Table of Contents Hide
  1. What Is Campaign Manager 360?
  2. Important Features of Campaign Manager 360
    1. #1. Ad Trafficking
    2. #2. Reporting
    3. #3. Attribution
    4. #4. Verification
    5. #5. Customization
    6. #6. Aggregated Data and Reporting
    7. #7. Customizable Creative Templates
    8. #8. Audience Targeting
    9. #9. Cross-Device Measurement
    10. #10. Tag Management
  3. Limitations of Campaign Manager 360
    1. #1. Quantity and Character Limits
    2. #2. Quotas
    3. #3. Audience List Targeting
    4. #4. Data Collection Limitations
    5. #5. Reporting Limitations
    6. #6. Customization Limitations
    7. #7. Learning Curve
    8. #8. Limited Integrations
    9. #9. Limited Support for Certain Ad Formats
    10. #10. Limited Creative Testing Options
  4. Campaign Manager 360 Pricing
  5. Key Integration Associated With Campaign Manager 360
    1. #1. Google Ads
    2. #2. Google Analytics
    3. #3. Google Display & Video 360 (DV360)
    4. #4. Google Marketing Platform
    5. #5. Google Workspace
    6. #6. Google Tag Manager
    7. #7. Data Studio
    8. #8. Google Cloud Platform
    9. #9. Google Search Ads 360
    10. #10. YouTube Advertising
  6. Various Measures To Curb Ad Fraud
    1. #1. Pre-bid Segments
    2. #2. Invalid Traffic Reporting
    3. #3. Protect360
    4. #4. Blacklists
    5. #5. Fraud Detection and Filtering
    6. #6. Viewability Measurement and Optimization
    7. #7. Partner Integrations
    8. #8. Brand Safety Controls
    9. #9. Device Fingerprinting
    10. #10. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  7. Who Can Use Campaign Manager 360?
  8. What Is The Difference Between Search Ads 360 And Campaign Manager 360?
  9. How Do I Use Campaign Manager 360?
  10. What Are The 3 Keys To A Successful Campaign?
  11. How Do I Give Someone Access To Campaign Manager 360?
  12. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles
    2. References

Every organization searches for measures and a comprehensive approach to combat ad fraud, using a combination of proprietary technology. Google Campaign Manager 360 is a web-based ad management system for advertisers and agencies that helps manage digital campaigns across multiple platforms. It is part of the Google Marketing Platform and provides tools for ad trafficking, reporting, and attribution, which include display, video, and mobile. CM 360 offers a robust set of features for ad serving. Read through the post for all you need to know about Campaign Manager 360 and how useful it can be to you or your organization.

What Is Campaign Manager 360?

Campaign Manager 360, created by Google, is a full ad management platform. It is intended to assist advertisers in organizing, carrying out, and monitoring their digital advertising campaigns across a variety of channels. Such as display, video, mobile, and social media.  It is a part of the Google Marketing Platform and provides tools for ad trafficking, reporting, and attribution. It integrates with other Google Marketing Platform products like Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, and Google Analytics. With Campaign Manager 360, users can streamline their digital campaigns and gain valuable insights into their performance. 

Important Features of Campaign Manager 360

Campaign Manager 360 offers a range of features that help advertisers and agencies manage their digital campaigns effectively. 

Some of the features of Campaign Manager 360 include:

#1. Ad Trafficking

It manages creatives and runs ad campaigns across websites and mobile devices.

#2. Reporting

Reporting organized performance data from campaigns and collects insights into campaign performance with reporting and analytics.

#3. Attribution

With attribution modeling and conversion tracking, it is possible to identify the impact of campaigns with attribution modeling.

#4. Verification

Verification verifies ads and tags to ensure campaigns are being shown to the intended audience.

#5. Customization

Users can customize their campaigns according to specific needs and edit creative types to match campaign goals.

#6. Aggregated Data and Reporting

All ad data and reporting can be viewed in one centralized location for effective attribution and spend management.

#7. Customizable Creative Templates

Custom creative templates can be created to streamline the production process.

#8. Audience Targeting

Specific audiences can be targeted with precision, using data from first-party and third-party sources.

#9. Cross-Device Measurement

Conversions are measured across devices and platforms to understand the full impact of campaigns.

#10. Tag Management

Users can manage tags for all campaigns in one place to simplify the process and ensure accuracy.

Limitations of Campaign Manager 360

Some of the limitations of Campaign Manager 360 include:

#1. Quantity and Character Limits

There are certain quantity and character limits for various aspects of Campaign Manager 360, such as ad names, event names, and URLs.

#2. Quotas

Campaign Manager 360’s API has a certain volume of requests that can be made by an application. Exceeding these quotas may result in the application failing to process the request.

