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Think about how hard it would be to find a file on your computer when there are gigabytes of data. Fair enough, this is how things would look if your files weren’t in groups. But, when you know how to make a new folder on a Mac, you can put files and data together in a way that makes sense. Hence, to assist you, we have extensively compiled a step-by-step guide on how to create and rename a new folder on a Mac shortcut and desktop.


Folders are like digital bookcases where you store your files, such as papers, images, programs, and media. They are folders in which related files can be kept together, keeping your hard drive from being disorganized. Using folders, your Mac can keep all of your files neat and tidy. Folders’ primary purpose is to organize files for better manageability and quick access.

Thus, like on any other computer, the folders on your Mac serve as a place to keep documents and other file types like programs, media, and backups organized and readily accessible. When using a Mac, you can make as many folders as you like without worrying about running out of storage space. You can construct subfolders within folders in addition to using them to store files.

How to Create a New Folder on Mac Shortcut

You can use keyboard shortcuts to create a new folder on both Windows and Mac computers. When compared to the conventional method, which necessitated accessing a separate menu in order to add a new folder, this simplifies things considerably. Creating a new folder with a keyboard shortcut takes less than a second.

How to Create a New Folder on Mac Shortcut: Step-by-Step Guide

Follow the steps below to create a new folder on your Mac shortcut, Make sure you see the “Finder” menu on the top Apple bar and use one of the following shortcuts:

Step 1: Click Shift+Command+N 

This will create a new folder inside the one you chose that is empty. For instance, if you choose “Desktop,” the new folder will be made in the “Desktop” area. Then, Mac will make a new folder called “untitled folder” that is empty.

Step 2: Make a New Folder

A folder containing the selected files by pressing Control + Command + N. Select the files you want to organize, and then use them to make a new folder. A new folder called “New Folder With Items” will be automatically created on your Mac; you can rename it to whatever you choose. 

Step 3. Type the Name You Want to Use for the New Folder

Type the folder’s name and press Enter to save it. After pressing this key combination, a new folder will be created on your Mac.

Read Also: how-to-password-protect-a-folder

How to Rename a Folder on Mac

One of the most common things any computer user does is rename files and directories. You can rename files in a few different ways on a Mac, just pick the one that works best for you. This guide will show you how to rename a file or folder on a Mac, as well as rename multiple files or folders at once so that you can easily organize your files and folders and quickly identify the contents of the files by file names. This is useful if you’re tired of the random file names assigned by some applications, or if you need to rename a folder to match the updated file content on your Mac.

How to Rename a Folder on Mac: Step-by-Step Guide

You might want to change the name of a file or folder after you’ve created it, especially if you made a spelling mistake. Here’s how to rename a file or folder on Mac,

Step 1. Click the button for the Finder in the Dock. The window for the Finder comes up.

Step 2. Open the folder that has the file or folder that you want to change the name of.

Step 3. Click on the file or folder whose name you want to change. The name of the file or folder is underlined.

Step 4. Hit “return.” A text box that allows you to change the name of the file or folder surrounds it.

Step 5. You can type a new name or use the arrow and delete keys to change the name that is already there.

Step 6. Click “return.” The new name of your file or folder is shown.

How to Create a File on Mac Desktop

When attempting to complete common tasks, users who have just switched from another computing platform to Macs may become confused. However, in order to get the most out of it, you will need to familiarize yourself with the essential clicks and shortcuts that are specific to the Mac operating system. You can create a new file in any existing folder, including the Mac desktop, with the use of a simple drop-down menu. 

How to Create a File on Mac Desktop: Step-by-Step Guide

While establishing a new file in Finder is as easy as clicking a button, creating a new file on the desktop of a Mac requires a few more steps, 

Step 1

The very first thing you need to do to create a file is navigate to the Mac desktop of your computer. If you are utilizing the Spaces feature on your Mac, however, you are required to minimize all of the windows that are currently active or switch to a screen that is completely blank.

Step 2

Press and hold the Ctrl key, then click the backdrop of your computer’s desktop. In Windows, you can accomplish a lot with just Ctrl+click, which is the shortcut for the right-click menu.

Step 3

Select the option that is labeled Create “New File,” and almost immediately, a brand new folder that is completely empty will appear in the list of documents on your Mac desktop. To rename a folder, you only need to click on it and then press Return on your keyboard.

How To Create Multiple Folders in OneDrive

Whether you need to save, share, modify, or otherwise handle files in the cloud, OneDrive has you covered. Bulk uploads to OneDrive are a popular way for users like you to save information in the cloud.

