Good Interview Questions to Ask: Top Strategic Questions to Ask

Good Interview Questions to Ask
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The goal of an interview is to learn as much as possible about a candidate in as little time as possible. It can be difficult to gather enough information about a candidate to judge whether they are the right fit for a position. However, by asking insightful questions during the interview, you can not only gain a better understanding of the candidate’s qualifications and experience but also their communication skills, emotional quotient, problem-solving skills, and cultural quotient. We’ve compiled a list of good interview questions to ask, as well as tips on getting to know a potential employee and tailoring your questions to the position you’re looking to fill. Read on to find out some of the good interview questions to ask when selecting candidates.

Good Interview Questions to Ask 

In your forthcoming job interview, are you prepared to shine? One of the most important parts of preparing for an interview is knowing how to answer the questions that employers usually ask. Given how often these questions come up in interviews, hiring managers will expect you to be able to answer them in a clear and timely manner. These are the top good interview questions to ask that candidate.

#1. What Professional Achievement Gives you the Most Pride?

You want to hire someone who takes pride in their work as well as someone who can do the job well. The candidate will get the chance to share a career highlight by being asked about their best professional achievement, and you will gain a better understanding of the kind of work that makes them happy and whether it matches the requirements of the position.

#2. Please Share a Fact About Yourself That isn’t Listed on Your CV.

Yet, you can’t learn everything about a candidate from what they put down on paper. Job seekers carefully put together their resumes to give the best overview of their professional skills. By giving a vague answer to this question, the interviewee can choose whether or not to tell a job-related story. They might decide to talk to you about their charity work, the time they spent traveling the world during a break from school, or another significant event.

The answer they give to this question and the narrative they share can reveal a lot about the kind of worker they will be and what they can bring to your company’s culture.

#3. Explain Your Motivation for Applying.

Here is your chance to find out how much the applicant has looked into the business and to learn more about what they are seeking in a job. While posing this query, pay close attention for information about your firm and any comparisons the candidate makes between your business and their desired career path.

#4. Why Did You Decide to Apply for This Job?

Due to its focus on the job’s characteristics, this is one of the best interview questions to use. It demonstrates how thoroughly the applicant studied the job description and gives them the chance to explain why they think they would be a good team member.

#5. What are Your Biggest Areas of Weakness?

One of the most frequently asked interview questions is so because it allows you to rapidly discover a lot about a prospect. You can infer three things from this question:

  • Whether the candidate’s shortcomings would conflict with the job specifications or prevent them from performing well in the position
  • Whether the candidate has the self-awareness to recognize their flaws without having to think too hard
  • What steps a candidate is doing to correct their flaws

#6. What are Your Strongest Points?

Like talking about a candidate’s flaws, talking about their strengths shows how self-aware and humble they are. The candidate has the opportunity to explain how their strongest traits fit the requirements of the position in this interview questions, as well as to show how they will apply their skills to help the business achieve its objectives.

#7. Describe a Challenging Situation at Work and How You Dealt With it.

Everyone has had to deal with tough situations at work, and it’s often during these times that professionals grow the most. This is one of the finest interview questions to ask because it enables the applicant to describe their problem-solving abilities and stress management techniques, as well as how they function under pressure.

#8. What Led You to Leave Your Present Employer?

If you ask a candidate about their previous employment, pay close attention to how they respond. Are they emphasizing the bad things, or do they err more on the side of optimism by talking about their expectations for the future? It demonstrates the interviewee’s civility and professionalism, which are two important qualities in any job, as well as their respect for their previous company and workplace.

#9. Describe a Situation in Which You Had to Handle an Especially Large Workload. How Did You Respond to It?

This is one of the best interview questions because it shows how well a candidate can organize and manage their time, as well as how they handle difficult situations, like getting more work. Look for specific instances where the applicant prioritizes a long list of duties, acclimates to new hurdles, and collaborates with others to complete the assignment.

#10. Describe a Situation in Which You Had to Cooperate With a Person Whose Temperament or Working Style Was Significantly Dissimilar to Your Own.

Almost every job requires that you work well with people who have different backgrounds, ways of communicating, and personalities. In response to these interview questions, the applicant will have the chance to show how well they can work with others, communicate, and find a middle ground in order to get a job done or reach a goal. You may gain a deeper understanding of their personality and working style as a result.

#11. What Long-Term Professional Objectives Do You Have?

