WHAT IS MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES (MBO)? Examples, and Detailed Guide


Management by objectives emphasizes the importance of active participation and collaboration, as well as the continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress toward the defined objectives. Read on to learn more…

 Management By Objectives

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management approach that focuses on setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for employees and aligning their goals with the overall objectives of the organization. The aim is to improve organizational performance by defining clear objectives and empowering employees to work towards achieving them.

MBO is a management philosophy and process that emphasizes setting clear objectives and goals for employees. MBO helps in aligning them with the overall goals of the organization and manages their performance based on the achievement of those objectives. It was popularized by management guru Peter Drucker in the 1950s. It has since been widely adopted by organizations as a performance management tool.

Advantages of MBO

Management by Objectives (MBO) offers several advantages for organizations and employees. 

#1. Goal Clarity

MBO provides clear and specific objectives, ensuring that employees have a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved. 

#2. Alignment with Organizational Goals

MBO aligns individual and team objectives with the overall goals of the organization. This ensures that everyone is working in the same direction, fostering a sense of unity and collective effort. 

#3. Improved Performance

MBO enhances performance management. It creates a results-oriented environment where employees are motivated to achieve their objectives and are held accountable for their performance.

#4. Employee Engagement

MBO encourages employee participation in the goal-setting process, giving them a voice and a sense of ownership. 

#5. Enhanced Communication

MBO promotes ongoing communication and feedback between managers and employees. Regular check-ins, progress updates, and performance discussions facilitate open and transparent communication channels. 

#6. Development and Growth

Through the MBO process, employees gain clarity about their objectives and areas for improvement. Feedback and performance evaluations provide opportunities for development discussions and identifying training needs.

#7. Empowerment and Autonomy

MBO empowers employees by involving them in the goal-setting process and giving them autonomy in achieving their objectives. 

#8. Continuous Improvement

Through regular evaluations and feedback, organizations can identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This leads to adjustments in objectives, action plans, and strategies.

Key Features in the Management by Objectives Process

#1. Goal Setting

The process begins with top-level management defining the organization’s strategic objectives. These objectives are then broken down into specific goals for each department, team, and individual employee.

#2. Participation

MBO encourages active participation and collaboration between managers and employees. Employees are involved in the goal-setting process to ensure that objectives are realistic, meaningful, and achievable.

#3. SMART Objectives

Objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This ensures that objectives are clear, quantifiable, and have specific deadlines, making it easier to track progress and evaluate performance.

#4. Action Planning

Once the objectives are set, managers and employees collaborate to develop action plans outlining the tasks, resources, and timelines needed to achieve the objectives.

#5. Implementation

Employees execute the action plans and work towards achieving their individual and team objectives. Regular communication and feedback between managers and employees are essential to monitor progress, provide support, and make any necessary adjustments.

#6. Performance Evaluation

At the end of the defined period (often annually or semi-annually), managers evaluate employee performance based on the achievement of objectives. This evaluation process may involve self-assessments, manager assessments, and peer assessments.

#7. Feedback and Rewards

Managers provide feedback to employees regarding their performance and progress objectives. Recognizing and rewarding employees for meeting or exceeding objectives can help motivate and engage them.

#8. Review and Adjust

The MBO process is iterative and requires periodic review and adjustment. Objectives may need to be revised based on changing circumstances, and new objectives may need to be set for the next period.

Management By Objectives Example

Here are a few examples of Management by Objectives (MBO):

#1. Sales Department

Objective: Increase sales by 10% in the next quarter.

Key Results

  • Generate leads through targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Improve conversion rate by implementing sales training programs.
  • Enhance customer retention by implementing a loyalty program.
  • Increase average order value by upselling and cross-selling.

#2. Human Resources Department

Objective: Improve employee satisfaction and engagement.

Key Results

  • Conduct an employee satisfaction survey and achieve a satisfaction score of 80% or higher.
  • Implement a mentorship program to support career development for employees.
  • Increase participation in training and development programs by 20%.
  • Reduce employee turnover rate by 15% through retention initiatives.

#3. IT Department

Objective: Enhance cybersecurity measures.

Key Results

  • Conduct a comprehensive security audit and address identified vulnerabilities.
  • Implement multi-factor authentication for all systems and applications.
  • Provide cybersecurity training to all employees and achieve a 95% completion rate.
  • Regularly update and patch software and systems to ensure protection against the latest threats.

What is Management By Objectives

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a strategic approach to management in which a manager and employee work together. They work together to set specific performance goals that align with the overall objectives of the organization. The MBO process involves identifying the employee’s key objectives and creating a plan to achieve them, which helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. MBO is a performance-based management approach that can help businesses achieve their strategic objectives by ensuring that employees are working towards goals that align with the overall strategy of the organization.

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management approach that involves setting goals and targets for employees in collaboration with their manager or supervisor. The purpose of this approach is to align the goals of the individual employee with the overall objectives of the organization.

What are the Characteristics of MBO?

Characteristics of Management by Objectives (MBO) include:

  • Setting specific and measurable objectives: MBO focuses on defining clear and measurable goals for individuals and teams, which helps align their efforts with the objectives of the organization.
  • Collaboration and participation: MBO emphasizes involving employees and managers in the goal-setting process and encouraging them to work together towards achieving the objectives.
  • Feedback and performance measurement: MBO involves tracking progress and performance towards the established objectives and providing feedback to employees on their results.
  • Emphasis on achievement: MBO focuses on results and outcomes rather than inputs or activities, which helps ensure that everyone is working towards achieving the desired goals.
  • Alignment with overall goals and objectives: MBO emphasizes the importance of aligning individual goals with the overall goals and objectives of the organization to ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision.
  • Continuous improvement: MBO emphasizes continuous improvement and the need to adapt goals and objectives based on changing circumstances and feedback.

