INSURANCE BROKER SALARY: Possible Earnings As An Insurance Broker

average insurance broker salary in Florida: health and life,
Image Source: Technavio

Are you considering becoming an insurance broker but unsure of how much money you’ll make? Find out what an insurance broker’s salary is and how much you can expect to make as an insurance broker in our guide. This article outlines the salary of a life insurance broker, a health insurance broker, an average insurance broker, a commercial insurance broker, as well as what an insurance broker resident in Florida makes or is likely to earn. 

First, who is an insurance broker?

Who Is An Insurance Broker?

Generally speaking, an insurance broker is a specialist that acts as a middleman between a consumer and an insurance firm, assisting consumers in finding the coverage that best meets their needs. Insurance brokers work on behalf of consumers, not insurance companies, and as a result, they are unable to bind coverage on the insurer’s behalf. while, insurance agents are the ones that perform this job, as they represent insurance firms and can close insurance deals.

An insurance broker makes money by charging commissions to people and businesses who purchase insurance through him or her. States regulate commissions differently, although the majority of them range between 2% and 8% of premiums. Licensed insurance brokers can assist you in purchasing any form of insurance, including health, homeownership, auto insurance, life insurance, and annuities also.

A broker is hired to represent his clients. Therefore, understanding the client’s condition wants, and desires are part of a broker’s job. More so, choosing the correct insurance plan can be difficult, and with research showing that many people make poor decisions when left to their own judgment, an insurance broker is definitely needed.

Brokers should be familiar with all insurance firms’ offerings, but not favor anyone.

How a Broker Earns 

Commissions and fees earned on sold policies are the primary sources of income for an insurance broker. These commissions are usually a percentage of the total annual premium for the insurance. An insurance broker or agent will frequently earn a one-time percentage of the first-year premium of a policy that they sell, followed by a smaller but continuous annual residual income payout for the duration of the policy’s term.

Brokers can also earn money by offering clients fee-based consulting and advisory services. Transactional fees may be assessed in certain instances. Brokers, for example, might charge fees for making modifications and assisting with claim filing.

States regulate the manner in which and when brokers can charge a fee. When fees are permissible, they must meet specific conditions, such as being affordable and mutually agreed upon by the client and the broker, among others. Some insurers, in a controversial move, reward brokers who perform well by rewarding them with bonuses or enhanced commissions. The reward is frequently based on past performance and is intended to serve as a motivator for employees to continue engaging in particular activities that generate money.

Average Salary For a Life Insurance Broker

What’s a life insurance broker’s salary? You could be wondering!

The average annual salary for a Life Insurance Broker in the  US is $85,833 per year and this is as of March 10, 2023. Using a salary calculator, that comes out to be around $41.27 per hour. This works out to be $1,651 a week or $7,153 per month.

While annual salaries as high as $124,000 and as low as $36,000 have been reported on Job portals, the majority of Life Insurance Broker salaries in the United States currently spans from $75,000 (25th percentile) to $100,000 (75th percentile), with big earners (90th percentile) making $115,000 yearly. 

The typical salary for a Life Insurance Broker varies substantially (up to $25,000), implying that there may be several prospects for development and greater pay dependent on skill level, location, and other factors.

Highest Paying Cities For Life Insurance Brokers In The US

According to research, the following 10 cities pay more than the national average salary.

  • New York City, NY
  • San Mateo, CA
  • Boston, MA
  • Juneau, AK
  • Berkeley, CA
  • Daly City, CA
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • Quincy, MA
  • Renton, WA
  • Richmond, CA

New York City leads the list, followed by San Mateo, CA, and Boston, MA. Boston, MA beats the national average by $9,840 (11.5%), and New York City, NY beats it by $14,344 (16.7%).

Notably, several firms are presently hiring for the job position of a Life Insurance Broker in New York City, NY. This suggests that moving to one of these 10 cities as a Life Insurance Broker could be a lucrative option for your financial progress and the economy’s growth.

Finally, the average income in these top ten cities changes only 7% between New York City and Richmond, CA, underscoring the limited possibility for wage growth. Considering location and salary for a Life Insurance Broker career, the likelihood of a cheaper cost of living may also need to be applied.

Average Salary For Health Insurance Broker 

The average annual salary for a Health Insurance Broker in the US is $72,523 as of Mar 10, 2023. Using a quick salary calculator, that’s around $34.87 an hour. This is $1,395/week or $6,044/month.

