Agile Development Methodologies
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Table of Contents Hide
  1. What are Agile Development Methodologies?
  2. Benefits of Agile Development Methodologies
    1. #1. Increased stakeholder collaboration and participation
    2. #2. Superior products
    3. #3. Change adaptability
    4. #4. Reduced risk and faster ROI
  3. What are Agile Best Practices?
  4. Agile Development Methodologies Scrum
  5. Types of Agile Development Methodologies
    1. #1. Kanban
    2. #2. Scrum
    3. #3. Feature-driven development (FDD)
    4. #4. Behavior-driven development (BDD)
    5. #5. Lean development
    6. #6. Adaptive software development (ASD)
    7. #7. Crystal
    8. #8. Extreme programming (XP)
    9. #9. Dynamic systems development method (DSDM)
  6. Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions
    1. #1. Tell me about your experience using burn-down charts.
    2. #2. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Agile model?
    3. #3. What’s the difference between Agile and Scrum?
    4. #4. List the three primary Scrum roles.
    5. #5. What is Agile testing?
  7. Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions For Entry-Level Candidates
  8. Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions For Project Managers
  9. In-depth Agile interview questions
  10. Tips for Answering Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions
    1. #1. Apply the STAR technique.
    2. #2. Emphasize your leadership skills.
    3. #3. Be specific.
  11. What Are the 4 Agile Methodology?
  12. What Are the 5 Stages of Agile Methodology?
  13. What Are the 6 Phases of Agile Methodology?
  14. Which Methodology Is Best for Agile?
  15. What Is an Example of Agile?
  16. What Are the Top 5 Agile?
  17. How Do You Explain Agile Methodology in an Interview?
  18. Which Company Uses Agile Methodology?
  19. Conclusion
  20. Related Articles
  21. References

Agile approaches are often used by corporations to improve efficiency within software development teams. Agile software development approaches aid in improving team effectiveness throughout the development process. Different agile techniques can help teams at every step of the process, from more effective preparatory planning to assuring timely or even early delivery of the finished product. In this post, we will define agile development methodologies, discuss Scrum, provide examples of interview questions, and list nine different types of the most important and widely used methodologies.

What are Agile Development Methodologies?

The first time we heard about Agile development (or the term agile) was in 2001, when a group of developers who had grown tired of using “heavy” development methods, namely the waterfall model, decided to create a manifesto: The Agile Manifesto. This very important document had such an impact that it still serves as a bible for Agile development today, laying out all the principles and good practices.

Agile development methodologies propose that we should prioritize client satisfaction by continuously delivering value-added software, maintaining a constant connection with the client, and focusing on communication among team members.

Unlike previous practices, Agile methodology is characterized by “step by step—a complete analysis or the definition of all categories/requirements—by dynamic interaction that allows constant delivery—focused on “near-shore” visibility but never losing sight of the long-term product goal.”

Benefits of Agile Development Methodologies

Agile Software Development Methodologies have grown in popularity among both leaders and developers for obvious reasons. Among the numerous benefits of Agile development methodologies and Agile project management are the following:

#1. Increased stakeholder collaboration and participation

Agile encourages substantial development team and client participation and collaboration, which results in happier clients because there is clarity throughout the method, and software engineers are better aware of the demands and desires of clients.

#2. Superior products

In agile product development, regular testing is incorporated into the development workflow, making it easier for the product owner to notice difficulties early and make changes as needed as a result.

#3. Change adaptability

Agile project management is built on flexibility, which allows teams to quickly adapt to changes while saving money on sunk expenses. Agile allows teams to amend their plans in response to changing client needs, evolving market dynamics, or shifting product requirements.

#4. Reduced risk and faster ROI

Agile reduces risk by reviewing often and agreeing to changes in the middle of development, allowing teams to consistently build successful products by iterating on a program step by step (rather than proceeding with a predetermined end-to-end project plan).

What are Agile Best Practices?

Whatever methodology you choose, remember that becoming more agile requires changing the way you think about your work. It helps if everyone on the team can articulate the ultimate goal—the reason for shifting to agile and the value it will deliver to customers beyond the individual features you ship—as this makes rallying the team around a specific way of working a little easier.

Whatever approach you choose, you should intend on adopting the following agile best practices:

  • Iterative cycles
  • Incremental development
  • Frequent communication
  • Time-boxing
  • Retrospectives

Agile Development Methodologies Scrum

Scrum, one of the most widely used agile development methodologies, is based on an iterative and incremental approach and is based on a set of practices and principles that emphasize collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement in software development projects.

