PERSONAL QUALITIES: Best 20+ Qualities to Success

Image Source: MedicalProfessionals

You are basically who you are as a result of your unique combination of qualities, traits, attributes, and abilities. On the other hand, there are a few personal qualities and attributes we can all work to develop in order to be more successful in life and at our job. Besides, personal qualities are of great interest to employers since they determine an employee’s ability to do their job. Hence, we need to cultivate these qualities gradually over time, like a delicate flower. Personal qualities are crucial in any setting requiring collaboration, group dynamics, relationship building, or regular contact with superiors, coworkers, or clients. Therefore, it’s crucial to know what personal qualities are most valued by potential employers when you look for a job. We’ll discuss some of the good personal qualities that can command success in our lives and at a job including those you require as a nurse. 

Understanding your Personal Qualities

Whether or not you are conscious of the manner in which your personality influences your work, it might represent the distinction between mediocre and outstanding performance on the job, for both you and your workplace.

In reality, people from many walks of life have these skills and qualities that have prepared them for personal success. You can’t just happen across them, and you can’t rely on luck to bring them about. Changes like these occur gradually, day by day, as a result of our new habits.

To sum up, if you lead a mediocre lifestyle, you should expect mediocre outcomes. You have to go out there and work for the things you want. Putting out an effort to be your best self every day is an excellent strategy to steer your life on the right path. You’ll attract more of what you deserve the harder you work every day.

Hence, one’s personal qualities play a significant role in determining one’s level of competence. These criteria are often disregarded in favor of the more obvious ones, such as education and experience.

Among the many personal qualities that employers generally consider in an employee at a job include;

  • Perseverance
  • Self-discipline
  • Work ethic
  • Flexibility
  • Positive mental attitude
  • Confidence
  • Ambition
  • Extrovert vs introvert
  • Attitude to risk 
  • Learning styles

Differences Between Personal Qualities and Personal Skills

Skills and qualities differ in that one may be learned, whereas the other is something we are born with. A skill must be learned, frequently through specialized training and information. It can be broadly characterized as “what” we excel at doing. But, qualities are more intrinsic to “who” we are as individuals.

Attributes are innate characteristics that a person might have: Perhaps you have an outgoing personality and a high tolerance for stress. A person’s skill set is the sum total of their education, work experience, and any formal or informal training they may have received. Skill is a verifiable thing that can be demonstrated through credentials and actual work.

Personal qualities are basically personal characteristics or attributes such as:

  • Courage
  • Patience
  • Humility
  • Likability
  • Helpfulness
  • Reliability
  • Sincerity

Your hard and soft skills are examples of your personal skills. Hard talents are practical abilities like coding or speaking a foreign language. Because they are related to who you are as a person, soft skills are comparable to personal qualities but they serve more as a practical application of personal attributes. Personal soft skills examples include:

  • Communicative
  • Problem-solving
  • Social skills
  • Sensible thinking
  • Leadership
  • Technical skills

Personal Qualities for a Job

Depending on the business or job requirements, employers may search for different personal qualities. For instance, a recruiter filling a sales position might be looking for someone who is persuasive and persistent. Nonetheless, there are several personal qualities that almost all businesses look for in potential employees when hiring for a job, such as;

#1. Motivation

Businesses prefer someone they can trust to follow directions and complete tasks without needing to be reminded. Being self-motivated demonstrates your capacity for performing your duties successfully and quickly. Taking the initiative to finish specific projects or duties might strengthen your dedication to your career or reveal leadership abilities that might be useful to you in the future.

#2. Humility

Being modest at work may entail accepting responsibility for any errors, identifying your areas for improvement, and appreciating how the efforts of others have contributed to your success. Talking fairly about your prior accomplishments in an interview or on your resume that shows your success without bragging is a wonderful method to show that you are humble.

#3. Enthusiasm

Companies look for candidates who are enthusiastic about the possibility of working for the company. You might be more engaged and create greater results if you are passionate and enthused about your work. Your enthusiasm for your work may help motivate your coworkers and raise morale in the office as a whole.

#4. Ambition

Having ambition demonstrates your dedication to and enthusiasm for your profession. If you’re ambitious, you can be goal-oriented, have a strong drive to excel in your career, and continually look for new opportunities for achievement. Employers are frequently excited by this possibility and may wish to support the growth of your talent and achievement.

#5. Conscientiousness

Consciousness may demonstrate to a potential employer how seriously you take your work, how much pride you have in a job well done, and how dedicated you are to your position. Being diligent may also be a sign of excellent planning and concentration abilities.

#6. Confidence

Make sure potential employers realize the value you can add to their organization. Real-world instances of your prior successes can bolster your self-assurance and further demonstrate your qualifications.

Consider the case where you work as a graphic designer for perhaps a marketing firm and are an expert on the psychology of various hues. When your colleague comments that a client’s advertisement isn’t performing well, you notice that the hue isn’t one that people tend to like. Your advice is followed, and the only alteration made to the advertisement is its color, which increases consumer interest in it.

