Soft Skills For Resume
Image credit: HR ASIA

In today’s job market, having a strong set of soft skills is just as important as having technical abilities. Employers are looking for candidates who possess a diverse set of skills that can help them succeed in a fast-paced and ever-changing work environment. That’s why it’s important to include a section on soft skills in your resume in 2023. Some of the best examples of soft skills to list on a resume are included in this article.

What Are Soft Skills?

Success in the workplace depends heavily on our interpersonal abilities, which include things like common sense, personality, emotional intelligence, and our general attitude toward other people.

What Format Should Skills Be Listed in on a Resume?

A resume should list skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for in a clear and concise manner. It is best to list your skills in a separate section titled “Skills” or “Key Skills,” using bullet points rather than paragraphs. Include specific examples or accomplishments demonstrating your proficiency in both hard and soft skills.

#1. Tailor Your Resume Skills to the Job Description You’re Aiming For

Begin by making a master list of all the soft skills on your resume. Make a list of everything that makes you good at your job, including both hard and soft skills. Carefully read the job description. Pay close attention to the job ad’s “requirements” or “key skills” section. Look for words and phrases that describe your skills, such as “meticulous time management,” “knowledge of QPR software,” “proficient in Lean management,” and so on. Make a note of them.

Compare your master list of soft skills for your resume to those listed in the job advertisement. All those who match must be included on your resume. Don’t just stop there! If the job posting asks for additional skills that you believe you have but did not include on your master list, include them on your resume as well. However, tell the truth. Recruiters will find out if you exaggerate your qualifications on your resume.

#2. Create a Separate Skills Section for Relevant Skills

Use a separate skills section to highlight your most important qualifications. Be specific and precise (“Written and verbal communication,” rather than “good communicator”). Divide the skills into two categories: “hard skills” and “soft skills.” Use a total of no more than ten skills.

Your work history section, which includes descriptions of previous jobs, is evidence of the skills list you just created. This is where you must demonstrate your ability to apply your skill set in real-world professional situations.

  • Examine the job posting and determine which skills are required for the position.
  • List your previous work experience in reverse chronological order in the experience section of your resume.
  • Include a brief summary of your responsibilities and accomplishments for each job.
  • Use specific examples and numbers to show how you used the necessary skills in your previous job.
  • Use action verbs to highlight your abilities and experiences.
  • Highlight the skills you have that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Organize your information with bullet points to make it easier to read and scan for important information.


Company: ABC Corporation Job Title: Sales Representative

Employment dates: January 2018 to the present

  • Closed sales and exceeded monthly targets by utilizing strong communication and negotiation skills.
  • Developed and maintained key client relationships, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat business.
  • CRM software was used to manage and track sales leads, which resulted in a 15% increase in conversion rate.

To ensure successful product launches and promotions, I collaborated with cross-functional teams. Note: Make sure the skills you highlight are relevant and recent, and that they are tailored to the job posting.

#4. Incorporate the Most Pertinent Skills Into Your Resume Profile

  • Make your resume relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Investigate the job posting and identify the skills required for the position.
  • Include these skills in your resume profile, referencing the job posting’s keywords.
  • Highlight your previous work experience’s relevant skills and accomplishments.
  • Use specific examples and numbers to demonstrate how you have previously used these skills.
  • On your resume, make sure your skills are prominently displayed and easily accessible.

List of Best Soft Skills Employers Want to See in Your Resume in 2023

Here are examples of soft skills employers want to see in your resume:


Even if your job description doesn’t include managing others, you can still show leadership through your actions and demeanor. Those who are skilled leaders can motivate their teams to achieve great things. This is why the ability to lead is highly prized. Strong leaders exhibit many positive characteristics that are beneficial in the business world.

  • one that is optimistic and has a good outlook
  • Decision-making skills that are both quick and effective
  • Superior ability to solve problems or handle conflicts
  • The skill of conveying ideas clearly
  • Possessing the ability to inspire others while also inspiring oneself

The ability to lead and manage teams effectively, making decisions and delegating tasks as necessary.

#2. Communication

Communicating effectively is a crucial soft skill. Effective communicators are able to tailor their delivery to each individual they’re speaking with, take in information quickly and accurately, and break down complex topics for their colleagues and customers. the ability to clearly and effectively communicate with others, both verbally and in writing.


Those who can approach a problem with a calm and level head are more likely to find a solution than those who can’t. Problem-solving requires more than just analytical, creative, and critical skills, but also a particular mindset. The ability to analyze problems, identify potential solutions, and make decisions to resolve issues.

#4. Time Management

Being able to work well under pressure and on a tight deadline is closely linked to time management skills. It requires self-awareness, knowledge of one’s own limits, and the ability to adjust to novel circumstances. An employee with good time management skills can effectively set priorities, keep track of their schedules, and take on additional responsibilities without sacrificing the quality of work or meeting deadlines. The ability to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and meet deadlines.

#5. Adaptability

the ability to be flexible and adapt to changing situations and new information.

These skills are applicable across a wide range of industries and can be demonstrated through work experience and accomplishments. In order to highlight your personal skills on your resume, you can use action verbs such as “led,” “communicated,” “solved,” “managed,” and “adapted” to describe how you have used these skills in the past and provide specific examples and numbers to back up your claims.

