INMOMENT: Features, Reviews, Competitors & More

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In today’s competitive business environment, companies look for innovative ways to understand their customers and improve their overall experience. One such solution that has gained immense popularity is InMoment. You’re probably wondering what InMoment is all about. Not to worry, we’ve got you! Here, we explain what InMoment is and its features, like InMoment Inc. survey, customer reviews, competitors, etc. So, whether you’re a business owner looking to enhance your customers’ experiences or a curious individual interested in learning more about this platform, keep reading to discover all InMoment has to offer.


InMoment Inc. is a customer experience management (CEM) platform that helps businesses collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback and data. It is cloud-based software that allows companies to measure customer satisfaction, identify trends and patterns, and make informed business decisions. The platform provides many tools and features. This includes surveys, text analytics, sentiment analysis, and real-time reporting, to help businesses gain insights into their customers’ experiences and preferences. So, with this information, companies can enhance their customer interactions, improve their products and services, and ultimately drive customer loyalty and business growth.

InMoment Inc. offers a comprehensive CEM solution that gives businesses a holistic view of their customer experience. The platform enables companies to capture feedback through various touchpoints. For example, surveys, social media, and online reviews help them understand the customer journey from start to finish. The collected data is then analyzed using advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to uncover actionable insights. These insights can be used to identify areas of improvement, resolve customer issues, and personalize the customer experience. 

Additionally, InMoment provides a closed-loop feedback system, allowing businesses to reach out to dissatisfied customers and address their concerns promptly. Therefore, InMoment offers a powerful toolset to measure, manage, and optimize their customer experience, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What Is InMoment Survey?

InMoment survey is a tool used by companies to gather valuable feedback from their customers. It is a customer experience management platform that allows businesses to create and distribute surveys to collect data and insights about their products, services, and overall customer satisfaction. Also, the platform provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for companies to design and deploy surveys tailored to their specific needs.

With the InMoment survey, you can customize your survey questions, format, and branding to capture the most relevant and meaningful feedback. The platform also offers various distribution channels. It includes email, SMS, and website intercepts, ensuring the surveys reach a diverse audience. 

Once you collect the surveys, InMoment provides powerful analytics and reporting features. These will help you to analyze and interpret the data, gaining deep insights into customer sentiment and preferences. However, the InMoment survey is a comprehensive and efficient tool that helps businesses understand their customers better and make data-driven decisions to improve their products and services.

InMoment Competitors

InMoment Inc. is a leading customer experience (CX) intelligence platform that helps businesses gather and analyze data to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. While InMoment is a leader in this industry, several competitors offer similar solutions. However, here is a list of InMoment’s main competitors:

#1. Medallia

Medallia is a customer experience management software that helps businesses collect feedback, analyze it, and take action to improve customer satisfaction. They provide various tools and analytics to measure customer sentiment and make data-driven decisions.

#2. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is an experience management platform that offers solutions for customer experience, market research, and employee experience. Their software allows businesses to gather customer feedback through surveys and other channels and provides advanced analytics to derive insights and drive decision-making.

#3. SurveyMonkey

While SurveyMonkey is primarily known for its online survey tool, it also offers customer experience solutions. Their platform allows businesses to create and distribute surveys to gather feedback and provides basic analytics to understand customer sentiment.

#4. Salesforce

Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform that offers tools and features for customer experience management. Through their CRM system, businesses can gather customer feedback, track customer interactions, and improve customer satisfaction.

#5. Zendesk

Zendesk is a customer service and engagement platform that helps businesses provide a seamless customer experience. They offer various tools for customer support, feedback management, and analytics to help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

#6. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a customer feedback and survey platform that helps businesses collect real-time insights. Their software allows businesses to target specific website visitors and gather feedback at critical moments. Also, provides valuable data for improving the customer experience.

These are just a few notable competitors that offer solutions similar to InMoment. Each has unique features and strengths, so businesses should carefully evaluate their specific needs and goals before selecting the most suitable platform.

InMoment Reviews 

InMoment Inc. has positive reviews from its clients. One of the aspects that clients appreciate about InMoment Inc. is its ability to provide detailed insights into customer feedback. The software allows businesses to collect and analyze customer data from various channels, such as surveys, social media, and contact centers. This gives companies a holistic view of their customer’s experiences and makes data-driven decisions to improve their products and services. Additionally, clients have praised InMoment Inc.’s user-friendly interface and customizable reporting features, which make it easy for businesses to navigate and understand the data collected. Thus, the positive reviews highlight InMoment Inc.’s effectiveness in helping businesses enhance their customer experience and drive better results.

