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In this article, we provide instructions on how to clean your keyboard if a key on your MacBook is not responsive, feels different from the other keys when you press it, or is dirty.

How to Clean Mac Keyboard

Step 1: Turn off, unplug, and clean the MacBook keyboard.

Additionally, you can turn off your external keyboard and remove the batteries if you want to clean it.

Step 2: Make sure you put the straw that was included with the compressed air can in. 

  • When spraying, keep the straw about one-half of an inch away from the keyboard.
  • Keep the pressurized air can at its regular angle as well. 
  • Avoid flipping it on its side. 
  • You can also read the directions on the can.

Step 3: To clean the keyboard on your MacBook, tilt it at various angles while maintaining a firm grasp on it. Then, use the pressurized air to zigzag over the keyboard from left to right and back again.

Step 4: Next, flip your computer over and repeat the process on the opposite side. If you have an external keyboard, you may turn it as you spray the air by using the same procedure.

How to Clean Mac Keyboard Keys

Lysol and Clorox kitchen disinfectant wipes are suggested by Apple. There is no chance of liquid harming the keyboard because the alcohol evaporates. However, be sure to squeeze out wet wipes.

How to Clean Mac Keyboard Under Keys

Perform a thorough cleaning when keys stick or when debris is trapped under a key.

  • Close the laptop or unplug the keyboard.
  • Make sure the keycaps are correctly inserted and snapped in place by pressing each key. This is also a good technique to make sure that the keys respond consistently and that no debris is obstructing their movement.
  • Shake the MacBook vigorously while holding the keyboard down. Tap the borders of the keyboard or laptop to clear any debris that may have become lodged in between the keys. Shaking off as much of the dry and loose material as you can is the goal.
  • Hold the keyboard at a 75-degree angle, as advised by Apple for laptops. After that, quickly spray the canned air into the gap between each row of keys. Work in a zigzag motion from left to right from top to bottom.
    Note that when using canned air, read the directions carefully. If the can tips over while being used, propellant rather than air may shoot out, which could damage sensitive devices.
  • Blow small bursts of compressed air from edge to edge of the keyboard while turning it 90 degrees to the right.
  • To get rid of any last bits of dirt, gently brush the keyboard or laptop with a canister or shop vacuum equipped with a soft brush attachment.
    Before turning on the vacuum, cut the foot off a piece of pantyhose and place it over the nozzle if any keys are missing or have already fallen off. If a keycap escapes the vacuum cleaner’s suction, it is stopped before entering the vacuum bag. 

Is there a keyboard cleaning mode on Mac? 

#1. Use the Lock Screen to Disable Most Keys

You’ll be led to what seems to be the login box if you select Apple > Lock Screen, where you may enter your account password or unlock using Touch ID. 

This is an excellent chance for you to clean your keyboard thoroughly. You’ll remain on this page without sending meaningless emails to your loved ones or your boss, as long as you don’t unintentionally type your password or brush against the Touch ID button with your fingertip.

However, you can still adjust the brightness or mute the volume because this won’t disable the media keys at the top of the keyboard. Remember this if your screen appears to be off after cleaning because you likely merely reduced the brightness.

The best approach to cleaning your trackpad is to use the lock screen since there is nothing for you to inadvertently click.

#2. The App KeyboardCleanTool Works Too

If the unreliable technique of logging out isn’t sufficient, the free app KeyboardCleanTool can be a better option. This program locks all of the keys on your keyboard, including the Touch ID button and the top row of media keys. However, since you’ll require a method of pressing the button to remove the lock, it does not disable the trackpad.

You must whitelist the app in System Preferences (System Settings) > Security & Privacy > Privacy to use it. 

  • To enable KeyboardCleanTool, first authenticate by clicking the padlock in the bottom left corner of the screen. 
  • Then, click the Accessibility section and check the box to the right of KeyboardCleanTool.

To thoroughly clean your MacBook, you may now use KeyboardCleanTool to lock your keyboard without logging out. Additionally, the app is perfect for both cats and young children.

