, allowing you to record and replay interactions with your web app.
  • Functionize: Functionize leverages AI to detect visual defects, enhancing web application testing with regression identification and correction.
  • Eyes by Applitools (formerly Applitools Eyes): Eyes is Applitools’ own product, specializing in visual testing and monitoring with advanced capabilities.
  • BackstopJS: BackstopJS provides visual regression testing for web applications, offering a simple and powerful way to catch visual discrepancies.
  • is a popular end-to-end testing framework that includes visual testing capabilities, helping teams ensure a visually consistent user experience.
  • TestProject: TestProject is a collaborative and free platform for automating tests of web and mobile applications, making it easier for developers and testers to warrant software quality.

These competitors, each with their own unique strengths and offerings, cater to various testing needs in the dynamic software testing landscape.  

What Is the Difference Between Percy and Applitools? 

Percy and Applitools are both prominent players in the field of visual testing, but they differ in several key aspects. Firstly, Percy specializes in continuous visual testing and review. It captures screenshots of web applications and systematically highlights visual changes between different versions. Applitools, with its advanced visual testing technology, offers a broader range of visual testing capabilities. This includes layout and content validation. Applitools can detect subtle visual defects and differences, such as font changes or misaligned elements, that might go unnoticed by traditional screenshot-based tools like Percy.

Secondly, their integration approaches differ significantly. Percy is often favored for its simplicity and ease of integration into existing workflows, particularly with popular CI/CD tools. It’s a developer-friendly choice, allowing teams to get started quickly. Furthermore, Applitools provides a comprehensive platform with advanced features that cater to both manual and automated testing processes. Its robust integration options are suitable for large-scale development teams and enterprises looking to maintain visual quality across complex applications. In summary, while both Percy and Applitools serve the visual testing niche, the choice between them depends on the specific needs and complexity of your testing requirements.

What Is the Market Share of Applitools? 

Applitools held a market share of approximately 5.11% within the competitive landscape of the application testing market. In this dynamic sector, Applitools faced competition from a total of 38 different tools. This reflects the diversity and intensity of the market. These competitors offered a range of solutions designed to meet the diverse testing needs of organizations across various industries.

Among the top alternatives to Applitools in the application testing category, BrowserStack emerged as a formidable contender with a substantial market share of approximately 37.73%. BrowserStack’s popularity stemmed from its robust cross-browser testing capabilities, which allowed users to test their applications across a wide array of browsers and devices, ensuring compatibility and a consistent user experience.

AWS X-Ray, another notable competitor, secured around 10.15% of the market share. AWS X-Ray’s strength lies in its ability to provide comprehensive insights into the performance and behavior of applications. However, it helps developers identify bottlenecks and optimize application performance effectively. Additionally, AWS Device Farm, with a market share of approximately 5.14%, stood out for its device testing capabilities. However, it enables users to test their applications on a variety of real devices to ensure flawless functionality across different platforms. These competitive alternatives highlighted the diverse range of solutions available to organizations seeking to enhance their application testing processes.

Is Applitools Open Source? 

The software, Applitools, is not open-source. Applitools Inc. created it as a proprietary visual testing and monitoring tool. Software development and quality assurance teams can access advanced visual testing capabilities through the commercial, subscription-based service offered by Applitools. It is a proprietary product that requires licensing. Consumers who subscribe to its plans often have access to its features and services.

Due to Applitools’ proprietary nature, the source code cannot be seen, altered, or distributed by the general public. Applitools users can access the platform either by integrating it into their software testing workflows or by visiting the company’s website. Despite not being open source, Applitools provides a variety of features and services that are tailored to the unique requirements of enterprises.

What Is the Revenue of Applitools? 

Applitools has an estimated annual revenue of $23.3 million, showcasing its financial stability and consistent income generation. This figure underscores its position as a key player in the software testing and quality assurance sectors. However, financial stability alone does not necessarily guarantee growth, which is often fueled by external investments.

In April 2018, Applitools secured a substantial $31.0 million in venture funding. This infusion of capital was instrumental in supporting the company’s expansion efforts. This includes product development, marketing initiatives, and the scaling of its customer base. Such funding injections are critical for companies aiming to accelerate their growth and maintain a competitive edge in dynamic markets. Furthermore, Applitools’ impressive estimated revenue per employee of $157,618 highlights its operational efficiency. It also showcases its ability to maximize revenue generation while maintaining a productive workforce. This efficiency contributes to its financial strength and positions the company for further growth in the software testing landscape.

What Are Applitools Used For? 

Applitools is primarily used for visual testing and monitoring of web and mobile applications. It detects and highlights visual discrepancies and defects. It also ensures the consistent appearance and functionality of applications across various platforms, devices, and browsers. By automating visual testing, Applitools enhances the quality assurance process. However, helping teams catch visual regressions early, and improves the overall user experience. Its robust integration capabilities allow seamless adoption into existing software development and testing workflows. Also, it is a versatile tool for maintaining visual quality in the dynamic world of application development.

Who Acquired Applitools? 

In March 2021, American investment company Thoma Bravo paid $250 million to acquire Applitools.  Please be aware, though, that the business landscape is subject to quick changes.

Is Applitools a SAAS?

Yes, Applitools operates as a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, offering its visual testing and monitoring solutions through a subscription-based model. Customers access Applitools’ services via the cloud, eliminating the need for on-premises installations and allowing for easy scalability and accessibility. This SaaS approach simplifies deployment and maintenance while providing a flexible and cost-effective solution. This is for software development and quality assurance teams seeking to improve their visual testing processes.

When seeking the ideal visual testing and monitoring solution for your web and mobile applications, considering Applitools and its best competitors is a prudent strategy. Applitools has established itself as a leading player in this field. Exploring its competitors can help you make a more informed decision tailored to your specific requirements.   


When was Applitools established?

Applitools was launched in 2013 by serial entrepreneur Gil Sever, who had served as CEO of Safend and StorWize in the past. Adam Carmi, the CTO, and Moshe Milman, the COO, are two more founders.

What exactly is a test automation developer?

Test automation developers (also known as test automation engineers) are software developers who design and implement programs that conduct automated tests on new or existing software, which is an important element of the software development cycle.

What is the meaning of eyes in Applitools?

Applitools Eyes employs artificial intelligence to assist teams in rapidly shipping high-quality applications on any browser or device by recreating the ‘human eye’ and automatically detecting flaws and problems with each release.


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