GOAL SETTINGs: What is It, How To Do It, Theory & Worksheet

goal settings
Image credit: iEduNote

Have you wondered what you will be doing in five years’ time? Are you certain about what your main objective at work is right now? Do you have an idea of what you want to be accomplished on a daily basis? Without goals, you lack concentration and direction. Hence, goal setting process permits you to take control of your life’s direction and provides a measure for determining whether you are actually succeeding or not. 

Hence, knowing how to set a goal and then taking action to follow through increases your overall productivity and progress. This is because setting goal theory and quotes helps both you and your team advance in your careers and boost efficiency. Read to learn about goal setting on a worksheet.


Goal setting involves the development of an action plan constructed in order to influence and guide a person or group toward a goal. In other words, goals are more intentional than desires and momentary intentions. Setting goals means that a person has committed thought, emotion, and behavior toward attaining it. Thus, goal setting is the process of thinking about and deciding on specific aims or objectives that one would like to achieve.

What are the 5 Types of Goals?

They are, 

  • Spiritual
  • Financial
  • Career
  • Intellectual
  • Fitness
  • Family
  • Social

Process of Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that an individual or organization aims to accomplish. It involves identifying the desired outcomes and developing a plan for achieving them. This is because goals provide a structure for action and direction. They help identify what needs to be done, by when, and why. 

In addition, the process of goal setting serves as a motivational tool that helps people focus their efforts, stay on track, and measure their progress. It also helps increase accountability and ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently.

Process Of goal Setting: Detailed Step-by-Step  Guide

You’re much more likely to put time and energy into something that excites you, so your goals must reflect that same level of energy. Think of it as a dream with a deadline. Now all we have to do is create a blueprint for achievement. Here are some steps that can help you outline and set your goals so you can take actionable steps to reach them:

#1. Write It Down

You are likely to achieve goals that are written them down as it helps create a concrete plan for achieving them. This method is helpful for both small and long-term projects. So, consider writing them down and keeping a list where you can see them daily to help you stay focused and motivated on accomplishing them.

#2. Be Specific

Setting specific goals helps you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve and take the actions to do so. Try visualizing what achieving your objective result might look like. This can help you create a more specific they are and may enable you to create concrete steps for reaching that goal.

#3. Give Yourself a Date

Exact due dates enable you to break your goals down into milestones. With these milestones, you can create markers that are smaller and more manageable and that ultimately lead to your main goal. Rather than saying that you plan to reach a particular goal by next spring, write the exact date, like May 5, by which you plan to achieve it.

#4. Discover Your Inspiration

If you’ve got a strong enough reason for wanting to achieve your goal, you may feel more motivated to succeed. Because, the more specific and value-driven it is, the more likely you may be to follow through with it. Here are a few examples that may help inspire you to complete your goal:

  • Achieving freedom
  • Spending more time with family
  • Contributing to important societal change

#5. Create an Action Plan

Creating a massive action plan (MAP) is an effective way to maximize your chances of realizing your goals. An action plan helps you focus on the end goal and avoid distractions. When you’re creating an action plan, include details about the steps and strategies you plan to use.

#6. Recognize Mental Objections

Mental objections are challenging thoughts you may need to overcome to achieve your goals. A mental objection may be that you feel you aren’t smart enough or capable enough to realize a goal. So, find and write every mental objection you may have, then write replies for each. If you had previously thought you weren’t smart enough to achieve something, remind yourself of instances in which you achieved something great.

#7. Manage Your Time Properly

An important part of achieving your goals is managing your time effectively. This can help you make constant progress toward them. To get the best results, you can use one of the many effective time-management systems. These include:

  • To-do lists
  • Accountability buddies
  • Timers
  • Schedules

In addition, find out which system works best for you and implement it to achieve your goals. 

#8. Monitor Your Progress and Regulate Methods

Things can change while you’re trying to reach a certain goal, so it’s helpful to evaluate and readjust your approach as you progress. Consider efforts that work well and those that might benefit from revision. You can also adjust it to ensure it remains relevant and attainable. 

Goal Setting Theory

Goal-setting theory was developed by Edwin A. Locke. The American psychologist was a pioneer in goal-setting research. Locke originated the theory in 1968 with the publication of the article Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives. Thus, goal-setting theory is an employee-engagement strategy that involves setting specific and measurable goals to improve productivity. By incorporating the goal-setting theory into the workplace, you can both improve employee performance as well as strengthen employee engagement.

