ALLOWANCE FOR KIDS: Should Kids Be Given Allowance?

allowance for kids by age dave ramsey

Every parent needs to understand that training a child is a vital stage that requires great care and attention. Allowance for kids is a unique method through which parents can come up with strategies to help their kids develop responsible financial habits. Meanwhile, many parents maintain a chart at their homes that records the allowance for their kids based on their age and other daily or weekly performance with house chores or any other obligated reason. You might wonder, at what age is it right for kids to receive an allowance? Dave Ramsey gave elaborate ideas on the allowance given to kids by their parents. You don’t need to rack your brain about your kids’ allowance, as this article explains in detail how it works. In addition, you’ll also learn about the effects of the household chart in monitoring the kids’ house activities at home.

Allowance for Kids

Every family has a choice regarding whether to provide their children with an allowance or not. Allowance is the money you give your child regularly, which you can take away for bad behavior or another course from your child. 

According to a survey released last year on the average kid’s allowance in the USA by T.C. Pauls, 80 percent of American parents believe cash given to their kids as an allowance should be earned and not just gifted. That way, they will grow up to understand that money comes from work.

The majority of parents today want to impart to their children the value of hard work and sound money management.

Hence, the amount of allowance you provide your children should be based on some factors, such as their age and what you want them to do with the money.

Reasons Why Parents Give Their Kids’ Allowance

A survey showed that:

  • 58% of parents give allowance to their kids to make them understand the need of working to earn money.
  • 21% of parents give their kids an allowance to teach them how to manage money.
  • 12% of parents give an allowance to their kids to stop them from frequently asking them for money.
  • 7% of parents give an allowance because their kids’ friends get one too.
  • 2% of parents give allowance to their kids for other factors, such as completing and filling their home chore chart, excess wealth etc.

When should I start giving my child some allowance?

A survey revealed that 30% of kids from American homes start getting an allowance from their parents or guardians at the age of 5, and some even earlier, while the remaining 70% of the kids receive their first allowance at the age of 7. There is no standard age for kids to start getting an allowance. Again, the choice is based on the priorities and financial condition of the family. But the earlier you start giving your children an allowance, the sooner you can take advantage of the chance to teach them about the value of money, saving, and budgeting.

Allowance for Kids by Age

“How much exactly is acceptable for a child as an allowance?” is a question that many parents, who are new to giving allowance to their kids, ask. 

The amount of cash you provide your child should be based on some factors, such as their age and what you want them to do with the cash. Although experienced parents advise that allowance should be given to a kid at the early age of 4 to 5, at least, which is at the beginning of school.

It is also advised that weekly payments of 50 cents to $1 be given for each year of age. For instance, a 12-year-old can receive $6 to $12 every week.

Furthermore, kids get an allowance from their parents each week. The amount that parents give their children varies from family to family. However, there is a typical quantity that a child of a certain age should receive. These amounts have been divided into age groups, and the corresponding ranges are given below:

Kids ageAmount for allowance
4 years$4.50
5 years$5.30
6 years$6.10
7 years$7.50
8 years$8.30
9 years $9.10
10 years$10.50
11 years$11.30
12 years$12.10
13 years $13.50
14 years$14.30

Parents can choose to give an extra amount of allowance to their kids on special occasions like birthdays, excellent grades in school, and so on. 

Furthermore, they might give their kids an extra dollar for their friends’ treats and clothing. This extra amount still depends on the kid’s age.

Allowance for kids By Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey is a personal financial management expert, author, and radio personality who teaches people how to be responsible with their finances so they can procure enough wealth to take care of loved ones, retire with integrity, and make donations to the needy.

Dave Ramsey is regarded as America’s go-to expert on business and money. He used a range of tools and products to spread his message of optimism. However, he has published books on financial management in businesses and homes in which he outlines the core system that parents can follow to give allowances to their kids. Dave Ramsey addresses kids as little sponges. ” They absorb everything around them, especially the things their parents are intentional about teaching them.”  

Parents tend to focus on their kids’ wants without considering their needs. As a result, Dave Ramsey advises parents to tie part of their kids’ allowance to work. Ramsey feels that giving children money whenever they want is a bad training decision and pattern. It is in your best interests as a parent to teach your child the need to work to get money.

Sincerely, there is a need for you to instill a work ethic in your child because it equips them with the skills and character necessary to succeed as an adult. They may be displeased right now, but they will be grateful later. That way, they will grow up to value hard work. Dave Ramsey believes that giving kids allowance causes them to feel entitled to life. He suggests commissions as an alternative.

Dave Ramsey does not believe in giving kids an allowance, as he noted in his composition titled “why kids shouldn’t get an allowance. ”

Do you have trouble coming up with a household chart that works for kids? Then try the Dave Ramsey Solution.

#1. Ramsey Solutions

Since 1992, Ramsey Solutions has dedicated itself to assisting individuals in taking back control of their finances, amassing wealth, developing their leadership abilities, and improving their lives through personal development. Twelve of these 22 books were included as national bestsellers. 

Dave Ramsey wrote books to teach kids how to best manage their allowance cash.

First, you need to ensure that you pay an age-appropriate amount to a kid for a job. For example, 

Kids 5 years old and under get a dollar for making their bed every time they get off and for keeping their toys well.

For Kids of 7yrs up. Allowance can be tied to extra household chores apart from the normal household chores a kid should do. These extra chores can be walking and feeding the dog, mowing the lawn, washing the car, gardening, and so on. Kids like these are to be given rewards for extra chores or for outstanding behavior.

#2. Allowance for Kids pros and cons 

Tying a kid’s allowance to household chores is a decision that varies with families. Therefore, parents do ask the question, “Should I tie my children’s allowance to their housework?”

