Do Red Cars Cost More to Insure?: Explained!

Do Red Cars Cost More to Insure?
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Pick a car in a color that makes you happy; you’ll be looking at it every day for a while. If red is your preferred color, however, you may think twice after hearing the urban legend that red cars cost more to insure. Does insurance for a red car cost more? You’re not alone if you’ve heard this myth: CNBC cites a study by that revealed 44% of Americans have the false belief that driving a red car will lead to higher insurance rates.

Do Red Cars Cost More to Insure?

Try not to worry. A red car’s higher cost of insurance is a common myth, but it’s not true. The color of your car is not one of the numerous factors that go into determining the cost of insurance from different insurance companies.

During the enrollment process, your insurance provider will ask for your vehicle’s VIN and other identifying information.

Insurers care significantly more about the specific brand and model of your vehicle than they do about the exterior color. Compare the insurance costs of a high-end imported model with those of a more mainstream, affordable model.

Based on a variety of factors, a driver’s car insurer determines how likely they are to make a claim. Claim history, geographical location, age, gender, and driving record are all examples of such variables.

However, keep in mind that while insurers often consider the same set of risk indicators, they do so in various ways when determining premiums. To find the most affordable policy, you can compare quotes from multiple insurers.

The cost of insurance depends on a number of factors, including the vehicle’s make, model, year, engine size, and MSRP.

Discounts on insurance premiums are common when policyholders install safety equipment like daytime running lights and burglar alarms to lower the likelihood of theft and accidental damage.

Do Red Cars Get Pulled Over More?

The common belief that law enforcement is more likely to stop a red car than any other color is central to the myth. Some, though not much, data suggests that police are more inclined to pull over specific vehicle makes and models. looked at traffic violation data for more than 300 models in 2016, and they found that both low- and high-end models were overrepresented among the most often ticketed cars.

This study implies that different types of drivers are attracted to different car models, rather than that police choose to pull over certain models more often based on the model because police pull vehicles over due to the driver’s behavior rather than based on the model.

Research is mixed, but it does appear that police are more inclined to pull over and fine drivers of red automobiles and other flashy vehicles. However, the idea behind this is that riskier drivers are the ones who choose red cars or flashy models.

Insurance companies factor in the increased likelihood of a claim from a high-risk driver, and the result is higher premiums and more citations for these motorists. It’s therefore plausible that the myth about red cars and cheaper insurance is genuine. Insurance companies do not, however, discriminate against red vehicle owners by charging higher rates.

Does Car Color Affect Insurance at All?

No, the color of your car isn’t one of the factors that affects your premiums. When determining an individual’s auto insurance premium, insurers take a number of factors into account; race is not one of them.

Most insurance providers don’t even care what color your automobile is when you get a quote online. In most cases, insurance companies will ask for the car’s “make,” “model,” and “vehicle identification number” (VIN).

The manufacturer adds a set of numbers called the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to each car. The VIN identifies your vehicle down to the model, engine, serial number, and even the factory it came from. You can’t tell what color your automobile is just by looking at the VIN. 

When calculating car insurance rates, insurers now use far more reliable and relevant data. Your driving record, where you live, your claims history, and the amount of insurance you seek are all major factors. Insurance companies consider more than just your driving record and marital status when setting rates.

Factors That Are Used to Determine Car Insurance Costs

When calculating car insurance costs, various insurers give differing weight to various aspects. In most cases, insurance companies consider the following variables when establishing premiums:

#1. Driving Record

It’s a common myth that red cars attract more insurance costs than other colors. Nonetheless, there is not a single study that proves red cars are stopped more often than other colors.

However, drivers who have a history of traffic offenses such as speeding tickets would see an increase in their premiums. Therefore, the cost of insurance for those drivers’ red cars would be higher. However, the car’s color has no bearing on the price because of their driving history.

#2. Car Type

The model of your car is more important than its color when determining the cost of your insurance. This research on the least expensive cars to insure shows that the type of car you drive can have a significant impact on your insurance rates. Large SUVs and fancy vehicles typically have higher insurance premiums, though this is not always the case. The cost of insurance is typically higher for more popular vehicles like the Honda Accord. Perhaps this explains why so many accords are stolen.

#3. Location

The location within a city or state can have a significant impact on your premiums, sometimes by hundreds of dollars annually. For example, in Florida, the cost of living might vary by as much as $2,000 per year, depending on where you live. You probably won’t change your life merely to find a place with cheaper auto insurance, but it’s important to be aware that some regions have significantly higher average premiums. Cities with high rates of auto theft, flooding, and natural calamities will have higher insurance premiums.