The development team in Scrum works in short, time-boxed iterations called sprints, which typically last 1-4 weeks and include a planning meeting, daily stand-up meetings, a review, and a retrospective. The planning meeting determines what work will be completed during the sprint and creates a sprint backlog. The daily stand-up meetings are brief check-ins where team members discuss progress and any obstacles they are facing.

The Scrum framework also includes specific roles and artifacts. The Scrum framework includes three roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. The Product Owner is responsible for managing the product backlog and ensuring that the team is working on the most valuable items. The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process and assists the team in overcoming any obstacles.

The product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features and requirements for the product, is the primary artifact in Scrum. During each sprint, the team works through the product backlog, selecting the highest-priority items and delivering them in a potentially shippable product increment.

Types of Agile Development Methodologies

There are numerous types of Agile development methodologies; in this blog part, we highlight the nine major types of Agile development methodologies.

#1. Kanban

Kanban is a visual content management system used to implement the continuous delivery of developing work to clients. This method of workplace organization allows team members and clients to keep track of all aspects of the development process, allowing them to identify efficiency issues and actively provide solutions to ensure the team meets overall delivery timelines and customer satisfaction.

#2. Scrum

Scrum is a popular Agile development methodology because it can bring together teams with a laser-like focus and an efficient, collaborative approach to job execution.

Also, Scrum is similar to Kanban in many aspects, including the usage of a Scrum board, like a Kanban board, which arranges tasks into columns based on progress. However, unlike Kanban, Scrum focuses on breaking a project down into sprints and only planning and managing one sprint at a time.

Under this technique, you would assign a Scrum leader and product owner with direct control over the rest of the team, who can help teams drive projects and complete them in a short period through a series of sprints.

Sprints are the Scrum method of breaking down projects into iterations that can run anywhere from one to four weeks each, bringing team members from all departments together to help you channel collective attention to your projects.

Scrum also includes a rich set of rules and actions that govern how you work, such as:

  • Sprint planning: Sessions to determine the purpose of your sprints.
  • Roles: The Scrum project management approach includes several key responsibilities.
  • Product backlog: A collection of tasks organized by priority level.

#3. Feature-driven development (FDD)

Feature-driven development works on a two-week project schedule. After breaking each facet of the development process into various features, teams work on developing these features separately, which requires more planning than some other agile methodologies. This method focuses on product features and seeks to ensure that teams create stable software to improve customer satisfaction.

#4. Behavior-driven development (BDD)

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is an agile methodology that emphasizes the inclusion of non-technical developers into the development process, allowing for a continuous review of software functionality from a non-technical perspective that improves end-user function. BDD creates a workplace with increased collaboration and communication from a highly diverse interdisciplinary team by breaking down the walls of the highly technical software development process.

#5. Lean development

Lean development began as the application of the principles of the “lean manufacturing” system to software development. The essence of the lean development agile method is an emphasis on simplicity and minimalism. This minimalism works to create extreme efficiency and the rapid completion of projects. What would be multiple-part tasks in other systems are broken down into simple components and then completed by individual specialized team members.

#6. Adaptive software development (ASD)

Adaptive software development, as the name suggests, focuses on adaptation and change throughout the development process. Rather than forming a rigid framework for this process that may struggle to overcome unforeseen issues, ASD plans to constantly change, learn, and shift focus. This allows teams to collaborate and learn from each other and from the individual problems that arise to continually d

#7. Crystal

Crystal is an umbrella term for a series of methodologies that work for teams as small as eight to as large as 1,000 team members. Each method is outlined by the organization’s general team size. An emphasis on communication seeks to improve efficiency and quality. The extensive collaboration and discussion among team members foster an improved workflow.

#8. Extreme programming (XP)

Extreme programming (XP) is another customer-satisfaction-centered methodology that seeks to provide simple, properly working software that is constantly reviewed by the client to ensure it meets their needs. XP fosters an environment that encourages developers to accept criticism and demands for the reworking of previously finished aspects of a program.

#9. Dynamic systems development method (DSDM)

The dynamic systems development method (DSDM) is an agile methodology that focuses on the business aspects of software development. With an emphasis on product delivery timeliness, the DSDM uses sprints to ensure timeliness. The DSDM, like other methodologies, plans on continuous software editing throughout the development process.

Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions

These Agile development methodologies interview questions are intended to demonstrate your knowledge and experience. By answering these technical questions, you will be able to demonstrate to employers how well you understand Agile principles:

#1. Tell me about your experience using burn-down charts.

This basic question assesses your knowledge of an important Agile method; you might demonstrate your knowledge of burn-down charts by mentioning the four different types.

#2. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Agile model?

