Dark Web Websites
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Anyone who has heard of the term “dark web” may be under the impression that it is a haven for all things illicit. However, this might only be partially accurate. We’ll provide you with a list of the top dark websites in this article that you will find interesting to browse and even beneficial. Because they are hosted on private server networks, you cannot find these “onion sites” using Google or other traditional search engines. Continue reading to learn more about dark web websites and how to access them.

Dark Web Websites

A portion of the deep web, known as the “dark web,” is made up of websites that search engines like Google and Bing do not index. Standard browsers like Chrome or Microsoft Edge cannot access these sites. Some of the Onion sites are actually pretty unremarkable, despite the dark web’s eerie and mysterious name. Since there is already a ton of material available on the surface web, there isn’t really a solid reason for normal internet users to visit them.

How To Access The Dark Web?

You should now be aware that standard URLs cannot be used to access dark websites. Instead, they use onion links that lack centralized approval and have onion domain extensions. Installing an anonymous browser, such as Tor (also known as the Onion browser), is the best way to visit dark websites. Once installed, you may use the dark web to find any site you want to visit in a manner similar to how a regular browser functions.

Steps To Access The Dark Web Using Tor Browser

  • To get the most recent Tor browser, click here.
  • To install the Tor browser on your computer, laptop, or Android phone, open the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • To launch the Tor browser after installation, click on its icon.
  • Press the “Connect” button and hold your breath as a connection is made.
  • Get on the underground web!

Safety Measures While Browsing on The Dark Web

The black web is definitely a risky place to investigate, despite how intriguing it is. You run a higher risk of falling victim to frauds, malware, and other risks because the majority of dark web sites are not indexed and are not governed. Therefore, if you have a valid reason to explore the dark web, it is always a good idea to start by taking basic security precautions.

#1. Use A Reliable VPN Connection

Before accessing the dark web, make sure to establish a secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection. It will protect your privacy and security by hiding your IP address, encrypting your traffic, and preventing anyone from discovering that you’re using a Tor browser.

#2. Install Strong Antivirus Software

Install reliable antivirus software on your device before you browse the dark web to keep it safe from the countless risks there. You may avoid being the victim of burglars, malware infections, phishing schemes, and more by using a powerful antivirus.

#3. Protect Your Identity

In the world of the dark web, identity theft is a very real issue. Use a password-protected and private email address as a result while surfing dark websites. Always use an anonymous bitcoin wallet to make payments if you intend to make a purchase. Employing online security services for proactive monitoring of identity and financial theft is also a good option.

#4. Be Cautious When Downloading.

It’s too likely that a file you obtain from the dark web contains dangerous code. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from downloading anything while you are in the dark web’s lawless domain. If you decide to download anyhow, scan files in real time.

#5. Watch Out!

Being extra cautious is perhaps the golden guideline when exploring the dark web! Before viewing an onion website, it’s crucial to verify its legitimacy. Don’t blindly click on any dark web link; be cautious. Be wise and most importantly, follow your instincts!

What are the Best Dark Web Websites

Not everyone should use the dark web websites, yet some of it is interesting to explore. Here are the top dark web websites you should visit.

#1. Facebook

Using the official Facebook.onion mirror will allow you to access Facebook on the dark web. This offers two main advantages. First of all, an account can be made and used anonymously. You don’t have to expose yourself to Facebook’s privacy-eroding tendrils in order to access its services. The dark web Facebook mirror can be used to get around censorship if Facebook is restricted in your area.

#2. Hidden Wallet

Prior until recently, few people were familiar with cryptocurrency. However, because Bitcoin transactions enable people to make payments while remaining entirely anonymous, dark web users have relied on them for more than ten years. And if you’re seeking for a Bitcoin wallet to use on the dark web, Hidden Wallet is one of your finest choices.

You may trade Bitcoin using Hidden Wallet, just like any other cryptocurrency wallet. However, since it is housed on the Tor network, you don’t need to worry about your private information being leaked like you would with traditional wallets. For your Bitcoins, Hidden Wallet guarantees bank-grade security, and it asserts that it will never have access to your keys or cryptocurrency funds.

