Why Does My Car Insurance Keep Going up Every Year
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While moving to a new area, purchasing a more expensive car, or having multiple claims filed in your area are the most common reasons why your insurance rates keep going up, other factors can affect your premium as well. There are also ways you can reduce your car insurance and save money on premiums. Continue reading to find out more about them.

Why Does My Car Insurance Keep Going Up?

Even though you are a cautious driver who has not made any recent major life changes—like buying a new car or switching insurance providers—your premium has gone up. Naturally, you are curious as to the cause of your auto insurance rate increase. Your auto insurance premium may increase for a variety of reasons. Worse, some of these problems are beyond your control because they influence the international auto insurance industry as a whole.

#1. Traffic Violations

As common sense would dictate, getting pulled over multiple times will result in a rise in your auto insurance premiums. Regardless, there are two distinct categories of traffic offences: those considered minor and those considered major.

Minor traffic offences include:

  • Over speeding
  • Keeping too close
  • Failure to yield
  • Improper packing
  • Using a mobile phone while driving
  • Improper passing

Major traffic offences are:

  • Driving under influence
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Running from the police
  • Drag racing
  • Attempted felonies

If you are ever accused of one of these infractions and ultimately found not guilty, the incident will not show up on your driving record. You can take a professional driving course to help you keep your insurance rates low and avoid points on your license for minor infractions. Smart drivers can also take advantage of the “one driver, one violation” provision that allows for the dismissal of minor infractions.

#2. At-Fault Accident

One of the most common reasons for a rise in premiums is culpability in an accident. In an accident where you are at fault, you will probably have to pay more if you file a claim. Lucky for you, some insurance companies let their customers make small payments without the premiums going up. Furthermore, buying accident forgiveness will be useful in this case.

#3. Your Car Type

When looking for a new car, the most important things are comfort, style, size, and gas mileage. They do cost something, though, since it is no longer true that the value of your car will affect how much you pay for insurance. The make and model of your car are also factors for auto insurance companies. Your premiums may vary depending on the model and year of your vehicle. Your insurance premium may go up if you add or swap in a different vehicle, especially if it is a high-priced or rare model.

Large vehicle drivers will pay more as well, as higher fuel costs are passed on to consumers. Most people expect more power from larger vehicles like SUVs, sports cars, and trucks. This increases the likelihood that your vehicle will be traveling at high speeds, which increases the possibility of an accident. Consequently, to play it safe, look around for the best insurance rates.

#4. Bad Weather

Why is my car insurance so expensive? Increases can also be attributed to natural disasters like floods, hailstorms, and other similar events. The United States, for instance, is widely known for its recent history of severe weather. The resulting car damage costs the insurance industry millions of dollars annually to repair.

Therefore, it is clear that insurance companies are making payouts. A price increase for customers is inevitable if the business is to recoup some of its losses and continue functioning normally.

#5. A Low Credit Score

Lenders typically look at a borrower’s credit score as one factor among many when deciding whether or not to extend a loan to them. It seems that this pattern has spread throughout the entire auto insurance industry. Insurance companies have found that those with lower credit scores are statistically more likely to file a claim following an accident. So, they also base their interest rates on customers’ credit ratings.

Car insurance premiums are susceptible to fluctuations in credit scores. Your insurance premiums may increase if your credit score falls below a certain threshold. However, there are some jurisdictions where this is not the case, like California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts. 

Thankfully, laws in places like California prevent insurance providers from basing premiums on consumers’ credit histories. There is, however, yet another compelling argument in favor of raising your credit score.

#6. Claims in Your ZIP Code

Your auto insurance rates may vary according to your neighbourhood. Auto insurance premiums can vary widely from one region or zip code to the next, even within the same state. An increase in the number of claims filed in your area code could make insuring your car more expensive.

#7. Increased Traffic Volume

An increase in vehicle traffic is the most obvious cause of increased accident rates. This may be due to a variety of factors, including rising incomes, increased traffic, or urban sprawl. As a result of rising incomes, more people are taking to the roads, according to insurance experts from all over the world. People who are not working can now drive without worry. Overall, higher rates and the possibility of more accidents are associated with increased driving.

Why Does My Car Insurance Keep Going up Every Year?

#1. Increased Repair Costs

The price of auto repairs has also gone up over the past 12 months. Insurers have been increasing rates, in part because of the rising cost of claims related to auto damage. There has been a significant increase in the amount of money that auto insurers must spend on repairs. Insurers incorporate these costs into standard rates and charge policyholders accordingly. The cost of repairs is just one aspect of auto insurance.

Repairing or replacing damaged vehicles and other property, as well as covering medical expenses and lost wages for accident victims, are all covered by this insurance. There has been a significant out-of-pocket increase in the price of medical care and auto body repairs in recent years. In addition, legal fees have increased.

#2. Increased Health Care Costs

In addition, the price of medical care has been climbing in recent weeks and months. You and your passengers will not have to worry about paying for medical care after an accident as long as you have medical payment coverage (MedPay) and personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. Vehicle insurance companies raise rates to cover the higher costs of medical care.

#3. Environmental Factors

Claims for vehicle damage tend to rise when extreme weather or natural disasters strike a particular part of the country. Auto insurance companies in the state can raise their rates to make up for the loss. After the environmental event, residents of the area may be required to pay higher rates, even if they did not file any claims for damages.

