How to Integrate Jira and GitHub, Alternatives, Automations, and Full Integration
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When businesses integrate Jira and GitHub, software teams gain better traceability, higher-quality code, and faster, error-free releases. When looking for the best platform to streamline DevOps procedures and enhance end-to-end visibility, innovation-focused businesses frequently turn to Jira and GitHub as two well-liked tools. Your developers can also concentrate on shipping excellent code, secure in the knowledge that automation will take care of the work in Jira, thanks to the direct integration with Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and more that is now possible with Jira automation. Lets look into alternative and competing options 

This article explains how to maximize a Jira and GitHub integration

How to Integrate Github and Jira 

Generally, an integration of GitHub and Jira helps to remove barriers between Dev and Ops. Jira and GitHub, two great software development platforms, help DevOps teams collaborate, trace, and comply throughout the product lifecycle.

In 2002, Atlassian developed Jira, a project management tool with the primary goal of promoting agile software development methods. For software development teams, it offers more flexibility and simplicity thanks to its many versions and customizable features.

Jira is not only a complete project management tool, but it also has special benefits for DevOps teams. It improves teamwork and communication across functional lines, making it simple to monitor changes and updates to projects in real-time. Teams can also identify any DevOps transformation bottlenecks, improve end-to-end workflows, and monitor project progress using Jira’s customizable dashboards and reports.

Software developers frequently store and collaborate on their code and projects on the online software platform known as GitHub. Software developers can host remote repositories and make local changes using the well-known repository. Additionally, it enables team members to keep track of issues and comments, improving collaboration overall. Beyond just sharing and creating code, GitHub has developed into a social network for developers to establish their brands and work together.

How to Integrate Jira with GitHub

Starting requires only GitHub and Jira accounts.  

Install the (free) GitHub for Jira app from the Atlassian Marketplace and follow the installation instructions.

  • Choose Get Started to access the GitHub configuration page (or navigate to Applications > Manage Applications and choose Configure integration in the GitHub menu). 
  • Following that, select the Connect GitHub organization.
  • Click Connect after finding the GitHub organization you want to integrate with. 
  • You can install the program on a new organization by choosing Install GitHub for Jira on an existing organization on GitHub.
  • After that, click Connect next to the company you want to link to your Jira site. 
  • Return to your settings page on GitHub and choose Connect GitHub organization once more.
  • Upon successful connection, your company will be visible on the Jira GitHub configuration page. 
  • You can now view development data in Jira, including branches, commits, pull requests, builds, and deployments that involve Jira issues.

Test the Integration

You can test the integration after configuring the integration settings. To do this, create a pull request in GitHub and check that it links to a relevant Jira issue.

Along with other advantages, integrating GitHub with Jira helps teams save time while lowering the possibility of mistakes by automating particular tasks. Therefore, you can devote your time to the tasks that are most important by using the Jira Github integration, which supports automation.

Dev teams can dynamically save time, and money, increase productivity, and improve project management procedures with the Jira Github integration. Teams can make wise decisions to produce higher-quality products by implementing best practices and utilizing integrated data.

Benefits of Jira Github Integration 

By integrating Jira and Github, development teams can improve their ability to collaborate, manage their workflow, and track their projects’ progress. The benefits of integrating GitHub and Jira include: 

#1. Streamlined Process

By syncing Jira and GitHub, teams can improve the efficiency of their workflow. Teams can cut down on the number of manual updates required and the possibility of errors by tying issues and pulling requests together between the two tools. 

#2. Improved Collaboration

Additionally, integrating GitHub and Jira enhances team collaboration. Teams can easily communicate with one another and track the status of their tasks by tying together issues and pull requests, which helps to clear up confusion and increase transparency.

#3. Higher Efficiency

Integration between Jira and GitHub lets teams automate many manual tasks. In addition, team members may become more productive and work less when this happens.

