How to Post a Job on LinkedIn
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As of 2023, LinkedIn boasts a member base of over 850 million active individuals, thereby establishing itself as the foremost global platform for professional networking. Among this group, a substantial number of users, specifically over 52 million individuals, are actively engaged in the pursuit of employment opportunities. For companies seeking efficient recruitment strategies, LinkedIn serves as a valuable resource due to its extensive user base of active professionals on a global scale. This article will explain how to post a job on LinkedIn for free, from a company page, anonymously, and how to post a job on LinkedIn Recruiter. 

How to Post a Job on LinkedIn

If you haven’t posted job openings on LinkedIn yet, you’re already behind the game because you’re missing out on qualified candidates, a large talent pool, and the opportunity to build your employer’s brand. Recognizing LinkedIn’s importance among job seekers, your competitors may already be too.

However, there is a proverb that states that it is never too late to do anything. You can still learn how to successfully post a job on LinkedIn and attract top talent.

#1. Create a Business Page

Before using LinkedIn to hire employees, you must create and configure a LinkedIn company page. You must have a personal profile with your full name in order to do so. You can quickly create an account by selecting Join Now on the LinkedIn homepage and following the on-screen instructions. After accomplishing this, you can establish a company page.

Follow these steps to establish your company page:

Select the Work icon located in the upper-right corner of your LinkedIn homepage. This will open a drop-down menu from which you can choose Create a Company Page. Simply follow the on-screen instructions and decide what kind of page you want to make:

  • Company Page.
  • Show Page (for specific products, campaigns, etc.).
  • Learners’ Gathering

After deciding on the page’s purpose (probably a company page), you’ll be asked to fill out some basic information about your business. Enter your firm information (name, URL, etc.) and upload your logo here.

Complete the verification box at the bottom of the page, then click Create Page to publish your firm details.

#2. Post a Job for Free

It’s free to post a job on LinkedIn. To get to the Work icon and consequently the Post a Job icon on your personal LinkedIn profile’s dashboard, please navigate to the designated area and select the appropriate options from the drop-down menu. Clicking on this link will redirect you to a web page containing a form where you can input your job-related details. Please provide the following details: the job title, the name of the company, the kind of workplace (on-site, hybrid, or remote), the location of the employee, and the type of employment. After completing all the required fields, proceed by clicking on the “Get Started For Free” button.

#3. Create Your Job Details

After you’ve entered your basic job information (such as your title, company, and location), the next screen will ask for the specifics of your position, such as the duties involved and the qualifications necessary to do them. When you are finished with this part, click Continue at the bottom of the page to proceed. Please provide the following details:

  • Job description: (Required) Enter your job description in the text box. Be as detailed as possible in describing the tasks, abilities, and education levels you need for this position.
  • Skills: Click the Add Skill icon to specify the skills required for the position.

Read Also: HOW TO GET YOUR LINKEDIN URL: Step-By-Step Guide

How to Post a Job on LinkedIn from Company Page 

Sharing a LinkedIn post isn’t the most obvious thing to do, especially when you want to post a job from your company page. LinkedIn has a preference for businesses to invest in advertising as a means to enhance their growth. Nevertheless, it is possible to enhance the extent of the information on your company page by capitalizing on the use of your employees to share content within their own networks.

  • As a standard workflow for digital content marketing:
  • You write the blog posts for the organization’s website.
  • Share this blog post on your LinkedIn company page as an update.
  • Navigate to your LinkedIn personal feed, locate the post, and share it. One can also include a comment while making use of the recently introduced @mention functionality.

Similar to other social networks, the manner in which users share LinkedIn posts, links, and other information undergoes modifications throughout time. In recent times, there have been many changes implemented to enhance the functionality of LinkedIn. Let’s look at how to post a job on LinkedIn from the company page.

  • Join the company’s LinkedIn page.
  • Find a post from the company in your personal feed or visit the company’s LinkedIn page and navigate down to the “Recent Updates” section.
  • Select the “Share” button.
  • If necessary, add a personalized comment and @mention an individual or company.
  • Change the Post Settings to make the post public or restricted to your LinkedIn connections.
  • Select “Post”

If the company update you wish to share is not immediately visible on your personal page, search for the “Sort By” option.  If you choose ‘Recent Updates’ from the available options, LinkedIn should switch your feed from displaying “Top Updates” to displaying updates in chronological order.


 How to Post a Job on LinkedIn for Free 

LinkedIn, with over 800 million users, is the largest professional network in the globe. It is also one of the finest places to post job ads and find qualified candidates. The service is free and surprisingly easy to use, and there are also paid add-ons. In addition, we will demonstrate how to post a job opening on LinkedIn for free and in mere minutes.

#1. Go to LinkedIn, click “Work,” then “Post a Job.”

First, access the LinkedIn profile you’ll be using to make the job posting. This might be your individual profile, or it could be your company’s profile if you’re using LinkedIn to advertise a job opening.

To access the user interface, go to the user’s upper right and select “Work.” By clicking this, a pull-down menu will appear from which you can select “Post a job.”

