How to Save a Google Doc: Quick & Easy Guide

How to Save a Google Doc
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With Google Docs, you can write documents on your browser and work on them in real-time with other people. In addition, your work is immediately saved as you type, including the original and any edits you make. However, do you have any other suggestions for saving a Google Doc? To make a duplicate of a shared file, select “File” > “Make a copy,” and then give the duplicate a new name. You can also access a Google Doc online and save it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone. In this article, we will discuss how to save a Google Doc as a PDF file.

Before we proceed to learn how to save a Google Doc, let’s discuss what a Google Doc is and how to use it.

What Is a Google Doc?

Google Docs is a cloud-based word processor that has quickly become a popular substitute for Microsoft Word. To create a Google Doc, all you need to do is sign up; there’s no need to download any other software or pay for a membership.

In the previous two decades, Google Docs has been and is one of the most widely used cloud-based document editors.

Additionally, people from all walks of life use Google Docs to organize their thoughts, collaborate on projects, and share their work with others.

One of the first organizations to popularize real-time document collaboration, Google made it possible for individuals in different locations to create, discuss, and refine information at the same time and in real-time.

The Google Docs word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation maker are all available for free as part of Google’s collaborative software suite. Google Docs’ best feature is that it doesn’t need to be installed. A Google ID (which can be the same as your Gmail ID) and access to the internet are all you need to get to work.

How to Sign Up and Use Google Docs?

Having a Google or Gmail account is a prerequisite for using Google Docs. You can skip this section of the article if you already have an account. If you don’t already have a Gmail account, we’ll walk you through the process so you can start using Google Docs right away.

To get started, go to and hit the “Create Account” button. There will be a pop-up window asking if you want to create a personal or business account. Make a selection that best fits your needs and proceed to the next page.

If you click through to the next page, you’ll see a form asking for your first and last names, username, and password.

Next, Google will ask you to verify your phone number to ensure that you’re a real person and not a spambot. If you give Google your phone number, it will text you a 6-digit verification code. Paste the code into the box below and hit the Next button.

After Google verifies your phone number, you’ll be directed to a page where you can read and agree to the privacy statement and terms of service, as well as enter a recovery email (an alternative email address that can be used to restore this account if you forget its password). You’ll then get access to your very own, brand-new Google account!

Google Docs Features

Here are some of the Google Docs features:

#1. Add Fonts

Google Docs has a selection of over two dozen built-in typefaces for use with new documents. These fonts can be accessed via a drop-down menu in the top editing toolbar. However, the same menu also gives you access to dozens of other fonts and types.

Open your project and select the typefaces drop-down menu located in the third box from the left on the editing toolbar. 

Use Arial as your default font. When the initial list of font options shows, select “More fonts…” from the drop-down menu. When you click this, a new selection of typefaces will appear. 

In the new window that opens, select the typefaces you’d want to have available in the drop-down menu. Click the “OK” button at the very bottom. Using the “Show” dropdown, you can also browse new fonts based on their style and tone.

When you switch back to the document view, the font menu should now include the ones you just chose.

#2. Templates

Why reinvent the wheel when a template exists? You can trust that Google Docs has a pre-made template for whatever you need to create: a résumé, a project proposal, a business letter, formal meeting notes, or a brochure. In fact, you can choose a template to suit virtually every requirement of your company. There are several different types of templates available for use in each section.

This aspect isn’t precisely secret, but it’s easy to miss. These pre-made Google Docs can be accessed directly from the homepage. To see more available choices, click More in the upper right.

#3. An Accompanying Table of Contents

Incorporating a lot of subheadings into your lengthy document Easily generate a table of contents with one click with the “Table of Contents” plugin. You may quickly navigate the document by clicking on the various headings and subheadings in the sidebar. Although it may be a bit sluggish if your paper is particularly lengthy, it serves its purpose and is preferable to scrolling.

You can either open your document and select Add-ons from the menu bar at the top of the page, or you can click here to get directly to the add-on. Go to Get Add-ons… and look for “Table of Contents.”

#4. Easy-to-Read Layout

Problems with formatting are common when copying and pasting content from one spot to another within a Google Doc. There are many more possible causes as well. You can avoid having to manually adjust the text to match the correct formatting by selecting it and then selecting Format > Clear Formatting from the menu bar. The foreign text will instantly conform to the style of the rest of your document.