#4. Enhanced Visibility

Teams can obtain a thorough understanding of a project’s development by integrating GitHub and Jira. Everyone is further kept in the loop thanks to the pull request tracking and issue identification features. Project managers receive real-time updates on development activity from teams using the Jira GitHub integration, which increases visibility into the status of development. Project managers can monitor progress by tying GitHub events to Jira issues and seeing who is working on which issues. This function lessens the requirement for updates and revisions and aids project managers in making more informed decisions.

#5. Integration of CI/CD

To implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) processes, teams can use Jira’s GitHub integration. Teams may be able to speed up time to market and enhance software quality by automating testing and deployment. 

#6. Better Traceability

By linking a repository to a Jira project, developers can see the status + progress of their work as well as associated issues in a single place without having to switch between different platforms. This helps teams stay on top of their project’s workflow and enhances productivity

#7. Generating Reports more easily

The integration of Jira and GitHub enables software development teams and engineers to produce reports that contain data from both systems. These reports can be very helpful for monitoring project progress, pinpointing areas that need improvement, and making defensible decisions based on that specific information. Teams can use the integration to their advantage to understand their work more thoroughly and to make better decisions that could help the project succeed.

Jira Github Automation 

To ensure that the automation behaves as expected, we must create a branch on GitHub with a name that contains the same issue ID. If you want to associate particular commits with particular Jira issues, you will need to include the Jira issue ID in the commit message. This will ensure that the correct cards are subject to your Jira automation rules as intended.

After configuration is complete, you need to develop automation rules for your project.

  1. Navigate to “Project Settings” first, followed by “Automation.”
  2. Three sections make up the automation rules:
  • Triggers – Watch for events and begin a rule’s execution when a predetermined condition is satisfied.
  • Conditions: Define a rule’s parameters with events that are unique to your team.
  • Actions: Schedule automated tasks to run when a certain circumstance is present.

Here is where you can begin developing your automation rules. Triggers, Conditions, and Actions are the components of rules.

Jira gives you the freedom to develop and oversee as many automation rules as you need, each one tailored to your particular workflow and procedures.

GitHub Jira Alternative

#1. GitKraken Client

Git commands and procedures are made simple, quick, and intuitive by the GitKraken Client software. It has an aesthetically pleasing user interface that necessitates fewer interactions, permits more fluid workflows, and offers full functionality. Git is straightforward to understand and use thanks to GitKraken’s user-friendly interface. It allows us to streamline our work by allowing us to quickly push and pull branches, create, delete, and switch between them.

The best tool for managing GitHub repositories and code is Gitkraken, and its one of the best Github Jira alternatives, which has an intuitive user interface. The visualization they provide for all types of branches and code updates is extremely helpful for our day-to-day programming.

#2. Asana

With good reason, Asana has become one of the most well-liked project management tools. It is one of many tools that help the entire project management team communicate and collaborate, much like Jira does.

Asana also provides a selection of workspaces, the ability to add assignees and attachments to tasks, task tracking, in-the-moment collaboration, and the ability to comment on tasks. Asana offers a no-cost plan. Their monthly user fees for their paid plans begin at $10.99. It is primarily renowned for its original strategy. Additionally, it does away with the requirement for email and outside apps for business communication.

#3. Bitbucket

Atlassian created Bitbucket, a version control system. It goes beyond just managing Git code. Bitbucket is among the best GitHub alternatives because it enables teams to organize projects, collaborate on code, test, and deploy.

The Git solution for expert teams is Bitbucket. It provides collaboration and code management around the versioning of your codebase. Every essential feature has been developed to enhance collaboration among software development teams. This encompasses a variety of features, including scalability, security, and extensibility in addition to collaboration.

Software development teams can further scale as their team expands, secure their code base, and impose development workflows thanks to Bitbucket. It incorporates JIRA Software to provide traceability from feature ideation to deployment. 

#4. Assembla 

Assembla is the most secure platform for version control and collaborative project work. We provide more than 5,500 clients around the world with secure cloud hosting for Git, Perforce, and Subversion repositories with integrated project management. 