#3. Audience List Targeting

Targeted Floodlight activities must have at least 100 unique cookies for line items to serve.

#4. Data Collection Limitations

Campaign Manager 360 has some limitations on the data fields that can be collected, and some data may not be available for certain integrations.

#5. Reporting Limitations

Some reports in Campaign Manager 360 may be subject to sampling. This affects the accuracy of the data.

#6. Customization Limitations

There are some limitations on the degree of customization that can be achieved with Campaign Manager 360.

#7. Learning Curve

Campaign Manager 360 can be a bit of a challenge for new users, especially those who are unfamiliar with ad management platforms or digital marketing in general.

#8. Limited Integrations

Campaign Manager 360 may not have as many integrations with third-party tools as some other ad management platforms.

#9. Limited Support for Certain Ad Formats

Certain ad formats or features, such as interactive ads or specific kinds of video ads, may not be supported by Campaign Manager 360.

#10. Limited Creative Testing Options

Compared to some other ad management tools, Campaign Manager 360 might not provide as many alternatives for testing and optimizing creatives.

Campaign Manager 360 Pricing

Campaign Manager 360 pricing depends on factors like the size of the organization, the number of ad impressions, and the level of support needed. Google does not publicly share its pricing for Campaign Manager 360. It is only considered to be a more expensive solution compared to other ad management platforms. Businesses interested in learning more about pricing for Campaign Manager 360 should get in touch with a Google sales representative or partner.

Key Integration Associated With Campaign Manager 360

Campaign Manager 360, Google’s ad management platform, offers integration with several other Google products to provide a comprehensive advertising ecosystem. 

Here are some key integrations:

#1. Google Ads

Campaign Manager 360 easily integrates with Google Ads. This allows advertisers to manage their display and video campaigns from a single platform. It also enables advertisers to coordinate their advertising efforts across multiple channels and optimize campaigns for better performance.

#2. Google Analytics

The integration with Google Analytics enables advertisers to gain deeper insights into the performance of their campaigns. Advertisers can track user interactions, measure conversions, and understand the effectiveness of different touchpoints in the customer journey.

#3. Google Display & Video 360 (DV360)

Campaign Manager 360 is integrated with DV360, Google’s programmatic buying platform. This integration allows advertisers to plan, execute, and optimize programmatic ad campaigns seamlessly across various formats and publishers.

#4. Google Marketing Platform

Google Marketing Platform is a suite of tools that includes Campaign Manager 360, Display & Video 360, Google Analytics, and other marketing solutions. Advertisers can use these tools collectively to create a more unified and data-driven marketing strategy.

#5. Google Workspace

Advertisers can easily collaborate and share information within Campaign Manager 360 by using Google Workspace tools like Google Drive and Google Sheets. It enhances team collaboration and ensures that campaign assets and data are easily accessible.

#6. Google Tag Manager

It is much more convenient to add and manage tracking codes and pixels for various marketing campaigns by using Google Tag Manager integration. This makes it easier for advertisers to ensure accurate tracking and data collection.

#7. Data Studio

Data Studio integration lets advertisers create custom dashboards and visual reports using Campaign Manager 360 data. This makes it simpler to visualize campaign performance and share insights with stakeholders.

#8. Google Cloud Platform

Advanced users can use Google Cloud Platform’s capabilities to perform more in-depth analysis and processing of Campaign Manager 360 data. This enables them to derive deeper insights and optimize campaigns based on sophisticated data analysis.

#9. Google Search Ads 360

Campaign Manager 360 integrates with Google Search Ads 360. Advertisers can manage and track their search campaigns alongside their display and video campaigns. This provides a view of all advertising efforts, facilitating better coordination and optimization.

#10. YouTube Advertising

With the integration of Campaign Manager 360 with YouTube advertising, marketers can control and monitor video campaigns on YouTube. It enhances cross-channel campaign management and tracking.

Various Measures To Curb Ad Fraud

Campaign Manager 360 takes various measures to combat ad fraud. 

Some of these measures include:

#1. Pre-bid Segments

Customers can take advantage of the Integral Ad Science (IAS) pre-bid segments within Display & Video 360 for ad fraud protection and viewability optimization.

#2. Invalid Traffic Reporting

Fraud-prevention reporting in Display & Video 360 enables users to see invalid traffic and take appropriate measures.

#3. Protect360

Campaign Manager 360 offers Protect360. It provides fraud protection and can detect and prevent forms of click/install fraud, including bots and behavioral anomalies.

#4. Blacklists

Users can use blacklists in Display & Video 360 to prevent ads from appearing on certain sites or channels to mitigate the risk of ad fraud, low viewability, and brand risk.

