What Is Entrepreneurship Development? Need For Entrepreneurship Development In Nigeria

what is entrepreneurship development
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Entrepreneurship Development is a process that motivates and empowers entrepreneurs to take risks, solve problems, and develop new concepts. It also entails the creation of organizations that encourage economic growth and long-term development. Here, we’ll define entrepreneurship development and highlight its significance to society.

What is Entrepreneurship Development?

Entrepreneurship Development (ED) is a process that motivates and empowers entrepreneurs to take risks, discover solutions, and develop business concepts.

Entrepreneurship Development also entails the creation of organizations that encourage economic growth and long-term development.

The overarching purpose of entrepreneurship development is to promote innovation, creativity, and enterprise in order to enable individuals, communities, and economies to prosper.

Process of Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurs must go through the process of entrepreneurship development in order to have the resources they need to succeed.

Training, coaching, and finance are common components of this process. It is also critical that the atmosphere encourage innovation and creativity.

So, what exactly is the entrepreneurial development process? It is a process that promotes and empowers entrepreneurs to take risks, solve problems, and develop new concepts.

This technique aids in the establishment of organizations that support economic growth and long-term development.

Risk-taking, innovation, creativity, and sustainability are all key elements in entrepreneurial development.

Training, coaching, and money are common components of the entrepreneurship development process.

If entrepreneurs are to be successful, the atmosphere must be conducive to invention and creativity.

How Does Entrepreneurship Work?

In today’s economy, entrepreneurship is a valuable resource. Entrepreneurial firms combine the first three of these to create and manufacture goods or provide services, but they frequently face many challenges when building their businesses, such as finding good ideas, securing financing for start-ups with high-risk profiles (which can mean taking on more debt than usual), and developing leadership skills that allow them time away from work so that quality control does not suffer during busy times due to customer demand.

The Need For Entrepreneurship Development

The population of a country determines its purchasing power. A strong, vibrant society has more people with money to spend, which increases revenue and production for businesses in the area overall, leading to them having better times financially as well on average than weak economies where there may be less earning capacity but still many unemployed individuals struggling daily, much like underdeveloped countries today that need economic aid from abroad if they are not already receiving such aid themselves, primarily because their populations are affluent.

What exactly is the connection between entrepreneurship and development? One is a growth catalyst, while the other is a growth supporter.

Entrepreneurship creates jobs in high-demand industries that emerge from war-torn or impoverished areas; it also helps employees develop their abilities so that they can be profitably employed with higher earning potentials than before.

Entrepreneurship Development As A Process

Basically. entrepreneurship development is a planned process that includes a variety of instruments that focus on an individual’s skill development in a variety of ways. To help you grasp what it’s all about, here’s a complete guide to developing an effective entrepreneurship development program:

Developing a Program Objective

Before beginning the entrepreneurship development program, it is critical to establish a clear objective and create a plan outlining the program’s goals. As the person in charge of organizing this program, having a clear direction and objectives is critical to its success. The absence of both will result in a waste of time, money, effort, and, most importantly, the individual’s valuable potential.

Identifying the Best Mentors and Training Professionals

The primary goal of the entrepreneurship development program is to assist budding entrepreneurs in developing their skills and learning the subtleties of running a firm. You will need qualified specialists who are seasoned in this field and can transmit their own life lessons to individuals who are just starting out or are experiencing challenges. Seek assistance from successful entrepreneurs in your area and ask if they can lead a session, or discover those who have completed a professional qualification in this industry and enroll them in the session.

Determining Potential Local Talents and Markets

The process of entrepreneurship development has proven efficient and effective in local marketplaces and for local entrepreneurs who are aware of it. If you intend to hold workshops and programs on this topic, the ideal place to start is with local markets. These communities can grasp and absorb knowledge more quickly and use it in the current situation; the program’s impacts may be seen easily and immediately inside the community.

Choosing the best location for the program

The selection of sites and resources is critical to the success of any event. These development initiatives must be introduced in locations where the program can attract a large number of people who desire to participate.

Collaboration with Institutions

Many times, these entrepreneurship development programs incorporate collaborations with numerous NGOs, private institutions, and universities in order to provide candidates with real-world experience and to appeal to people from various disciplines. This will assist you in organizing better setups for entrepreneurs to meet, talk, and trade ideas.

Evaluate Efficiency and Request Feedback

At the end of your entrepreneurship development session, make sure to solicit honest comments on how it may have been improved. Examine how helpful it has been in assisting aspiring entrepreneurs in finding solutions to their problems. Be open to constructive feedback and try to incorporate key points into the next program.

Entrepreneurship Development Concepts

A number of key ideas have influenced the evolution of entrepreneurship. These include taking risks, innovating, being creative, and being environmentally conscious. To be successful in business, people must comprehend each of these concepts.

Goals of Entrepreneurship Development Programs

Here is a list of the program’s entrepreneurship development goals:

  • To give information on multiple projects done by the different governments (federal, state, or regional governmental entities), as well as various taxes levied on enterprises.
  • To instill entrepreneurial characteristics and behaviors in the next generation of young people through appropriate training and professional assistance.
  • To support entrepreneurship and the expansion of small firms to create jobs and prospects for self-employment.
  • To seek out and pinpoint the best company opportunities and concepts, both current and future.
  • Create and implement a variety of programs to encourage entrepreneurship in rural and small-town regions.
  • Promoting and assisting diverse people in beginning their businesses and new enterprises. As a result, it helps the economy.
  • To achieve risk reduction for the nation’s young.

