INNOVATION MANAGER: What They Do & How to Become One?

How to Become an Innovation Manager
Photo Credit: LEF

Every business needs innovation to succeed. Business stagnation and eventual obsolescence result from a lack of innovation. Many businesses now use innovation managers to assist them in remaining competitive and innovative. Product, process, business model, and technology innovation are just a few of the specializations available to innovation managers. An innovation manager collaborates with other departments to determine what needs to be improved and to create plans for boosting productivity and efficiency. These experts create fresh concepts for businesses, support technological advancement, and create innovative workplace solutions.

We will examine what an innovation manager is, what they do, the benefits and drawbacks of this career, and how to become one in this article.

Innovation Manager 

A professional is in charge of fostering innovation and creativity within a business as an innovation manager. They are tasked with creating novel goods, solutions, and concepts that will keep the business competitive in the marketplace. They collaborate closely with other departments to determine the areas that call for innovation and to create plans for putting these innovations into practice. Innovation managers can expect to make between $70,000 and $180,000 annually in the USA. 

Technological, medical, manufacturing, and financial sectors all employ innovation managers. They might work for large companies, fledgling businesses, or consulting firms. A rapidly evolving market necessitates the profession because businesses must remain innovative and competitive to thrive.

What Abilities Do Innovation Managers Need to Have?

As an innovation manager, you need to possess the following skills among others:

  • Leadership: Using tact and fairness, this ability enables one to guide others and oversee the company’s innovation initiatives.
  • Communication: This ability enables innovation managers to present their ideas clearly and professionally.
  • Interpersonal: Having strong relationships with coworkers makes them more receptive to the innovation manager’s suggestions and changes.
  • Problem-solving: An innovation manager can use this ability to quickly find a solution to a problem that arises during a process or initiative.
  • They can reshape the business’s current innovation practices by using their creative thinking abilities to generate fresh concepts.  
  • Expertise in negotiation. Effective negotiation is a key competency for innovation managers. After locating novel, potentially useful technology, an innovation manager starts the acquisition procedure. When a management structure with a designated acquisition manager has been adopted, collaboration may be necessary. Strong negotiating abilities can be advantageous during negotiations and aid a business in reaching a favorable settlement.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Manager in Innovation.

#1. Relating Business Objectives to Innovation Goals

Combining the two strengthens the support of key stakeholders, both financially and politically. Additionally, because the company’s innovation outputs add value to the organization and its clients, their significance is increased. 

#2. Creating an Innovation-Friendly Culture

It is impossible to overstate the significance of innovation culture in fostering inventiveness and performance. The innovation manager includes every structure, practice, policy, guideline, activity, and incentive that a company implements to encourage creativity. It acknowledges, supports, and promotes innovation as a crucial activity for achievement.

#3. Describing the Progress and Outcomes of Innovation

You must inform the following parties about the status and outcomes of your innovation plans, activities, and projects:

  • Boost and uphold the backing of your stakeholders.
  • Determine the locations and methods of resource distribution.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the use of resources and time.
  • Lay the groundwork for upcoming and additional implementations.
  • Create strategies and methods for expanding.

#4. Encouraging Innovation Initiatives to Gather Ideas

There is one overarching goal that unifies all of your efforts to carry out transformation and produce business value. As a result, you can continuously keep an eye on input, engagement, and returns. Last but not least, an innovation campaign is a great way to generate and select concepts that will support the growth of your company. 

#5. Assembling a Solid Innovation Team and Acquiring New Skills

Innovation managers make an effort to assemble the smartest minds on their teams. These people may have varying degrees of knowledge, but they must have imaginative problem-solving skills and visionary minds that enjoy testing the limits of conventional thinking.

Additionally, innovation managers need to help these people acquire the necessary skills to carry out the kind of innovation that the company needs for business growth.

#6. Resource, Financial, Human, and Strategic Management

Managers of innovation will present or propose innovations and ask senior executives for the funding and other resources necessary to execute these innovations. They oversee the members of the innovation team and work together with them to develop strategies that will increase the likelihood that the innovation will be successful. 

#7. Idea Evaluation and Improvement

The criteria needed to efficiently analyze and improve ideas are created or chosen by innovation managers because they are tasked with managing the company’s innovation engine.

Given that these ideas are coming from various places, it is important to carefully examine them to see if any of them are consistent with the company’s innovation objectives, vision, and business strategies.

#8. Tracking Technological Advancements in the Market

An innovation manager focuses on locating and implementing technological advancements that have the potential to boost a company’s performance. To give a company an edge over rival organizations and create opportunities in a cutthroat market, this role typically calls for strong technical skills and in-depth knowledge.

Innovation Manager Salary 

This salary range is likely to vary for several factors, including the employer, work history, credentials, academic standing, skills, and other qualifications of the individual. As you acquire more expertise and authority in your field, you might be able to leverage these attributes to negotiate a higher salary. 

Benefits Of Innovation In Business

#1. Solves Challenging Business Issues

Having a clear understanding of the product management life cycle will not assist managers or executives in resolving challenging business issues. Therefore, using creative solutions is essential for judicious and efficient resolution of complex business issues. To generate creative solutions for challenging business problems, leaders must draw on both internal and external resources (such as literature, online data, and other sources). Although it may appear challenging at first, doing so is thought to help your business grow.