Many organizations seek candidates who can optimize processes and foresee and overcome issues; demonstrating your understanding of why Agile works, what hurdles can develop when utilizing the Agile technique, and what strategies you can take to work around them may impress hiring managers.

#3. What’s the difference between Agile and Scrum?

By asking you to differentiate between the two, you may demonstrate that you grasp the nuances of these two interrelated concepts and the procedures that go with them.

#4. List the three primary Scrum roles.

You can give a knowledge of basic principles in this answer by presenting a clear and succinct definition, and if applicable, go a step further by sharing your personal experience in one of these jobs.

#5. What is Agile testing?

One of the distinguishing characteristics of Agile is how software testing is implemented. Developing software is at the heart of Agile, and this aligns with the needs of many enterprise organizations, so testing is essential. Use this question to demonstrate your knowledge of Agile testing by providing a complete answer that distinguishes Agile testing from other software testing methods.

Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions For Entry-Level Candidates

The following are some common interview questions for entry-level jobs in an Agile environment:

  • What is the distinction between feature-driven and test-driven development?
  • What is a sprint?
  • What is the difference between a burn-up and a burn-down chart?
  • What is a roadmap?
  • What are user stories?

Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions For Project Managers

If you’re interviewing for a project management position in an Agile environment, you might be asked the following questions:

  • How do you handle delegation?
  • Which metrics are most helpful in keeping a project on track?
  • Tell me about how you redirect a project if progress is stalling.
  • What are the benefits of sprint retrospective meetings?
  • Tell me about some of Agile’s constraints.

In-depth Agile interview questions

If you are an experienced candidate, you may be asked the following more challenging questions:

  • What is a tracer bullet?
  • Tell me about some Scrum tools that you find beneficial.
  • What is the ABI?
  • How does one finish a sprint?
  • Tell me about the meaning of poker in an Agile context.

Tips for Answering Agile Development Methodologies Interview Questions

Here are some pointers to consider when writing your responses:

#1. Apply the STAR technique.

STAR is an interview response framework that assists you in isolating the most significant aspects of your experience for interview responses incorporating tales and examples from your professional past. It is an acronym that stands for:

  • Situation: Explain what happened.
  • Task: Describe what you intend to do.
  • Action: Write down the steps you took.
  • Result: Discuss how your actions resulted in a favorable outcome.

#2. Emphasize your leadership skills.

When presenting examples, strive to emphasize how the Agile concept helps you make intelligent decisions while also driving efficiency and quality; this is especially important if you’re interviewing for a project management position, as these positions require people who can apply the Agile approach through leadership.

#3. Be specific.

Try to craft specific answers that address every part of the interviewer’s questions and offer plenty of high-quality details. Use exact language rather than ambiguous language to demonstrate your thorough comprehension of Agile and the tools you utilize inside it.

What Are the 4 Agile Methodology?

There are several agile methodologies, each with its unique approach to software development. Here are four common Agile methodologies:

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Lean Software Development

What Are the 5 Stages of Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology typically involves the following five stages:

  • Planning
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring

What Are the 6 Phases of Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology does not have a fixed or standardized set of phases that every team must follow. However, some Agile frameworks, such as Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), define six phases that may be useful for teams to consider:

  • Inception
  • Construction/Iteration
  • Release
  • Production
  • Retirement
  • Feedback

Which Methodology Is Best for Agile?

There is no one “best” Agile methodology, as the choice of methodology depends on the specific needs and characteristics of the project and team. Agile methodologies share common principles and values, such as collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement, but differ in their approach and focus.

What Is an Example of Agile?

An example of Agile methodology in action is a software development team using Scrum to deliver a new feature for a product.

What Are the Top 5 Agile?

There are several Agile methodologies, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here are five popular Agile methodologies:

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Lean Software Development
  • Crystal

How Do You Explain Agile Methodology in an Interview?

To explain Agile methodology in an interview, you can use the following structure:

  • Define Agile methodology
  • Describe the Agile process
  • Discuss the benefits of Agile
  • Address common challenges
  • Share your experience with Agile

Which Company Uses Agile Methodology?

Many companies use Agile methodology for their software development projects. Here are some examples of well-known companies that have adopted Agile:

  • Spotify
  • Amazon
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Google


Agile development methodologies have revolutionized the way software development projects are planned, executed, and delivered. Agile methodologies emphasize collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software that meets customer needs and requirements. 

However, implementing Agile methodologies can also present challenges, such as difficulty in estimating delivery dates and managing changing requirements. Overall, Agile development methodologies have transformed the software development industry and continue to evolve, providing teams with a powerful framework for delivering value to customers in a dynamic and rapidly changing environment.


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