How to Improve Your Entrepreneurial Ability

There is no easy path to becoming an entrepereneur. Before you can take any additional steps forward in your entrepreneurial journey, you must first make the decision and totally commit to it! Here are three easy ways to get started on your own entrepreneurial adventure. Choose the one that best suits your current situation and get started!

#1. Discover Your Inspiration

Books, articles, and blog postings can all provide inspiration.

You can also watch movies or listen to presentations about entrepreneurship to help guide you as you embark on this new venture into self-employment!

#2. Do Some Networking

Networking is an important aspect of any business, but it does not end there. You’ll need partners and investors immediately after launching your company, so start networking with people who already hold those positions!

Check Meetup or Eventbrite to see what’s going on in your area; both sites offer terrific lists that will help you get started on creating contacts for new projects.

The greatest approach to meet potential employees/partners is not just at events, but also through social media channels, where they can see who else shares their interests (or join groups).

#3. Participate in an Entrepreneurship Development Program:

The best method to improve your skills is to study. It can be difficult, but it is well worth every minute of effort!

If you want more than simply knowledge from your entrepreneurship classes, consider enrolling in an intense program with many opportunities for real-world experiences and growth that will have a lasting influence on all aspects of your life.

Factors Influencing Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurship has played an important role in the development and progress of many locations throughout the world. Entrepreneurs’ creation of job possibilities has aided in the resolution of issues such as poverty, regional imbalance, and so on. Developing countries, in particular, which rely heavily on agriculture, are attempting to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives.

In general, there are two types of factors driving entrepreneurship growth: economic factors influencing entrepreneurial growth and non-economic factors influencing entrepreneurial growth.

Economic Influences on Entrepreneurial Growth

Essentially, these elements are in charge of a country’s economic growth and development. These characteristics create a favorable economic climate as well as economic security for the firm to thrive. These economic elements that influence entrepreneurship growth are classified as follows:

#1. Capital

Capital Is An Important Requirement When Starting An Entrepreneurial Activity. It is capital that is required to purchase land, materials, machines, and so on. When an entrepreneur has sufficient capital, he or she can procure all of the necessities of production. This, in turn, leads to more entrepreneurial activity.

#2. Labor

To run a successful business, you need both cheap and skilled labor. This will increase the venture’s overall productivity, resulting in the growth and development of the entrepreneur’s venture.

#3. Raw material

Another factor influencing the development of entrepreneurship is the availability of high-quality raw materials at reasonable prices. If the raw material is readily available and close to the manufacturing unit, it will help reduce production costs. This problem can be solved by ensuring a strong supply chain. However, this may raise manufacturing costs.

#4. Market

A market is a location where both producers and customers interact. This is where the actual selling and buying happens. The market is where the future course of the business is decided. If a consumer is unwilling to purchase a product offered by the entrepreneur, the venture will fail. However, if the entrepreneur’s product is able to serve the purpose and solve the problems of the customers, then indicates that there is a market need for the product. This will increase the company’s sales, resulting in entrepreneurial growth.

Non-Economic Influences on Entrepreneurial Growth

#1. Social Factors

Taking care of economic aspects alone will not secure entrepreneurial progress. Some of the societal elements influencing entrepreneurship development, according to social scientists, are as follows:

Social Movement

One of the social factors influencing entrepreneurship development is social mobility. It entails both social and geographical mobility. In the past, it has been observed that an entrepreneurial venture has a greater ability to grow in places where the environment is flexible and liberal. As a result, we can see that certain regions have higher levels of entrepreneurial activity than others.

Entrepreneurship Credibility

Every society develops its own set of norms, rules, and regulations. These values, in turn, create a social environment conducive to entrepreneurial activity. As a result, the entrepreneur should always strive to work while keeping in mind social values and rules while meeting business objectives or profiting from new ideas. 

#2. Psychological Factors

Along with the above-listed criteria, psychological considerations play an important role in driving entrepreneurship. Even if the economic and social climate is favorable to a firm, it will be useless if the persons involved in the endeavor are not self-motivated. Some of the psychological aspects influencing entrepreneurship development are as follows:

Status Respect

It has been observed that withdrawing one’s status encourages dissatisfied members of a society to seek for another unique product option. This makes room for entrepreneurial growth. When a person is dissatisfied with their current situation, they look for new ideas. This promotes entrepreneurship.

Motivation for High Achievement

According to D. McClelland’s Theory of Need Achievement, entrepreneurial growth or development is dependent on the need or motivation for high achievement. He has stated that the level of motivation determines whether a venture or an entrepreneur would succeed or fail. Employees and the entrepreneur can both benefit from appropriate training to ensure a high level of motivation. 

#3. Political Factors

All of these factors are influenced by government activity, either directly or indirectly. Because the government understands that the development of entrepreneurship in the country will provide considerable benefits to the economy, it designs policies and legislation with entrepreneurs in mind. As a result, the government regularly provides assistance to entrepreneurs by establishing special economic zones, subsidies, social programs, industrial zones, and so on. Political concerns are one of the most important variables impacting global entrepreneurship growth.

What are The 5 Stages of Entrepreneurship Development Process?

The entrepreneurial process can be divided into five stages: concept generation, opportunity evaluation, planning, firm formation/launch, and growth. 

What are 6 Entrepreneurship Types?

In a nutshell, the majority of successful entrepreneurs fall into one of six categories:

  • Hustler.
  • Innovator.
  • Machine.
  • Prodigy.
  • Strategist.
  • Visionary.


Entrepreneurship is the process of turning your dream into a reality by professionalizing your business. The first stage in this process is to define what you want for your firm and assess your ability to make it happen. Understanding these two concepts makes determining the resources required much easier.

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