The Dos and Don’ts of QR Code Marketing: A Guide for Businesses

the do's and don'ts of qr code marketing

One way that businesses are utilizing QR codes is by incorporating an Instagram QR code in their marketing efforts.

By creating an Instagram QR code, businesses can provide customers with an easy way to access their social media content and engage with their brand. However, it’s important to remember the dos and don’ts to ensure that the Instagram QR code is used effectively and provides value to customers.

Do: Make the QR code easy to scan

The whole point is to make it easy for customers to scan and access information. Businesses should make sure that they are easy to scan by ensuring that they are placed in a well-lit area, are not obstructed by other objects, and are large enough to be scanned from a distance. Additionally, businesses should test their QR codes on a variety of devices to ensure that they work on all platforms.

Don’t: Use QR codes for irrelevant or confusing content

QR codes should be used to provide customers with relevant and valuable information. If businesses use them to direct customers to irrelevant or confusing content, they are likely to lose their trust and interest. Businesses should make sure that the content that the QR principle directs customers to is easy to understand and provides value to the customer.

Do: Provide clear instructions

Not all customers are familiar with QR codes or how to scan them. To ensure that customers are able to access the content that the QR code directs them to, businesses should provide clear instructions on how to scan the regulation. This can be done through signage, social media posts, or even by providing a QR code scanning tutorial on the business website.

Don’t: Make the QR code too small or too complex

QR codes that are too small or too complex can be difficult for customers to scan. To ensure that the QR code is easy to scan, businesses should make sure that the code is at least 1 inch by 1 inch and that there is enough white space around the code to make it stand out. Additionally, businesses should avoid using too much detail in the QR code design, as this can make it more difficult to scan.

Do: Use QR codes to enhance the customer experience

QR codes can be used to enhance the customer experience by providing customers with exclusive content, discounts, or rewards. By using QR codes in this way, businesses can create a sense of excitement and value for their customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and engagement.


In conclusion, QR codes can be an effective marketing tool for businesses when used correctly. By following the dos and don’ts outlined above, businesses can ensure that their QR code marketing efforts are successful and provide value to their customers. With a clear goal in mind and a focus on providing value to customers, businesses can use QR codes to enhance the customer experience and achieve their marketing objectives.

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