#4. Marital Status

The cost of your auto insurance policy may change when you get married. While insurance companies generally perceive married drivers as more responsible and less likely to file claims, lower premiums are only possible if both partners have clean driving records. Together, the premiums will rise substantially if, for instance, one partner has a history of accidents.

#5. Your Age and Gender

Your car insurance premiums will also increase as you get older. For the same level of protection, drivers under the age of 25 can spend thousands more than those over the age of 30. That’s because studies reveal new drivers have a greater accident rate.

In addition, rates can vary depending on your gender.

#6. Occupation

Occupation is a disputed but real element in ratings. In most circumstances, insurers can change your premium based on your occupation, but they cannot refuse coverage because you are unemployed.

Insurance companies typically assign lower risk ratings to drivers with higher levels of education and training than they do to those with lower levels of education and training.

Do Red Cars Get More Tickets Than Other Colors?

Your car insurance premiums may increase if you get into any kind of altercation with the police. These are three of the best:

  • Speeding ticket – can increase insurance rate by 21%
  • At-fault accidents – can raise insurance rates by 42%
  • DUI – can raise the insurance rate by 93%

However, just because you drive a red car doesn’t mean you’re more likely to get tickets or get into accidents than drivers of other colors. One’s driving habits are a major factor in this.

A counterargument to this is the red-car theory’s contention that people who drive red cars are more likely to risk injury because they drive more quickly. The decision would rest solely with the driver, though.

Are Red Cars More Likely To Be Stolen Or Vandalized?

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB), there were over a million car thefts in 2022. The theft rate is at its highest level since 2008. While the research did not specify color, you can get a sense of what’s out there by looking at other studies, such as the one from iSeeCars listing the most popular automobiles on the road (see below).

In 2021, Chevy and Ford full-size pickups valued at roughly $48K were the most commonly stolen automobiles, followed by Honda Civics and Accords.

Vehicles of any color can be stolen since thieves only care about the parts inside. But since they prefer to remain unseen, a red car is not one they are likely to try to hotwire.

Car ColorPercentage of Ownership

Only 8% of residents in this area are red, while both 20% and 30% are white and black. That’s why you rarely see a red automobile these days.

Where Does the Red Car Myth Come From?

Why, then, does a common belief hold that red cars incur higher insurance premiums? The vibrant nature of their color, it is said, is to blame. As the theory goes, a flashy red car is more likely to attract the notice of ticketing officers. Others point out that red automobiles have a long history of being linked with racing, suggesting that drivers who value speed may be more drawn to buying red vehicles.

According to a 2007 study by Monash University in Australia, cars painted in low-visibility colors like gray, silver, and black have a statistically higher risk of being involved in an accident.

Since there are so few studies comparing the crash and ticket rates of vehicles of varying colors, we cannot say with certainty whether or not there is a correlation between the three.

Additionally, the Monash University study found that factors other than car color, such as vehicle model and lighting conditions, have a greater impact on crash risk.

What Are the Disadvantages of Buying a Red Car?

Red automobiles are undeniably intriguing and eye-catching. It’s a more vibrant shade, perfect for drivers who want to make a statement on the highway.

The color red makes cars easier to spot in a parking lot. But there are several obvious drawbacks to driving a red car. These are some of them:

#1. Higher Accident Risks

According to the data, red cars are 7% more likely to be involved in an accident than cars of any other color. Red cars are not as dangerous as those of a black, silver, or gray color, but they do have a higher accident rate than other colors.

The prevalence of red traffic lights, brake lights, road signs, and sirens is a major contributor to this phenomenon. Due to the default red color scheme of these components, they may obscure the driver’s line of sight and make it difficult to spot a red car. 

That “brighter and more visible colors are less likely to get into accidents” is demonstrably false in the case of red cars.

#2. Rapid Paint Degradation 

Red is the most vulnerable to fading in general. This is due to the low energy of the wavelength associated with the color red.

It has to absorb more wavelengths to appear red, which significantly dulls the hue. So, if you’re thinking about buying a red car, keep in mind that the color won’t hold up over time unless you take measures to protect it.  

To prevent the body of your car from fading, it is recommended that you apply a coating that blocks the sun’s rays. The best option is to use a special additive paint known as a UV absorber, which blocks out harmful radiation from the sun. 

The exterior of the car should be kept spotless at all times. The buildup of dirt, which may contain acidic substances, can weaken a car’s surface. This leaves your paint vulnerable to the radiation’s damaging effects. It could be unwise to let the dirt sit for weeks.

Finally, try to find a spot in the shade. It doesn’t matter if you’re simply popping out for a second to grab something quickly. Leaving your automobile in the sun for even a few extra minutes might cause damage to the paint.

A car’s interior can be up to 30 degrees cooler when a shade is above or around it, according to research. A car’s air conditioner may struggle if you get in while it’s extremely hot outside.