Another aspect that clients have in their reviews is InMoment Inc.’s exceptional customer support. The company is known for its dedicated team of professionals who promptly respond to client’s inquiries and provide them with the necessary support. Clients appreciate that InMoment Inc. goes above and beyond to provide their needs and that they can maximize the value they get from the software. The company’s commitment to ongoing support and training also helps clients feel confident in utilizing the software to its full potential. As a result, InMoment Inc. has high ratings for its customer service, further solidifying its reputation as a reliable and customer-centric company.

What Is The Rating Of InMoment? 

InMoment, a customer experience management platform, has an overall rating of 3.1 out of 5. While this rating indicates room for improvement, it also suggests that the platform has some noteworthy strengths. Customers who have used InMoment appreciate its ability to gather feedback and provide valuable insights for improving their business. With its customizable features and robust analytics, InMoment has proven to be a valuable tool for understanding customer behavior and preferences. 

However, some users have also expressed concerns about the complexity of the platform and the steep learning curve it presents. Additionally, there have been occasional glitches and technical issues reported, which have impacted the overall user experience. In summary, InMoment has potential as a customer experience management platform, but it may require some user support and improvement.

Is InMoment A SaaS Company? 

InMoment is a SaaS (Software as a Service) company. SaaS companies provide software solutions to their clients through the cloud. Instead of purchasing and installing software on their servers, clients can access it through the internet, using a subscription-based model. 

The company offers a cloud-based customer experience (CX) platform, which enables businesses to gather, analyze, and take action on customer feedback. Through its SaaS model, InMoment provides companies with a scalable and flexible solution accessible from anywhere. Also, allows businesses to quickly respond to customer needs and improve their overall customer experience.

What Is The Mission Statement Of InMoment? 

The mission statement of InMoment is to help organizations create meaningful customer experiences that build loyalty and drive growth. The company gives businesses the tools and technology they need to understand and engage their customers in a more authentic and personalized way. 

Their mission centers around the belief that by truly understanding the customer through active listening and feedback, companies can make informed decisions that lead to improved products, services, and overall customer satisfaction. However, InMoment’s goal is to empower businesses to create exceptional customer experiences. For example, to meet and exceed expectations, ultimately driving customer loyalty and business success.

What Is The Phone Number For InMoment? 

InMoment is a company that specializes in customer experience optimization and works with brands across various industries. You can easily contact them by visiting their official website. There, you’ll find multiple ways to reach them, including a contact form, email address, and potentially a phone number. In other words, call InMoment directly to inquire about their services, seek assistance, or discuss any relevant inquiries you may have.

Note that contact details, such as phone numbers, can change over time. Therefore, it’s always best to refer to InMoment’s official website or other credible sources to obtain the most up-to-date contact information. This ensures you can efficiently connect with the firm and receive the assistance you require.

How Many Employees Are With InMoment? 

InMoment, a leading customer experience intelligence platform, boasts an impressive workforce driving its success in the industry. As of the latest count, the company employs over 3,000 dedicated professionals across various departments and locations worldwide. 

Meanwhile, this diverse team comprises individuals with expertise in technology, data analytics, customer insights, and more. The company’s commitment to employee growth and development is evident in its continuous efforts to recruit top talent and foster a supportive and collaborative work environment. Hence, with a large and skilled workforce, InMoment is well-equipped to meet the evolving needs and challenges of its global client base.

Who Is The CEO Of InMoment? 

The CEO of InMoment is Andrew Joiner. With many years of experience in the technology and analytics industry, Joiner has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills as CEO. Before joining InMoment, Joiner served as the CEO of Autonomy, a company specializing in artificial intelligence. Under his guidance, InMoment has expanded and become a leading customer experience (CX) intelligence platform. Joiner’s visionary approach and dedication to driving customer-centric strategies have propelled InMoment to achieve significant growth and success.

Joiner’s expertise extends beyond leadership and business growth. He is highly knowledgeable in data analytics, machine learning, and customer experience management. Joiner understands the importance of leveraging data and technology to transform customer interactions and improve overall business outcomes. With Joiner at the helm, InMoment continues to innovate and develop cutting-edge solutions that help businesses create meaningful and personalized experiences.


In conclusion, InMoment offers a feature-rich and user-friendly platform that helps businesses effectively manage their customer experiences. With positive reviews from users and competition from other industry players, InMoment continues to be a significant player in the customer experience management space.


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