NPS QUESTION: Top 15+ Standard NPS Questions & How to Ask It

NPS question
image source: userguiding

Sixty-seven percent of businesses rely on Net Promoter Score surveys to determine how well they satisfy their customers’ demands. Organizations must design and implement a clever NPS survey if they want to successfully track this score over time. But aside from the standard rating scale question that everyone is familiar with, what other kinds of questions can you include in your survey? This piece explains much about the example and how to ask an NPS question.

Let’s roll!!!

NPS Question

You can accurately assess how your business, product, or service is perceived by asking the correct NPS question to continuously gauge client satisfaction. Your choice of words has the power to transform your customers’ feedback because, just as in face-to-face interactions, the wording, tone, and phrasing of a survey question greatly influence someone’s reaction.

A Net Promoter Score survey typically consists of a short questionnaire with the goal of determining whether a consumer will make another purchase from a business or recommend it to a friend. Thus, NPS surveys are actively utilized to gauge brand dynamics over time as well as consumer happiness, loyalty, and experience.

NPS Survey Design

There are two parts to the questions for the Net Promoter Score survey. On a scale of 0 to 10, your clients are asked to rate your company, product, or service in the first section. The second question is a follow-up, unstructured inquiry into the reasons why a certain score was assigned.

The three NPS categories customers fall into are Promoters (loyal customers, your 9 and 10s), Passives (unenthusiastic customers, your 7 and 8s), and Detractors (unhappy customers, rating you in the 0 to 6 range), so as a general rule, they need to be shaped taking into account these three NPS categories.

The open-ended questions and the rating both follow a common format that is utilized by the majority of NPS services. However, they can be altered in accordance with the objectives of your NPS program and the particulars of your firm.

Types of Questions to Ask in the NPS Survey

#1. Open-ended Inquiries 

A response to an open-ended question must be more than a simple yes or no and must be descriptive or expressive. Instead of providing canned or templated responses, the respondent can more clearly express their opinions on a particular topic when asked open-ended questions. 

Open-ended questions in NPS surveys enable respondents to better contextualize their scores. You can pose a straightforward open-ended question to respondents after asking them to select an option on the rating scale to indicate how likely they are to promote your product to others. 

Benefits of Using Open-ended Questions 
  • You can learn new things about a customer’s responses by using open-ended queries. Customers can thoroughly express their ideas here rather than just choosing a yes or no response. 
  • Organizations can obtain qualitative feedback from survey respondents by using open-ended questions. 
Problems with Open-ended Questions

Customers reply to open-ended queries more slowly. 

Analyzing answers to open-ended questions is difficult. 

Open-ended Question Examples
  • What role does our product play in your everyday activities?
  • What particular problems does this product help you with? 
  • “nps-open-ended-survey-questions”

#2. Rating Questions

The most frequent sorts of questions in NPS surveys are rating questions. In these questions, customers are asked to select a number from a scale to express how they feel about a certain topic. How likely are you to suggest our company to your friends? asks the typical NPS survey. is a superb illustration of a rating scale query. The 0–10 numeric scale used in NPS surveys is one of several rating systems, including the 5- and 7-point scales. 

Benefits of Rating Questions
  • Rating questions are simple to comprehend and answer. 
  • Rating scales can be used to gather qualitative and quantitative information from survey respondents. 
Issues with Rating Questions
  • The accuracy of the data you obtain from rating questions is impacted by survey response bias. 
  • The halo mistake can impact question ratings. 
Examples of Rating Questions
  • Overall, how would you rate your use of our product?
  • How likely are you to tell others about our company?
  1. Most likely
  2. Probably somewhat
  3. Neither probable nor improbable
  4. Unlikely
  5. Very improbable
  6. “NPS-customer-rating-questions”

#3. Close-ended Questions

Participants can express their opinions about a given scenario by selecting from a preset list of responses to a closed-ended question. Close-ended questions can be checklists or multiple-choice questions, or they can be dichotomous, offering two polar opposite answers. For gathering respondents’ quantitative data, close-ended questions work well. When you want responses that can be plotted on a graph and used to display trends and percentages, you should ask closed-ended questions. Closed-ended inquiries are those that use a rating scale. 

The Benefits of Close-Ended Questions

Closed-ended inquiries Streamline responses to help you avoid survey questions with irrelevant answers. These kinds of inquiries offer quantifiable information for the study. 

Challenges with Closed-Ended Questions
  • Participants in the survey are limited to prepared answers. 
  • Closed-ended questions can have answer choices that don’t reflect participants’ perceptions. 
Closed-ended question examples
  • Are you satisfied with our product? Yes/ No
  • How many times did you contact our customer service team to try to address the problem? Once, Twice, Thrice, and Several Times

NPS Question Example

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to choose the kind of follow-up question you want to ask people based on their scores. Here is some example NPS survey question for your form.

