EMPLOYEE TRAINING: Meaning, Programs & Importance

Employee Training

Employee training is an important aspect of any business, and it is essential for ensuring that employees are well-equipped with the skills and knowledge required to carry out their tasks efficiently. It is also important for ensuring that employees are motivated and engaged in the workplace. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of employee training, the different types of employee training programs, the importance of employee training, and the different elements of employee training.

Employee Training Programs

The goal of training programs for employees is to give them the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs well and efficiently. The training programs can range from basic orientation and onboarding sessions to more advanced technical training. They can also include soft skills such as customer service and communication, or they can cover more specific topics such as safety and health.

Training programs for employees should be made to fit the needs of each worker and their job role. A successful training program should have clear objectives, and be engaging and interactive. It should also give employees a chance to try out their new skills in a safe setting.

When designing an employee training program, it is important to consider the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the program. It is also important to consider the different learning styles of employees, as well as the available resources and budget. The duration, frequency, and location of the program should also be taken into consideration.

Employee training program types based on the employee journey

Depending on where an employee is in their employee journey at your company, you can determine how to train them. Throughout their tenure, the journey can be divided into three stages, each requiring a different type of training:

  1. Pre-onboarding training: Also known as orientation, this type of training informs new employees about the company’s culture, values, and mission before they even enter the building. Orientation also covers important topics like organizational policies, administrative procedures, and compliance standards. Any company must provide this type of training.
  2. Training during the onboarding process: The onboarding procedure The purpose of opens a new window is to familiarize the recruit with the fundamentals of their job. That is why this is such an important part of training new employees. Onboarding includes explaining the various aspects of the job, basic skills that the employee will need from day one, and digital skills for using the necessary productivity apps.
  3. Workplace training: Depending on an employee’s level of experience, you may or may not need to provide rigorous training on hard and soft skills. Hard skills will enable them to work more effectively, whereas soft skills will make employees an important part of the company culture. When training new employees, some level of workplace training is usually required.
  4. Coaching for succession plans: As an employee progresses up the organizational ladder, they will require specialized training in soft skills, leadership, and strategy. Executive coaching can help with this (which could benefit middle managers as well). Your succession planning blueprint will determine whether or not each employee requires coaching.
  5. Reskilling: Your workforce will need to refresh their skillsets on a regular basis. These training sessions will go over current trends, new ideas, and emerging tools in your field. Reskilling will be required in 2020 as employees seek to future-proof their capabilities.

Types of employee training programs based on targeted learning

The five types of employee training and development described above are based on how far an employee has progressed during their tenure. The following classification takes into account the goals of employee training:

  1. Hard skills training: As previously stated, this is a critical component of workplace training, providing employees with the necessary hard skills to perform tasks efficiently. This can include digital skills such as data science or coding, as well as other domains such as business analysis, writing, social media management, design, and so on.
  2. Soft skills training: Soft skills are now critical to employee performance because they enable employees to collaborate, solve business problems, and interact with customers. Dedicated soft skills training is especially important in non-labor-intensive industries. This is also part of the leadership development process.
  3. Diversity training: Businesses are increasingly focusing on behavioral/attitude change through employee training. One of the main goals is to eliminate bias and make workplaces more welcoming. Leaders and HR personnel, in particular, may benefit from diversity training in order to make unbiased decisions.
  4. Anti-harassment training: Depending on the size of your company and its operational geography, this type of employee training may be legally required. It educates employees on appropriate workplace behavior, company policy, and how to use the tools and resources available for reporting workplace harassment.
  5. Safety and compliance: Employees must be regularly trained in safety and compliance protocols. Onboarding opens a new window and immediately following a regulatory change are two critical times to hold safety and compliance training sessions.

Employee training programs are classified according to their mode of distribution.

You could also use the learning channel as a defining criterion to categorize the various types of employee training and development. While classroom sessions were once the industry standard, HR has now significantly expanded its reach through a variety of dissemination modes:

  1. Self-directed e-learning: In this model, employees are given the necessary learning materials in digital format, either through a learning management system (LMS)Opens a new window or through MOOCs. A timetable is established within which the employee can plan a suitable training schedule. E-learning may also include certifications that improve a worker’s overall employability.
  2. Role-playing/Simulations: Prior to the advent of the internet, role-playing was a popular method of disseminating soft skills and diversity training. With the advent of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), simulated environments are now more accessible. This strategy essentially places employees in real-world scenarios to help them observe and learn.
  3. Mentoring/one-on-one coaching: In this case, the employee is assigned a dedicated trainer who will accompany them on their learning journey. Mentoring occurs through the internal community (as discussed later, Google is a good example), leveraging skilled professionals already present in your company. Coaching, on the other hand, may involve the involvement of third-party experts.
  4. Lecture sessions: This type of employee training remains popular because it allows a single instructor to train a large group at the same time. In addition to in-person lectures, you could hold live webinars with interactive features, allowing employees to engage in meaningful Q&A on the training topic.
  5. Hands-on/Apprenticeship: This is beneficial for onboarding new employees because recruits can shadow managers/workers and pick up necessary skillsets. Using the 70:20:10 model, 70% of learning occurs through experiences – and this training model capitalizes on this cognitive tendency.

