FRONT END DEVELOPER: What They Do & How To Become One

Front End Developer, Job Front End Developer, Web Front End Developer, Front End Developer Salary, How To Become Front End Developer
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A front-end developer plays a role in web development by working on the user-facing aspects of the website or web application. They are responsible for creating and implementing the visual elements with which users interact within their browsers. However, front-end developers do not work alone; they collaborate with web designers and back-end developers to ensure a seamless user experience. Let’s explore what a front-end developer is, what they do, how you can become one and their salary range.

Front-End Developer

It is the responsibility of the front-end developer to create the visual elements that users see and interact with on a website or web application. Usually, they work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the front portion of websites users access through their browser controls. The role of the developer is to ensure a smooth experience with the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the site or application.

What Do Front-End Developers Do?

Web front-end developers create the user-facing components of websites or applications. They focus on the design, layout, and visual elements users interact with. They ensure that website visitors can easily interact with the page, creating a seamless user experience.

WEB DEVELOPER: Duties, Skills, Salary, Courses & Software

Responsibilities of a Web Front-End Developer

The responsibilities of a web front-end developer include the following:

  • Collaborating with designers, back-end developers, and stakeholders to understand project requirements and objectives. They provide feedback and input to ensure the website or application is developed accordingly.
  • They develop the front-end code using languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They may also work with front-end frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular to streamline development and improve efficiency.
  • They create responsive designs that adapt to different devices and screen sizes. This involves using techniques like media queries and flexible grid systems.
  • They ensure accessibility by adhering to web accessibility guidelines. This includes making the website or application navigable using a keyboard, providing alternative text for images and multimedia, and ensuring colour contrast meets the minimum requirements.
  • Also, they test and debug the front-end code for usability and functionality. They test the website or application in different browsers and devices to ensure it works as expected and to identify and resolve any bugs or issues.
  • They optimise performance and page speed by minimising the size of images and files, using caching and minification techniques, and optimising code for faster load times.
  • Troubleshooting and resolving any issues during development, working with the back-end team when necessary.
  • Staying up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies in front-end development by attending conferences and workshops and staying active in online communities.
  • Providing guidance and support to other developers or team members as needed, such as mentoring junior developers, providing technical support, or reviewing code to ensure it meets best practices and project requirements.
  • Front-end developers can specialise in different areas, such as web development or mobile app development. They may work in-house, as part of a development team, or as freelancers. The workplace can vary from traditional office environments to remote work settings.

What Skills Does a Front-End Developer Need?

You will need technical and non-technical skills to become a successful front-end developer. Skills necessary for a web front-end developer to have:

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Knowledge of front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js
  • Understanding of responsive design and mobile-first development
  • Experience with version control systems like Git
  • Familiarity with browser testing and debugging
  • Knowledge of SEO principles and best practices
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to work in a team and communicate effectively

How To Become Front-End Developer

To become a front-end developer, you can follow these steps:

#1. Learn the Essential Coding Languages

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the building blocks of web development. Many online resources, such as tutorials, courses, and documentation, are available to learn these languages. It is also recommended to familiarise yourself with jQuery and JavaScript frameworks.

#2. Take a Course or Attend a Bootcamp

Enrol in a front-end development course or a coding boot camp to gain structured learning and hands-on experience. These programs can provide you with a solid foundation and practical skills. 

#3. Build a Portfolio

Practice building your websites and projects to showcase your skills and create a portfolio. This will demonstrate your abilities to potential employers and clients. You can create a personal website to showcase your work and market yourself.

#4. Get an Internship or Work as a Junior Front-End Developer

Working with more experienced professionals can provide valuable learning opportunities. Look for internships or junior positions to gain real-world experience and learn from experienced developers.

#5. Join a Community of Developers

Participate in online communities like GitHub to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in front-end development. Networking with other developers can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth. 

#6. Continuously Learn and Improve

Front-end development is a constantly evolving field. Stay updated with new technologies, frameworks, and best practices. Keep learning and improving your skills to stay competitive in the industry.

Front-End Application

A front-end or client-side application is the part of a software application that users directly interact with. It is responsible for presenting data to users and receiving their input. The front end is typically built using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it runs in the user’s web browser or on their device. In a web application, the front end usually communicates with a back-end application responsible for processing user inputs, managing data storage, and performing server-side operations. The front-end and back-end exchange data through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), allowing them to work together seamlessly.

