How To Turn Off Profile Views On TikTok: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Turn Off Profile Views On TikTok -

Do you have that one person that you are crushing on and stalking on TikTok, so you want to know how to turn off profile views on TikTok so they do not know you are always checking out their profile? Luckily for you, there is a way to go about it.

Everyone likes to snoop through their friends’ online profiles occasionally. And unless you accidentally like a post from two years ago, this kind of behavior usually goes under the radar. Instagram does not have a feature that notifies users that you have checked out their account two dozen times in three hours. Twitter also does not broadcast when tweeps spend hours scrolling through your replies.

On TikTok, however, it is possible for people to know when you are checking them out, virtually speaking. Profile view history is a setting on the app that lets users know who has been on their profile.

Thankfully, there is a way to toggle this feature on and off depending on your preferences.

How does Profile Views work on TikTok?

The Profile View History feature creates a list of the users who’ve visited your profile in the last 30 days. The catch is that it only lists users who also have Profile View History turned on. This means that when you turn the feature on, it’ll make you visible on other users’ history lists.

How to turn off Profile Views on TikTok

You can turn Profile view history on in your settings to see which accounts on TikTok have viewed your profile. However, only accounts that have turned this feature on and have viewed your profile in the last thirty days will appear in your profile view history. 

If you visit another account’s profile page and they’ve also turned on this setting, they’ll be able to see that you visited their profile.

You can turn your Profile view history on or off in your privacy settings or on your Profile views page. Turning off profile view history means you will not be able to see who has viewed your profile. Others would also not be able to see that you’ve viewed theirs too.

To turn Profile view history on or off in your settings:

  1. In your TikTok app, tap Profile in the bottom right.
  2. Tap the 3-line menu icon in the top right to go to your settings.
  3. Tap Settings and Privacy.
  4. Tap Privacy, then tap Profile Views.
  5. Tap the toggle icon next to Profile view history to turn on or off. Please note, the setting is off by default.

To turn Profile view history on or off from your Profile views page:

  1. In your TikTok app, tap Inbox at the bottom.
  2. Tap the notification that someone has viewed your profile.
  3. On your Profile views page, tap the Settings icon in the top right.
  4. Tap the toggle icon next to Profile view history to turn on or off.

Note, though, that you must be 16 or older and have fewer than 5,000 followers to access this feature.

How to measure your engagement without profile views

Upgrading to a TikTok Pro Account offers audience insights and tools to grow and track the performance of your content. TikTok’s analytics tool provides an overview and insight into views, follower growth, and which of your videos are trending. 

To set up a TikTok Pro Account, follow these steps:

1. Open the TikTok app. Get to your profile by tapping the Profile icon in the bottom-right corner.

2. Tap the three lines icon at the top-right, then Settings and privacy.

3. Tap Manage account, then Switch to Business Account.

Quick tip: You can access analytics via TikTok’s Creator Tools, which can be found after tapping the three lines icon.

Does TikTok show who viewed your profile?

Yes, creators can see some of the people who viewed their TikTok profile, as long as they have the profile views feature enabled. And while TikTok removed the ability to see who has viewed your profile a while back, in January 2022 there were reports that TikTok was adding the feature back in on an opt-in basis.

Can people see if I viewed their TikTok if I have profile views off?

Turning off profile view history means you will not be able to see who has viewed your profile, and others would not be able to see that you’ve viewed theirs too.

How long do profile views stay on TikTok?

After you turn on Profile Views, you will see a list of TikTok users who viewed your profile within the last 30 days. However, only users that also have Profile Views turned on are visible on your list.

This means that if you turn Profile Views off, you won’t be able to see who’s viewed your profile, but other users won’t be able to see if you’ve viewed their profiles either.

What happens if you get a lot of views on TikTok?

Views are important on TikTok as they can create a snowballing effect. The more views a video gets, the more likely it will be served to larger audiences. But more importantly, the TikTok algorithm relies on how a user views and interacts with your video (watch time and engagement) to learn if they should display your video.

Why am I not getting TikTok views?

