630 Credit Score: Is it Good or Bad?

630 Credit Score
Photo Credit: Experian

A low credit score can indicate to lenders that you have had credit problems in the past or that you are just starting out with credit. Prior to having established your credit, it might be challenging to be approved for loans without exorbitant interest rates. The next step can be easier if you understand how to read and comprehend your free credit reports & cards, and if you can get a loan with a 630 credit score. Continue reading to find out if a credit score of 630 is good or bad and if good, how to improve it.

630 Credit Score

A credit score of 630 may indicate recent credit problems or a lack of credit history.

Credit scores in this range can make it difficult to get approved for unsecured credit, which doesn’t require collateral or a security deposit, whether you’re looking for a personal loan, a mortgage, or a credit card.

Credit bureaus such as FICO and VantageScore compute your credit scores.

Scores provide lenders with quick information that allows them to assess your risk as a borrower. It may be harder to get new credit if you have late discharged payments, collections, or little to no credit.

And if you are accepted, you might discover that acceptance entails expensive rates and costs. You can help by raising your credit score. However, no particular credit score can ensure acceptance, better terms, or offers.

One can calculate multiple credit scores with the use of a wide range of credit report sources and it’s not always clear which score a lender will check or what the approval standards will be.

Use your credit scores to gauge what potential lenders will see in your credit report. You can improve your overall credit picture in the eyes of lenders by focusing on the factors that affect it.

630 Credit Score Credit Cards

You will get a credit card with a credit score of 630, but you might only have access to subprime credit cards and won’t be eligible for rates as competitive as those provided to borrowers with higher credit scores.

With a credit score of 630, you can generally apply for two different types of credit cards:

  • Secured credit cards: With these cards, lenders reduce their risk by requesting a security deposit, which they will keep if you don’t pay your debt.
  • Unsecured credit cards with high-interest rates: In order to make up for the lack of a security deposit, creditors impose these cards’ extremely high-interest rates and additional fees (e.g., inactivity fees).

If improving your credit is your top priority, choose a secured credit card.

Using an unsecured subprime credit card is risky because of the high interest and fees you could face.

If you know that your credit score falls short of the company’s requirements, don’t apply for a credit card. Most applications will result in a “hard inquiry,” which will temporarily lower your score.

Check the card issuer’s website or call them to find out if they have a minimum credit score requirement.

Is a 630 Credit Score Good?

A FICO® Score of 630 is “fair”. With a 630 Credit Score, it is challenging to get a mortgage, an auto loan, or a personal loan. Lenders typically avoid fair credit borrowers because doing business with them is too risky.

The good news is?

To raise your credit score and get the fulfilling lifestyle you and your family deserve is to repair your credit.

A credit score of 630 means:

  • Credit Rating: Fair
  • Loan Options: Limited
  • Loan Cost: Very Costly
  • Best Option: Credit Repair

How to Improve a 630 Credit Score?

There are two types of actions you can take to improve your 630 credit score:

  • Short-term credit fixes: What you can do right away to raise your score quickly (the next 3 to 6 months).
  • Long-term credit fixes: Efforts you can make to help your score gradually rise over time (16–18 months at the least, which is how long it takes for your score to recover from a missed or defaulted payment in VantageScore’s model; FICO is similar)

How long it takes to fix or improve a 630 credit score depends on your credit history, finances, and choices.

Short-Term Credit Fixes

If your credit report has errors or you have manageable debts, following these steps, you can raise your credit score.

1. Request a copy of your credit report and dispute any errors you find. 

2. Avoid using one credit account excessively.

3. Pay off any outstanding balances.

4. Examine your options for debt relief

Long-Term Credit Fixes

Even though the above steps can boost your credit score quickly, they may not be enough.

In actuality, credit repair can take a very long time—typically at least 16–18 months, but possibly even several years. The exact time frame depends on several variables, such as your credit history and negative items on your report.