. Features of front-end applications include:

  • User Interface (UI): The visual elements and layout of the application, such as buttons, menus, and forms, that allow users to interact with the application.
  • User Experience (UX): The overall experience a user has when interacting with the application, including usability, accessibility, and performance.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring the application adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent experience across various platforms

How to Create a Front-End Application

Follow these steps to create a front-end application:

  • Choose a front-end framework or library: Frameworks you can choose include React, Angular, and Vue.
  • Learn essential front-end technologies: Familiarize yourself with front-end core technologies such as  HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and their best practices. 
  • Select development tools: Choose front-end development tools to help create an attractive layout and accelerate your development process. e.g., Visual Studio Code
  • Set up a development environment: Configure your environment to work seamlessly with your chosen front-end framework and tools.
  • Design your application: Plan your application’s layout, user interface, and user experience. This may involve creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the structure and flow of your application. 
  • Implement the application: Write the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code required to create the user interface and implement the desired functionality.
  • Test your application: Ensure your application works correctly across different browsers, devices, and screen sizes using automated testing tools for writing unit tests and integration tests for your code.
  • Optimize your application: Improve the performance of your application by optimizing assets, such as images and fonts, minifying and compressing your code, and using browser caching techniques.
  • Deploy your application: Bundle your application for production and deploy it to a web server or hosting platform. 

Front-End Developer Salary

Factors that affect the salary of a front-end developer include:

  • Skills
  • Certifications
  • Level of experience
  • Level of education

Front-end developer salary by position:

  • Front End developer salary:  $88,174 per year 
  • Junior front-end developer salary:  $62,635 per year 
  • Senior front-end developer salary:  $116,058 per year  
  • Front-end software developer: $109,107 per year 

The average salary of a front-end developer by certification/education:

  • The salary for a front-end developer with a Certificate or Diploma is $53,100 annually.
  • The salary for a front-end developer with a Bachelor’s Degree is $84,600 annually.
  • A front-end developer with a master’s degree earns an average salary of $113,000 annually.

Front-End Developer vs Back-End Developer

Front-end and back-end developers have different roles and responsibilities in web development. Differences between the two:

Front-End Developers

Front-end developers focus on the client side of web development, creating the visual and interactive elements that users see and interact with on a website or web application. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as the primary building blocks for creating the front end of a website. Also, they have expertise in client-side frameworks such as Angular, React, Stencil, and Vue. They generally collaborate with designers to implement the website’s visual design and ensure a seamless user experience. Their responsibilities include optimising the website’s performance and responsiveness on different devices and browsers and working on tasks like version control, automation, and content management systems.

Backend Developers

Backend developers focus on the server side of web development, working on the logic and functionality that powers a website or web application. They create server-side applications and services that process business logic, interact with databases, handle file storage, and integrate with other systems. Back end developers use programming languages such as PHP, Java, .NET, Python, or JavaScript (Node.js) for backend development and work with frameworks, web servers, and databases to build and maintain the backend infrastructure. They further collaborate with front-end developers to define and implement APIs and services that the front end can consume.

What Is a Web Front-End Developer?

A web front-end developer is a software developer who specialises in creating and designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of websites and web applications. They are responsible for building the front-end portion of websites and web applications, which is the part that users see and interact with.

Do Front-End Developers Need a Degree?

Front-End Developers do not necessarily need a degree to enter the field. While having a degree can be advantageous regarding job prospects and career advancement, it is not a strict requirement. However, to become a frontend developer, you will need to take classes on 

Can I Become a Front-End Developer in 3 Months?

Becoming a front-end developer in 3 months is possible with dedication and consistent practice. To become a front-end developer in just three months, follow these steps: learn basic coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, practice building projects, and join a community of developers. Apply your knowledge by building websites and projects, and join a community like GitHub. Get an internship or work as a junior front-end developer to gain practical experience and learn from experienced professionals.

Do Front-End Developers Make Money?

Front-end developers can make a good salary. Salaries for front-end developers vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and company. In the United States as a whole, the average salary is $119,224. 

While front-end development can be a lucrative career, it may not be the highest-paying role compared to other types of software development.

Front-end developers can make more money with advanced JavaScript skills and specialization in popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue. Also, learning back-end development skills and becoming a full-stack developer can also increase earning potential.

Do Front-End Developers Code?

Front-end developers primarily use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code the website’s appearance and functionality. They may also use additional languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP for easier integration with the website’s back end. 

Is Front-End Developer a Hard Job?

Front-end developers face challenges and rewards in their careers but also have specific skills and knowledge to help them succeed. The job market for front-end developers can vary depending on location and experience, with some finding easier opportunities with projects to showcase or switching roles within their company. Work environments for front-end developers can include in-house, development teams, or freelance work. They spend significant time working on computers, writing code, and testing their work in different browsers and devices.


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