VERBAL COMMUNICATION: As It Relates to Business

Types of verbal and nonverbal communication Examples and skills
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Verbal communication is the process of conveying information to other people through speech. You may use verbal communication skills at work to give presentations, communicate during meetings, place phone calls, or have fruitful conversations with coworkers. You can improve your communication skills by recognizing the various types of verbal and nonverbal communication and their significance. This article will describe the many forms of verbal and nonverbal communication with examples, highlight the value of oral communication, and offer advice on how to improve your skills.

Verbal Communication

It is the exchange of concepts, emotions, and knowledge via voice or spoken word. When we consider the various forms of communication, speech may be the first thing that comes to mind. However, we frequently underestimate the significance of verbal communication.

Verbal Communication Skills

Beyond just speaking, verbal communication skills show how you convey and receive information during oral and written interactions. These skills emphasize nonverbal communication, not verbal communication. 

Verbal communication skills examples include: 

  • Listening
  • Knowing how to interpret verbal cues, such as sarcasm, metaphors, or double entendre
  • Speaking using a variety of terminology in a clear, fluid manner
  • articulating ideas and emotions in a rational, transparent manner
  • being able to address delicate topics or resolve disagreements without causing offense or shame.
  • delivering criticism when necessary
  • having the ability to fix communication problems
  • reporting spoken communication clearly and accurately
  • utilizing language suitable for various audiences. For instance, using formal language in business or informal language at home.

Verbal communication skills are important since they enable you to comprehend the views of others, their intentions, and appropriate responses to different circumstances. These abilities can also boost your confidence as you gain knowledge about others and yourself through conversational engagements.

Types of Verbal Communication

Languages, sounds, and words make up only a small part of verbal communication. You must first comprehend your audience in order to interact with them effectively. Remember to apply the Pyramid Principle and start with your main point before adding supporting details. You can categorize verbal communication into four different types depending on your audience.

Here are the types of verbal communication:

#1. Interpersonal Communication

A different name for this is one-on-one verbal communication. This is the only verbal communication that just includes two people out of all the other types. It enables you to check whether your ideas are being conveyed clearly. You can tell if you are being understood or not by the other person’s responses, remarks, and verbal and nonverbal expressions. Make sure you’re focusing on the person at the opposite end of the table. You can communicate without speaking to someone. It also involves being conscious of what is going on in your immediate surroundings. Prior to answering, pay attention, and then think. Make sure you won’t upset anyone by giving your comments some thought.

#2. Intrapersonal Communication

When communicating verbally, you make your own decisions. You talk to yourself and share your thoughts. If you talk to yourself, your confidence and clarity of thought will increase. It will help you make judgments, compose phrases, find the right words, and discover efficient ways to interact with others. This will help you win the trust of your coworkers.

#3. Small Group Communication

The number of participants increases in small-group communication. You move from conversing with a single person to a large gathering of individuals. Small gatherings can include team meetings, board meetings, and sales meetings. Everyone can have a conversation with one another because the group is small enough. To avoid veering off course during your small group sessions, prepare a topic. Give everyone a chance to speak and keep the conversation on the topic.

#4. Public Communication

This approach is frequently referred to as “public speaking.” A person addresses a sizable crowd of people all at once. Speeches, political campaigns, and presentations are a few instances of public communication. Use simple terminology and phrases and prepare your thoughts before speaking to them because there are more people in the audience for this type of communication. If you prepare well, you’ll feel more at ease speaking in front of an audience.

Nonverbal Communication

The act of communicating and exchanging ideas without using spoken words is known as nonverbal communication.

Even when we are silent, nonverbal clues can more effectively communicate our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors to others than words can. Additionally, significant communication tools include your tone of voice, posture, facial expressions, and gestures. According to research, just 20% of our communication is spoken, and most of it (around 80%) takes place non-verbally.

Examples for Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is vivid and fascinating. We can express, without saying a word, “I don’t like you,” with a shrug of the shoulders and a roll of the eyes. A friendly smile and an extended hand convey the sentiment, “I’m so delighted to meet you.” Whether we are aware of them or not, we constantly send and receive nonverbal communication cues in interpersonal interactions.

Here are examples of nonverbal communication

#1. Facial Expressions

The human face is incredibly expressive and can silently convey a wide range of emotions. Additionally, facial expressions are universal, in contrast to other nonverbal communication techniques. In many cultures, people show happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust with the same facial expressions. These expressions include

  • Smiling: A smile typically denotes contentment or happiness.
  • Frowning or scowling: is a sign of unhappiness or dissatisfaction.
  • Lack of Expression: A face with no expression can mean at least two things.

First, this can be a sign of boredom or disinterest. Second, and possibly more dangerously, a face without emotion might convey contempt. If you think you have what is described as a “stone” face, which is expressionless and difficult to read, it can be helpful to sometimes crack a light smile. In fact, it is the most engaging of all nonverbal communication examples.

#2. Body Movement and Posture

Think about how a person’s posture, gait, or head position can influence how you see them. The world can learn a lot about you from the way you move and carry yourself. Small gestures you make, your posture, bearing, and stance are all examples of nonverbal communication.

