ONBOARDING: Definition, Process, Checklists, Employee Software & Training

Image Credit: Gallup

Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, is the process through which new hires pick up the information, abilities, and behaviors needed to fit in and be productive members of the organization. Formal meetings, lectures, films, printed materials, or computer-based orientations are some of the strategies utilized in this process to explain the workings and culture of the business the employee will be joining. Some parts of the world refer to this procedure as “training” or “induction.” Onboarding and other socialization strategies have been shown in studies to benefit new hires. They include increased organizational commitment, improved job performance, improved job satisfaction, decreased occupational stress, and a decreased intention to leave the job.


“Onboarding” describes the procedures used to incorporate new employees into the company. In addition to learning about the company’s structure, culture, vision, goal, and values, it also contains activities that let new hires complete the first new-hire orientation process. Onboarding processes can range from one or two days of activity for certain firms to many months’ worth of operations for other organizations. Orientation and onboarding are frequently misunderstood terms. Onboarding is a full process that includes management and other employees and can continue for up to 12 months. Orientation is a crucial step for completing paperwork and other everyday activities.

All new hires receive onboarding, but the caliber of the onboarding matters. Too frequently, onboarding involves handing a new hire a stack of paperwork and having a manager or HR specialist show them around the workplace while randomly introducing them to people. Yet, when onboarding is done well, it creates a basis for both the employee’s and the employer’s long-term success. It can boost output, foster engagement, and loyalty, and support staff members’ early career success in the new company.

Onboarding Process

There are various ways to assist new hires when creating the onboarding process, including sending them a welcome package filled with corporate swag, planning a team lunch or supper with coworkers, or creating a presentation. There are a number of onboarding best practices that you could adhere to, whatever you decide to include in your own process:

#1. Regularly Communicate With New Hires

Keep in touch with your new hire and express your excitement about their joining the team if their start date is more than two weeks away. You can email them your employee handbook beforehand or prepare a welcome box filled with company stuff. A welcome communication from the new team member’s potential manager could also be requested.

#2. Plan the New Employee’s First Week.

The first day of work will be uncertain for the new employee because they don’t know what to expect. You must demonstrate to them that you are ready and willing to receive them in a formal manner. Make a plan for their first few days at work and make sure all the necessary items are done, such as setting up their workspace and alerting the front desk staff of the new hire’s arrival.

#3. Give Them a Warm Welcome.

Be eager, sociable, and upbeat right away. Give the new employee a tour of the workplace and meet their coworkers at surrounding desks first. Plan a lunch with their team so they can get to know one another, and make sure their manager meets with them frequently during this important first week.

#4. Keep it Going

After the first week, the onboarding procedure doesn’t finish. You must make sure your new hire has enough fundamental yet important tasks to complete nearly immediately to support confidence-building. Their manager needs to have a strategy for delegating that job and facilitating their seamless incorporation into the team.

Checklists for Onboarding

One of the many tools that help new hires successfully complete their onboarding process is an onboarding checklist. Both hiring managers and new hires may experience anxiety and overwhelmed during the onboarding process, particularly if there are numerous processes that must be followed over a period of days, weeks, or even months. A revised staff onboarding checklist lowers the likelihood that a vital step will be missed, resulting in managers and employees having to waste time later going backward.

There are various advantages to providing new hires with an onboarding checklist which are:

  • It increases the consistency of onboarding
  • Saves time 
  • It makes the onboarding process run more smoothly

Let’s establish what an onboarding checklist for new employees means:

Onboarding Checklist Template

Your HR staff may maintain communication and evaluate the effectiveness of each stage by using a common new recruit onboarding checklist. To get started creating your own, use this sample onboarding checklist.


  1. Set up a new employee’s workstation as part of pre-onboarding
  2. Contact your manager or supervisor.
  3. Deliver an announcement about the new hire to the entire staff.

