TEST MARKETING: Best Practices to Scale any Business (+ Helpful Reviews)

Test Marketing
Image credit: The 18th Dimension

The concept of marketing is that marketing starts from the consumer and not from the producers. However, you cannot market or aggressively produce a product without knowing if the consumers are in need of it. The first thing you do as a marketing manager is to know the needs and demands of your target market. However, one way of knowing the needs of your target market is to practice test marketing. Generally, there are several definitions and tools of test marketing like AB, control among others. Nevertheless, this article will discuss these things listed above and also global test marketing reviews.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.com

However, let’s get started by looking at the definition of test marketing.

What Is the Definition of Test Marketing?

Test marketing is a marketing tool that examines consumer response to a product by making it available on a limited basis before a wider release. However, consumers who buy these products or campaigns may not be informed that they are part of a test group.

Additionally, it is a tool that companies use to check the value of their new product or a marketing campaign before it is being brought to the market on a large scale. However, they are usually done to determine the likely market success. These market successes are in terms of new product’s performance, the level of acceptance of the product, customer satisfaction, etc.

The purpose of test marketing is to collect information about the elements of the marketing mix. However, the 4Ps of marketing are product, promotion, place, and price.

Test Marketing Base on the Types of Goods

Generally, there are two types of goods: Consumer goods and industrial goods.

Photo Credit: Business Jargons

Consumer-Goods Market Testing

Before going further on how a consumer goods are being tested. Lets know the meaning of a consumer goods. A consumer goods are goods that are bought for the intent of consumption.

Additionally, the market testing for a consumer goods is done to know the consumer behavior in terms of:


This is a test to know whether a consumer will try a product, at least once.


When a consumer tries a product once, the repeat test aim to know whether the consumer will repurchase it.


This test also aim to verify if the consumer accepts the product and will purchase it again.

Purchase Frequency

This test also aims to know how often the consumer will buy the product.

Test Marketing For Consumer’s Goods

Based on the variables above, the following test will be conducted.

Sales-Wave Research

Under this test, the consumer is given the product, over and over, without paying for it. However, the test aims to ascertain the willingness of the customers to use the product every time it is given.

Simulated Test

Under this test, 30-40 customers are chosen and they invite them to the store where they can buy anything. Also, the new products are put in the same place as the old or competitor’s product. However, the consumers’ selection of the products determines their preferences.
If the new product is not chosen by them, then the free products are given to the customers. However, after some weeks they will inquire telephonically about their product experience.

Control Test Marketing

Under this test, the company selects specific stores in different geographic areas. Then ask them to keep its new product in their stores in return for a fee. However, the company controls the shelf position, displays, point of purchase promotions, and pricing.

Test Markets:

The firm selects the representative cities where the main launch of the new product is done starting from promotions to the ultimate sales. Once it is successful, the firm goes for the national launch.

Industrial-Goods Market Testing

Industrial goods are goods that are meant for resale and not for immediate consumption. However, for an industrial product there are two types:

  1. Alpha testing (within the firm)
  2. Beta testing (with outside customers)

Alpha Testing

In alpha testing, the employees or test engineers carry out the test within the firm. They check the marketing mix of a new product and solve the problems arising in any steps of launch.

Beta Testing: 

The Beta Testing is done with the customers where they are asked to use the product and give their feedback on its usage. However, another way is to introduce them to the trade shows and observe the reaction of customers to it.

AB Test Marketing

AB test marketing is also known as split testing. It is a means of comparing two versions of a web page, email, and measuring the difference in performance. You do this by giving one version to one group and the other version to another group. Then you can see how each variation works.

Image Credit: VectorStock

For easy understanding, think of it as a competition. You are putting two versions of your asset against one another to see which is better.


Building a website or email marketing campaign is just the first step in marketing. Once you have a website, you will want to know if it helps or limits sales.

AB test marketing shows you what words, phrases, images, videos, testimonials, and other elements work best. However, even the simplest changes can affect conversion rates.

Control Test Marketing

A control test marketing is a marketing tool that uses real-life situations and consumers to assess a product’s potential. However, test markets are smaller versions of a standard marketing test.

Furthermore, control tests are carefully designed to provide useful marketing data to companies. A test involves monitoring consumer reaction to a new product or measuring consumer response to an advertisement.

The control test market is generally cheap and easier to set up than standard tests. For example, a mini test can be done inside a retail store in one or different locations. In this case, the store must give their consent.

Having know this, let’s discuss briefly on global test marketing reviews.

Global Test Marketing Reviews

Before discussing their reviews, let’s first of all know a little about them.

The Global Test Market is an online survey panel established in 1999 by Lightspeed Research, a Kantar group company. They are one of the world’s leading providers of market research and serves clients in more than 60 countries globally.

Global Test Marketing Reviews (588)

This is the last review of the global test marketing.

5 Star Reviews14124.0%
4 Star Reviews7612.9%
3 Star Reviews579.7%
2 Star Reviews7011.9%
1 Star Reviews24541.5%
Source: Surveypolice

Sort Reviews By: Date | Highest rating | Lowest rating


In conclusion, a market test is often done to determine the likely market success. However, these market successes are in terms of new product’s performance, the level of acceptance of the product, customer satisfaction, etc.

Furthermore, the definitions of test marketing should be given careful attention to.


How is test marketing done?

Test marketing is a marketing tool that examines consumer response to a product by making it available on a limited basis before a wider release.

What are the types of test marketing?

Industrial goods are goods that are meant for resale and not for immediate consumption. However, for an industrial product there are two types:

  1. Alpha testing (within the firm)
  2. Beta testing (with outside customers)

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