How to Change Discord Password: Easy Steps & Tricks

How to Change Discord Password
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Do you fear that someone may have discovered your Discord password and gained access to your account? Or maybe you want to be extra safe and change your Discord password. No matter the case, you can count on us. This tutorial will give you details on the Discord password requirement and show you how to change or reset your Discord password on your mobile device to ensure that only authorized users have access to your private messages and other account data.

How to Change Discord Password 

There are a few scenarios in which you’d need to reset your Discord password. Also, if you are concerned that someone may have gained access to your account through hacking, leaking, or other means, you should immediately change your password. To further protect yourself from hackers and snoopers, it is recommended that you use strong passwords and periodically change them.

Using a password organizer assures that you will never forget your passwords again and also helps you generate passwords that are exceptionally difficult to hack.

How to change a Discord password

The following are the methods by which you may alter your Discord password:

  • Invoke the Discord client.
  • To access “User Settings,” select the cogwheel icon in the upper left.
  • In the “My Account” section, select “Edit” next to your current username.
  • To modify your password, select “Change password.”
  • Simply replace the old password with the new one and click “Save.”

You just updated your password. Discord will also send you an email to let you know about the update. If you’ve received such an email but still need to update your password, Discord’s customer service needs to hear from you quickly.

Changing your password on Discord’s website requires the same procedure.

What to Do If You Forgot Your Discord Password?

If you’ve lost access or forgot your Discord password, here’s what to do:

  • Start up the Discord.
  • To reset your password, visit the “Forgot your password?” page and enter your account’s email address or phone number.
  • Then, Discord will send you a notification email with further steps.
  • Simply open the email, select “Reset password,” and then proceed with the reset process. Also, if you received such an email and cannot recall requesting a password reset, please contact the Discord support staff.
  • Resetting your password on Discord’s website follows the same procedure.
  • Mobile device password reset
  • Fire up Discord.
  • Select the “Login” button.
  • The “Forgot your password?” link can be accessed in this way.
  • Put in your email address and hit “OK.”

You will be alerted when the email is sent. Simply open the email, select “Reset password,” and then proceed with the reset process.

How to Change Discord Password on Mobile 

The popular online chat service Discord has a global user base in the millions. Additionally, changing the password on your Discord account on a regular basis is an important security measure to take. Also, If the user has reason to believe that their Discord account is not safe or that an unauthorized third party has access to it, they should take this precaution. Finally, we’ll look at a number of options for changing mobile Discord passwords.

  • Start up the Discord client.
  • Look for your profile image in the lower right corner and tap it.
  • Select “Account” or “My Account” on your mobile device’s menu.
  • Click “Password” on iOS or “Change password” on Android.
  • The old and new passwords must be entered.
  • Your previous password is no longer valid. Discord will also send you an email to let you know about the update.
  • When you do change your password, be sure to use a robust one. 

Discord Password Requirements

A minimum of 8 characters is necessary for your Discord password requirements. Passwords with less than 8 characters will be rejected.

The password you choose should be strong and unique. Passwords with more symbols, numbers, or capitalization levels aren’t necessarily more secure than those with more length. More so, strong passwords should be used across all of your online accounts, and a password manager is a terrific tool for creating, storing, and remembering all of them.

Some regions have stricter Discord requirements for passwords than others.

Ways to Personalize Discord

To further enhance your discount account, we’ve provided the following options: More so, Discord is the most widely used online platform for multiplayer communication among gamers. Here are a few options for enhancing your account’s functionality.

#1. Nickname and Username for the Server

When you sign up for Discord for the first time, you’ll be asked to select a username. However, once you’ve signed up, you’ll have the option to modify your username.

The Settings menu can be accessed by clicking the cogwheel icon next to your name and profile photo.

If you go to User Settings > My Account and then click “Edit,” you’ll be prompted to enter a new username.

Your online alias is also subject to change on any server you frequent. Also, to disconnect from a server, navigate to one of your accounts and click the arrow to the left of the server’s name. More so, to use a different alias, go to the “Change Nickname” menu option. You will be known by this name when you join a server.

In “My Account,” select the circle that contains your current profile photo to use as your Discord avatar.