First official Welcome 

  1. Find out the start date’s information (day, time, and place).
  2. Obtain the necessary paperwork.
  3. Share the onboarding schedule

First-day Onboarding: 

  1. Workplace Tour
  2. Introduction to equipment, machinery, and technology
  3. Review the HR records (payroll, taxes, insurance, etc.)
  4. Introduce each member of the team.
  5. Specify goals (deadlines, safety, performance, etc.)
  6. Describe the company’s principles, mission, and culture.
  7. Choose or introduce a mentor

Key Takeaway:

A quick review of the following justifies the importance of an onboarding checklist template:

  • reduces hiring managers’ workload
  • ensures that essential onboarding procedures are followed
  • makes a process more consistent so that it may be examined and improved.

Employees Onboarding Software

With employee onboarding software, you may integrate new hires into your organization before their first day on the job. It organizes forms, simplifies the document management process, and keeps your new hires motivated. Submit documents for signatures and gather all paperwork online before the first day. To guarantee a smooth first day for the new hire, work together with your IT team, HR team, and manager to make sure all duties and needs are completed. Give your new hire an outstanding onboarding experience that will be difficult to forget, formalities aside. To create the proper culture, get your remote employee onboarding software right.

The tools listed below are some of the most useful for fast onboarding new hires, ensuring that they have a great experience, and assisting them in becoming productive members of the team.

#1. Helpjuice

One of Helpjuice’s standout features is its Google-like search, which enables customers to quickly locate the information they need. So that they can learn at their own pace, new hires can self-serve during the onboarding process. Additionally, the software’s analytics features enable you to filter data and enhance your onboarding procedure through insightful information and useful data.

#2. Scribe

With the help of the tool Scribe, it is simpler to create employee onboarding materials and for new workers to learn how to perform their duties. It is a Chrome extension or desktop application that records a workflow you wish to document and converts it into screenshots and step-by-step instructions. The days of copying screenshots into Word papers for HR teams and recruiting managers are over; Scribe now quickly builds these guides for your team.

#3. BambooHR

BambooHR, one of the most well-liked all-around HR solutions on the market, hides strong onboarding capabilities behind a straightforward user interface. The program enables you to take use of potent features like application tracking and e-signatures to design smooth onboarding procedures that your new hires (and hiring managers) will adore. There are two levels of BambooHR: “Essentials” and “Advantage.” Regrettably, complete onboarding capabilities are only available with the more expensive “Advantage” plan.

#4. Talmundo

Talmundo was created with the express purpose of modernizing the onboarding process for new employees. The ease of use of this software is one of its best features. You’ll get up and running quickly because programming and modifying your employee’s roadmap is so simple. Also, the engaging tests and interactive to-do lists do a terrific job of digitizing the onboarding process while retaining the lovely human factor.

#5. Zenefits

Using the HR software Zenefits, you can handle tasks like hiring, onboarding and maintaining employee information all in one location. You’ll be able to create unique onboarding processes, distribute job offers, conduct background checks, and allow new hires to finish their own onboarding prior to reporting for duty. What’s best? In order to ensure that everything is up and running with only a few easy clicks, all information is synchronized with payroll and benefits. Price begins at $8 per month.

Zenefits HR

Onboarding Training

It is important to note that a new hire’s successful onboarding doesn’t end after their first day. If you want your new hires to succeed as your business grows, you’ll need to put in place a more structured training procedure. The ad hoc training program you began with won’t be adequate when more and more people join the team.  A formal onboarding procedure can be thought of as a living, breathing thing that you hone and perfect over time, but putting a plan in place early can make sure no new hire falls between the seams. 

This is useful guidance on developing an efficient onboarding and training program in order to that aim.

#1. Set up a foundation of understanding and produce documentation

As a company, you must establish the framework before implementing a new onboarding process. Establish the person who will be in charge of this process for your firm and each department. Your senior executives and managers must support the new procedure for it to be successful. The first step in helping them comprehend your company’s beliefs is to solicit their input.

#2. Assemble a training crew 

There should be a general routine for new recruits to follow to become familiar with everything relevant to the company and their work. Establish the optimum training plan, and then backfill who is in charge of each onboarding task. Although it will alter for hiring in other departments and with varying degrees of responsibility, the objective is to establish a structure that you can reuse, bringing in the appropriate individuals as needed.

