Piggery Farming: How To Start One in Nigeria

piggery farming
Photo by Saraí Zuno

Are you thinking about how to get started in the lucrative and rewarding field of piggery farming? Nigeria has a thriving and expanding pig farming business, which is driven by a high demand for pork and its byproducts. The country’s enormous population and cultural preferences lead to a steady and profitable market for pig producers.

Whether you’re a first-time farmer or a seasoned agricultural entrepreneur, you’ll learn vital insights and practical suggestions for getting started and optimizing your operations for success in the Nigerian piggery farming market.

This blog article will cover a variety of topics, including farm planning, selecting appropriate pig breeds, implementing effective management programs, and selling your pigs.

What is Piggery Farming in Nigeria?

Piggery farming is a relatively young industry in Nigeria that has recently gained in prominence. Nigeria is a vast country with a population of about 170 million people, and the demand for pig products is increasing. Pig farming allows small-scale farmers to enter the livestock market and meet this need.

Pigs are simple to care for and take up less space than other livestock animals. Pigs can be fed a variety of food waste and agricultural byproducts, making them excellent for small-scale farmers without access to expensive feed. And pigs also breed quickly, which means farmers can get a large return on their investment in a short amount of time.

Importance of Piggery Farming in Nigeria

Pigs also contribute to the country’s economy by serving as a source of currency. Pigs are a significant food source in Nigeria. Pork is the most popular meat in the country, and pigs are the primary source of it. Pigs are also a significant source of revenue for small-scale farmers. Pig farming is Nigeria’s most profitable enterprise.

Pigs also contribute to the country’s economy by serving as a source of currency. Pigs are important economically, but they also help to maintain environmental balance and provide a significant supply of fertilizer. Also, pigs eat a variety of plants and roots, which aids in the control of vegetation. They also dump their waste on farms, which nourishes the soil and promotes crop growth.

Health Benefits of Pork

Pork is one of the most popular meats in the world. It is derived from pig farming, a widespread agricultural practice in Nigeria. The following are the top health benefits of pork:

  • Protein-rich: Pork is a fantastic source of protein, which is required for the body’s muscle, tissue, and organ construction and repair.
  • Boosts energy levels: Pork is abundant in thiamine, a B vitamin that aids the body’s conversion of food into energy.
  • Promotes muscle growth: Pork is high in leucine, an amino acid that is essential for muscular building.
  • Helps regulate digestion: Pork is high in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and prevents constipation.
  • Supports bone health: Pork is high in minerals including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, all of which are necessary for strong and healthy bones.
  • Boosts the immune system: Pork contains a lot of zinc, which is a mineral that promotes the immune system and wound healing.
  • Reduces inflammation: Pork contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory characteristics and can aid in the reduction of inflammation in the body.
  • Promotes healthy skin: Pork includes vitamin E, which is necessary for keeping healthy skin and preventing it from free radical damage.

Types Of Pigs Used For Pig Farming in Nigeria

Pig farming in Nigeria can be done with a variety of pig breeds. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Large White: Also known as Yorkshire, this pig breed is one of the most widespread in the world and is recognized for its lean flesh.
  • Landrace: Known for its mothering skills, this breed is frequently utilized in crossbreeding to produce piglets with desirable qualities.
  • Duroc: The Duroc breed is commonly utilized for pork production due to its high development rate.
  • Hampshire: This breed is well-known for producing high-quality meat and is frequently utilized in crossbreeding.
  • Pietrain: The Pietrain breed, which originated in Belgium, is recognized for its muscle growth and is frequently utilized for lean meat production.
  • American Yorkshire: This breed is well-known for its capacity to mother and is frequently utilized in industrial pig farming.
  • Meishan: Originally from China, this breed is recognized for producing large litter and is frequently utilized in crossbreeding.
  • Wessex Saddleback: This breed is well-known for its toughness and is frequently employed in outdoor pig farming.

These pig breeds have varied traits and are best suited for specific pig farming purposes. Other type of breeds that are also profitable in Nigeria includes: Poland China Pig and the Chester White Pig.

How To Start a Piggery Farming in Nigeria?

Starting a pig farming business in Nigeria or Africa necessitates careful preparation and sufficient finances. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial:

#1. Select a suitable place

Your farm’s location is critical for two reasons. To begin with, pigs demand a lot of area, so you’ll need to find a large enough land to house your herd. Second, the place should be near water and other supplies that your pigs will require.

#2. Create a business plan

It is required for any profitable business operation. Your goals, tactics, and financial estimates will be outlined in this paper. It will also assist you in obtaining funds from investors if necessary.

#3. Construct adequate housing

Pigs must be kept in clean and spacious quarters. Make sure the pens are large enough for the animals to move around freely and get plenty of fresh air and sunlight.

#4. Invest in high-quality breeding stock.

It is critical to begin with high-quality breeding stock in order to create healthy pigs that will sell for a good price on the market. Work with reliable breeders and buy animals from healthy lineages.

#5. Implement proper husbandry practices

To keep your pigs healthy and productive, good husbandry techniques are needed. These include providing a clean and comfortable environment as well as a nutritious food.

#6. Establishing Feed and Nutrition Programs

Learn about the nutritional requirements of pigs at various stages of development. Create a balanced feed formulation that meets their protein, calorie, vitamin, and mineral requirements. Consult with animal nutritionists or use ready-made pig feed solutions on the market.