#2. Discord Avatar

As a second step, you’ll be prompted to choose an image file to use as your Discord avatar. The next step is to preview the cropped image within the circle. Avatars for Discord Nitro users can be animated GIFs rather than still photos.

#3. Discord Integrations

Your Discord account can serve as a hub for all of your online identities. Different programs offer different account integrations. When someone checks out your profile card, they’ll see what game you’re presently playing if you’ve linked your Steam, Xbox, or account.

Connecting your Twitch and YouTube channels lets your viewers know when you’re broadcasting live, and connecting your Spotify and YouTube accounts lets them see what you’re listening to at the moment.

#4. Discordant Relationships

Click the app’s icon in User Settings > Connections to begin setting up an integration. Each individual connection can then be tailored to your specific needs.

#5. Custom Number Tag

Multiple users can share the same Discord handle thanks to the addition of a random four-digit number at the end of each handle. There is no way to modify this with a free account.

To do so, navigate to the “My Account” section of Discord Nitro and select “Edit.” If the tag you want is available, this is where you can set it.

#6. Discord’s User Interface 

The user interface of Discord can be adjusted in a few ways. Navigate to the app’s Settings > Appearance to check them out.

Here, you can choose between a light theme and a dark theme. Altering the presentation of messages is also an option. While “cozy” causes messages to be more spread out, “compact” clusters everything together and obscures avatars.

You may also adjust the spacing between messages and the size of the font to make the interface more user-friendly for people with visual impairments.

Any UI tweaks you make in one app will take effect in all of them, whether you’re using a mobile, desktop, or online app.

#7. Editing Options for Text and Pictures

App Settings > Text & Photos allows you to modify the appearance of text and photos in chat.

Some of the ways in which you can modify the presentation of content are as follows:

Toggle the visibility of media attachments in the conversation stream. Also, this includes photos, videos, and LOLcats. You can use this to see a preview of links within messages if you have them enabled. Lastly, this toggles the display of emoji responses to messages and whether or not animated emoji are displayed.

#8. Notification Defaults

If you are a member of many servers, you will receive smartphone notifications for each of them. In contrast, alerts on the computer’s desktop are turned off.

When you’re using a desktop computer, you can toggle desktop notifications on in the app’s settings and turn off mobile notifications there. Discord’s sound effects, such as those for new messages, new voice chat participants, and so on, can all be disabled if you so desire.

#9. Notification Preferences for the Server

Each server can be alerted in its own unique way. Click the arrow next to the server’s name to connect to it. Navigate to the Notifications tab from here.

Notification preferences can be adjusted in three ways:

  • Complete Messages: Every time a new server message is sent, you will be alerted to it. More so, this works wonderfully for intimate private servers with only a few players. Large public servers with thousands of users do not have access to this feature.
  • You will be alerted only when someone mentions your username (an @mention) in a message. Please be aware that this server will not send you any alerts.  If you click the “Mute” button, the server will be temporarily muted.
  • Notifications can also be customized on a per-channel basis within a server. Simply right-click the server and select “Notification Settings.” To monitor a specific channel, choose “All Messages.”

Can You Reset Discord Password With Number? 

To access your Discord account, go to the login page and enter your email address or phone number in the “Email or Phone Number” field. To reset your password, click the “Forgot Your Password” link. Also, there will be an instant “Instructions Sent” notification in Discord. Select “Okay” to dismiss the dialog window.

Can We Change Discord ID? 

When you sign up for Discord, you’ll be assigned a Discord ID. You are unable to change your Discord ID.

How Do I Enable NSFW on Discord 2023? 

A mobile guide to enabling an NSFW Channel in Discord

  • First, launch the Discord mobile app.
  • Second, to make a new channel, go to the “Server” drop-down menu and click the “Plus” sign.
  • Third, select the Create button after naming your channel.
  • Fourth, keep your finger pressed down on your channel.
  • The sixth action is to pick an editing channel.
  • Finally, turn on the mature content channel and save your changes.

How Do I Edit My Discord Account?

Doing this is a breeze!

  • Open the user preferences menu.
  • You may make this change under the User Settings menu, under the My Account page.
  • Swap out your old login name.
  • Create a catchy new moniker and enter it:
  • Add your password to show Discord that you mean business.


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