#2. Boosts Productivity

The improvement of productivity across a variety of business metrics, including people, processes, and business models, is one of the advantages of innovation. Simply put, innovation offers fresh suggestions to business executives who want to boost productivity while using the least amount of resources. minimizing additional risks like those posed by the business.

#3. Adds Originality and Novelty to the Business Process

For more than a few decades, business operations have remained constant. But the introduction of innovation in business has resulted in a disruption that is thought to have been brought on by novelty, originality, and creativity. Additionally, it helps the company stand out from the competition, which indirectly boosts sales and market share.

#4. Provides a Competitive Edge

Managers and executives can use their original or creative thinking to develop standout marketing campaigns that will help them stand out. Additionally, develop marketing and advertising plans that will aid in boosting sales and market share, giving the business a competitive edge.

#5. Lowers Costs and Boosts Revenue

The ability of innovation to boost revenue and market shares is one of its biggest benefits. Subsequently resulting in a decrease in cost. While there are many benefits to innovation in business, the aforementioned points will help business managers, leaders, and executives appreciate the significance of actively utilizing creative ideas.

How to Become an Innovation Manager

#1. Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree

Most companies require at least a bachelor’s degree for innovation managers, preferably in business management or marketing. Your specific responsibilities may change based on your employer’s requirements, so you must enroll in a degree program that offers you relevant courses in your preferred field. The best degree program gives you the knowledge and abilities to take charge of projects and foster an environment that encourages others to think creatively.

#2. Acquire Practical Work Experience

Find entry-level employment after receiving the required academic certification to help you gain experience in your desired industry. Typically, you must hold a position at the entry-level, such as an internship or a support role, to land a managerial position. The opportunity to work in a real-world setting under the supervision and guidance of a highly qualified professional is one reason why internship programs are advantageous in particular.

#3. Develop Your Research Abilities

To make informed decisions as a manager, you must conduct research and collect data. You could collaborate with marketing groups or representatives from other departments to spot patterns in consumer behavior, or you could look at the products of rival companies to see what features might be beneficial for your business.

#4. Obtain a Relevant Certification

Although it is not a requirement, getting certified in a field like organizational design, innovation, or another industry-specific field can speed up the process of getting the job of innovation manager. The requirements of the employer will determine whether you need a certification, so carefully read each job description to learn what they demand of their applicants. Even if a company does not require certification, obtaining one will help you stand out from other applicants who do not share your qualifications. This may help you stand out as a candidate.

#5. Think About Pursuing a Graduate Degree

In the end, whether you need a graduate degree depends on the demands of the employer you want to work for. Even if a job does not require a graduate degree, getting one can be advantageous because it gives you the chance to learn cutting-edge techniques and industry knowledge. Additionally, it improves your resume and highlights your advanced knowledge and abilities.

#6. Find Innovation Manager Jobs and Submit Your Application

Find innovation manager positions and submit your application once you have the necessary educational credentials, licenses, and professional experience. The majority of the time, you can look for these opportunities on career portals or job forums, where you can filter your search results by factors like experience level and job type. Look into internal opportunities if you already work for a company that offers this type of position. Make contact with people from your professional network that you established during your time in college and at your previous jobs. These connections may introduce you to a position that is not easily found on a job board online.

What Does an Innovation Manager Do? 

An employee with responsibility for the creation of novel goods, services, or procedures is known as an innovation manager. A manager of innovation is someone who oversees an organization’s innovative strategies, projects, and opportunities.

What Are the Skills of an Innovation Manager? 

  • Being project-oriented
  • Analytical skills
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Decision making
  • Project management
  • Effective communication 
  • Creativity and innovation

What Is the Qualification for Innovation Manager? 

A business bachelor’s degree is frequently pursued by innovation managers so they can more easily recognize potential areas for innovation and have a better understanding of typical business operations. Consider working as an innovation manager during your degree program in a field you might be interested in.

Is Working as an Innovation Manager a Good Career? 

Being an innovation manager may be the perfect career choice for you if you value collaboration and fostering creative thinking. These experts can work in a variety of fields, giving you the chance to advance your professional development and solidify your position in the industry.

What Are the 4 Roles of Innovation? 

With the introduction of novelty to current product lines or business practices, market share, revenue, and customer satisfaction all increase. Innovation can also be used to update a company’s operational systems or introduce cutting-edge automation technologies.


A manager of innovation plays a crucial role in the development and success of businesses. It calls for creativity, leadership, and analytical abilities and is a very demanding but rewarding career. Due to its high demand and competitive salary scales, this industry presents many opportunities for professional development. 

It is crucial to keep in mind that even though the best innovation managers and leaders are outstanding innovators themselves, they must also assume responsibility for developing systems, processes, and a culture that enable innovation to become repeatable and scalable across the organization rather than dependent on a small number of key individuals.

Innovation is ultimately always going to be very challenging, so it probably is not the best career path for the weak of the heart. Nevertheless, if you are prepared to put in the necessary effort and overcome the difficulties that arise, it can be a very rewarding and exciting path where you can make a difference. 

  1. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: Key Elements and Strategies
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