What Is Time Management? Essential Time Management Skills For Nigerians

what is time management
Image source: Czech Universities

Small businesses and freelancers must make the most of the time they have available to expand their operations, and appropriate time management skills can assist them in doing so. Time management is essential for busy businesses so that they can prioritize all of their job duties and achieve their goals more quickly. You’ll be able to take on new possibilities and build your firm more sustainably if you manage your time better. Here’s all you need to know about time management and why it’s important for students.

What Is Time Management?

To work more efficiently, time management is the approach of planning out your available time and regulating the amount of time you spend on specific tasks. A better work-life balance results from improved time management. Work-life balance has various advantages, including reduced stress and more time for family and loved ones.

People’s approaches to time management might vary greatly based on their position in an organization and the goals they wish to attain. Time management may minimize the time spent on more basic duties for a business owner in order to focus on the broader picture. The goal of time management for an independent freelancer may be to guarantee that each client receives the attention they deserve while not taking up too much time.

Some people find it easier to manage their time than others, but everyone can create routines to enhance their time management skills. Work and well-being can suffer if you don’t have good time management skills. It may result in:

  • Creating low-quality work
  • Failure to meet deadlines
  • Increasing your level of stress
  • Destroying your work-life balance
  • Causing damage to your professional reputation

The Advantages of Time Management

Here are the advantages of good time management:

#1. Enhance Your Performance

When you learn to schedule time in your day for all of your critical duties, you’ll have a better notion of what you need to do and how long each job should take. When you have a schedule to stick to, you’ll likely spend less time picking what to work on or procrastinating and more time getting down to business. Time management can help you focus on the important tasks at hand while avoiding time-wasting diversions.

#2. Improve Your Work

When you’re not continuously rushing to reach a deadline, you have more time to put effort and thought into your job. Time management assists you in prioritizing your work so that you have adequate time to accomplish each assignment. When you’re not hurrying to finish anything before a deadline, the quality of your work improves.

#3. Complete work on time

To properly manage your time, you must assign each item on your list to a distinct block of time. Many people utilize time management to give themselves several days to finish a project or do it before the deadline to provide a buffer for any problems that may arise. You can always meet your deadlines if you correctly schedule the time required to finish your work.

#4. Decrease Your Stress

When you have a long list of things to complete both at work and at home, it’s easy to grow stressed. Good time management may assist you in prioritizing your to-do list and allocating the necessary time for your most critical chores, allowing you to know exactly what you need to do and how much time you have available to do everything. Prioritizing your chores and allowing adequate time to complete them will help you minimize your stress levels.

#5. Expanded Career Possibilities

Time management can help you become a more dependable employee who consistently provides high-quality work on time. As a result, you will be more useful as a worker and your professional reputation will increase, which can help you find new opportunities to advance your career.

#6. Increase Your Self-Belief

When you effectively manage your time and meet your deadlines, you will feel a feeling of accomplishment and confidence in your abilities. Completing your daily to-do list on a consistent basis is a significant incentive that can inspire people to improve their time management abilities and take on new career chances.

#7. Improve Your Efficiency

When you understand how to manage your time properly, you will become more focused at work, allowing you to do more in less time. Instead of attempting to work on a large project when you just have fifteen minutes before a meeting, you may complete a few minor chores in that time and store the larger activities that demand more brain power for when you have a large block of free time. You’ll be able to work more efficiently, allowing you to do more in less time.

Importance of Time Management For Students

Time management is critical for students in order to balance their education with other everyday necessary chores. Good time management improves your health and gives you more energy to accomplish more. Here are a few reasons why time management is essential for all students.

#1. It boosts your productivity.

When you manage your time well, you increase your productivity. Setting a defined time for each activity to be completed in a day allows you to plan your day ahead of time and do more chores in less time. However, keep in mind that this will only be beneficial if you complete your task on time; delay will undoubtedly reduce your productivity. 

#2. It organizes your work.

The easiest method for students to manage their time is to design and stick to a daily schedule. This is advantageous for students because they will have a clear understanding of the many chores that must be completed each day, and they will be able to simply mark the tasks as completed once they have completed them. This will help you organize your daily chores, and you can even prioritize them by putting them at the top of your to-do list.

#3. Positive Health Effect

Your health benefits from good time management. You don’t have to stay up late to complete your responsibilities if you manage your time efficiently. Reduced sleep time may result in fatigue, which will interfere with your day’s plans. A good night’s sleep is necessary for your brain and body to replenish, which has a great impact on your health and energy levels. 

#4. More Time For Extracurricular Activities

When you have a set timetable for all of your responsibilities for the day, you can estimate how much time you will have left after finishing all of your tasks. You can plan your tasks so that you have more time to do what you enjoy. This can include hobbies such as drawing, painting, singing, dancing, photography, and so on, or you can go cycling or jogging to get some fresh air. 

#5. It aids in the reduction of stress.

You may become stressed if you do not complete your studies, tasks, and projects. Taking care of our mental health is critical for everyone, and because students frequently experience heightened stress and anxiety as a result of the pressures of academics, it reflects on their bad performance. Effective time management will assist you in reducing mental stress, which will increase your confidence and energy levels.

#6. No last-minute cramming of the syllabus

One issue that students frequently experience is not finishing their curriculum on time. This causes people to cram all of the chapters right before the tests, resulting in lower-than-expected grades. Students that use effective time management skills can not only finish studying the chapters in their syllabus on time but also have some additional time for revisions.