If you are getting zero or low views on your TikTok videos, it can come down to several reasons:

  • New accounts do not get views immediately. Research popular trends and create a consistent posting schedule to get your initial views.   
  • Sensitive content can lead to a loss in views. Even fake blood, though it does not violate TikTok’s terms of service, can be sensitive to certain viewers and can cause drops in views. 
  • Low engagement happens when users do not like or share your video. This can cause TikTok to stop showing those videos as it is seen as unpopular content. 
  • Shadowban is a light ban on content creators when they violate minor terms of service, and that can be anything related to sharing sensitive content.
  • Posting at the wrong time can be detrimental as you won’t reach your target audience. You also risk being pushed down by other content creators on the feed. 

How to Get More Views on TikTok

TikTok has considerably more engagement than Instagram or Youtube and records the highest social engagement rate per post. For example, micro-influencers have engagement rates of 17.96% on TikTok, 3.86% on Instagram, and 1.63% on Youtube.

TikTok counts a “view” the very second your video starts to play. This also applies when the video auto-plays, loops, or a user rewatches it. Every watch counts as a new unique view. 

However, TikTok’s only exception to the view count is when you watch your own video.

Here are some ways to get more views on TikTok:

Know your audience

Before anything, it’s important to remember that while all kinds of people use TikTok, the app is primarily popular with Gen Z. 43.7% of users on TikTok are between the ages of 18 to 24.

These are majorly people who are not interested in overly promotional content. Instead, they are looking for fun, innovative, and inspiring content on the app. So be authentic and make creative videos with your audience and their interests in mind.  

Add #hashtags to your TikTok videos

With the TikTok algorithm that prioritizes personalization for each user, adding #hashtags can boost your discovery to reach people with relevant interests. And for any brand to gain traction on a social media platform, you need to get users to discover your content. 

Remember, the main goal is to attract the right followers and monetize your audience. So, pick hashtags that are relevant to your keywords. 

Another tip is to add #fyp, #foryou, or #foryoupage tags in your video captions, which would make your videos more likely to surface on people’s For You pages. 

Create attention-grabbing content

All engagement is good with TikTok videos. However, unlike other social media platforms, watch time,  likes, and shares are the most important metrics on TikTok. 

The “batch” theory, one of the most popular theories on the TikTok algorithm, decides if your video gets shown to more people based on the ratio of likes- or engagement-to-views. Therefore, studying effective copywriting formulas such as using powerful headlines or open-loop questions can help grab viewer attention and improve your watch time and views.

Use that same powerful hook as a caption in your video, and you will see results immediately.

A trending song or sound effect works like hashtags. This way, TikTok will show your video to someone else who has watched or liked a video with that same sound. 

So chances are, if you use a viral song, your video may also go viral! 

One of the main goals of brands using TikTok marketing is to land on the For You Page. That is the first-page users land on when they open their app. While it is a curated feed of videos based on the user’s interests and past interactions, popular trends can also end up being featured on everyone’s For You Page. 

Trends on TikTok change weekly, so research popular trends and hop on challenges to make your brand relevant. 

Upload multiple times a day

It’s hard to predict what will go viral. However, the best part about TikTok is the more content you post, the more quickly you can grow. 

TikTok recommends that users post new and intentional content regularly, ideally around 1 to 4 times a day. This is because posting more content will allow you to experiment with different content and amass an audience. 

Besides, TikTok’s organic reach is high compared to other social media platforms. Posting the right content at the right time can boost any chances of showing up on viewers’ For You page. 

Duet or collaborate with other TikTok users

Features like stitching or dueting viral videos work similarly to influencer marketing and are another great way to get more engagement. 

These features allow newer accounts to hop on existing trends for better exposure. Also, more established brands can collaborate with TikTok stars and encourage users to create content. 

Keep your videos short

According to digital communications expert Dan Slee, the optimal TikTok video length is just 15.6 seconds. The research is based on the top 100 TikTok videos of 2019. 80% of them were 20 seconds or less, and only 2% of the videos ran the maximum length. 

The result is not surprising. As with shorter videos, your videos will have a higher completion rate and a higher chance of being rewatched. Anything longer and people start to lose interest.

Create valuable content

Though TikTok is about creating trending content, you should include content that offers value, such as educational or informational content. 

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