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No one expects you to spend your entire working life at the same company. One thing must be done before you can even begin to consider how you’d like to set up your new desk. You’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for you to leave your current position, and now you’re wondering how to best inform your manager of this decision through a resignation letter. You’ve come to the right place, so stick with me as I walk you through everything you need to know about how to write a resignation letter email, even for a job you truly hate.

What Is a Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter is a brief document that outlines your plans for leaving your current position, including your last day and how your responsibilities will be transferred. It’s legal paperwork that formally severs ties between an employer and a departing worker. Usually, it includes the date of termination, the reason for leaving, and an outline of what will happen next.

How to Write a Resignation Letter

Here are some ways to write a letter of resignation.

#1. Begin With an Introduction

When you start to write a resignation letter, you should begin by specifying the date and the address of the company you are leaving. The date you turned in your letter of resignation is a good sign of when you told your bosses that you were leaving. If there are any problems with your last day of work, you can use this letter as proof that you did everything you could to get it right.

If you send your resignation via email, the time stamp of the email will also be added automatically. However, if the date is important to your resignation, feel free to highlight it in the body of the email. Whether you’re sending an email or printing out a hard copy, it’s always a good idea to include the company’s name and address in the header.

#2. State Your Objective

This is the second step on how to write a resignation letter. Here, your resignation statement and the date you plan to stop working should go in the first paragraph of the letter. The process should be quick and easy. If you’ve made a choice, don’t bother explaining why.

#3. State Your End Date

Specify your last day of work after informing management of your leave. Most businesses require two weeks’ notice, depending on the circumstances. You  can inform the administration that you will remain to complete a lengthy project. In the event of an emergency, you could inform your boss of your departure prior to the two-week notice letter. 

This deadline is very important. First, it’s an alternative way to inform your management team that you’re leaving. It assists management in planning for your absence. Hence, with an exact date, they will be able to determine what work is feasible and what will remain after you leave.

#4. State a Reason for Your Resignation( Optional)

Long-term workers can sometimes form strong friendships with their superiors and coworkers. Here, you should explain your decision to leave to your superiors and provide closure by indicating whether the working relationship is ending on a positive note.

#5. Offer to Help in the Transition

Here, assert that you are willing to help make the change easier. For instance:

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you through this change. I am available to assist coach my successor and make sure that all of my reports are up-to- date prior to my last day of work.

You might see this sentence differently. But no matter what you write, it’s always a good idea to explain in detail how you’ll help. As a possible follow-up, you could briefly discuss the work you will no longer be performing at the company. Even though it is technically your manager’s responsibility to pick up this work and determine how it will continue, it is helpful for the company to have a list of all the projects and tasks you’ve been responsible for in the interim.

You could skip this part if you didn’t manage people or work with people from other departments.

#6. Gratitude 

Consider how much you’ve grown or what you’ve acknowledged the most during your time at the company. Be as meticulous as possible. Maybe the company offered opportunities for professional development. Perhaps you’ve enjoyed the atmosphere fostered by the company and the supportive atmosphere.

It’s also good to thank your employer for the resources and effort they’ve invested in fostering your career development. Here’s an example for how this could look:

I acknowledge the opportunities for professional growth you have provided me over the last two years. I’ve enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and consider myself fortunate to have been a part of such a collaborative team.

#7. Sign Off at the End

Sign your name at the end. This may seem obvious, but it’s important. This shows that you are the sender and that the letter is over. It also makes the letter feel more personal. Make sure the letter ends with a closing greeting, like “sincerely,” “warmly,” “regards,” or something similar. Again, the word you choose can show how you feel about this company and the people who work there.

What Not to Say When You Resign?

Don’t make your boss feel like it’s their fault if they’re losing you as an employee by using words like quitting or leaving when you give your notice. Avoid saying things like “I’ve outgrown my position” or “I’ve found a better opportunity.” Instead, ease the pressure on them.

How to Write a Resignation Letter for a Job You Hate

Here are the basic steps on how to write a resignation letter for a job you hate:

#1. Keep It Short and Sweet

When you want to write a resignation letter for the job you hate, be short and clear, like a cover letter for a job application. Your resignation letter should never be longer than one page. In all honesty, it shouldn’t be longer than a few paragraphs. Although you may have a million and one reasons for quitting, you should not write a five-page paper on why you despise your job and why it was such a waste of time.

