BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS: Definition, Formula & How to Calculate It

Break Even Analysis
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Every business owner should be concerned about when their business will become profitable. A good way of figuring that out is by calculating your break-even point. The break-even analysis is a popular tool for businesses, including start-ups and established companies, that lets you calculate how much your business needs to bring in to cover its costs and become profitable. Knowing your break-even point enables you to make smart choices about the company affairs such as price, sales volume, and managing costs. For more details on break-even analysis, how businesses use it, how to calculate it, and its formula, read on!

What is Break-Even Analysis?

Break-even analysis is a financial calculation that helps determine the point at which total costs and revenue are equal, meaning the business is neither making a profit nor incurring a loss. It determines the number of units or dollars of revenue needed to cover total costs (fixed and variable costs). Break-even analysis is useful for businesses in determining how many units (or revenues) are needed to cover fixed and variable expenses. It can also persuade investors or banks to finance a business. Also, it can be applied in various areas of business management and decision-making, such as business planning, financial modelling, and pricing strategy.

Why Is Break-Even Important?

Break-even analysis is crucial for businesses as it helps them make informed decisions on various aspects, including pricing, production levels, and cost management. It is the point at which revenue and total costs are the same, meaning the business is making neither a profit nor a loss.

There are several reasons why break-even is important for businesses:

  • New products and pricing: break-even can be used to predict how many units need to be sold for a new product. Also, it assesses the feasibility of different pricing strategies.
  • Cost management: Break-even helps businesses understand the impact of changes in fixed and variable costs. Hence, informing decisions on supplier changes or investments in new premises.
  • Motivation: Break-even analysis can motivate business owners and employees by showing that optimizing certain parts of the business can significantly increase profits.
  • Attracting investors: Break-even analysis can be a valuable tool for attracting investors by providing evidence of a business’s profitability and potential for growth.
  • Decision-making: Break-even analysis can be used when considering new products, services, operational expansion, or increased production. Also, it provides insights into how many units need to be sold to break even.
  • Performance metric: Break-even analysis serves as a financial performance tool, helping businesses assess their progress toward achieving short, medium, and long-term goals.
  • Operational planning: Break-even analysis can help businesses plan production levels, equipment needs, and staffing requirements. It also ensures they have the necessary resources to meet their profit goals.
  • Stock and options trading: It is essential for stock and options traders, as it helps them determine the point at which their positions become profitable. It also helps to manage risks and make decisions about pursuing trades
  • Growth strategies: Businesses can use break-even analysis to evaluate the financial feasibility of new projects, expansions, or cost-cutting measures startups.

Types of Break-even Analysis

There are two main types of break-even analysis: unit break-even analysis and time break-even analysis startups

#1. Unit Break-even Analysis

Unit break-even analysis focuses on determining the number of units a business needs to sell to cover its total costs. Hence, reaching a break-even point. This analysis takes into account fixed and variable costs. The break-even point can be calculated using the contribution method, which involves determining the contribution per unit and then calculating the break-even output.

#2. Time Break-even Analysis

Time break-even analysis estimates how long it will take to reach the break-even point and recoup initial company investments. Hence, this analysis considers fixed costs, variable costs, and the expected sales revenue over a specific period for startups.

What Are the Three Uses of Break-Even Analysis?

Three uses of break-even analysis include:

Pricing Decisions

Break-even analysis helps businesses determine the optimal selling price for their products or services. This is to ensure they cover their fixed and variable costs and also provide a reasonable profit margin.

Cost Management

Break-even analysis can help businesses identify areas to reduce costs and increase profitability. Therefore, by analyzing the fixed and variable costs associated with producing a product or providing a service, businesses can determine the impact of changes in either cost category on their break-even point. This information can guide decision-making on cost management, such as changing suppliers, investing in new premises, or renegotiating contracts with existing suppliers.

Production Levels and Resource Allocation

Knowing how many units the business needs to sell to cover costs and achieve a certain profit level can help businesses plan their production levels and allocate resources effectively. Therefore, the break-even point will help determine the required equipment, staffing levels, and other resources needed to meet production goals. This information helps businesses make better decisions about resource allocation and capacity planning. Hence, ensuring they can meet customer demand and achieve their financial objectives.

Limitations of Break-Even Analysis

Break-even analysis is a useful tool for determining the point at which total revenues equal total costs, indicating no profit or loss. However, there are several limitations to consider when using break-even analysis:

  • Assumption of fixed and variable costs: Break-even analysis assumes that all costs and spending can be divided into fixed and variable components. However, this may not always be true.
  • Dependence on accounting data: The accuracy of break-even analysis depends on the accounting data quality. Hence, it may be misleading if the data is inaccurate or if the accounting system needs to be better maintained.
  • Static nature: The analysis is based on the assumption of a constant relationship between costs and revenues. Therefore, it may not hold over time due to changes in several factors.
  • Multiple products and prices: It may be too simple for companies with multiple products and prices, as it needs to account for the complexities of pricing and demand for different products.
  • Ignores competition: The break-even analysis does not consider the impact of competition or market demand on the company’s performance, which can significantly affect the break-even point.
  • Reliance on linear cost-revenue relationship: It assumes a linear relationship between costs and production, which may not always be accurate.
  • External factors: The analysis does not account for external factors such as technological changes, market conditions, and consumer preferences. However, these factors can significantly affect the business’s performance.
  • Market demand: Break-even analysis does not consider market demand, making it difficult to determine whether the break-even point can be achieved in practice.
  • Available finance: The analysis ignores the availability of finance, which can impact the company’s ability to reach the break-even point.

How to Calculate Break-Even Analysis

The break-even point (BEP) is calculated by dividing the total fixed production costs by the price per individual unit, less the variable production costs. 