Principles of Goal Setting Theory

According to Locke’s goal-setting theory, there are five main principles of setting effective goals:

  • Clarity: it must be clear and specific. When employees understand project objectives and deadlines, there is much less risk of misunderstandings.
  • Challenge: it should be sufficiently challenging to keep employees engaged and focused while performing the tasks needed to reach each goal. They are too tedious or easy have a demotivating effect and will, therefore, result in less achievement satisfaction.
  • Commitment: Employees need to understand and support the goal they are being assigned from the beginning. If employees don’t feel committed, they are less likely to enjoy the process and ultimately achieve the goal.
  • Feedback: Feedback is an important component of the goal-setting theory. Regular feedback should be provided throughout the achieving process to ensure tasks stay on track to reach them.
  • Task complexity: Goals should be broken down into smaller goals. Once each smaller goal is reached, a review should be performed to update the employee on the overall progress toward the larger one.

Goal SettingTheory: Application at Workplace

There are several steps you can take to infuse the goal-setting theory into the workplace. These steps include:

  • Identify the purpose
  • Schedule meetings with employees
  • Develop a plan using the SMART model
  • Provide tools for employees to accomplish the goal
  • Provide regular feedback

Goal Setting Quotes

There are many things in life that you would not want to leave to chance. So why would you do it with your life itself? Applying quotes when setting a goal is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Over the years and centuries, many famous people came to the same conclusion. When setting a goal, having inspirational and motivational quotes to refer to can help keep you inspired while working toward your objectives. 

Goal Setting Quotes: Examples

Consider these common quotes when working to achieve your goals made by several world-famous leaders,

  • “In order to know where you’re headed, you must be aware of your own personal goals.” —Brian Cagneey
  • “The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts.” —Dr. Roopleen
  • “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.” —Earl Nightingale
  • “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” –C.S. Lewis
  • “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” –Bill Copeland
  • “The only goals you don’t achieve in life are the goals you don’t set.” – Matt Fox  
  • “Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” — Fitzhugh Dodson
  • “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.” — Dennis DeYoung
  • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!” — Audrey Hepburn

Worksheet on Goal Setting

Goal-setting is a time-consuming, challenging process. But, one thing that can make it all easy for you though is a goal-setting worksheet. This is because it serves as a guide, encouraging you to think about on the goal you have set for yourself and to document all the essential steps to take including the timeline to follow. Also, using a goal-setting worksheet increases the chances of us reaching that goal. In fact, you are 42 percent more likely to achieve them if you have them written down.

Worksheet on Goal Setting: Examples

All the templates are fully customizable. Not only can you change their size and color, but you can also add or remove sections to meet your requirements. let’s walk you through the must-use goal-setting worksheet,

#1. Printable SMART Goals Worksheet

This smart goal-setting worksheet is another excellent tool for ensuring they are SMART. It includes sections like today’s date, target date, start date, date achieved, and the specific goal. When working on the sheet, don’t stick it with too much information. Instead, incorporate hover effects that show more information about the goals.

#2. SMART Goals With Problem-Solving Worksheet

This easy-to-use template doubles as both a goal-setting tool and a problem-solving worksheet. Not only are you able to set SMART goals, but you also get a cheat sheet for solving even the most difficult problems. By using this template, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds. This template is completely customizable. You can edit the content, change the images, apply custom colors, and add or remove pages as needed.

#3. Achievement Strategy Worksheet

This worksheet helps to educate managers and department heads on how to set goals that are aligned with the business’s mission and vision. By laying it all in a pyramid-inspired design, the worksheet makes it easy to communicate the steps to follow in order of their importance.

#4. Project Charter Worksheet Template

This is another must-use template for clearly breaking down projects based on their goals and objectives, possible constraints, budget, and more. Use this project charter template as a goal-setting worksheet to capture all essential project details after you’ve brainstormed and planned the nitty-gritty with your team.

#5. Personal Goals Worksheet Template

This template is best for leaders invested in their team’s career growth. In addition to offering your team members guidance, give them this template to track their goals. This way, you can make their side projects and goals actionable. In fact, get them to fill out each section (self-care, career, financial, and more) and share it with you so you can encourage them to take the needed steps in the right direction.

What are the 7cs of Goal Setting?

Tom Morris calls the following “The Seven C’s of Success”: a clear conception of what we want, strong confidence that you can attain that goal, concentration on what it will take to achieve it, consistent pursuit of our goal, an emotional commitment to the value of our goal, a good character that guides us along the way.


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