#2. Don’t Act Like a Jerk

When writing a resignation letter for a job you hate, use words that make you feel good and don’t complain about people you don’t like at work. Also, keep in mind that no one enjoys petty behavior. So being condescending in your letter and assigning blame to others will not make anybody miss you or even want you back on the team. (Remember, you should always depart on a positive note as you never know when you might need someone.)

#3. Don’t Include Reasons You Hated Your Job

You may believe that by listing the offenses against you in your resignation letter, you are aiding your successor. You may use your letter of resignation to make amends and enhance your position for the benefit of your successor.

Furthermore, you can take legitimate complaints seriously. In an exit interview with HR or your manager, speak up. If your manager is the problem, ask a more senior worker to do your exit interview. If you disliked your coworkers because “Joe gnawed too loud and long” or “Raymond” always reheated oysters for meals,” you should let go

#4. Do Not Share Specific Details About Your New Job

You love your new job and can’t wait to show it off. You could be offered better pay and benefits as well as a promising career path. Your soon-to-be-former employer has no business knowing this information. When you want to write a resignation letter for the job you hate, you should not use your resignation letter to publicly shame your previous employer.

To begin with, it is useless. Second, if you let slip the details of your new contract, you could land in some hot water. If you’re leaving a particularly bad job, you might worry that your former bosses will try to ruin your next big chance. Your next opportunity is none of anyone’s business except your own, so don’t talk about it.

#5. Be Gracious

Expressing sincere gratitude to another person has many positive spinoffs. When people like you, they are more likely to help you out and give you positive feedback. You should always make a good impression and make it known that you are thankful for the opportunity you have been given, as many of the high-level managers and HR pros in your industry are likely to socialize together.

Even though you hate your job, you have learned a lot from it. For example, if your manager was terrible, you might have figured out how to become a better leader, and if they were great, you might have gotten a sense of what to avoid in your next professional endeavor.

#6. Offer Your Help

When you want to write a resignation letter for a job you hate, the next thing you should do is try to mention any other steps you plan to take before your last day of work. One common next step is to finish the projects you’re working on right now. Another is to return the supplies and tools that were given to you by the company. In addition, you should try to offer your help to the employer to make the transition as smooth as possible.

#7. Close Your Letter

The final segment of your letter should be a brief, friendly, and professional sign-off. Instead of saying “eff you” for the last time. You should leave while maintaining your pride. Do everything in your power to ensure that nobody can say anything bad about you. Maintain your composure and act professionally throughout your resignation. Because you never know when you might need a reference!

Can You Give Personal Reason for Resignation?

If you need to resign for personal reasons, you don’t have to explain yourself in detail, especially if it’s a delicate situation. Rather, you can simply explain that you need to step down from your position for personal reasons.

How to Write a Resignation Letter Email

A resignation email typically includes a resignation letter as an attachment. It informs the employer of the resignation and the last day of employment. In some instances, the resignation letter can be attached to the body of an email, but in order for human resources to properly process your resignation, it should always be in the form of an official, certified letter.

There are many good reasons to write an email resignation letter instead of handing in your resignation. 

  • Write an email resignation letter if you can’t tell your boss in person.
  • Write an email resignation letter if you work from home.
  •  Lastly, write an email resignation letter if you work in an office but your boss is in another city, state, or country.

To write a resignation email letter:

  • Be concise in your email.
  • Kindly include your last working date.
  • Show your appreciation for the opportunity
  • Provide training for a new employee (s)
  • Leave your contact details.

For Instance

Subject: ( Your name)

Dear( name and first and last name of the employer or HR representative),

Please take this message as an official notice that I am leaving my job (job title). The last day I’ll work will be (specific date).

I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been granted at (company’s name). Collaborating on your team has helped me improve my skills as a professional. I will be delighted to assist out during this time of change.

I hope the best for you and the company in the future. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at (personal email address and/or contact details) if you need anything.

Best Wishes,

(Your Name)

Final Thoughts

A resignation letter isn’t always needed, but it can help you keep a professional and polite attitude. It also serves as physical evidence of notification. I hope you find this article helpful.


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