With the aid of the best practice VCS, Assembla assists development teams in exceeding HIPAA, SOC 2, PCI, and GDPR compliance standards. So, as businesses manage all of their projects and source code from a single location with industry-leading compliance and security, they can embrace agile, adhere to regulations, and maintain their innovative spirit.

#5. GitLab

GitLab is the most complete AI-powered DevSecOps platform that promotes software innovation by enabling teams working on development, security, and operations to produce better software more quickly. Teams can quickly and continuously create, deliver, and manage code with GitLab instead of juggling several tools and scripts. GitLab supports your teams throughout the entire DevSecOps lifecycle, including software development, security, and deployment. Because of its seamless CI/CD integration, teams are given the ability to deploy and integrate changes in real time. 

#6. ClickUp

You can easily manage your tasks, documents, chats, goals, and more with the help of the software called ClickUp. Task comments can be assigned to and resolved using this application. It also makes it simple for you to establish your work’s priorities. Users can use various views to visualize tasks, make use of drag-and-drop functionality, and integrate with Slack and GitHub, among other platforms. Automation, proofing, and goal-setting are prioritized with a free plan that offers unlimited users and a selection of pre-built templates.

In addition to being compatible with many different devices, ClickUp provides support via email, chat, and a contact form. 

What Are the Benefits of Integrating Jira With Github?

Jira and GitHub integration can simplify workflow management by enabling developers to track their work in one place. Connecting GitHub events to Jira issues enables real-time tracking of each issue’s status, allowing developers and project managers to update their progress simultaneously. Integration between GitHub and Jira is the ideal choice if you want to simplify code management and issue tracking.

Should I use Jira and GitHub? 

Generally, Jira and GitHub integration makes it easier for developers to track and manage tasks and issues. They can streamline their workflow by directly creating new issues from their code repositories (GitHub) and linking code commits to existing Jira issues.

Collaboration and project management are enhanced when GitHub and Jira are integrated because developers now have simple access to their code repositories from a single platform. Developers can also manage their projects more effectively and easily without having to switch between different platforms thanks to this ability to stay connected to their code.

Does Jira have an API? 

The REST API for the Jira Server platform is accessible for frequently used features like issues and workflows. Jira’s REST API allows for programmatic communication with the software. Use this API to create applications, script Jira interactions, or create any other kind of integration. You can create JIRA extensions, create connections between JIRA and other programs, or create scripts that interact with JIRA using this REST API.  

The Jira REST APIs are used to establish a remote connection with the Jira Server applications. The Jira Server platform offers a REST API for fundamental functions like issues and workflows. Jira APIs can be used to build any kind of integration, including apps and the automation of Jira interactions.

How Do I Import Issues From Github to Jira?

  • Log in to Jira with a user account that has global permission for Jira Administrators.
  • Choose Administration > System. 
  • To access the page for importing external projects, choose Import & Export > External System Import.

For your import, choose CSV or JSON as the file format. By adding each label in a different column, you can import issues with multiple labels. Imported issues will be assigned the default (i.e., first) Priority as specified in your Jira site unless otherwise specified in your CSV file. While the import is being done, you can also instantly create new Jira values.

How to Use Jira APIs to Create a Jira Issue

  • Register for a Jira Cloud account.
  • Establish the Jira API Token.
  • Construct a Basic Auth Header.
  • Establish Your Jira API Call.
  • Create Your Issue

 Is Jira a Code Repository?

Jira is a bug-tracking program used for agile project management, and GitHub is a website that stores project source code, enabling all developers to quickly push updates and keep the project’s consistency as it changes. Repositories can be linked to a project by project administrators using Jira Software’s toolchain feature. A project’s code page will display links to all of the supported tools, such as Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and others when multiple code repositories are linked together. 


Jira GitHub The integration of the two platforms allows for seamless communication between them. Both developers and project managers may benefit from this procedure because it can enhance two groups’ interaction and collaboration. Additionally, it can aid in enhancing both the caliber of the generated code and the effectiveness of the development process. Utilizing the advantages of integration will help your software development projects run more smoothly and productively. 

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