#3. Lower Average Resale Value

There is evidence that red cars are less desirable on the used car market than other colors. It all comes down to the specific hue of red, though.

Red automobiles with metallic paint, for example, are more in demand than their solid-red counterparts because their owners prefer them.

Mazda’s hallmark color is a red metallic finish, and the car costs more to buy and sells for more money than its black or white counterparts.

The resale value of an automobile depends heavily on its condition and the sort of car it is. Red decreases the depreciation of hatchbacks and sports cars compared to other colors, including SUVs. As a result, the owner of a red sports car has more bargaining power.

#4. Distinctive Marks of Stains 

Red automobiles aren’t as bad as white ones when it comes to stains, but they still don’t look great.

Dust and mud splatters stand out more prominently against a red background than on a black one. We suggest you make washing and maintaining your red automobile a weekly ritual if you want to keep it looking good.

#5. Gets Really Hot

In addition to being visual furnaces, red automobiles can actually be quite hot inside. Red paint is one of the darker colors available.

Red automobiles, while not as intense and hot as black ones, are poor heat emitters and can soak up heat faster than white and gray ones.

When it’s time to wash, things get even more difficult, especially if the sun is out. The water evaporates more rapidly and may leave behind watermarks.

Although watermarks may seem harmless at first, they can permanently damage a car’s paint.

What Color Cars Are More Expensive?

Car colors themselves do not inherently affect the price of a car. The make and model, manufacturing costs, features, and market demand are the main determinants of a car’s cost.

However, some premium or luxury car brands may offer a wider range of color options, including custom or exclusive colors, which can come with an additional cost. These exclusive or custom colors might be available as part of expensive packages or options, driving up the overall price of the vehicle.

Additionally, certain car colors might be more popular, leading to higher demand and potentially affecting the resale value. For example, neutral colors like black, white, and silver are often popular choices and could be easier to sell in the used car market. However, the popularity of specific colors can vary based on cultural and regional preferences.

In summary, while the color itself does not make a car more expensive, factors like custom or exclusive color options and market demand for specific colors can indirectly influence the overall price and resale value.

What Color Car Gets the Least Amount of Speeding Tickets?

There is no such thing as a “safe” color for a car when it comes to getting tickets. There isn’t much proof that the suspect’s race affects a police officer’s decision to issue a citation.

It is not the color of a driver’s skin that determines whether or not they will receive a traffic citation. While studies show that red automobiles are more likely to receive tickets than other colors, this is likely due to the fact that red cars stand out more to law enforcement officers than other colors.

More reliable predictors of whether or not a driver would receive a ticket are the day’s weather, the types of violations that occurred in the area recently, and the makes and models of vehicles legally driven in the region.

Are Red Cars Harder to Sell?

The resale value of a car depends on various factors, such as its make, model, mileage, condition, and overall demand in the used car market. While some people may have personal preferences against certain colors, like red, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that red cars are inherently harder to sell or have significantly lower resale value compared to cars of other colors.

Ultimately, the condition of the car, its maintenance history, and its pricing are more important factors in determining how easily a car sells, regardless of its color. If you’re concerned about resale value, it’s a good idea to maintain your car well, keep records of regular maintenance, and price it competitively based on its overall condition and market value.

Tips for Lowering Your Car Insurance Premium: Bottom Line

There are a variety of variables that go into determining your insurance premium, but there are steps you can take to reduce the amount you pay each month.

#1. Search Around

Given that each business sets its own rates, the rate that one company offers you may be significantly different from the rate that another firm offers. Compare the insurance rates that you receive from local and national firms by shopping around.

#2. Get the Most Out of Sales

Most car insurance companies have some sort of discount program available to help drivers save money. Inquire about possible discounts, such as a discount for paying your annual premium in full, a discount for bundling multiple policies, or a discount for being a cautious driver.

#3. Adjust Your Deductible

You can reduce your auto insurance premium by raising your deductible. However, this is a potentially dangerous step, so you should give it some serious consideration.

#4. Look At Your Insurance Plan

Although endorsements like roadside assistance and rental car coverage are helpful, they can also raise your premium. Review the value of any extra coverage you’ve purchased in the past.

Do Red Cars Cost More to Insure? FAQs

What color car makes insurance higher?

Your insurance premium will not change based on the color of your vehicle. Your insurance premiums are based on factors other than your driving record, such as the age of your vehicle, where you keep it, how often you use it, and where you keep it.

What car Colour lasts the longest?

White car paint lasts the longest of any color selection. Keep the automobile in the shade to avoid damage from dust, dirt, and UV rays if you go for paints that fade more quickly, including reds and blues.

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