#5. Suggesting Mode

Even though it’s nice to be able to edit and make changes to a document, there may be occasions when you want to suggest improvements but not commit to them. Google Docs’ “Suggesting” feature is perfect for this very purpose.

It functions similarly to Microsoft Word’s Comments feature. A document’s “Editing” mode can be changed to “Suggesting” by clicking the pencil icon in the document’s upper right corner and then selecting “Suggesting.”

From there, your suggestions for additions, deletions, and other alterations will appear as colored marks within the document, along with information about who made the suggestion and when it was made shown to the right.

How to Create Your First Google Doc

Visit and log in with your Google credentials once you’ve set up your Google account.

When you first log in, you’ll see a rainbow-hued “+” icon in the lower right corner; clicking this will open a blank new document where you can either start from scratch or select a pre-made layout.

You can quickly get started on your project without worrying too much about its appearance by using one of the many attractive Google Docs templates available. Google Docs provides a wide variety of useful templates for many purposes, such as resumes, project proposals, brochures, reports, email newsletters, onboarding, and meeting notes.

How to Save a Google Doc

There are two ways to save a document in Google Docs: using the autosave feature, creating a copy of a shared document, and downloading the file to your computer for offline use.

Now, let’s examine each of these approaches in detail:

#1. Create and Save a Google Doc

In this way, Google Docs handles pretty much everything for you, so all you have to do is construct your page. Here is a step-by-step guide to show you how the platform works and how your work is automatically saved.

  • Launch Google Docs in your preferred document viewer by navigating to and logging in.
  • To start fresh, use the “Blank” button.
  • The next step is to rename the file in the top-right text box before beginning to revise the text.
  • The “Save…” prompt will appear while you are making changes to the file name or the body of the document.
  • The “Saved to Drive” prompt will remain briefly while your document is being saved, then disappear immediately after.
  • To alter the current location of the file, select the “folder” icon, which is typically situated above the document next to the star icon.
  • Then, either choose an existing folder or make a new one by clicking the arrow next to the “folder” icon.
  • If you want to make a new folder, you can do so by naming it in the box at the top, marking it as done with a blue checkmark, and then selecting “Move here.”

#2. Save a Shared Document

Any time you make a change to a document that was shared with you, the platform will store your changes together with the original. Your private and personal edits will be visible to everyone who has access to the file, but the file will continue to be owned and linked to the original creator.

Here’s how you can save a copy of a shared Google Doc for your own use.

  • Start by selecting the shared file in Google Docs in your browser.
  • To make a copy, open the file menu by clicking the “File” button in the top left corner of the screen, and then choose “Make a Copy” from the submenu that appears.
  • Then, give the duplicated file a name and choose where on your computer to save it before clicking “Make a Copy.”
  • After that, a new tab will open with the copied file already stored in the location you choose.

How Do I Move a Google Doc to My Files?

The following instructions will show you how to organize your files and folders by moving them into new locations. You can choose between two approaches based on what you require or like.

Drop and Drag

This is the easiest and quickest approach to relocating most things.

  • Launch Google Drive after logging into your Google account.
  • Find the file or directory you want to relocate.
  • Simply pick a folder to store the item in and drag it there.

How to Save a Google Doc as a PDF

These are the best and quickest methods for saving Google Docs as PDFs.

#1. Download as PDF

  • Launch Google Docs and access the file you wish to save in PDF format.
  • Choose Save As from the menu.
  • Select Get > Portable Document Format (.pdf)

The newly generated PDF file will be automatically saved to the designated default Downloads directory.

#2. Print to PDF

To save your Google Doc to a PDF file, use the Print option when editing it.

  • To convert a Google Doc to a PDF document, open the saved file in Google Docs.
  • To print, either use the shortcut keys (ctrl + p) or the menu option (File > Print) on your computer.
  • Choose Save As PDF as the last save option.
  • Press Save
  • Give your new PDF a name and save it to a location of your choice.

#3. Email as a PDF

A Google Doc can be instantaneously converted to a PDF and sent via email.

  • To send a Google Doc through email as a PDF, open the document in question.
  • Select a file to open.
  • Select Email > Send this file through email.
  • Please provide all necessary information in the appropriate fields.
  • If a PDF isn’t already chosen in the dropdown, select it, and then click Send.

Why Save a Google Doc as a PDF?