Steps to Follow During MBO Process

The MBO process typically involves the following steps

#1. Establishing Organizational Objectives

This involves identifying and defining the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

#2. Setting Individual Objectives

In this step, employees work with their managers to set specific and measurable objectives that support the overall organizational goals.

#3. Developing Action Plans

Once the objectives have been set, employees and managers then develop an action plan outlining the steps needed to achieve those objectives.

#4. Monitoring Progress

Regular check-ins and progress reports are used to track the progress made in achieving the set objectives and to provide feedback and support where necessary.

#5. Evaluating Results

This involves evaluating the overall performance and results achieved against the set objectives and using that information to inform future goals and strategies.

The advantages of MBO include increased employee engagement, enhanced communication and collaboration, and improved performance and productivity. Implementing MBO can also have potential disadvantages, including the possibility of creating a rigid and inflexible work environment and increasing work-related stress. It can increase pressure on employees. The success of MBO depends on the organizational culture and how it is implemented and communicated within the organization.

Key Principles of Management by Objectives

#1. Goal Orientation

MBO focuses on setting specific and measurable objectives that define what needs to be accomplished. These objectives are typically set collaboratively between managers and employees, ensuring clarity and alignment with organizational goals.

#2. Participative Goal Setting

MBO encourages the active participation of employees in the goal-setting process. This involvement increases their commitment and motivation to achieve the objectives.

#3. Clear and Measurable Objectives

Objectives under MBO should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This helps in tracking progress, evaluating performance, and providing meaningful feedback.

#4. Action Planning

Once the objectives are established, action plans are developed to outline the tasks, responsibilities, and resources required to achieve the objectives. These plans provide a roadmap for employees to follow.

#5. Ongoing Monitoring and Feedback

MBO emphasizes regular monitoring of progress towards objectives and providing feedback to employees. This enables timely course correction, and performance improvement, and ensures alignment with changing circumstances.

#6. Performance Evaluation

At the end of a specified period, typically annually or semi-annually, performance evaluations are conducted based on the achievement of objectives. This evaluation serves as a basis for rewards, promotions, and development discussions.

#7. Mutual Agreement and Commitment

MBO requires a mutual agreement between managers and employees on the objectives and action plans. This fosters a sense of ownership and commitment from both parties.

#8. Continuous Improvement

MBO is an iterative process that encourages learning, adaptation, and improvement. Feedback and evaluation outcomes are used to refine objectives, action plans, and individual performance.

What are the Steps of Management by Objectives?

The steps involved in the Management by Objectives (MBO) process typically include the following:

  • Define Organizational Objectives
  • Cascade Objectives
  • Set SMART Objectives
  • Collaborative Goal Setting
  • Develop Action Plans
  • Implement and Monitor Progress
  • Evaluate Performance
  • Provide Feedback and Rewards
  • Review and Adjust

What is the Management by Objectives Examples

Here is an example of Management by Objectives (MBO):

Customer Service Department:

Objective: Improve customer satisfaction ratings.

Key Results:

Decrease average response time to customer inquiries by 20%.

Increase the percentage of positive customer feedback by 15%.

Implement a knowledge base system to empower customers with self-service options.

Conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys and achieve a satisfaction rating of 90% or higher.

What are the Advantages of MBO?

Here are some advantages of MBO:

  • Goal Clarity
  • Alignment with Organizational Goals
  • Improved Performance
  • Employee Engagement
  • Enhanced Communication
  • Development and Growth
  • Empowerment and Autonomy
  • Continuous Improvement

What is the Most Important Aim of MBO?

The most important aim of Management by Objectives (MBO) is to align individual and team objectives with the overall goals of the organization. By setting clear and specific objectives that are directly linked to the strategic objectives of the organization, MBO aims to ensure that all employees are working in the same direction and contributing to the achievement of the organization’s mission.

What are the Characteristics of MBO?

Characteristics of Management by Objectives (MBO) include:

  • Setting specific and measurable objectives
  • Collaboration and participation
  • Feedback and performance measurement
  • Emphasis on achievement
  • Alignment with overall goals and objectives
  • Continuous improvement

What is the MBO Theory?

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management theory developed by Peter Drucker in the 1950s. The theory emphasizes the need for a collaborative goal-setting process that aligns individual objectives with the overall goals and objectives of the organization. MBO involves a continuous cycle of goal-setting, feedback, and performance evaluation. Which aims to improve employee motivation and performance and enhance the overall performance of the organization. The MBO theory is based on the premise that organizations function more effectively. Especially when everyone is focused on achieving the same goals and objectives and working towards continuous improvement.


By providing clarity, accountability, and a sense of direction, MBO promotes employee engagement, motivation, and overall organizational effectiveness. Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process in which a manager and employee agree on specific performance goals and then develop a plan to achieve them. The process identifies an employee’s main objectives, which are based on the company’s top goals. MBO is a strategic management model that helps companies define and achieve their primary objectives. The approach is designed to ensure that employees are working towards the same goals and that those goals align with the organization’s overall strategy.

The objective of Management by Objectives (MBO) is to align individual goals with organizational objectives, enhance performance, and achieve desired results. It aims to create clarity, engagement, and accountability among employees by setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. MBO promotes a participative approach, continuous monitoring, and employee development to increase motivation and overall organizational effectiveness.


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