#3. DuckDuckGo

One of the top privately run internet search engines available on the open internet is DuckDuckGo. Your browsing history, location, or any other information are not tracked. Since it prioritizes anonymity and security, the Tor browser sets it as its default search engine. The search engine does, however, also exist on the dark web. It’s a fantastic dark web search tool that provides users with an additional layer of security and anonymity.

#4. SecureDrop

Whistleblowers can anonymously share sensitive information with media via the well-known website SecureDrop. Users of the dark web can exchange information with media outlets without fear of being tracked or having their personal information disclosed because it is hosted on the Tor network.

The Hidden Wiki’s rival website is OnionLinks. A list of dark net sites in many categories is provided. If The Hidden Wiki falls offline, either momentarily or permanently, you can rely on this.onion site. The list of websites on OnionLinks and The Hidden Wiki differ significantly, despite some overlap. The more directory sites you are aware of, the better, given how frequently.onions sites go offline and disappear.

#6. Mail2Tor

Email is one of the least secure forms of communication; email providers have access to your inbox’s contents. You only need to look at how Google automatically adds meetings, travel details, and other diary entries to your calendar to see proof. An alternate email service provider is Mail2Tor. Anyone can use webmail or an email client to send and receive emails anonymously. The business does not keep a record of your IP address and all messages are encrypted.

#7. Haystak

You need a dark web search engine like Haystak because Tor’s built-in search engine, DuckDuckGo, does not retrieve results from.onion websites. The advantage of Haystak is that it makes an effort to remove harmful websites from your search results. Contrary to popular search engines like Google, Haystack indexes over 1.5 billion pages on the dark web and does not track user search requests or collect user information for commercial gain.

#8. The Hidden Wiki

There are several methods you may use to locate active.onion websites and their URLs. Using a dark web link directory like The Hidden Wiki is among the easiest. Some websites—like domain services—are totally legitimate, but others—like whistleblower tools—might be blocked in your nation.

#9. ProPublica

It is the first significant online magazine with a.onion address. The non-profit newsroom has provided innumerable contributions in the struggle for free speech and privacy and is supported by institutions like the Sandler Foundation.

#10. SoylentNews

Unfortunately, because it is rarely objective and factual, the majority of the mainstream media today cannot be trusted. Utilizing an open-source, community-focused news aggregator like SoylentNews is the best way to keep up with the most recent events. Users can share their tales from anywhere in the world, and they can also participate in thought-provoking discussions on open discussion boards.

#11. The CIA.

The account of Tor’s past is improbable. The U.S. Navy developed it to make it easier for informants in other countries to converse securely online. In that vein, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) launched a.onion website to allow users from all around the world to read their resources safely and secretly. It provides all of the same connections, services, and data that you can find on the CIA’s main website. The.onion website is intended for anyone who wants to communicate with the espionage agency anonymously but are concerned about being found out.

#12. Galaxy3

Don’t believe the dark web page for Facebook? In this situation, you ought to try Galaxy3. Naturally, the majority of your actual buddies won’t be there. On the other hand, you’ll come across interesting people, like computer code experts and those looking for adult dates.

#13. Torch Search Engine

The most established and well-known search engine for the dark web is called Torch. It is also the largest, with over a million.onion links in its index. Because of this, it serves as an effective all-purpose search engine – whatever you’re looking for. Torch does not log any of your searches, much like DuckDuckGo does. Additionally, it offers extra information about search results, like page sizes.

Is It Illegal to Visit Dark Web Sites?

The Dark Web or using Tor are not illegal in and of themselves. Of course, it is unlawful to engage in illicit activities undercover, such as downloading photos of child abuse, encouraging terrorism, or offering to sell illegal goods like firearms.

What Is the Most Sold Thing on the Dark Web?

Dark web markets provide a venue for both small- and large-scale trade in illegal goods. The items that are most frequently advertised for sale are drugs, phony documents, items related to fraud, and hacking equipment and services.

What Happens if You Go on the Dark Web Without Vpn?

There are many risks associated with using the dark web, some of which go beyond virus and data theft.


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