#7. Honesty

Honesty is crucial in job applications as well as in the workplace. Be careful not to overstate your qualifications and abilities when applying for jobs. By taking responsibility for your work and seeking assistance as needed, you can demonstrate honesty in the workplace. You show that you want to develop and acquire new skills when you ask inquiries.

#8. Flexibility

In the workplace, flexibility is being open-minded and eager to try new ideas. With a positive outlook and a willingness to assist in any way you can, you may demonstrate to employers that you can adjust to the inevitable obstacles that arise. Ask a senior management member how you can assist them in finding a new manager, for instance, if the manager of your unit resigns. If they urge you to take on tasks you originally wouldn’t have or add extra projects to your job, be adaptable.

#9. Creativity

Even if your job has no relation to working in a traditionally creative industry, creativity is of the utmost importance in the workplace and one of the necessary qualities. This character trait demonstrates your desire to consider all possibilities in search of the best answer. With the ability to think creatively, you may approach problems from different angles and might even inspire your firm to attempt something new.

#10. Reliability

Companies want employees they can rely on to perform their duties competently and show up each day. Strive to arrive at work on time each day and keep your productivity levels steady. Most employers are sympathetic to personal crises or common annoyances like unforeseen traffic. But, letting your manager know you’re running late and giving them an idea of when you’ll be in the office by phone call or email demonstrates your dependability.

#11. Loyalty

Employees who are dedicated to the success of the business are valued by employers. Show personal accountability by acting in the business’s best interests and exerting all of your effort to further the company’s objective. Additionally, loyalty can keep you motivated at work and improve your performance as a whole.

#12. Positivity

Generally, your attitude at work affects how well you and your colleagues perform at work. Hence, keeping a positive outlook at work can improve your performance, promote teamwork, bolster your team, and improve the atmosphere at work. Your optimism exhibits your commitment to excellence and excitement for your career.

Why Add Personal Qualities to a Resume?

You can differentiate yourself from other applicants and highlight your experience by including personal attributes in your CV. Companies frequently have a desired character trait in a candidate, so highlighting your own unique traits can help you stand out.

There are many methods by which you can highlight your unique qualities on a resume. You may, for example, add a section detailing your many outstanding features. One option is to give specific instances from your work history that illustrate how you’ve used these abilities or attributes in the past.

What Are Positive Personal Qualities?

Some of the common examples of personal positive qualities involve;

  • Hard-Working
  • Resilient
  • Kind, Gentle
  • Strong
  • Consistent
  • Responsible
  • Assertive
  • Reliable
  • Capable
  • Honest
  • Trustworthy
  • Caring
  • Creative
  • Appreciative
  • Perceptive
  • Patient
  • Thoughtful

What Are Your Main Qualities?

Included in the list of attributes that serve as the basis for all other human qualities are

  • Self-Awareness
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Wholeheartedness.

These personal qualities are basically what make us human and make us who we are.

Personal Qualities of a Nurse

Registered nurses (RNs) are expected to continue to dominate the healthcare industry as a whole, with more jobs, more influence, and more calls for them to take on leadership roles. As the demand for registered nurses (RNs) is expected to rise significantly in the United States and around the world in the coming years, it will be increasingly important for hospitals and health systems to identify positive personal qualities in a nurse and cultivate top-tier nursing talent.

Hospitals and health systems can better identify outstanding nursing candidates for employment and identify which current nurses on staff might make great leaders. Especially in situations where they are to identify and encourage particular nursing qualities among incoming nurses. It’s important for the estimated 2.86 million registered nurses in the United States to keep in mind the below personal qualities of a good nurse that will help them survive and thrive in the complex and rapidly evolving healthcare system of the present.

  • Caring
  • Sense of Humor
  • Critical Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Commitment to Patient Advocacy
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Empathy
  • Communication Skills
  • Experience
  • Willingness to Learn
  • Stamina

What Are Unique Qualities of a Person?

A unique person is someone who is one of a kind and who cannot be compared to anybody else. Our individuality partially emanates from within and is manifested in our acts and behaviors.

  • Personality
  • Genetics 
  • Physical Characteristics
  • Attitude
  • Habits
  • Intellect
  • Humor 
  • Passion
  • Taste
  • Relationships

What Are Three of Your Personal Qualities?

  • Ambitious
  • Adaptable
  • Bold
  • Creative
  • Curious
  • Cooperative
  • Determined
  • Detail-oriented
  • Diplomatic
  • Diligent


Personal qualities are those that characterize a person’s thoughts, actions, and emotions. In job interviews, college applications, and professional development events, it’s normal practice to ask candidates to outline their personal qualities. Moreover, it is beneficial to eliminate features that are unfavorable, cliché, or general.

Basically, one’s personal qualities play a significant role in determining one’s level of competence. These criteria are often disregarded in favor of the more obvious ones, such as education and experience. Employers care about more than just your resume when considering your candidacy for a position. Good personal qualities are more difficult to demonstrate than other qualifications but can make or break your chances of success in securing a job.


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