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You can sell your life insurance policy if you can no longer pay the premiums or you no longer need a life insurance policy. Selling your life insurance policy to a third party for a lump sum of money is a financial transaction known as a life settlement. There is a lot to consider when deciding on how to sell your life insurance policy for cash. The Sell My Life Insurance Policy calculator easily helps to determine if you qualify to sell your life insurance policy and what its value may be the life settlement value you may receive.

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy Overview

There are various companies and providers, that actually make an offer and purchase these insurance policies. Some of the best companies to sell your life insurance policy include; Coventry Direct, Magna Life Settlements, and Abacus Life Settlements.

On the secondary market, you can easily exchange your life insurance policy for a payout. Financial institutions and investors purchase life insurance policies from policyholders through life settlement companies like Abacus Life Settlements and Coventry Life Settlements. The life settlement firm gives you a percentage of the value of your policy when you sell it. The life settlement business then takes care of all subsequent premium payments and gets the death benefit when you pass away.

Life settlement sellers are usually over 65, although younger people may qualify if they meet medical standards, according to LISA. You can also be able to sell term life and smaller life insurance policies, although the most in-demand products are usually universal life insurance policies and death benefit sums exceeding $100,000.

Reasons to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy

A possible sale of your life insurance policy may be due to changes in your finances and way of life. Here are some typical explanations for thinking about selling your policy:

  • After retiring or losing your employment, you are no longer able to pay the payments.
  • Your disposable income has decreased due to rising costs.
  • The deadline for your term conversion is drawing near.
  • To pay for a significant, unforeseen bill, you need cash.
  • You must begin saving for medical expenses or long-term care.
  • There is no longer a worry about estate taxes.
  • Your dependents, including your children, have grown up and are now self-sufficient.
  • The term of your life insurance coverage is almost up.

A lot of the reasons for selling life insurance policies boil down to either having a better financial situation and, in essence, no longer needing it or having a bad financial situation where you can no longer afford it.

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for Cash

The process of selling a life insurance policy for cash starts with finding an interested buyer, fulfilling the requirements, and then going over your options with a licensed provider. This approach applies whether you’re selling your policy for affordability or because you no longer require it. When you sell your insurance, the buyer takes over as the payer for the balance of your life insurance premiums, and they get the death benefit when you pass away.

Learning about life settlement transactions and the relevant legislation is the first step in selling a life insurance policy. For additional information regarding the procedure, license requirements, and potential fraud, get in touch with your state’s insurance office.

The steps to take when selling your insurance policy include:

#1. Selecting a broker

A third-party business or person that represents you in the life settlement procedure is called a broker. Working with a broker increases the worth of your policy because they will offer it to their network of purchasers and obtain as many bids as they can, driving up the cost.

By putting you in touch with possible purchasers and taking care of the required paperwork, they can streamline the procedure.

#2. Make an Application

For every life insurance payout you request offers from, you must fill out an application. You must give the settlement business permission to gather details about your health and policy as part of the application procedure. Additionally, disclosures might be made to you, and you might be asked for more details or supporting documents.

#3. Documentation

The underwriters of the settlement business will start obtaining information as soon as your application is received and the required permissions are given. They will get in touch with your life insurance company to ask for specifics on your coverage, such as the premiums and death benefit. A copy of your medical records from your healthcare providers will also be requested by the underwriters.

#4. Appraisal

The market value of your life insurance policy will be ascertained by underwriters following their evaluation of pertinent data. The underwriters will evaluate your policy’s worth and the advice of medical professionals regarding your health in order to determine if it is a wise investment. They’ll search for indications of fraud as well.

#5. Receive an Offer

The settlement firm will make an offer if it determines your policy is eligible for purchase. You can choose to accept or reject the offer; we advise evaluating offers from several providers before deciding. If you worked with a broker, you might have greater negotiating power.

After accepting the offer, you have two options: either take the whole cash offer or choose an alternative, like a retained death benefit, which allows you to maintain some of the advantages of your policy and receive a reduced cash payment with no further premium commitments.