What are the basic steps in employee training?

Employee training follows a basic set of steps that should be followed in order to ensure that the employee is adequately prepared and ready for their job role. These steps include:

#1. Establishing an objective:

The first step in employee training is to establish an objective. This should include a clear goal that the employee must reach, as well as the desired outcome of the training.

#2. Designing the program:

Once the objective has been established, the next step is to design the program. This should include an outline of the topics to be covered, the duration of the program, the frequency of training sessions, and the resources and materials required.

#3. Delivering the program:

Once the program has been designed, it is time to deliver the program. This should include providing the required resources, materials, and equipment, as well as delivering the content in an engaging and interactive manner.

#4. Evaluating the program:

Once the program has been delivered, it is important to evaluate its effectiveness. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or other methods of data collection.

Employee Training Examples

Employee training can encompass a wide range of topics and skill sets. Here are a few examples of employee training programs:

#1. Onboarding:

Onboarding is an important part of the employee training process. It includes providing new employees with the information as well as resources they need to understand the company’s culture, processes, expectations, and goals.

#2. Technical training:

Technical training involves providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to use technology to perform their job duties. This, however, can include software training, hardware training, or even training on specific processes and protocols.

#3. Soft skills training:

Soft skills training involves providing employees with the skills they need to effectively interact with others, such as communication, time management, problem-solving, and negotiation.

#4. Safety training:

Safety training is important for ensuring that employees are aware of the potential risks associated with their job roles and are also equipped with the skills and knowledge to prevent accidents and injuries.

#5. Leadership training:

Leadership training is essential for developing the skills required to lead and motivate employees. This can include training on how to delegate tasks, how to give feedback, as well as how to motivate employees.

Types of Employee Training

There are several different types of employee training that can be used to equip employees with the skills and knowledge required for their job roles. These include:

#1. On-the-job training:

On-the-job training involves providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need while they are performing their job duties. This can also include one-on-one training sessions, group training sessions, or even shadowing an experienced employee.

#2. Off-the-job training:

Off-the-job training involves providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need outside of their job duties. This can include workshops, seminars, webinars, or even online courses.

#3. Experiential training:

Experiential training involves providing employees with the opportunity to learn through experience. This can, however, include role-playing, simulations, or other activities that allow employees to practice their new skills in a safe environment.

#4. Mentorship:

Mentorship involves providing employees with the opportunity to learn from experienced employees. This can include one-on-one sessions, group sessions, or even job shadowing.

Employee Training Importance

Employee training is important for a number of reasons. It helps to ensure that employees are well-equipped to perform their job duties. It also helps to cut down on mistakes and accidents and to keep employees interested and motivated. Employee training also helps to improve the overall efficiency of the organization, as well as helping to create a positive work environment.

Employee training is also important for ensuring that employees are aware of the company’s policies and procedures. This helps make sure that employees follow the rules that the company has set up. Hence, it helps to reduce the risk of legal and compliance issues.

Employee training is also important for ensuring that employees are up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies. This helps to ensure that employees are using the latest tools and techniques. It also helps ensure that the organization is staying competitive in the marketplace.

What is the main purpose of employee training?

The main purpose of employee training is to equip employees with the skills and knowledge required to perform their job duties effectively and efficiently. Training also helps to ensure that employees are motivated and engaged in the workplace and that they are aware of the company’s policies and procedures. Training can also help to ensure that employees are up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies.

What are the four pillars of training?

The four pillars of training are:

#1. Goal setting:

Goal setting is an important part of the training process. It involves establishing clear objectives and desired outcomes for the training program.

#2. Preparation:

Preparation involves gathering the resources and materials required for the training program, as well as designing the program to meet the needs of the individual employee.

#3. Delivery:

Delivery involves providing the training in an interactive and engaging manner. This can include providing the required resources, materials, and equipment, as well as delivering the content in an engaging and interactive manner.

#4. Evaluation:

Evaluation involves assessing the effectiveness of the training program. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or other methods of data collection.


Employee training is an important aspect of any business, and it is essential for ensuring that employees are well-equipped with the skills as well as knowledge required to carry out their tasks efficiently. It is also important for ensuring that employees are motivated and engaged in the workplace. In this blog, we discussed the meaning of employee training, the different types of programs, their importance, and the different elements. We hope that this blog has been helpful in providing you with a better understanding of employee training and its importance.


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