You probably use many folders to organize your growing collection of files for easier access and management. Thus, you want to save time and energy by knowing how to upload numerous folders to OneDrive. 

How To Create Multiple Folders in OneDrive: Detailed Guide

By default, you are able to upload several folders to OneDrive via the official web page for the service. Using this method, you are able to send a file of up to 100 GB for free. However,  if your browser is older, the maximum file size that may be downloaded is 300 MB. Therefore, if your folder contains a large number of files of significant size, this manual method is not suitable for you,

Step 1. Log in to the OneDrive homepage on Microsoft’s official website. Make sure that you are logged in to your account correctly.

Step 2. Go to the “File” menu, then select “Upload,” and then select “Folder.” After that, select the folders that have files that need to be uploaded. To open, press the button.

Uses for Folders on Mac

Below are the effective benefits of using folders on your Mac,

#1. Organizing Files 

Folders make it possible to categorize and organize our material in a useful way. When you have a significant number of files stored on your Mac, it will become abundantly evident that you need some kind of organization to manage those files. Finding files and reducing the amount of clutter on your computer are both made simpler by a folder system that is well-organized.

#2. Finding Your Documents is Easier and Quicker

In order to save time while looking for specific files, apps, or even images, it’s a good idea to organize anything you use on a regular basis into folders. Also, you can increase your efficiency by using the search bar to quickly locate a certain folder that you have labeled.

The downloads folder, for example, is pre-created on most computers and serves as a repository for everything you save to your Mac via the internet. The accumulation of files on your Mac can be managed by creating distinct folders for files that serve similar functions. By doing so, you can quickly identify the files you need for a particular task.

#4. It Keeps Your Desktop Neat and Tidy

If you have a large number of icons on your Mac’s desktop, creating a folder to organize them is a good idea. As a result of this, everything in the office will be neatly organized and in its designated spot. Check that the folders are sorted in a way that makes sense. In most cases, users save files that are comparable to one another in the same folder.

#5. Prevention of Data Loss

The basic function of a folder is to protect information and prevent the inadvertent destruction of files. This is performed by making use of file allocation techniques and formatting the disk in order to prepare the storage medium for the storage of data. Folders make it easier to organize and manage files, in addition to providing storage space.

How Do You Create a Subfolder?

Double-click the parent folder to which you want to add a subfolder, and then create a new folder within that parent folder. This will create the subfolder. The first folder that was formed is now considered the “parent” folder, while the new folder is considered the “subfolder.” You also have the option of using the Finder window to make a new folder, and then dragging that new folder into an existing folder or the parent folder to make it there.

How to Create a Folder Within a Folder on Mac

Open the folder that you want to create a new folder in, then File > New Folder or Shift-Command-N.


You have to double-click the directory within which you want to create the new folder. Once you are inside, right-click and select “New Window.”.

Why Can’t I Create a New Folder on My Hard drive, Mac?

Apple does not have complete access to the NTFS file system. Because of this, if the format of the external hard drive is NTFS, you will be unable to create a new folder on the external hard drive using your Mac.

How Do I Add a Folder to OneDrive on a Mac?

Activate OneDrive by double-clicking its icon in the Applications folder or from the dock. Use your username and normal password to log in if you haven’t already. You can decide which folders to sync by checking the boxes next to them and clicking Next. A sync operation will start on all files in the designated folders.

How Do I Add a Folder to Favorites on Mac?

Follow these steps,

  • Open the Finder Window.
  • Click on “File” -> “Find”.
  • In the top right search text field, enter the folder name you want to link to.
  • In the dropdown menu, filter by “Folder”.
  • Once you find the folder, drag and drop it into the Favorites.

 How Do I Create a New Folder in Onedrive? 

  • Select New > Folder.
  • Type a name for the folder and select Create.
  • Select the files you want and drag them into the folder.

Can You Make a Shortcut to a Folder on Mac?

To create a new shortcut in the Mac’s Shortcuts app, select a folder from the sidebar, and then click the shortcut icon. The shortcut editor shows a blank shortcut with no title. You will see the Design your own keyboard shortcut on a Mac.

How Do I Use Onedrive?

  • Just go to File > New to make a new folder or file.
  • Click Upload to upload files or folders to your OneDrive.
  • Choose Sort. to rearrange the order of your documents.
  • Pick a new perspective by clicking View.
  • The specifics of who has access and what has been done can be viewed by selecting Information.
  • Search for specific documents or directories by entering keywords or using tags.


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