#6. Closing the deal

After acceptance of the offer, a closing package will be sent to you by the settlement provider for your evaluation and signature. Your insurance company will be informed of the transaction as soon as you return the signed paperwork. You will get the settlement money and be absolved of all costs relating to the account and the policy’s ownership will change. The buyer will then receive the death benefit upon the policyholder’s death, rather than the beneficiaries who were initially specified.

Depending on how quickly your insurance carrier and medical providers respond to information requests, this procedure will take 60 to 120 days.

Keep in mind that both the policy owner and the insured must cooperate in order to sell a life insurance policy. Though this isn’t always the case, most people in both roles are the same. Information about the policy is accessible to the policy owner, and medical records are accessible to the covered individual.

Note that in some cases the seller of the life insurance policy may need to follow up with the customer to make sure they are still alive. For instance, they may occasionally receive postcards from the buyer that must be signed and returned. This can be discussed with one’s broker before selling his/her policy.

How Much Cash Can You Get From Selling Your Life Insurance Policy

Depending on the details of your case, the amount of money you might be paid for your coverage can vary significantly.

How much (cash) you get when you sell your life insurance depends on how long you plan to live, how much the policy is worth, and how much the buyer thinks they will pay in premiums over your lifetime. The offer is usually higher than the policy’s cash settlement value but less than the death benefit that your beneficiaries would have received if you had kept the policy until you died.

In a life settlement, an insured will normally receive 10% to 25% of the policy’s death benefit; in a viatical settlement, the insured will typically receive 50% to 85% of the policy’s face value. For instance, you can get as little as $10,000 in a life settlement if your policy has a $100,000 death benefit. However, if a terminal illness has been diagnosed, you may be eligible for a viatical settlement of $50,000 or more.

Here are a few factors that influence your life settlement payout:

#1. Life Expectancy

Life expectancy, which is determined by looking at the policyholder’s age and health, is an estimate of how long they should live. Shorter life expectancies make life settlements more lucrative since buyers pay lower premiums over time. The buyer of a life settlement must continue paying insurance premiums for the duration of the policyholder’s life.

#2. Policy Value

Brokers typically demand that policyholders have a death benefit of at least $100,000 in order to attract purchasers to their life insurance policy. When a consumer buys insurance, they are essentially investing in the death benefit; therefore, a higher death benefit corresponds to a higher payout. Pay is typically higher for policyholders with larger coverage limits than for those with smaller policies.

#3. Premium Cost

As previously mentioned, premiums for a life insurance policy must be paid by the policyholder until their death. As a result, premium costs play a significant role in the assessment of policies. A lower cost of maintenance for the policy due to low premiums raises the value of the life settlement. High premiums, on the other hand, make the purchase more costly and hazardous for the buyer, which causes the offer to drop.

Pros and Cons of Selling Your Life Insurance Policy


There are several benefits to selling your life insurance policy including;

#1. No longer having to pay insurance premiums:

Life settlements offer benefits beyond a single, large monetary payout. Additionally, they release you from having to pay exorbitant premiums.

#2. Obtain a higher payment than you would if you gave your insurance policy to the provider, i.e. opted for surrender value.

The average amount of money received from a life settlement is four times greater than the total cash surrender value.

#3. Acquisition of substantial sums of money.

A life insurance policy could provide an unforeseen stream of income for people who are approaching or in retirement to help with bill payments or retirement income supplementation.

#4. Get back the money you invested.

You would receive no compensation for all the money you had paid over the years if your term insurance were to lapse. Rather than having all of your investment go to the insurance company as profit, a life settlement can help you recover some of it.


 A few potential drawbacks involved in selling your life insurance policy, include;

#1. Possible tax obligation

Generally speaking, unless the life settlement exceeds the total amount you have contributed to the policy over time, you will not be required to pay income taxes on the earnings. However, you might still be required to pay some form of tax in the compensation received from a life settlement. It is advised that you consult your financial counselor prior to requesting a life settlement, nevertheless.

#2. Resulting fees and commission

A commission will be taken by the broker if you choose to cooperate with them rather than go straight to a life settlement provider. So it is important to make proper inquiries about the fees charged by your broker before deciding to use their services.

#3. The death benefit is eliminated.