While yearly incomes as high as $122,500 and as low as $18,000 are possible, the majority of Health Insurance Broker salaries in the United States now range from $36,000 (25th percentile) to $99,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) earning $114,000 per year. The typical salary for a Health Insurance Broker ranges vastly (up to $63,000), implying that there may be numerous possibilities for development and higher-income dependent on the level of expertise, area, and years of work experience. 

Highest Paying Cities For Health Insurance Broker In The US

We’ve made research from trusted sources, and have sourced out 10 cities with high paying salary 

  • Sunnyvale, CA
  • Santa Cruz, CA
  • Santa Rosa, CA
  • Manhattan, NY
  • Williston, ND
  • Barnstable Town, MA
  • Cambridge, MA
  • San Mateo, CA
  • Arlington, VA
  • Dickinson, ND

Sunnyvale, CA ranks high, followed by Santa Cruz, CA, and Santa Rosa, CA. Santa Rosa, CA beats the national average by $11,322 (15.6%), while Sunnyvale, CA beats it by $14,055 (19.4%). However, just a few firms are now hiring for the profession of Health Insurance Broker in Sunnyvale, CA.

With average incomes above the national average in these 10 places, This suggests that moving to one of these 10 cities as a health Insurance Broker could be a lucrative option for your financial progress and the economy’s growth.

Finally, the average income in these top ten locations differs only 7% between Sunnyvale, CA, and Dickinson, ND; underscoring the limited possibility for salary growth.

What Is The Salary For An Average Insurance Broker?

As of February 25, 2023, the average Insurance Broker salary in the United States is $85,923, with a compensation range typically ranging between $74,270 and $104,988. A variety of critical elements, like schooling, certifications, extra skills, and the length of years of experience in your field, can influence your salary range significantly.

A practical picture of what you should expect is from the following stated below

Basically, with less than a year of experience, a starter Insurance Broker may expect to make $49,458 in total compensation (tips, bonus, and overtime pay). The typical total income for an early career Insurance Broker with 1-4 years of experience is $58,944. An average total salary of $72,909 is earned by a mid-career Insurance Broker with 5-9 years of experience. The average total salary for an experienced Insurance Broker with 10-19 years of experience is $82,628. Employees with a long work history (20 years or more) earn an average total remuneration of $85,923.

 Commercial Insurance Broker Salary Earnings

A commercial insurance broker is one who acts as a middleman between the buyer and the insurer arranging insurance for businesses or companies on their behalf. Thus, the purpose of a commercial insurance broker is to make the whole insurance process as simple as possible.

Hence, with 1-4 years of experience, a newbie commercial  Insurance Broker can expect to make an average total salary of $62,013 per year (which comprises tips, bonuses, and overtime pay). The average total salary for a mid-career Commercial  Insurance Broker with 5-9 years of experience is $76,631. Then an experienced Insurance Broker with 10-19 years of experience makes an average total pay of $79,625, which is more than the national average. Moreso, employees in their late-career (20 years or more) earn an average total salary of $82,000 per year.

Generally, the salary for a commercial insurance broker is equivalent to $74,555

Salary Earnings For An Insurance Broker In Florida 

In Florida, the average annual salary for an Insurance Broker is $68,838 per year as of March 11, 2023. In the event that you require a basic pay calculator, that equates to around $33.10 per hour. This equates to $1,324 per week or $5,737 per month in earnings basically.

While salaries as high as $149,954 and as low as $19,853 have been reported on job sites, the majority of Insurance Broker salaries currently range between $42,240 (25th percentile) and $84,481 (75th percentile), with the top earners (90th percentile) earning $129,678 per year in Florida, according to the most recent data.

The average pay range for an Insurance Broker is extremely wide (as much as $42,241), indicating that there may be several prospects for development and greater pay dependent on skill level, location, and other factors.


In conclusion, we have outlined the salary prices for major insurance brokers. If it’s or has been your dream to become one of the above listed; we’ve arranged this guide to give you a picture of what your earnings could possibly be. Moreso, your salary as an insurance broker (especially if you reside in Florida) will depend on certain factors already stated and in this guide for instance; location, acquired skill, years of experience, etc. Therefore, If you ask us, it’s a good career to venture into as it can expose you to a whole new world of business and experience. 


What type of insurance broker makes the most money?

The sales commission life insurance broker might earn in the first year if they are on a commission-only salary; that’s the highest commission for any type of insurance.

How much do insurance brokers make us?

The average Insurance Broker salary in the United States is $85,923,

how much does a health insurance broker make

The average annual salary for a Health Insurance Broker in the US is $72,523 as of Mar 10, 2023.

How much do Insurance Broker job pay a year in Florida?

In Florida, the average annual salary for an Insurance Broker is $68,838 per year

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