#6. Self-Motivation

A positive outlook and the initiative to produce quality work without constant oversight are two essential soft skills for any employee to possess. It’s a great way to show that you’re trustworthy and dedicated and that you can work well within a team without needing constant micromanagement. You can show your initiative by focusing on the following abilities:

#7. Accountability

The ability to take responsibility for one’s actions is a valuable soft skill that is often overlooked. Workers who shirk their responsibilities will drag down the team’s output and ultimately its success.

#8. Flexibility

The ability and willingness to calmly and confidently take on new tasks and challenges is exemplified by the soft skill of flexibility. Employees who are able to adapt to their environment and take on new tasks are invaluable. They have the ability to quickly adjust to new circumstances. Candidates who are positive can adapt well to new situations, and are eager to work are highly sought after by employers.

#9. Strong Work Ethic

Employees who have a strong work ethic are highly valued by their employers because they are trustworthy, careful, and effective in their work. An employee with a strong work ethic approaches their job with a positive attitude, is willing to take on additional responsibilities, and is invested in the growth of the company in which they work.

#10. Project Management

Managing a project usually requires some degree of leadership. It entails steering a group toward a desired outcome, with an eye on the big picture as well as the details. Yet, a team member who knows the fundamentals of project management can be just as helpful.

What Is a Unique Skill for a Job?

A unique skill for a job is one that is not commonly found among most people in the same field, allowing the candidate to stand out from the crowd. Employers frequently seek out unique skills because they can provide a competitive advantage for the company.

A unique skill can give you an advantage in the job market and make you a more desirable candidate. It’s important to note that unique skills can vary depending on the job and industry, but they’re generally skills that aren’t shared by most people in the same field.

It’s critical to highlight your unique skills on your resume so that employers can see how you can benefit their company. This can include providing detailed descriptions of your skills as well as specific examples of how you have used them in previous roles. You should also include any relevant certifications or licenses, as well as any accomplishments or awards that demonstrate your expertise in a particular field.

What Are the 7 Elements of Skills Resume?

#1. Contact Information 

This includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. Ensure that your contact information is prominently displayed and easy to find on your resume. Make sure that all the information is current and accurate.

#2. Resume Summary or Objective

A brief statement that summarizes your qualifications and career goals. A resume summary is a sentence that describes your professional experience and skills. A resume objective, on the other hand, is a sentence that describes your career goals and how they fit with the job you’re applying for. Choose the one that fits best with your qualifications and experience.

#3. Work Experience 

A chronological listing of your previous employment, including job titles, dates, and responsibilities. This section should include your most recent job first. Use bullet points and action verbs to describe your responsibilities and achievements in each role. Be specific and use numbers to quantify your accomplishments.

#4. Education

List your educational background, including degrees and certifications. Also, include the institution, location, degree earned, major, and date of graduation. If you have recently graduated or are still a student, you can also include your GPA if it is above 3.0.

#5. Skills 

A listing of your relevant skills, including both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are specific technical abilities, such as proficiency in a programming language or knowledge of particular software. Soft skills are personal attributes that make you a good worker, such as communication or problem-solving skills. But in your resume, use keyword examples from the job posting to match your soft skills to what the employer wants.

#6. Awards and Accomplishments

This is a section that highlights any awards, honors, or notable accomplishments you have received. However, it includes things like professional certifications, publications, presentations, or volunteer work.

#7. Additional Information

Any other relevant information that you would like to include, such as volunteer work, extracurricular activities, hobbies, or professional memberships. This section can be used to highlight any additional skills or experiences that you have that may not be directly related to the job but could make you a more well-rounded candidate.

It’s also important to make sure your resume is visually appealing and easy to read. Use clear examples and a simple font in your soft skills; also avoid using too many fancy graphics or formatting, and keep your resume to one or two pages.

Tips for Highlighting Soft Skills on Your Resume

Soft skills are more subjective and difficult to demonstrate on a resume because they are harder to measure and quantify. However, you can’t just put on your resume that you’re a driven individual and a natural leader. Also, results and accomplishments should always back up claims made about soft skills.

#1. Cover Letter and Resume Formatting  

Your diligence, seriousness, and responsibility will shine through if you submit documents in pristine format. If you also want to impress a hiring manager with your confidence and, imagination, show them your resume ingenuity.

#2. Phrases and Keywords

If you want to avoid being eliminated from consideration by automated HR systems, use the same language and terms that were used in the job posting. However, this demonstrates initiative and an ability to analyze and interpret data. Also, any effort you make to frame your transferable skills in terms of the language used in the advertisement will not go unnoticed.

#3. Achievements  

To demonstrate your soft skills, it is best to provide a list of your accomplishments and completed projects supported by numbers.

#4. Courses  

Give a rundown of the training you’ve received to hone your “soft skills.”

#5. Crises and Critical Situations

Describe a time when you had to figure something out, how you handled a challenging situation, and what you did to figure it out.


How do you write soft skills on a CV?

When listing soft skills on a resume, accuracy and relevance are the two most critical guidelines to follow.

Which soft skills are most valued?

Employers value the following soft skills the most: emotional intelligence, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, conflict resolution, flexibility, leadership, and interpersonal skills.

What employers look for in a resume?

Roles and responsibilities, Education, Experience, Skills, Results, and Achievements


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