You can get a sense of how ambitious, goal-oriented, and diligent the applicant is by asking them to talk about their long-term professional aspirations. Look for professional goals that fit with the firm’s values, mission, and/or goals. The candidate’s answer to this query may also indicate how long they intend to work for your business.

#12. What Personal Development Goals Do You Have for the Upcoming Year?

One of the most common questions interviewers ask applicants is what they hope to achieve professionally. The goal of a candidate can be to strengthen a weakness, capitalize on strength, or learn a new skill that will be beneficial to their job. The ability to make an investment in one’s personal development is what this inquiry might reveal most about a candidate.

#13. How Would Your Former Coworkers Characterize You?

These interview questions might show a candidate’s different personality traits that might help them fit into the role and be successful, instances when those attributes have helped them achieve in previous roles, and how self-aware they are. You can also gain insight into someone’s interpersonal and teamwork abilities by asking former coworkers how they would describe them.

How to Create a Positive First Impression

The most crucial impression you leave during a job interview is the first one. After meeting you, hiring managers can quickly determine if you are a strong prospect or not. Making a great first impression is easy with these suggestions.

  • Put on your best outfit. You don’t want to be overdressed or underdressed for the interview, therefore your attire is vital. Shorts with a t-shirt and a three-piece suit might both look out of place.
  • Be a few minutes early or on time. Be at your appointment on time or a few minutes early; you don’t want to keep the interviewer waiting.
  • Keep it upbeat. Never fail to approach inquiries with a positive attitude. It’s preferable to convey that your motivation stems more from the prospect of fresh prospects than from a desire to get out of a difficult circumstance.
  • Following the interview, follow up. Every time you have a job interview, take the time to write a thank-you note or email to the interviewer to express your gratitude for their time and to reiterate your interest in the position.

What Are the Top 5 Questions to Ask an Interviewer?

#1. Responsibilities and Conditions

  • What are the duties of the role, in your opinion?
  • What qualifications do you want in a candidate?
  • What are this job’s major challenges?
  • What’s an average work week like?
  • Is extra time anticipated?
  • What should I focus on completing the most over the first 90 days?
  • Is it possible to move elsewhere?

#2. Office Design

  • In this office/department, how many individuals work?
  • Who is this position’s direct report? Can I meet them before deciding whether or not to accept the post if it is offered to me?
  • What is the management style of the company?
  • Do you have a procedure in place to aid in the integration of new team members?

#3. Culture 

  • Which benefits of the job and working for this company are the greatest?
  • What benefits most from working for this organization?
  • What about working here do you find the least enjoyable?
  • What kind of educational background do you think would be most effective in this position?

#4. Advertising

  • Why is this job open? Is this an entirely new job? If not, what did the former employee eventually do?
  • What opportunities exist for development and growth?
  • How does a person progress within a company?
  • Do you have any examples of career paths that start with this position?
  • Do you offer possibilities for professional development?

#5. Mission and Vision

  • What are the values of this company, in your opinion?
  • What changes has the business undergone in recent years?
  • What plans does the business have for expansion and improvement?

What Is a Smart Question to Ask the Interviewer? 

What industry or target market are you aiming for? Given that every business has a few target nuts it can’t quite crack, this is the best smart question you can ask the interviewer. You have a good chance of getting in if you can help out here. Any chance you had of getting the job will typically be destroyed if you don’t ask anything, as this is a clear indication that you’re not particularly interested in the position or the company. However, you must make the right inquiries. Make it about discovering more about the role and company, as well as how you can fit in and contribute.

What Is the Best Interview Question Ever? 

How weird are you, on a scale from 1 to 10? Hsieh, Tony Everything hinges on the candidate’s response to the strange question. According to Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, “Our entire belief is that everyone is a little weird in some way, so it’s really just a fun way of saying that we really recognize and celebrate each person’s individuality, and we want their true personalities to shine in the workplace environment.”

What Are 5 Unique Questions You Can Ask at the End of an Interview?

Ask questions like: 

  • What do you personally enjoy most about working for this company?
  • What do you find to be the hardest part of working for this company?
  • What would you say the culture of your company is like?
  • Please elaborate on the type of supervision you offer.
  • How did former employees succeed in this position?


During a job interview, you may determine a candidate’s qualifications as well as whether or not they would make a good coworker and add something beneficial to your company’s culture. By posing these questions, you may more accurately evaluate a candidate’s skill set and cultural fit, two of the most crucial elements to take into account when selecting a new job


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