#4. Location

The cost of car insurance can vary widely, depending not only on the ZIP code but also on the neighborhood. Moving to a new location may increase your rates, even if all other aspects of your circumstances continue to be the same. There are significant price differences between states and ZIP codes when it comes to the cost of auto insurance. So, even if you are just moving across town within the same state, you may see a change in your auto insurance premiums. 

#5. Drivers on Your Policy

The annual premiums for car insurance can go up or down depending on who is added as a driver. The addition of a teenager to a policy, for instance, is associated with higher premiums. Insurance companies attribute this to the fact that young drivers pose a greater risk to other motorists because of their lack of experience.

#6. Age

When you get older, you should see a reduction in your auto insurance premiums. Senior drivers do, however, have to pay a slight premium over their middle-aged counterparts. Once a person reaches the age of 65, they will be subject to a rate increase. A driver’s age is a major factor in determining rates. When looking at average rates by age, it becomes clear that young drivers and the elderly pay more than the rest of the adult population for car insurance. The reason is that there is a peak age at which accidents become statistically more likely. Companies that provide auto insurance typically label younger and older drivers as “higher risks.”

#7. Driving Record

Your insurance premiums will go up because you are considered a higher risk after an accident in which you were at fault or after receiving a speeding ticket. A price hike is to be expected in this circumstance. It is possible, though, that a raise will come as a complete shock. This could happen if you failed to disclose a past moving violation to your insurance provider during the application process, and they subsequently learned of its existence. Those who have traffic violations, accidents, or DUIs on their records typically pay more for auto insurance than those who don’t.  

How To Find Cheaper Car Insurance

It is a good idea to shop around if you have seen a rise in your car insurance premium. Changing auto insurance providers is free of charge, and you can get a refund for the unused portion of your policy from most providers. To find affordable car insurance, think about the following:

  • Compare companies: Prices from various service providers can vary widely. The difference between the annual rates offered by different companies can be several hundred dollars, so it is important to shop around and compare the rates of at least three different providers.
  • Bundle policies: Combine your auto insurance with that of your home or apartment for a discount. This can help you save money on car insurance premiums.
  • Shop for the best discounts. You can save money on auto insurance by qualifying for and using appropriate discounts. When it comes to discounts, some organizations favor students, while others favor military personnel.
  • Try usage-based insurance. One way to cut costs while working from home during the pandemic is to enroll in a program that charges only for the amount of time you use it. Progressive’s Snapshot® and similar programs incentivize safe, low-mileage driving. Alternative options include a pay-as-you-go plan from a company like Metromile or Allstate’s Milewise®.
  • Raise your deductible. You can reduce the cost of your auto insurance by raising your deductible. But make sure you have the money to cover it if you get into an auto accident.

Why does My Insurance Keep Getting More Expensive?

The majority of states are experiencing price increases. As a policyholder, your actions will have an impact on your premiums. In general, the repair or replacement costs of a more expensive vehicle result in a higher insurance premium. You can expect to pay a higher premium based on factors such as your age, driving record, credit history, choice of coverage, vehicle, and location.

How Can I Lower My Insurance Premiums?

  • Increase your deductible.
  • Check for discounts you qualify for.
  • Compare auto insurance quotes.
  • Maintain a good driving record.
  • Participate in a safe driving program.
  • Take a defensive driving course.
  • Explore payment options.
  • Improve your credit score.
  • Bundle insurance policies 

Is It Normal for Car Insurance to Increase Every Year?

Car insurance premiums, alas, tend to rise every year. However, there are instances when businesses reduce insurance premiums. After a certain number of years with the same service provider, your rate may decrease as a reward for your loyalty.

Why is Geico so Cheap?

The reason Geico can offer such low rates is that it deals directly with customers. By selling insurance policies directly to customers, Geico can cut down on the number of local branches and agents it maintains in comparison to competitors like State Farm and Allstate.

How Can I Avoid an Insurance Premium Increase?

  • Use a  “pay as you go” plan.
  • Avoid purchasing all available replacement covers 
  • Adding too many changes or upgrades can be costly. 
  • Take precautions while driving
  • Shop around
  • Raising deductibles
  • Credit Scores
  • Use discounts to your advantage

Why is Progressive Insurance So Cheap?

Affordable insurance from Progressive is possible thanks to the company’s many discounts and rate-shopping tools (like the Price Comparison tool and the Name Your Price promotion).

Does Credit Score Affect Car Insurance?

Yes. Your credit score can have a big impact on the insurance premium you pay. Car insurance premiums are typically much cheaper for drivers with excellent credit ratings compared to those with poor credit.

Is Progressive Insurance Good?

In terms of pricing, Progressive is about as average as car insurance gets. Its average annual full price is in the middle of the pack, but it is by no means cheap. Automobile and motorcycle policyholders can trust Progressive. Insuring your car or motorcycle with Progressive is a safe bet. Although Progressive is not always the least expensive option, the variety of coverage options and savings opportunities it offers make it a worthwhile insurer. 


Consumers can take preventative measures that will lower their auto insurance premiums. Make sure you are getting the lowest premiums possible by discussing discount options with your insurance agent. And if you are still not happy, look around to see if another car insurance company can provide you with adequate coverage at a more reasonable rate.

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