The policy’s death benefit will no longer be paid to your beneficiaries. You could, however, continue to be covered in addition to getting a cash payout if you choose to accept a partial cash payment through an alternate life settlement program.

#4. A life settlement may disqualify you if you receive public assistance.

Before accepting a life settlement offer, make sure you speak with a financial counselor who is knowledgeable about qualifying requirements if you presently receive Medicaid or other forms of financial support so you are well aware of the various support and aid that may be terminated as a result of receiving a life settlement.

Tips for Selling Your Insurance Policy

In order to maximize your life settlement payout, here are some tips to take into consideration;

#1. Get to know the Process

It’s helpful to have a clear idea of how selling your life insurance policy operates and what to anticipate before you get too involved in the process because it can be quite confusing. Ensure that you are aware of the kind of policy you have, the extent of coverage, and the account’s cash value. Investigate your state’s laws and guidelines regarding the sale of life insurance products.

#2. Speak with a Financial Advisor

Find a life insurance settlement specialist and have them determine the worth of your policy. You can get estimates of the value of your life insurance policy from independent advisors. They can also suggest brokers, fill in the blanks, and advise you about features that can offer value.

#3. Find a reputable broker

A life settlement broker can shop around for the best deal for you by presenting your policy to many providers. However, before settling for a broker, it is important to interview a lot, ask important questions, and pay attention to the transaction costs associated with each broker.

#4. Get Multiple Offers

Never take the first offer that you are presented with. Before choosing a life settlement company, get bids from at least three of them. Be prepared for your offers to vary widely. Remember that the best offer might not be the first, so it’s worth taking your time and waiting for a competitive price.

#5. Provide honest information about your health

A copy of your life insurance policy will be sent by your broker to prospective purchasers. But, in order to evaluate the worth of your coverage, purchasers will also need access to your medical information. The offers you receive will be more accurate when you are completely honest about your health.

What is the most lucrative life insurance to sell?

Annuities: Insurance agents who sell annuities have a higher chance of generating higher income. According to the Agent Report, most agents making more than $200,000 in annual revenue sell annuities.

Is it a good idea to sell my life insurance policy?

Ultimately, selling your life insurance policy may be a good idea if the payout or lack of premium payments could benefit you immediately and you do not need to leave a death benefit to any beneficiaries.

Is it better to surrender or sell a life insurance policy?

Although there is always the option to simply cancel or surrender your policy to end monthly premiums, a life insurance settlement usually results in a larger payout and may therefore be a better option for some.

Why would someone want to sell insurance?

There are a lot of reasons why someone would choose to sell insurance. Some of them include;

  • Freedom to Choose.
  • Job Security.
  • Flexible Schedule.

What are the disadvantages of selling life insurance?

  • Taxes: If you sell your policy for more than you paid in premiums, you’ll pay taxes on the difference.
  • It can be difficult to find the right buyer for your policy even with a broker.
  • Fees: You may be required to pay high broker fees on the settlement.

When Should You Sell Life Insurance Policy?

 Here are a few common reasons to consider selling your policy:

  • You can no longer afford the premiums after retirement or job loss.
  • Other expenses have increased, leaving you with less disposable income.

What qualifies you to sell your life insurance policy?

Often, the policy must be individual life insurance, not group life insurance, and have a death benefit of at least $100,000 to be eligible for sale.

How much can I sell my life insurance policy for?

On average, you can expect to receive 20% of the policy’s face value when you sell it, according to the Life Insurance Settlement Association (LISA).


To Wrap Up

Though there may be financial and legal ramifications, it is not always a simple decision to sell your life insurance policy. Consider all of your options before opting to sell. Removing, replacing, or converting your policy may often make more sense than selling it. In some cases, it is possible to obtain tax-free withdrawals and loans against the policy’s cash value with some kind of life insurance. In essence, if the pros outweigh the cons, you can go ahead or otherwise consider other options.

Please, kindly drop any question(s) on How to sell life insurance policy for cash, in the comment box.

How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy FAQs

Is life insurance hard to sell?

Yes, life insurance is difficult to sell.

Can selling life insurance make you a millionaire?

Yes. Selling life insurance can make you a millionaire.

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