There isn’t a quick response to this question. It partly depends on your beliefs, but you also need to think about what would work for you and your children. Therefore, I will provide you with the pros, which will encourage you to give an allowance to your kid, and the cons.

#1. Pros

The major benefit of paying kids for housework is that it teaches them that money comes from work. If kids can manage to save a lot of money by working for it, then it can help instill a sense of pride and confidence. It is a great means of getting kids ready for the real world.

It’s wonderful to see that sense of accomplishment in children when they feel they have truly earned their new toys after weeks and weeks of dishwashing or in the garden. We hear countless stories about how children appreciate their new toys more and take better care of them. Finally, it’s a tremendously strong lesson to learn the correlation between earning, saving, and finally spending.

Additionally, it is undeniable that children respond well to rewards, so offering money as an incentive can actually make it easier for you to get household chores done quickly and occasionally with a lot less nagging.

#2. Cons

The main defense for not paying children to do chores is that they should clean up after themselves. Because we adults do not receive compensation for housework, neither should our children, and this creates unreasonable expectations for the future. Children should learn early on that they must “pull their weight” and also contribute to household maintenance wherever they dwell.

We understand that some people disagree with the idea of giving kids jobs almost as a matter of principle. Another potential negative effect of chores is that they may foster the belief that work is only necessary if it’s a paid job. According to accounts we’ve heard, which is something that happens very often, children gently refuse to remove the trash because they have enough money and don’t need to earn any more. You should avoid doing that.

Some people also think that the major goal of pocket money is to teach kids how to manage their own money. You give your child money every week to give them practical experience managing it, teach them financial principles like not spending it all at once, help them save for anything, etc. To keep things simple, you might wish to avoid including any more tasks here.

Allowance for Kids Chart

Parents are advised to have a chore chart for household duties and an extra reward for the kids on allowance. This chart helps with a better understanding of the system of tying your kids’ allowance to their chores. It also helps to monitor the effectiveness of this system on a day-to-day basis. With this, parents can account for how much they give out to a kid and how well the kid manages the money. This can help kids carry out their house chores daily and on time. This chart is simple to use and it encourages your kids to consider their goals for saving and how much money they will get on allowance. Start teaching your kids about making and saving money with this easy-to-follow allowance chart

These days, there are several mobile apps available to help parents manage their homes, including allocating and monitoring duties and allowances. Children now have access to their bank accounts and other resources rather than placing a few dollars or quarters into a piggy bank. Kids can now learn about personal finance through mobile apps, in addition to the games and streaming content on their phones. These applications are famzoo, greenlight, gohenry, homey.

Why Should Kids Get an Allowance ?

There are different point of view on kids receiving allowances from their parents or guardians, when to get it and how much. This decision is finally up to the parents. They decide what their goals and budget is, and how an allowance will impact on the children.

Should Children Be Given Pocket Money?

Giving pocket money to children as young as five years old helps to teach them about savings and the value of money. when children are given pocket money, they learn how to build savings and also how to spend. In essence, giving pocket money teaches kids money ethics value.

Should Kids Be given Allowances for Doing Chores?

The major advantage of tying allowances to chores is, the children learn that there is a relationship between work and pay. Also, it can act as a motivation to get the chores done. On the other hand, they may not be motivated to do their chores, when they don’t need the money. They may also think that they should be rewarded for every chore or duty performed.

What Are Some Allowances Mistake to Avoid?

  • Giving them too much money for their age
  • Setting bad examples. Children learn from their parents. So, if you are not spending within your limits, they will emulate such attitudes.
  • Not talking about money. Giving allowances is not enough. it is equally important to talk to them about money, where it goes ,prices of things in the market. This will also help them understand the value of money.
  • Not being consistent. If you are to set up an allowance for your kids and agree to pay them on a regular basis, then do it. Being inconsistent in paying such allowances, defeats the goals for which the allowance was created.
  • Making allowance to be dependent on completing chores. The purpose of an allowance is to teach kids how to manage money. but, when allowance becomes dependent on completing chores. the purpose becomes defeated.

How to Manage Kids Allowances?

  • Give an allowance appropriate for the child’s age
  • Set Clear goals and expectations.
  • As the children age, change the allowances accordingly
  • Allow them make money mistakes

What Are the Allowances Do’s and Don’ts?

  • Have a plan
  • Have money talks with your kids
  • Teach me about the three S’s of money ; Savings, Spending and Sharing.
  • Dont tie allowances to chores.
  • Don’t withhold their allowances as punishment
  • Say no to credits.
  • Give them opportunities to earn more.

Why Is the Allowance Amount Important?

The exact amount given to a child as allowance is important , as it teaches the child that money is limited and how choices must be made on how it is spent. It also teaches the child how to manage the limited amount of money he is given.


Certainly, some parents don’t like giving their children allowances, especially when it’s yet another time-consuming duty. If you start teaching your kids about money management too late or if you let them figure it out on their own, they will struggle to manage it. Making sure your children grow up to be financially responsible adults requires both giving them an allowance and providing them with instruction.

Allowance for Kids FAQs

Why shouldn't you give your child an allowance?

Giving a child an allowance could diminish the value of helping out at home. Your children might believe that doing their share for the family always merits a reward rather than just doing it. Paying children to complete chores teaches them that earning a living isn’t always enjoyable.

When should I give my child an allowance?

It’s advised that kids should start getting an allowance as soon as they can comprehend that they need money to buy the items they want, which is usually about age 4 or 5. It’s never too early to begin learning, even if your youngster doesn’t yet comprehend the value of various coins.

How much should a 12 year old get for allowance?

For each year of age, kids typically receive a weekly allowance of $1 to $2. Therefore, if you have a 12-year-old, you might think about giving them each $12 every week. It can be more advantageous to pay $1.50 per year in age or even more if you reside in a region with a higher cost of living.

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