How do I clean the inside of my IMAC keyboard? 

  • Dust and filth can easily be removed from your keyboard by wiping it down with a damp, soft, lint-free cloth.
  • With a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and some pressure, stubborn stains can be removed.
  • For clearing junk off some keyboards, a can of compressed air works well.

How can I clean my MacBook keyboard without compressed air? 

Use cotton swabs that have been dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean the MacBook’s keys. You have to make sure that it has simply been dipped, not soaked. Throw away the cotton swab once all of the dust has been taken off. Additionally, the keyboard can also be cleaned with a tiny brush.

How often should I clean my Mac keyboard? 

You should clean your keyboard once a year. Note that: 

  • You should hold the air compressor upright.
  • However, it will squirt a chilly liquid into the keyboard if you position it downward, which could harm the circuits.

How do I clean my MacBook keyboard without alcohol? 

You can blow pressurized air into a MacBook’s keyboard. 

  • Start by tilting the keyboard 75 degrees so that it is almost vertical. 
  • Next, blow compressed air from left to right across the keyboard’s surface. 
  • Keep the air compression can’s straw a half-inch or so away from the keys.

Can I use alcohol wipes to clean my keyboard? 

Yes, you can use alcohol wipes to clean your keyboard, as shown in this article earlier. 

Can you clean a keyboard without removing keys? 

However, you can still disinfect the keys if you’d prefer not to try to remove them on your own. A damp disinfectant wipe or a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol can do the trick. Never use a wet cloth to wipe your keyboard since it could harm the components that are housed beneath the keys.

What are the five steps to cleaning a keyboard? 

  1. You should disconnect and turn off your laptop.
  2. Shake and flip your laptop upside-down.
  3. To remove loose particles, use compressed air or a soft brush.
  4. To clean behind the keys, pry them off.
  5. Change the keys.

How do you fix a keyboard that is hard to press? 

  • Turn off your laptop or unplug the keyboard before using it.
  • Shake the keyboard gently while holding it upside-down. Blowing away the crumbs from behind the keyboard with compressed air will help.
  • To get rid of the stickiness surrounding and below stuck keys, use a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol.

Why do Mac keyboards get so dirty? 

It’s safe to argue that your Mac’s keyboard is the dirtiest component. Even if you always wash your hands before typing, the keyboard still picks up the dust in your home or office, as well as the bacteria and sweat from your fingertips. This can lead to sticky keys and the spread of viruses, among other things.

How do I air-dust my MacBook? 

Use compressed air to blast dirt from any accessible, open crack in your MacBook. It’s going to get messy, so if you can, take the laptop outside. Never perform this task while operating a vacuum.

How do I fix sticky keys on my MacBook Air?

1st Step: 

Make sure your computer is completely off before beginning. 

2nd Step:

  • Use an isopropanol-soaked Q-tip to clean the area surrounding each sticky key.
  • A moist, not dripping, q-tip should be used.
  • Since they get somewhat dirty, you might need more than one Q-tip.

3rd Step:

  • To clean up any particles from underneath the sticky keys, use a toothpick.

4th Step:

  • Now, check your keys. Continue to Step 5 if they are still sticky.

5th Step:

  • To pry up stubborn keys, use a plastic opening tool or spudger.
  • Submerge the spudger under a key’s side.
  • Lean forward.
  • To remove the key, twist it off using your fingers.
  • Never use a butter knife in the image to prevent damage to your laptop.

6th Step:

  • In a cup, combine soap and warm water.
  • Put the keys in the soapy water as you remove them.
  • Give the keys 10 minutes to soak.

7th Step:

  • Use Q-tips that have been dampened in rubbing alcohol to clean your keyboard.

8th Step:

  • Use rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip to wipe the back of the keys if they are sticky.
  • With a paper towel, completely dry the keys.

9th Step:

  • Replace the keys:
  • Align the key first, then firmly press it into position.
  • Once you hear two clicking noises, move your finger from side to side.





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