#5. Fraud Detection and Filtering

Campaign Manager 360 uses proprietary Google technology to detect and filter out fraudulent traffic. This includes filtering out invalid traffic (IVT), such as bots and spiders, as well as suspicious and fraudulent behavior.

#6. Viewability Measurement and Optimization

To help verify that advertising is being seen by actual individuals and not bots or other fraudulent traffic, Campaign Manager 360 offers viewability assessment and optimization capabilities. This includes the use of viewability metrics to help improve viewability rates.

#7. Partner Integrations

Campaign Manager 360 integrates with third-party fraud detection and prevention partners. Such as Integral Ad Science, DoubleVerify, and Moat, to provide additional layers of protection against ad fraud. These partners provide advanced fraud detection and prevention capabilities. 

#8. Brand Safety Controls

To help ensure that advertisements are displayed in brand-safe settings, Campaign Manager 360 offers brand safety controls. This includes the ability to block ads from appearing near certain types of content, such as adult content or hate speech. It also can block ads from appearing on certain websites or channels.

#9. Device Fingerprinting

Campaign Manager 360 uses device fingerprinting technology to identify and block fraudulent traffic from repeat offenders. This technology creates a unique identifier for each device. It allows Campaign Manager 360 to detect and block potentially fraudulent activity across multiple campaigns and networks.

#10. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Campaign Manager 360 analyzes massive amounts of data and looks for patterns of fraudulent conduct using machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. This enables Campaign Manager 360 to detect and block new forms of ad fraud as they emerge, and to continually improve its fraud prevention capabilities over time.

Who Can Use Campaign Manager 360?

Campaign Manager 360 is a versatile ad management platform by Google. It can be used by advertisers, agencies, marketers, and businesses of all sizes. From small businesses to large enterprises, anyone aiming to reach target audiences effectively and analyze campaign performance can benefit from Campaign Manager 360’s features.

What Is The Difference Between Search Ads 360 And Campaign Manager 360?

There are differences between Campaign Manager 360 and Search Ads 360. Both platforms share Floodlight activities. They report different data for Floodlight conversions due to the way they collect data.

Search Ads 360 is more focused on search campaigns and it has audience solutions.

Campaign Manager 360 is a more general ad management system that can serve ads across websites and mobile devices. Campaign Manager 360 offers features like audience segmentation and integration with Display & Video 360. 

How Do I Use Campaign Manager 360?

To use Campaign Manager 360, you need to have an account and log in to the web-based platform. Once you’re logged in, you can use the platform to manage your digital campaigns across websites and mobile devices. This includes features for ad serving, targeting, verification, reporting, and audience creation and management. You can use the trafficking feature to manage creatives and run ad campaigns, and the reporting feature to view data for ads trafficked through Campaign Manager 360. 

What Are The 3 Keys To A Successful Campaign?

The 3 keys to a successful ad campaign are. 

  •  Knowing your target audience and crafting a message that resonates with them
  • Being creative and unique in your approach to stand out from the competition
  • Having a clear call-to-action (CTA) that prompts the audience to take action

What works for one campaign may not work for another, and successful advertising requires a combination of strategy, creativity, and data-driven decision-making.

How Do I Give Someone Access To Campaign Manager 360?

To give someone access to Campaign Manager 360, you need to have admin rights. Once you have admin rights, you can create a new user profile for the person who needs to access Campaign Manager 360. You can create this by entering their email address and selecting a user role with appropriate permissions. You choose the timezone and language. Select the account or accounts that the user should have access to, and click “Save” to create the user profile. If the user already has an existing Google account, they will receive an email invitation to access Campaign Manager 360. If they do not have a Google account, they will be prompted to create one.


Google Campaign Manager was rebranded as Campaign Manager 360 in July 2018. It was done as part of the unification of DoubleClick advertiser products and the Google Analytics 360 Suite under the Google Marketing Platform. The features of Campaign Manager 360 include Trafficking, Reporting, and Attribution modeling. The Trafficking feature allows users to manage creatives and run ad campaigns, The Reporting feature enables users to view data for ads trafficked through Campaign Manager 360. The Attribution modeling feature allows users to analyze the effectiveness of their digital campaigns across channels.

Campaign Manager 360 offers a range of customization options for creatives and campaigns and integrates with other Google Marketing Platform products. The limitations of Campaign Manager 360 include quantity and character limits, quotas, and audience list targeting limitations. Data collection limitations, reporting limitations, customization limitations, and a steep learning curve. Limited integrations, limited support for certain ad formats, limited creative testing options, limited audience insights, limited automation options, and limited attribution options.


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