#2. Sign In or Sign Up For LinkedIn Talent Solutions

If you want to use LinkedIn Talent Solutions, you’ll need to log in or create an account on the next screen. Accessing LinkedIn Talent Solutions for the first time is as easy as logging in with your existing LinkedIn credentials.

#3. Input Key Job Details

Then, fill out the brief form to tell us about the job you’re trying to fill. Specify the job’s title, company, workplace (onsite, remote, or hybrid), location, and employment status (full-time, part-time, or temporary), for example. When you’re ready to begin, select “Start job post.”

#4. Write the Job Description and Add Skills

After you’ve included the fundamentals of the position, fill out your job description and add relevant skills. LinkedIn can sometimes be set up to automatically fill in a job description for you. If so, putting it to use could prove beneficial. You should review it and make adjustments to make sure it speaks to the job and your specific needs, though. When you are finished, please select “Continue.”

#5. Add Screening Questions (Optional)

In the final section, you may select your preferred method of contact and decide whether or not to include preliminary screening questions with your job ad. Screening questions are useful for vetting potential applicants and saving time.

If you want to make sure your job posting looks okay after making your selections, click the “Preview” button in the bottom left corner. Once there, select “Post a job for free” to advertise your opening on LinkedIn.


How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Recruiter 

LinkedIn Recruiter provides the opportunity to post job listings, thereby facilitating the advertisement of vacant positions inside a company. Job seekers have the ability to look for job listings inside the LinkedIn network and these posts will also be suggested to potential applicants using the Job Recommendations function.

In the LinkedIn Recruiter platform, every job posting is linked to an ongoing project. This feature enables users to efficiently assess and oversee their search outcomes, suggested matches, and job candidates within a unified and centralized platform. Additionally, it enhances coordination with the hiring staff. One has the option to submit a job listing during the initial project creation process, or alternatively, one can publish a position on an existing open project.

Furthermore, it is imperative to note that job postings made using your LinkedIn Recruiter license (seat) must be exclusively administered through the Recruiter platform. Nevertheless, it should be noted that job posts generated using one’s personal LinkedIn account will not be visible in their Recruiter account and will instead need to be administered through

How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Anonymously

These are the steps to take when you want to post a job on LinkedIn anonymously.

#1. Create A LinkedIn Recruiter Lite Account

Creating a LinkedIn Recruiter Lite account is the first step to posting a job anonymously on LinkedIn. This is a free alternative to the premium recruitment platform, LinkedIn Recruiter. By signing up for LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, employers can advertise job openings without disclosing their identity or the nature of their business.

#2. Set Up Your Anonymous Company Profile

After signing up for LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, the next step is to establish a covert profile for your firm. Use this profile to post job openings and connect with prospective employees. Give a quick rundown of your business, its goals, and the skillset you’re hoping to fill. Remember that everything you put in your anonymous company profile will be accessible to everyone looking for work.

#3. Write A Compelling Job Description

The last stage is to compose an engaging job description that will entice qualified applicants to apply. Include the job’s title, location, duties, and requirements in your description. Use brief language and relevant keywords to boost your job posting’s visibility in LinkedIn’s search results.

#4. Enter Job Details

Even if you want to keep your anonymity while posting a job, you should still include the position’s title, description, wage range, and location. Make sure the job description is detailed enough without including the company name or logo to attract qualified applicants.

#5. Publish Your Job Listing

When you’re ready to post your listing on LinkedIn, click the “Publish” button once you’ve filled out the form completely. Members of LinkedIn who are actively looking for employment opportunities will now be able to see the posting.

#6. Manage Applicants

After posting a job on LinkedIn, you may use your LinkedIn Recruiter account to receive and process applications. You can select the best applicants by reading their applications and making a selection based on the information provided.

How Do I Share a Post From a Company Page on LinkedIn?

Join the company’s LinkedIn network. Visit the company’s LinkedIn page and browse to the “Recent Updates” section. Click on the “Share” button. Change the Post Settings to make the post public or restricted to your LinkedIn connections.

How Do I Post to My Company Page on LinkedIn?

Access the page admin or content admin view. In the Post Ideas section, you will find LinkedIn’s suggestions for blog post topics. Click Start a Post and input your text or website URL (article or website). Posts are exhibited in the language in which you compose them.

Why Can’t I Post on My LinkedIn Business Page?

You need to be a super admin or content admin to make changes to your Pages. Verify the technical requirements for the medium. Your post should have no more than 40 mentions. A broken SSL certificate could be the cause of a “cannot display preview” error on a landing page.

How Long Do LinkedIn Posts Last on a Company Page?

You need to be a super admin or content admin to make changes to your Pages. Verify the technical requirements for the medium. Your post should have no more than 40 mentions. A broken SSL certificate could be the cause of a “cannot display preview” error on a landing page.

Should a Company Post Everyday on LinkedIn?

Post content on LinkedIn twice a day. Companies that blog once a week see a doubling in content engagement, according to LinkedIn. It is suggested that updates be made daily, especially on the weekends.


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