#1. What is the Main Factor Influencing Your Score?

You should receive an immediate response if you make this inquiry. Its simplicity makes it less intimidating for the user.

#2. What is the One Thing We Could Change to Improve It?

If someone offers you a rating that is less than stellar, this is a fantastic question to ask. Additionally, it’s quite significant because it demonstrates your concern for their success in using your product. Even if your product isn’t flawless, you may garner a lot of admiration and followers by coming across as humble, being receptive to feedback, and striving for constant improvement.

#3. How Can We Make Your Experience Better?

Although the survey response rate for this more in-depth question may be lower, the responses you receive may provide a wealth of useful information.

#4. Which Functions do you Utilize the Most Frequently?

You might sell a product that has several features. If so, it would be wise to ask this question. You can use it to decide which features and updates to give top priority. Anyone can be asked this question.

#5. Which Aspect of Your Company Name Do you Like Best?

This query is quite insightful. When you are aware of what benefits your business the most, you can make sure to do even more of it.

#6. What Do You Dislike the Least about The Name of Your Business?

Like the previous idea, your business can be improved if you are aware of what isn’t working with it. When you review your survey findings, this question might help you identify patterns that could indicate anything that is hurting your company.

#7. Did Your Experience Leave Out Anything?

You might feel awkward asking this. Additionally, you can receive some quite blunt comments. However, client feedback that is constructive is not only extremely beneficial but also really important. It’s a lot simpler to correct something if you identify a pattern and discover what might be missing from your customers’ experiences.

#8. How Can We Make You Say, “Wow”?

The answers to this question will likely be shocking. Some people may make claims that they believe to be improbable. You’ll get some truly fantastic business ideas from this, which might surprise you. Additionally, this query contains a cute psychological trick that shifts the focus from the company to the client!

#9. What Merit Do We Have?

This free-form query is an adaptation of a few of the others. However, it’s a fantastic one to utilize for high scores. They are thus there. You can use these excellent samples to create your own Net Promoter Score survey.

How to Ask Nps Question

Here is a tip on how to ask an NPS question in a clearer way:

#1. Make It Brief

Consumer is likely to immediately begin thinking about their next activity after completing a purchase or service request. Most clients won’t be motivated to give your business comments unless they had an exceptional experience. NPS is so successful with customers because of this. Customers only need to respond to one brief inquiry before they may go about their day.

#2. Utilize a Basic Scale

With several NPS survey providers, you can design the survey and select the scale that respondents will use to rate your question. Select a scale that does not offer your consumers an excessive number of possibilities. A scale that is too large can confuse your clients and provide your staff with more erratic responses that will be challenging to classify and report on. Either the 1-5 or 1-10 NPS scales are the best. Customers will find it simpler to complete the survey because they are most familiar with these price points.

#3. Be Particular

Your NPS question should be concise, but it should also be precise. To elicit specific responses, mention specific goods or features in your NPS inquiry.

 While ambiguity won’t inherently hinder your survey, it will make it more difficult to pinpoint precisely what your consumers are pleased with or dissatisfied with, which will reduce the value of the input.

#4. Add a Comments Section

The NPS question and the scale that respondents use to respond are typically the only components of standard NPS survey instruments.

 However, use a customer feedback tool that enables you to add a comments section below the scale when making your selection. Customers can provide more justification for their score in the comments section.

#5. Including a “Thank You” Message

Admittedly, this has nothing to do with how you should formulate your NPS inquiry. It is, nevertheless, a crucial component of the NPS survey structure that is frequently disregarded.

 At the end of your survey, you should always include a “thank you” statement to express gratitude to your respondents. Remember that they receive no benefit from completing your survey, so the least you can do is express appreciation for their time.

There’s no need to go overboard while writing you’re “thank you” message. Thank you for participating in our survey, should be sufficient.

What Are 3 Questions in Nps?

3 Questions to Ask About Net Promoter Score

  • The Common Question About Net Promoter Score
  • What’s the reason why? 
  • The Subsequent Question. 
  • Final Reflections.

How Many Questions Are There for Nps?

Using a two-question survey, the Net Promoter Score® (or NPS) gauges customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

How Do I Create an Nps Questionnaire?

Here are some excellent examples of NPS survey questions:

  • What major factor contributed to your score?
  • What is the one thing we might change to improve it?
  • What can we change to make your experience better?
  • Which features are you most likely to use?
  • What do you enjoy most about (the name of your business)?

What Does Nps Mean in Questionnaire?

Customers are asked a single question as part of the Net Promoter Score methodology to determine the likelihood of both repeat business and referrals.

How Is Nps Gathered?

Current customers are surveyed to collect NPS data for businesses.

What Is Nps Strategy?

Organizations use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) metric to gauge how devoted customers are to their brand, merchandise, or services.


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