#3. Gestures

Our daily lives are made up of gestures in one way or another. When debating or speaking animatedly, you might wave, point, beckon, or use your hands; you frequently express yourself through gestures without giving them any thought. However, among cultures, some gestures might have completely diverse meanings. In English-speaking nations, the hand signal for “OK,” for instance, typically communicates a positive message; but, in nations like Germany, Russia, and Brazil, it is viewed as offensive. Therefore, it’s crucial to utilize gestures carefully to prevent misunderstandings.

#4. Eye Contact

Since most people’s major sense is visual, eye contact is a particularly significant form of nonverbal communication. Looking at someone can convey a variety of emotions, such as attention, affection, hatred, or attraction. Maintaining eye contact is crucial for the flow of the discussion as well as for determining the other person’s level of attention and response.

#5. Touch

We use touch to communicate in a lot of ways. Consider the extremely different messages conveyed by, for instance, a shaky handshake, a bear embrace, a patronizing pat on the head, or a tight grasp on the arm.

#6. Space

Have you ever experienced awkwardness during a conversation because the other person was encroaching on your personal space? Although our needs for physical space vary depending on culture, circumstance, and the depth of the relationship, they are all there. Physical space can be used to convey a variety of nonverbal messages, such as signals of intimacy and affection, anger, and authority.

#7. Voice

It’s not only what you say that matters, but also how you say it. People listen to your words while you talk, but they also “read” your voice. They pay attention to your speech patterns, tempo, volume, tone, inflection, and sounds like “ahh” and “uh-huh” that indicate understanding.  Consider the different emotions that your voice can convey, such as sarcasm, anger, affection, or confidence.

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal communication relies on words, whereas nonverbal communication uses body language. To effectively communicate, it is frequently necessary to use both nonverbal and verbal cues. Think about how to use each of these modes of communication and how they differ from one another.

What’s the difference?

#1. Delivery

Verbal communication can take place over the phone, over email, via written correspondence, or in person. The majority of nonverbal communication only takes place when two or more parties can see one another.

#2. Intentionality

One distinction between verbal and nonverbal communication is that verbal communication typically involves deliberate word choice, but nonverbal communication frequently involves inadvertent or uncontrollable variables that affect the recipient. Unconscious nonverbal communication is possible; for instance, a person who perspires while speaking may be expressing anxiety.

#3. Grammar

The grammar and patterns of verbal speech must be followed, whereas nonverbal communication is more flexible.

#4. Authenticity

Nonverbal cues, habits, and physiological reactions (such as blinking or fidgeting) all affect communication and can change the authenticity of your spoken words or give them a different interpretation. Because people can subconsciously express signals that they are not vocally conveying, nonverbal communication can be more effective than verbal communication. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words.”

 #5. Emotions

When communicating with children, nonverbal clues are highly effective. Parental facial expressions and tone of voice frequently convey thoughts more effectively than words that children may not be able to completely comprehend. When there is a language barrier, nonverbal communication can be helpful as well.

#6. Engagement

Nonverbal cues are a terrific way to show others that you are paying attention and that you are interested in what is going on. A person’s posture and eye contact can show people that they are interested in what they are saying, rather than just verbally expressing it. On the other hand, glancing away or at your phone can convey disinterest, even if it isn’t strictly the case.

How to Improve Verbal Communication?

  • Be clear and concise
  • Speak out clearly
  • Be an active listener
  • Be aware of body cues
  • Think before you speak

What Are The 5C’S of Communication?

  • Clear
  • Concise
  • Complete
  • Correct
  • Cohesive

What Are the Types of Verbal Communication Styles?

  • Passive
  • Aggressive
  • Passive-aggressive
  • Assertive

Attributes of Effective Communication

  • Confidence
  • Assertiveness
  • Active listening
  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback

What Are the Importance of an Effective Verbal Communication?

  • Saves time
  • Emotions are easier to detect
  • Information is clearly conveyed
  • It gives room for faster feedback
  • It saves money


In every element of life, communication skills are important. If you want to become a better communicator, you need to comprehend the examples and differences between verbal and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication can sometimes overtake verbal communication, although it hasn’t been effectively debated whether the method is more effective. As a result, both methods of communication are related in how they reproduce, harmonize, replace, articulate, regulate, and ensure the message is delivered. Effective communication can be achieved by simply understanding indicators like keeping eye contact and displaying interest in what the speaker is saying through your body language.

Verbal Communication FAQs

What's is verbal communication?

Verbal communication is the exchange of concepts, emotions, and knowledge via voice or spoken word. It is the process of conveying information to other people through speech.

Four Types of Verbal Communication

Here are the types of verbal communication:

  • Interpersonal Communication 
  • Intrapersonal Communication 
  • Small Group Communication 
  • Public Communication

What is importance of verbal communication?

Verbal communication allows thinking.

Humans are most frequently distinguished from other animals by their capacity for logic and communication. Our ability to consider the past, the present, and the future is made possible by language. We develop our memories using language.

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