Over the following few years, you must take the following actions to see long-term improvement:

  • 1. Prevent paying late
  • 2. When you’re short on money, plan your payments carefully.
  • 3. Consider getting a credit builder loan.
  • 4. Get an insured credit card.
  • 5. Earn points for promptly paying your utility and rent bills

Loan with 630 Credit Score

If you have bad credit, it might be hard for you to get approval for a personal loan.

Your credit score may not give you the luxury of shopping for the best personal loans with the lowest rates. Instead, you might have to make do with an additional high-interest personal loan with fees like an origination fee.

Because of this, personal loans can be unattractive, especially if you want to pay off high-interest credit card debt.

Your personal loan’s APR may be comparable to or even higher than the interest rate on your credit cards right now.

On the other hand, consider whether you need a personal loan to finance a significant purchase at the moment.

You might be eligible for a personal loan down the road with a lower APR and better terms if you can wait until after you spend some time establishing credit.

If you’re short on cash and can’t get a personal loan, consider a payday loan. Even though each person’s situation is different, you should generally be cautious when taking out these short-term loans because they come with high fees and interest rates.

They can easily spiral into a debt cycle that is even more difficult to escape.

Is a 630 Credit Score Good for an Auto Loan?

There is no minimum credit score required to get an auto loan, and you should be able to do so if your score is 630, though the interest rate may be high. Consider whether the potential impact an auto loan will have on your finances is worthwhile before applying, or if you can wait until your credit score is in the “good” range.

People with credit scores between 630 and 660 are referred to as near-prime borrowers, and their average interest rates for used car loans and new car loans, respectively, are 10.13% and 6.64%, according to a 2020 quarterly report by Experian.

In contrast, they consider people with credit scores between 781 and 850 super-prime borrowers, and their average interest rates are 3.80% and 2.65%.

You could save hundreds of dollars per month and thousands of dollars over the course of the loan if you wait until your credit score rises.

If you must purchase a vehicle before your credit is repaired, think about purchasing a used vehicle you can pay for in full.

If you’re determined to get an auto loan despite having bad credit, make the largest down payment you can manage, and think about applying for prequalification or preapproval from your bank or credit union to strengthen your negotiating position.

How to Raise Your Credit Score to 700+?

  • Pay on Time, Every Time
  • Get your credit card balances down
  • Avoid incurring new debts on a regular basis.
  • Consider Your Credit Card Options Carefully
  • Correct Mistakes on Your Credit Report

Will interest rates on auto loans fall in 2023?

“Interest rates on new auto loans will remain below 7%, and interest rates on used auto loans will remain below 8% for most car buyers with good or fair credit,” McBride predicts. When credit becomes more difficult to obtain and interest rates rise into the double digits, persons with poor credit will have a totally different experience.

How long does it take to raise your credit score from 600 to 700?

It will take at least six months to rebuild your credit. According to FICO, the credit score provider, one credit account must have been open for at least six months and have had activity recorded to credit agencies in the previous six months. It is possible to use the same account for both functions.

In Essence

One number that has a significant impact on your financial future is your credit score. You could qualify for lower interest rates with a great credit score, which would lower the cost of any line of credit you take out.

However, it is your responsibility as the borrower to improve your 630 credit score and maintain good credit so that you can access more lending opportunities if necessary.

A credit score of 630 falls into the “fair” category, meaning it can still help you get some things but can also be raised.

630 Credit Score FAQs

What Can I Get With a 630 Credit Score?

A 630 credit score is regarded as fair, and it might be challenging to get a loan, mortgage, or credit card. Lenders view you as risky, and good credit is required to qualify for a loan with a low-interest rate. The quickest way to raise your score is with help from a recognized authority in the field who can locate and correct mistakes on your credit report (& boost your score).

How to Get Above 630 Credit Score?

Make sure you have as few negative accounts as possible—generally one or less—a good credit mix, an older revolving account (such as a credit card that is at least two years old), and a low revolving balance (below 30% utilization) if you want to raise your credit score above 630.

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