#3. Create an employee manual

Your departments should aim to quickly create an “employee handbook” that staff members can keep on file. Depending on the stage and maturity of your firm, you will want to balance the time and effort you invest in establishing this. It might not make sense to describe procedures just yet if you are still figuring out what works for each core part of your organization and how to create product-market fit. In either case, whether it’s a Word document, PDF, presentation, or something else, it’s always a good idea to have information and expectations in writing that you and your hire can refer back to.

#4. Provide them with the necessary reading materials

In the first week, it’s possible that you won’t be expecting much from your new hire. Give them a lot of reading material that you want them to master. Share outdated sales decks, press announcements, blogs, and other materials.

#5. Go over the duties and activities that you have each day.

The department head should go over the job duties and normal daily tasks. Make sure the new employee is taking notes, and frequently check to see if they have any queries or need anything reiterated.

#6. Demonstrate, arrange for shadowing, and provide practical instruction

Depending on how digital your company is, anticipate that your new hire may require a few product demonstrations to become familiar with it as well as some private time to experiment with the product and ask follow-up questions. Again, set a good example for your new hire during this sluggish period while output expectations are minimal. Have them attend meetings, participate in phone calls, or simply observe you as you work, outlining your expectations for when they take over as you go.

#7. Ongoing awareness

The happiness of your staff is influenced by learning opportunities and ongoing training. Employers who offer possibilities for job advancement will discover that their staff members are happier and more devoted to developing the business. You can do this by organizing activities like weekly practical learning sessions, monthly book clubs, mentorship programs inside your company, paying for employees to take classes away from the office, offering internal certification programs that prove their mastery of the good or service, and more.

What Are the Four Phases of Onboarding?

Four Stages of the Onboarding Process

  • First stage: preboarding. There is a lot to learn once you accept your offer letter and begin working at your new job.
  • Second stage: Orientation and greeting brand-new workers.
  • Third stage: Training.
  • Fourth stage: accepting the new job.

What Is the Purpose of Onboarding?

Onboarding refers to the process through which a company helps new hires adjust to their new roles by offering them training and information. The job they play, the standards of their employer, and the ethos of the business are all more immediately understood thanks to onboard

What Does Onboarding Mean?

According to the definition of employee onboarding, it is any action that enables new hires to comprehend how things operate in their new workplace, become familiar with the business culture, and experience a sense of belonging and worth within their team. On the other hand, the initial stage of onboarding is employee orientation.

What Are the 6 Cs of Employee Onboarding?

The six C’s of employee onboarding are outlined as compliance, clarification, connection, culture, confidence, and check back.

What Are the Four Cs of Effective Onboarding?

Dr. Talya Bauer from the SHRM Foundation claims that proactive attention to The Four C’s is essential for a successful onboarding process. This represents compliance, clarification, culture, and connection.

What Is Another Word for Onboarding?

User onboarding is frequently referred to as “user adoption.” People frequently refer to employee orientation or induction as ’employee onboarding’, but this is actually a lengthy process that includes both of these concepts.

Who Benefits From Onboarding?

A successful onboarding procedure enhances employee relationship building and assists the new worker in settling into the company. In order for employees to know what is expected of them, where they stand, and how to grow, it also includes goal setting, frequent manager check-ins, and employee development.


Without a doubt, the only solution for providing simple, automated, and beneficial onboarding experiences is employee onboarding software. But, during their first few weeks on the job, newly hired employees are sometimes inundated with mountains of knowledge. There is a lot to process. By enabling your new personnel to get the answers they require at their own pace, a knowledge base provides the antidote to information overload.

  1. ONBOARDING CHECKLIST: Definition, IT, Employee, and New Hire Checklist
  2. EMPLOYEE ONBOARDING: What You Should Know About The Entire Onboarding Process
  3. New Hire Onboarding Best Practices In 2023
  4. ONBOARDING BEST PRACTICES: For Employees & Customers


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