10 Best Youtube Alternatives For You In 2023

Best Youtube Alternatives - businessyield.com

There is no arguing that YouTube is one of the best video sites in the world. And it is by far the most popular. Video content has soared on the back of a perfect storm of faster, cheaper internet and increased demand for video content.

A recent survey showed that people watch an average of 18 hours of online video per week. This is an average increase of 2 hours from last year, and over 7 hours since 2019.

So yes, YouTube is the biggest player in the online video space. But there are other sites that you can try too. 

Why you should look for YouTube Alternatives

Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to stop video streaming websites from using some form of tracking. All of them collect aggregated data to ‘improve their services’ or use cookies to collect data for marketing purposes. Some also share that data with their partners and almost all of them will share your information in ‘special circumstances’ like to fight fraud or when required by law enforcement agencies.

Google does that too, so why should you bother looking for YouTube alternatives?

  • You’re giving Google even more data, which adds to an even more accurate ‘user profile’. The alternatives above might serve you ads but they won’t have much more than what you’ll provide them with your profile.
  • You’re getting stuck in the ‘filter bubble’. Google thinks that it knows what you want and serves you the search results that match your profile and your interests. Leaving any other information outside your ‘filter bubble’.
  • Broaden your horizons. Not all the high-quality videos that are available on the internet are on YouTube. If you are looking for fresh ideas for a scientific project – why not check TED? Or maybe you like old movies that can’t be found anywhere else – then check out the Internet Archive.

Without further ado, here are some fantastic YouTube alternatives available online that you may like to try.

Best Youtube Alternatives For You To Try


Vimeo was founded by filmmakers, so it is no surprise that it is a go-to platform for creative minds. Everyone from video content makers and photographers to musicians and ad agencies uses Vimeo.

Best Youtube Alternatives

Even if you visit YouTube on a regular basis, it is worth adding Vimeo to your rotation of video sites. The site was the first on the web to support high-definition videos, and while it does include a selection of user-generated videos, it places more emphasis on high-quality content.

It has a great interface and definitely surpasses YouTube with its high-quality videos (4K Ultra HD to be precise), which also can earn content creators some extra cash. Vimeo is also ad-free and has a built-in community so users can comment, follow channels, and share videos on their social media accounts.

The site has an easy-to-browse search feature that organizes videos by category and channel. A regularly updated selection of Vimeo staff picks can help point you in the right direction, just in case you are not sure what to watch.

Additionally, Vimeo is one of the best YouTube alternatives for creators and uploaders for a number of reasons, including its video quality and customization options. It also offers some TV series and supports 360-degree videos.


Dailymotion went live in March 2005, just one month later than YouTube. Today, it is probably YouTube’s most like-for-like competitor, with over 300 million monthly users, according to CSI Magazine.

Dailymotion attracts 112 million viewers a month, and there are millions of videos uploaded by both professional publishers and amateurs. Dailymotion lets you create your own account. The more videos you watch, the more personalized the site’s recommendations become.

You can find just about anything on Dailymotion, including movies, TV series, documentaries, sports highlights, and even music videos, along with artist interviews. Videos on the homepage are organized by category, with featured videos, news, sport, entertainment, and music being given prevalence.

Users choose Dailymotion mainly because of its high-quality videos. Dailymotion allows users to upload content up to 4GB and with a resolution of 1080p, while YouTube tends to compress them. The only downside is that all videos are only up to 20 min long.

The Internet Archive

Best Youtube Alternatives

The Internet Archive is a web-based library of all sorts of free content, including books, music, software, and, of course, movies. It is an archive of documentaries, movies, and videos that you might not be able to find anywhere else. You can search videos by year, language, topic, and subject. You can also upload your videos as well.

Just as you might associate a physical library with doing research, one of the strengths of The Internet Archive’s video content is its vast collection of historical content. While it also has some newer content, some of its best videos are older and obscure news reports, TV series, and movies that are typically hard to find on other sites.

Like many other sites, users can also upload videos to The Internet Archive. When uploading videos, H.264 is the common video coding format used.


Best Youtube Alternatives

DTube, which is short for Decentralized Tube, is a video site like YouTube. However, instead of all the videos being hosted on a central server, the entire site makes use of the Steem blockchain and is thus decentralized. Decentralized platforms are considered safer by many, as they do not have a single point of failure.

This means that it is pretty difficult for hackers to tamper with video content. It is also unlikely that your personal data will leak, and the community controls the platform.

