Cutting Edge Relevance: 3 Ways to Promote Your Fledgling Fashion Business

Fashion Business

It’s taken a while, but you’ve finally taken the steps to design your own line of clothing. You figure if Gucci can do it why can’t you? You’ve got the business basics out of the way, have all your ducks in a row, and are ready to begin making sales. You’re just wondering how to get people to actually buy the clothing. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get your clothes in front of people’s eyes and do a little branding to boot.

Social Media Is a Must  

Perhaps the number one way to put your clothes in front of people and get them talking about them is to use social media. Instagram would be an ideal place to show off the designs you’ve worked so hard and long on. Let family members and friends know that you’re trying to get the word out about your clothes, so they’ll be sure to like your posts.

You may also want to feature your designs on other highly visual social media platforms, such as TikTok and Snapchat. As you’re probably well aware, quite a few fashion influencers got their start on TikTok and now have thousands of followers. And of course, you’ll want to consider having a presence on Facebook, if you don’t already, for the sheer reason that it’s the most popular social media site in the world.


You should also consider having your own YouTube channel. YouTube is arguably even more dynamic than Instagram for the simple reason that it involves video. YouTube will enable your designs to come to life in ways that Instagram and other social media sites cannot match. Why not consider staging a full fashion show to showcase your designs?

YouTube is also a good choice for promotion because it allows you to monetize your channel after you’ve reached a certain number of followers. Although other sites also allow for monetization, they aren’t as visually dynamic as YouTube nor do they allow for as much freedom when it comes to the length of your videos.

Smart Branding

While social media and online promotions are important, there is also something to be said for hands-on promotion. There are many ways to get the word out about your line and your brand that have nothing, or little, to do with the internet. One is Wunderlabel, a company that specializes in custom labels for clothing and other items.

Another way to get the word out about your clothing line is to have friends and family actually wear the clothing. It’s been said that there’s no greater promotional tool than word of mouth, and there’s no better way to let people experience your clothing than for them to actually see it on someone with their own two eyes.

Build a Website

Another important step in promoting your fashion business is to build your own website if you haven’t done so already. Unlike simply having a presence on social media, a website allows you to expand on what your company’s goals are, who you are as a person, and what your brand is all about.

And frankly, it also makes you look more professional. Chances are once people hear about your line the first thing they’re going to do is google your company’s name to see if you have a website. If you don’t have a professional-looking website that people can visit, they might question your legitimacy. These days it’s possible for you to build a website that looks great even if you don’t have a lot of technical know-how.

Having your own fashion line is impressive and challenging at the same time. It’s impressive that a person has the vision to create wearable art, and it’s challenging in that establishing your brand as a must-have takes a lot of work. But it is possible. The first step is to make sure that people actually know about your fashion line. This is accomplished through social media promotion, creative branding, and an interesting website. Everyone has to start somewhere—even Gucci.

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