Time Management Skills

You can better manage your time if you have good time management skills. Among the most significant time management skills are:

#1. Organization

Staying organized will help you keep track of what you need to do and when you need to do it. Being well-organized may imply keeping an up-to-date calendar, being able to easily access specific documents, keeping a clean atmosphere, and taking precise, diligent notes.

#2. Setting priorities

Being an effective time manager requires you to prioritize each of your obligations. There are numerous methods for prioritizing what needs to be done. You may choose to accomplish quick, easy tasks first, followed by longer, more difficult tasks. Alternatively, you might prioritize your jobs by priority, beginning with the most time-sensitive, or a combination of the two.

#3. Setting objectives

The first step toward becoming a competent time manager is to set goals. objective-setting allows you to clearly understand your final objective and what you need to prioritize in order to achieve it. Setting both short-term and long-term goals can contribute to job success.

#4. Communication

Developing good communication skills will help you communicate your ideas and goals to superiors and coworkers. It can also enable you to raise questions and convey issues in a timely manner, ensuring that everyone stays on track.

#5. Planning

Planning is an essential component of time management. Being efficient in arranging your day, meetings, and how you will complete tasks will help you stay on track.

#6. Delegation

While managers are the most likely to delegate responsibilities, you can practice delegating tasks if you are in charge of a project. While it can be difficult to say “no” when someone asks you to do something at work, it is critical to practice setting boundaries in order to manage your time effectively and eventually achieve your goals.

#7. Stress control

You should be mindful of your mental health when practicing good time management. Dealing with stress in a positive way might help you stay motivated and perform well during your day. You can accomplish this by taking tiny breaks throughout the day or rewarding yourself in small ways as you complete tasks.

#8. Problem-solving abilities

Strong problem-solving abilities will assist you in overcoming obstacles and keeping projects on track. Problem-solving will also assist team members communicate with one another.

#9. Taking notes

When managing time and duties, it is critical to take notes and maintain papers up to date. Following obsolete guidelines, for example, may cause you to lose time or have to redo some of your jobs.

The Fundamentals of Time Management

Most individuals can see why mastering the fundamentals of time management is beneficial—the importance of time management skills cannot be overstated. However, incorporating them into your daily life in order to be more productive while maintaining a better work-life balance can be more difficult.

Improving your time management skills can lead to increased productivity and less stress. Here are some simple steps to better time management:

#1. Make a Plan

The most crucial aspect of successful time management is planning ahead of time. Recognize when you’re most productive: whether you’re most awake first thing in the morning, or perhaps you’re most productive at night. Save your most important and difficult chores for when your productivity is at its peak. Schedule chores that are simpler or smaller for times when you are less awake. Before you begin each day, estimate how much time you’ll spend working on everything on your job list.

#2. Prioritize Tasks

Evaluate each project you need to work on to identify which activities are the most vital and urgent and make those your top priority for the day. Leave less important chores or initiatives that haven’t yet become urgent for later, when you’ll have more time to devote to them.

#3. Remove Distractions

Distractions are one of the most significant productivity drainers. Social media sites, cell phones, and disruptive employees may all derail your schedule and distract you from your priorities. According to Think Money research, one-third of employees are distracted for up to three hours of the workday. If particular distractions are too enticing for you, consider locking your smartphone in a desk drawer during the day or using a browser plugin to block the websites that are the most distracting to you.

#4. Don’t Try to Multitask

Multitasking may appear to be a fantastic method to get more work done, but it actually reduces your productivity. Instead of finishing many projects, you begin but do not complete any of them. To avoid mistakes, the easiest method to manage your time is to focus on a single activity at a time and give it your complete attention while working on it.

#5. Reward Yourself for Excellent Work

Rewards can be an excellent motivator for good time management abilities. Give yourself a tiny incentive for each work completed during the day. For example, you could take a 15-minute walk outside to commemorate finishing a report. Workplace rewards keep you engaged and can help you achieve a better work-life balance.

How to Schedule Daily Study Time

Now that you understand the significance of time management for students, you should begin focusing on improving your time management skills. Here are some time management suggestions for students that you might find useful:

  • Make a daily agenda or schedule that includes all of the chores that must be completed.
  • Begin your day early.
  • Divide your responsibilities. 
  • Take small rests between studies or tasks.
  • Avoid procrastination.
  • Instead of multitasking, focus on one task at a time.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Complete your activities with complete concentration.
  • Consume nutritious foods.
  • When studying, try to avoid all distractions (such as television and cell phones). 


What if you had more free time and money? The key to achieving this critical work-life balance is time management. Time management skills are critical to your success as a small business owner. Time management allows you to focus more effectively. It aids in the formation of positive life habits. And it allows you to manage hectic schedules with less stress than ever before.

These basic time management skills have numerous advantages for individuals who are prepared to put them into practice. Not all of these techniques and methods can be learned overnight, but with time and effort, they will begin to pay dividends for you, your team, and your organization. Small business entrepreneurs succeed more when they treat time management as seriously as they do money management. 

  1. BUSINESS FAILURE: 12 Reasons Why Businesses Fail
  2. FINANCIAL STRESS: How To Deal With It
  4. TIME MANAGEMENT: Skills & Tips On Effective Time Management


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