Another great thing about DTube is that it doesn’t serve you ads or have a recommendation algorithm. It also supports free speech (the content is monitored by the community), and all content creators have the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency revenue. The interface is similar to YouTube, so die-hard YouTube fans won’t find it difficult to move to this platform.

A slight twist on DTube is the way metrics are displayed. Instead of showing how many views each video has, the site shows how much crypto each video has earned. Users who post videos on the site earn Steem (STEEM) crypto tokens which they can transfer to their own cryptocurrency wallets or sell for cash on a cryptocurrency exchange.


Best Youtube Alternatives

Founded in late 2019, Utreon is a relative newcomer to the world of online video platforms. However, its big selling point is a lack of rules and regulations.

That’s not to say it is a free-for-all, but the restrictions are far less onerous than those on YouTube. If you struggle to find videos you want to watch on YouTube due to the genre, Utreon is worth checking out.

If you’re a video producer, you don’t even need to re-upload your existing video library. Utreon can pull all your videos from YouTube and populate them in your Utreon profile.


Twitch is a live-streaming service that launched in 2011 and was later purchased by Amazon. Best known in the gaming community, this video hosting platform allows its users to ‘live broadcast’ their gameplay or upload the recording. It also serves as a social network where people can share their game tips and interact with other players.

Apart from a hub for gamers, though, it has increasingly started diversifying into a channel for comedians, entertainers, variety acts, and more. This accelerated during the 2020 lockdown, where many comedians and entertainers were unable to entertain at live venues and sought alternative revenue sources.

In fact, the top category of Twitch streaming is ‘Just Chatting’. In 2020, more than 1.9 billion hours of global watch time worldwide were spent on these ostensibly non-gaming streams.

We won’t go into Twitch’s monetization options, because unless you’re interested in streaming yourself, the main interest for brands here is in advertising and sponsored content.

Facebook Watch

Like YouTube, Facebook Watch offers a tailored list of video content for you to dig into.

There is a variety of series you can check out on Facebook Watch, such as The Real Bros of Simi Valley, Sorry for Your Loss, and Sacred Lies. It’s a little harder to find content than on YouTube, as it doesn’t have endless categories to choose from. But you can follow the shows you love to keep up to date with new episodes.

However, it is definitely one of the best YouTube alternatives worth considering if you enjoy whiling away hours scrolling through lists of easy-to-watch videos.


Best Youtube Alternatives

9GAG is a collection of all things fun and goofy: funny photos, GIFs, gaming videos, memes, anime, and more. It is a go-to platform for social media fans and anyone looking for short and funny videos.

Facebook and Twitter users love this platform as it is full of GIFs, memes, and other fun photos that they can share with their friends. Most of the content is fun and frivolous. Video titles include “A Compilation of the Best Commercials Starred by the Star Wars Crew” or “This High School Love Story Will Warm Your Heart and Then Break It Before You Know What Happened.” The content is categorized, making it easy to find what you’re looking for.

It’s the type of stuff that’s hard not to click on and then spend hours browsing. Before visiting, be warned: the site contains a number of videos that are somewhat risqué and may not be safe for work.


Best Youtube Alternatives

Crackle was founded by Sony Picture Entertainment, which makes it the best place to watch original TV shows or older Hollywood movies from various networks. It offers well-known movies such as Animal House, Paranormal Activity, and Rudy. Crackle also features videos from established production houses, including Columbia Pictures, Funimation Films, Tri-star Pictures, and many more.

Some of Crackle’s original content has earned critical acclaim, including the web series Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee starring Jerry Seinfeld. It also has a solid selection of well-known TV shows.

Overall, you’ll find that Crackle is also one of the best YouTube alternatives you need to try.

TED Talks

Best Youtube Alternatives

TED is a well-known non-profit organization that hosts conferences all around the world, and one of the best free YouTube alternatives if you’re looking for knowledge. The majority of the lectures are recorded and their videos then appear on Ted’s website. It features more than 3,500 talks covering many topics, such as technology, business, design, science, and global issues.

Some of the talks are funny, while others are emotional. Some talks explain how your brain works, while others are there mainly for entertainment. However, the one constant with all the TED Talks videos is that you’re likely to take something memorable out of each one.

The TED Talks website is particularly handy if you’re squeezed for time. Videos that appear on the menu are tagged with an easy-to-see red circle if they’re shorter than six minutes. It is a great platform and one of the best YouTube alternatives if you are looking for fresh ideas or wish to learn something new.


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