Quail Farming In Nigeria: All You Need To Know

quail farming
Noal farm

Commercial quail farming is one of the most rapidly increasing poultry farming businesses and the most adaptable of all poultry birds. The large return on investment in a short period of time is what makes the business appealing. It is a company that I would promote to everyone because it involves little cash and can be grown on a homestead. This page outlines the step-by-step process of starting a quail farming business and gives more quail farming information. This post is intended to serve as a road map for getting into the quail farming business and generating mad profit.

What Is A Quail?

Quail, scientifically known as Coturnix coturnix, is a tiny game bird. It is well-known for its tender flesh, abundant egg production, and minimal feed requirements. Due to its low capital requirements and quick return on investment, quail farming is gaining popularity in Nigeria and Africa. Quails are great for small-scale farmers since they can be raised in tiny settings and have a short production cycle. They are also disease-resistant and simple to keep, making them an excellent alternative to traditional chicken farming.

What is Quail Farming in Nigeria

The process of breeding quails, tiny game birds, for meat, eggs, and ornamental purposes is known as quail farming. Due to the high nutritional value of quail goods, their rapid development and reproductive capacities, and their adaptation to varied conditions, quail farming is becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria and Africa.

Because quails are smaller than chickens and require less room and feed, they are a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly farming alternative. They are also low-maintenance, making them an excellent choice for small-scale producers or those new to poultry farming. Due to the great demand for quail products in both domestic and international markets, quail farming can be a profitable economic enterprise.

Quail meat and eggs are regarded as delicacies in many parts of the world and have a high nutritional value, making them popular in the health and wellness business.

Characteristics of Quails

A quail has several qualities, some of which are as follows:

#1. Quails birds are small in size and weigh less

An adult quail weighs approximately 150-200 grams, and their eggs weigh approximately 7-15 grams (roughly the size of a ‘AA’ battery).

#2. They lay a lot of eggs

Female quails lay approximately 300 eggs throughout their first year of life. The birds will lay 150-175 eggs per year in the following years. It should be noted that laying skills will begin to decline in the following years.

#3. Quail birds reach maturity very fast

These birds grow quickly, and female quails begin laying eggs at the age of 6 to 7 weeks. They only lay one egg per day, which distinguishes them from other poultry birds.

Quail birds have a long life expectancy of 3 to 5 years. Furthermore, the normal adult quail weighs between 150 and 200 grams.

#4. Their eggs and meat are very nutritious

The eggs of birds are highly nutritious and are considered to be beneficial to human health. Quail eggs have a 2.47% lower fat content than chicken eggs.

According to studies, the chemicals in eggs assist to avoid high blood pressure, diabetes, and a variety of other disorders. The meat is flavorful and delicious. It also has a lower fat level than meat from cattle and other animals. Quail meat is indicated for people with high blood pressure.

#5. Quail eggs have multiple colors

The size of the quail is determined by the number of times the animal has been bred. Their shell is white with dark brown spots.

#6. Quail do not brood.

To hatch their eggs, quails do not sit on them. As a result, you’ll need a brooder or egg incubator to hatch their eggs.

Type of Quail Farming System

Quail farming varied depending on the breeds cultivated, local demand, and the purpose of rearing. Here are a few examples:

#1. Layer Quails Farm

These are quails that are commonly used for egg production. Most breeds lay eggs between the ages of 6 and 8 weeks. Female quail breeds of high quality can lay up to 300 eggs per year.

Japanese and bobwhite quails have a worldwide reputation for being excellent egg layers.

#2. Broiler Quails Farm

Quails are raised solely for meat production. The meat from the birds is both excellent and healthful. These quail species are larger than those used for egg-laying. Broilers develop weight at a significantly faster rate than layers.

Although they are intended for meat production, the female counterparts can produce 150-250 eggs every year. Northern Bobwhite and Jumbo Coturnix are well-known meat producers.

#3. Breeding Quails Farm

These are usually breeding birds that lay eggs that develop into offspring. These birds are really beautiful, which is why they are always in high demand.

Common breeding birds include button quail, bobwhite quail, and Japanese quail. Most of them lay eggs between the ages of 6-7 weeks.

Advantages of Rearing Quail Birds 

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of raising quails.

  • Quail birds are modest in size and may be raised in a small area or escape-proof chamber while still earning a lot of money.
  • The average cost of keeping these birds is normally inexpensive because the costs of their feeds are lower than those of chickens.
  • Diseases have little effect on quails because they are resilient and strong.
  • When compared to chickens, they mature faster.
  • Because quails have a high fertility rate, they begin to lay eggs at the age of 6 to 7 weeks, and these eggs hatch into chicks in 16 to 18 days.
  • Meat and eggs are both extremely beneficial for human health.
  • Typically, the initial capital and labor costs are cheap.
  • Because eggs and meat are low in fat, they are good for high-pressure patients.
  • In the same space as one chicken, you may grow roughly 6 to 7 quails.
  • The price of quail eggs is extremely cheap, making them affordable.

How to Start Quail Farming Business

Here’s a full step-by-step breakdown of how to start quail bird farming and start making profits right away:

#1. Get proper training from a quail farmer

To go into this quail farming, start out smoothly and make profits, you must first learn how to manage quail birds from an expert in the field.