To calculate the break-even analysis, you can use the following formula:

Break-even point (units) = Fixed costs / (Selling price per unit – variable cost per unit)

Alternatively, you can calculate the break-even point in sales dollars:

Break-even point (sales dollars) = Total fixed costs / Contribution margin ratio

Steps to Calculating Break-even Analysis:

  • Determine fixed costs: These are costs that don’t change even if the business output is high or low, such as rent, salaries, and equipment payments.
  • Determine variable costs: These are costs that change depending on the level of output, such as materials, shipping costs, packaging, and transaction fees.
  • Determine sales price per unit: This refers to the price customers pay for a single unit of your product or service.
  • Calculate the contribution margin per unit: This is calculated as the selling price minus the variable costs per unit.
  • Plug the numbers into the break-even analysis formula and solve for the break-even point (units) or break-even point (sales dollars).

For example, if your fixed costs are $12,000, your variable cost per unit is $0.80, and your selling price is $2, you would need to sell 10,000 units to break even.

Break-even analysis can be done using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. You can input your fixed costs, variable costs, and selling price per unit into the appropriate cells and use the break-even formula to calculate the break-even point.

The Formula for Break-Even Analysis

The break-even analysis formula determines the number of units or dollars of revenue needed to cover total costs (fixed and variable costs) in a business. It can be calculated using the following formula:

Break-even Quantity = Fixed Costs ÷ (Selling Price per Unit – Variable Cost Per Unit)

For the break-even analysis, calculate the break-even point, using the following formula:

Break-even point = Fixed Cost / (Price per unit – Variable cost per unit) = Fixed Cost / Gross Profit Margin

  • Fixed Costs: Costs that do not change with varying output (e.g., salary, rent, building machinery)
  • Selling price per unit: The price at which the customers buy the product
  • Variable cost per unit: The variable cost incurred to create a unit 

The break-even point is the number of units or dollars of revenue needed to cover the company’s total fixed costs. Once the break-even point is reached, the business neither makes a profit nor a loss. 

How Do You Calculate Break-Even in Excel?

You can use different approaches to calculate break-even in Excel, such as the break-even point formula, the Goal Seek tool, or the break-even chart. Here are the methods:

#1. Break-even Point Formula

The break-even analysis is calculated using the following formula:

Break-even Point = Fixed Costs / (Selling Price per Unit – Variable Costs per Unit). In Excel, you can create a table with the required data and then use the formula to calculate the break-even point. For example:

  • Create a table with columns for Units Sold, Selling Price per Unit, Variable Costs per Unit, and Fixed Costs.
  • Calculate the Contribution per Unit using the formula: Contribution per Unit = Selling Price per Unit – Variable Costs per Unit.
  • Calculate the break-even point using the formula: Break-even Point = Fixed Costs / (Selling Price per Unit – Variable Costs per Unit).

#2. Goal Seek tool

The Goal Seek tool is a built-in Excel feature that allows you to find a specific value based on a desired result. For the break-even analysis, you can use it to calculate the break-even point:

  • Create a table with columns for Units Sold, Selling Price per Unit, Variable Costs per Unit, and Fixed Costs.
  • Calculate the contribution per unit using the formula: contribution per unit = selling price per unit – variable costs per unit.
  • Select the cell containing the fixed costs value.
  • Go to the “Data” tab and click on “What-If Analysis” in the “Data Tools” group.
  • Select “Goal Seek” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the “Set cell” field, select the cell containing the Total Costs value.
  • In the “To value” field, enter the Total Costs value.
  • Click “OK” to calculate the break-even point.

#3. Break-even chart

To create a break-even chart in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Create a table with columns for Units Sold, Selling Price per Unit, Variable Costs per Unit, and Fixed Costs.
  • Calculate the Contribution per Unit using the formula: Contribution per Unit = Selling Price per Unit – Variable Costs per Unit.
  • Select the cells containing the Units Sold and Contribution per Unit values.
  • Go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Insert Scatter (X, Y) or Bubble Chart” drop-down icon.
  • Choose the “Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers” type plot.
  • Right-click on the chart and select “Edit Data” to add the Fixed Costs series.
  • Right-click on the chart again, go to the “Series” tab and select “Marker” settings.
  • Expand the “Fill” section and choose “No fill” for the Fixed Costs series.
  • Repeat the process for the Units Sold series.

These methods will help you calculate the break-even point for break-even analysis in Excel, allowing you to better understand your business’s costs, revenue, and potential profit.

What are the Components of Break-Even Analysis?

The components of break-even analysis are:

  • Fixed Costs: These expenses remain constant and do not change with variations in production or sales levels. Examples include rent, salaries, and insurance premiums.
  • Variable Costs: These costs change with the level of production or sales. Examples include raw materials, labor, and utilities.
  • Revenue: This represents the total income generated from an individual or business’s sale of goods or services.
  • Unit Contribution Margin: This is the difference between the revenue and variable costs per unit. It represents the contribution each unit sold made to pay for the fixed costs.
  • Break-even Point: This is the level of sales where total revenue equals total costs. At this point, there’s no profit and no loss.

Example of Break-Even Analysis

Here’s an example of a break-even analysis for a company that sells candles:

Total Fixed Costs: $20,000

Price per Unit: $10

Variable Cost per Unit: $6

Break-even point (units) = \$20,000 / (\$10 – \$6) = 4,000 units

In this example, the company must sell 4,000 candles to break even.

What Is Break-Even Analysis for Dummies?

Break-even analysis is a financial calculation determining the point at which total revenue equals total costs, allowing a business to break even, meaning it neither makes a profit nor incurs a loss. It is used to calculate the break-even point (BEP), which is the number of units of a product that must be sold to cover the fixed and variable production costs.


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