While Google Docs makes it simple to draft documents, the portability and accessibility of PDF files make it straightforward to distribute them.

PDFs maintain the integrity of the original document in every way; this includes the text, photos, fonts, and formatting. When you save a Google Doc as a PDF, you can rest assured that it will look the same no matter where it ends up.

In addition, with PDF, what you see is what you get.

Why Is My Google Docs Not Saving?

The advantages of using an online word processor like Google Docs over Microsoft Word are evident, especially when it comes to the Save method, which is smarter and more reliable in Google Docs. Obviously, it gives you access to a vast community of people with whom you may create and refine documents in unprecedented ways. When the autosave function in Google Docs is working well, the user may feel at ease knowing that their work will be saved immediately at any point in time. Now that you’ve run into problems like “Google Docs didn’t save my work,” you should pay closer attention to why that happened.

It’s our opinion that the following six factors contribute to the problem here:

  • Problems with Google Drive’s servers for the time being
  • Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browser problems
  • Connection to the internet that is either inadequate or potentially hazardous
  • When too many people try to work on the same document at once, it causes Docs to freeze.
  • Your files are either too long or too huge.
  • The upcoming fullness of Google Drive storage is imminent.

How to Recover Unsaved Google Docs

It’s not easy to get back an exact replica of the file once you’ve modified it. We can’t be sure when the autosave failed; therefore, rolling back to an earlier version of the document is the best and most reliable option for salvaging an unsaved Google Doc. Here’s how to get back to a previous version of a document in Google Docs:

  • Select File from the top left menu, then click Version History, and finally click See Version History to view previous versions.
  • The right pane displays a chronological record of all the file revisions you’ve saved. To verify that particular entrance, select it one by one using the available dates and times. To swiftly sort across editions by displaying only the differences between them, select the Show Changes option from the bottom menu.
  • After settling on the correct version, choose it and then click the Restore this version button.
  • Click the Restore button after reading the confirmation notice.

We advise you to look for more backups in the Google Drive Trash in addition to attempting a recovery from the internal processor version history. In Google Drive, go to the “Junk” folder, then to “File” and “Restore” to get back your deleted file.

How Do I Save a Google Doc to My Computer?

One of the best methods to keep a copy of your work is to download your Google file to your PC. You should know that modifying the online version will not update the copy you have downloaded.

If you wish to save a document from Google Docs on your computer, follow these instructions to do so from your browser.

  • To get a copy of a document from Google Docs, just double-click on the link in your browser.
  • Then, move the mouse pointer over the “Download” option under the “File” tab in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Select the format you want to use for your file from the list that appears.
  • After clicking on a specific file format, Google Docs will save it in the default folder or your chosen download destination.

How Does Google Docs Compare to Word?

If you already have a Google account, Google Docs is completely free for you to use. You can only get Word for Microsoft Office, which costs a lot more. Other Microsoft programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook fall under this category as well.

Rates for both residential and commercial uses begin at $69. The Home and Business annual membership costs between $69.99 (for a single user at home) and $150 (for a single user at an office).

The universal accessibility of Google Docs makes global teamwork a breeze.

One more tool that sets Google apart is Google Docs. The Google Cloud stores all of your data. This ensures that the 20-page report will remain accessible even if your machine fails. (Whew!) Using Microsoft Word, you can save your files on your computer. Unless you save them and send the links to your coworkers via email, they will not be available to them.

Whether you prefer Google Docs or Microsoft Word is irrelevant. This synchronization is simple. To start a new Google Doc from an existing Word document, just upload it.

Bottom Line

After reading this, you should have no trouble saving a document in Google Docs in a variety of formats. But that’s only scratching the surface of the word processor’s capabilities.

Make an effort to learn more about Google Sheets and other Google apps or to investigate its other features.

The final phase of every writing project is editing and proofreading. Use Grammarly, the best writing app available, to take your writing to the next level. Just a few minutes after signing up, you may begin producing professionally written documents, emails, and messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Google Docs save automatically?

Yes, when you’re connected to the internet, Google Docs will store your work automatically. A “save” option is unnecessary. You can save your work without an Internet connection by enabling offline access.

What is the Save button on Google Docs?

Google Docs’ standard Save button may be seen on the top menu bar. In any case, there’s a Save and Close button up there in the right corner. When making edits to the document, you must utilize one of these save buttons.

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