A quail farmer with ‘hands-on’ expertise will be able to tell you everything you need to know about quail farming as well as how to prevent risks and losses and also make profits.

#2. Enquire about any Regulatory Requirements

The next most critical step is to obtain a license. Some countries (for example, Nigeria) have no regulatory requirements (permission or license).

If you are unsure about your country, contact the Ministry of Agriculture to be on the safe side of the law.

#3. Raise Enough Capital For Your Business

Quail farming does not require a lot of money. The majority of the expenditures are required for the birds’ acquisition, feeding, vaccination, and cleanliness.

If you do not already have an appropriate cage and site, you may require finances to obtain one.

#4. Acquire a Suitable Site/Location For Farming

Most small-scale quail farmers practice ‘backyard quail farming,’ which you may do if you don’t have enough money.

Whatever approach you choose, establishing an escape-proof facility to house the birds is critical, as is remembering that they are birds.

Also, keep in mind that the room in which you select to rear the birds must be well-ventilated and maintained clean at all times in order to avoid the negative effects and hazards of disease outbreaks. It is critical to build a cage for the birds to protect them from predators and pests.

#5. Get The Right Quail Breeds

Quail are available in a variety of breeds, just like chickens and other birds. Some grow very large and are better for food, but others are better at laying eggs.

If you are only interested in quail farming for egg production, you should choose the layer breed. However, if you want to sell Quail for meat, you should also include some broiler breeds.

Also, when getting quail birds to start with, you should go for chicks that are at least 2 weeks old. Unlike poultry farming where you can easily start with day-old chicks, quails have a high mortality rate in the first two weeks of birth. As a newcomer to the industry, you may not comprehend the complexities of handling quail chicks that young, which is why you should start with slightly older chicks.

#6. Feed The Quail Birds Well

You can feed quail birds the same feed you would give chickens or turkeys.

Because quail birds do not take a lot of food, you need not be concerned about the expense of feeding them because, when compared to other poultry birds, the prices of quail feeding are fairly low.

#7. Use Quality Labor

This is determined by how busy you are, the number of workers other than yourself, and the size of your farm. Quail birds, on the other hand, are quite easy to manage, and a single person may handle up to 2,000 birds.

This keeps labor expenditures to a minimal minimum (in other words, if you have enough time on your hands to maintain your Quail farm yourself, you may not need to hire extra help).

#8. Use Marketing Promotions to Increase Product Sales

Before starting any business, the business owner(s) must undertake a feasibility study in your area/locality, as a general business projection may not fit or be suitable in your place.

You can also raise knowledge about the health benefits of quail eggs and the delicacy of quail meat, which will help with marketing and sales. Supplying crates to businesses, major chain outlets, and supermarkets are some ways to sell your wares.

You can also organize seminars and health exhibitions about the benefits of quail eggs and then sell them to guests, distributing leaflets and banners, and so on.

#9. Health Care & Environmental management

Here are some things to think about when it comes to the health and environmental management of Quails:

  • Do not subject the birds to stress and suffering, as this can result in death.
  • Make sure there is a sufficient quantity of food and water.
  • Collect eggs at least twice a day, between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m. and 9:00 and 9:30 a.m.
  • Keep the collected eggs at the proper temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Debeaking is required to prevent the eggs from breaking after laying.

#10. Processing and packaging of quail meat

Quail eggs aren’t the only thing that quail birds have going for them. Quail meat is also quite tasty and nutritious.

Aside from selling quail eggs, you might also offer processed and packaged quail meat.

How Many Eggs Can Quail Lay Per Day?

So you receive a lot of eggs in a short period of time, especially if you have a breed like the Japanese quail, which may lay one egg each day. Furthermore, as you will see, more quail eggs are required to compensate for a single chicken egg, and even more for a duck egg.

How Profitable is Quail Farming in Nigeria?

Due to the great market demand for quail eggs and meat, quail farming can be a profitable enterprise. Quails require little area and are simple to manage, making them an excellent choice for small-scale farming. You can really make high profits from running a quail farming business.

How Long Do Quails Sit on Their Eggs?

The eggs are incubated by the female for 21 to 24 days. The nest is a small pit lined with grass, leaves, and vegetation that is either on the ground or no more than 10 feet above it. All of the eggs hatch on the same day, and the premature chicks are completely covered with down.

How Fast Do Quail Eggs Grow?

It takes 18 days for quail eggs to incubate and hatch. Before placing the eggs, make sure your incubator is set up, plugged in, and has reached the proper temperature for at least 24 hours.

At What Age Do Quail Lay Eggs?

Age of the bird – Quail can begin laying eggs at 5 to 6 weeks of age and reach a peak between 10 weeks and 1.5 years. Older birds lay fewer eggs and eventually stop laying entirely.


The majority of people who rear quail birds do so to produce quail eggs. The reason for this is that quail birds are quite little and do not produce much flesh.

To be successful in the business of producing quail birds for commercial purposes, you must first seek expertise. You are unstoppable if you have the appropriate information. You will be well on your road to success if you follow the step-by-step quail farming technique detailed in this article. So, don’t sit on your oars, start quail farming and make your profit!

If you believe you are up to the task of raising your first few quails, you should start it right now and begin earning good profits from this quail farming business.



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