#7. Effective Pig Health Management Implementation

Implement strict biosecurity measures to prevent disease invasion and spread on your farm. Restriction of farm access, adequate disinfection measures, and stringent quarantine standards for incoming animals are all recommended. Educate farm workers on disease prevention and maintain stringent hygiene standards.

#8. Promote and Sell Your Pigs

Create a captivating brand identity that represents the quality of your pigs and sets your farm apart from the competition. Create a marketing strategy that incorporates branding objectives, advertising platforms, and customer segments. To promote your farm and its goods, use online platforms, social media, and local agricultural networks.

Which Breed of Pig is Most Profitable in Nigeria?

The Yorkshire, Danish Landrace, Landrace, American Yorkshire, Hampshire, and Duroc breeds, as well as their crosses, are the most common pig breeds in Nigeria. When selecting a breed for your farm, keep your individual goals and productivity requirements in mind. With so many breeds to choose from, you’re bound to discover one that’s right for you.

New Technologies in Piggery Farming in Nigeria

Many technological advancements have made pig farming more efficient and productive. Some of these new technologies in Nigeria include:

#1. Automatic feeders

These feeders deliver a predetermined amount of feed at regular intervals, ensuring that the pigs are well-fed and do not have to compete for food.

#2. Temperature-controlled enclosure

This keeps the pigs comfortable and prevents excessive temperatures from stunting their growth.

#3. Genetic selection

Farmers can pick pigs with desirable features such as high productivity or disease resistance using genetic selection.

#4. Vaccines

New vaccines are constantly being developed to help protect pigs from disease.

#5. Better sanitation

Improving farm sanitation standards can aid in the prevention of illness transmission among pigs.

Is Pig Farming Profitable in Nigeria?

Pig farming is, indeed, profitable in Nigeria. Pigs can be raised in a variety of ways and are an important source of food and revenue. However, pig farming, like any other enterprise, has some hazards. Before you begin, the most important thing to remember is to conduct study and speak with experienced farmers.

Cost of Starting a Piggery Farming Business in Nigeria

The cost of establishing a pig farming business in Nigeria varies according to the size of the operation. A small-scale farm may cost N20,000 to N50,000 to establish, and a large-scale commercial farm may cost more than N1 million. The main costs of starting a pig farm are the procurement of pigs, the construction of housing and pens, and the purchase of feed and other supplies. The cost of land, buildings, and equipment must also be addressed. The cost of pigs and feed must also be taken into account. Also, the cost of labor and other running expenses must also be considered.

Care and Management of Piggery Farming in Nigeria

Proper care and administration is one of the most crucial parts of effectively growing pigs. It is critical to create a clean and comfortable environment for your pigs. Pigs are very clean creatures and will not thrive in a filthy or crowded environment. Make sure their quarters are roomy and well-ventilated. The flooring material must be clean. Fresh water is essential for pigs. They will drink a lot of water, so make sure you have a steady supply on hand.

You can provide them with water by using a trough or bucket. To aid prevent dehydration, it is a good idea to add some electrolyte solution to their drink. Pigs require a well-balanced diet in order to be healthy and grow appropriately. Fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and high-quality pig feed should be available to them. Commercial pig feed can be purchased from a variety of sources, but it must be nutritionally sufficient. It would be beneficial if you supplemented their meals with minerals and vitamins as well.

Piggery Farming Challenges in Nigeria

However, there are several difficulties involved with pig farming in Nigeria. The primary problem is disease control, as pigs are sensitive to a variety of infections that can result in considerable losses. Disease control necessitates strong disease management techniques as well as availability to vaccinations and other therapeutic alternatives.

There is also the issue of marketing, as most Nigerians are unfamiliar with pork products, and infrastructure for shipping and processing pork goods is inadequate. However, with good planning and help from the government and business sector, these problems can be solved.

Access to veterinary treatment is another issue. Because pigs are prone to a variety of diseases, farmers must have access to veterinarians who can treat sick animals. Finally, African swine fever and foot-and-mouth disease are common in Nigeria and can lead pig producers to suffer terrible losses.

Despite these obstacles, small-scale pig farmers in Nigeria can make a living. Pigs are generally easy to care for and multiply quickly, so farmers can profit by selling piglets or pork products. Pigs can also be utilized for other reasons, such as fertilizer manufacturing, giving small-scale farmers with alternative income streams.

How Long Do Pigs Take to Mature?

Both male and female pigs reach sexual maturity about 5–6 months of age. The weight curve has reached an inflection point at this point. Adolescence is defined as the period from 5–6 months to around 18 months of age. The weight curve flattens at 18 months of age.

What Makes Pigs Grow Faster?

Giving a pig the correct food is essential for increasing its weight. If the pig isn’t gaining weight as quickly as you’d like, cut its fiber consumption while increasing its fat and sugar intake. Choosing the correct protein and grain sources is also critical to helping your pig grow weight.

How Many Months Do Pigs Get Pregnant?

For three months, three weeks, and three days, sows are pregnant. That is 115 days from the first day of mating, with a range of 111 to 120 days. Abortions are defined as piglets born before 109 days. Premature farrowing refers to piglets born between 109 and 112 days.


Pig farming may be a very profitable enterprise in Nigeria. Pigs are low-maintenance and breed quickly, making them an excellent investment for small-scale farmers. It is a considerable source of food and money for many smallholder farmers and plays an important role in the economy. Commercial pig farming is getting more popular since there is increased demand for pork products in both domestic and foreign markets.


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